-BUY PURE FERTILIZER MATERIAL! Each successive year has established the fact that the successful farmer is one who intelligently studies the needs of his soil, and the necessary plant food required for different crops. He prepares his own formula and mixes the Fertilizer-Material accordingly. The results show a profit to him, both in the Cost of his goods, and the in creased yield per acre. Wa can furnish your wants in the following high grade goods: Hog Tankage, Cattle Tankage, Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, Sulphate of Potash, Kainit, Acid Phosphate, Dry Ground Fish, Sulphate of Ammonia, Cotton Seed Meal. By the use of these goods every fanner will be ena bled to mix his own fertilizer and to know exactly what he is using on his land. We carry a full line of all Fer tilizer materials. Write to us for Prices and Formulas. Molony & Carter Company 254 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. Buyers Guide and Classified BUSINESS DIRECTORY PRESSING CLUB! ("A 1,1, E. V. FERGUSONS' Pressing Club For Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing. All Alterations promptly and neatly done. Telephone No. 254. Harness, Horse Goods and Vehicles! The difference between a rut and a grave is the length and the breadth of it. If you deal with JOHN A. FRANKS there is no danger of falling into either. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Come In and sei" iiliout IllO West? houtu Rugged Tungsten Lamps und let us reduce jour Ugltt bill. W. P. HUDGENS Tinning, Rooffing and PLUM HING! STEAM LAUNDkY! We wash everything but the Baby. Put your duds in my suds. The best combina tion in Laurens. Laurens Steam Laundry BOTTLING WORKS! We are the sole bot tlers for Coca Cola, the famous drink. Coca Cola Bottling Works S. vS. BOY I) Plumber and Tinner Dealer in Plumber's and Tin ner's Supplies. Upstairs opposite City Mall. IBBSSSBBSEOSawnnNn Advertiser PrintingCo. 'The Quality Printshop" Specialist in Every Class of Job Work Middle-Breaker Greatest Labor-Saving Invention since the Cotton Gin. Sold and used throughout the South for over Forty Years! Saves Half The Cost in Men and Mules by Doing the Work in Half the Time The best implement ever designed for running out the middles g-^ of both corn and Extra ^"^^^^?? cotton. Best for Point FREE eQfehill lands or low lands?for opening ditches ? for killing grass ? fpr sub-soiling, etc., etc. light Enough for ONE MULE?Strong Enough for TWO! For level and steady running, light draft and turning qualities, the "True Blue" surpasses all other Middle Breakers. Endorsed and used by representative planters in every Southern State. On Exhibition at Our Salesrooms J. H. 5ULLVAN, Laurens, S. C Two Yoke of Oxen Cannot Bend the Beam 4173 BLOOD AND THUNDER ] DEFIED BY COL. WATSON Doesn't Give a Hurrah about Blease or Whether his Oftlce is Made Elec tive or not?Cot Watson Rollicking Again? F.. J. Watson, commissioner of agri culture of South Carolina, 1b not trou bling bis mind about what Governor Cole Bleasc thinks about him person ally or his administration of that of fice said Commissioner Watson In, At lanta Friday according to a dispatch In The Augusta Chronicle. Further he is not concerned very much over whether or not the present session of the South Carolina legislature takes the appointing power away from the governor and ve sts it in the General Assembly. The dispatch continues "Commis sioner Watson arrived In Atlanta from Raleigh, accompanied by J. G. An derson originator of the now famous I "Rock Hill Plan" for the purpose of 'conferring with state officials PUd houds of the Farmers' Union rehitlvo to an active campaign in Georgia to Inaugurate canvass in this state. "You know my ofllcc is an appoin tive one in South Carolina, coming under the governor, subject to ap proval of tln> legislature. Governor I Bleaso and I have never been close I together on anything. Ho had some criticism to make on my department in his message, but it didn't worry me in the least. 1 have the unique dis tinction, perhaps, of having the ofllce seek me, instead of seeking the ofllce. I am on my second term now. A bill is pending in the legislature to take the appointment from the governor, and put it in the hands of the assem bly, but 1 am not concerned with what they do about it. As an indication that I am not, 1 am now away on a trip that will last some weeks trying to promote the Hock Hill plan." This afternoon Commissioner Wat son. Commissioner Hudson, Mr. An derson and R. F. Duckworth, president of the Georgia Farmers' Union, held I a conference with Governor Brown | relative? to beginning a campaign In this state for the Rock Hill scheme for cotton acreage reduction. It is probably that it will be taken up otll clally in Georgia In a short time, and funds raised for beginning an active campaign in every important cotton producing county to secure pledges for reducing ncrengo. "We have already effectively organ ized is out of the 42 counties in South Carolina;" said Mr Anderson, "and wo have an energetic organization that Will coon have the entire state organ b.cd. This V". .?!!: been done in about i three ween.-. The tiling that pleases me so much is the spirit of co-opera tion had from all farmers, from the biggest to the smallest. The average reduction pledges so far in my state will be about per cent. "in my Judgment this Is the only sure and definite scheme foi the farm ers of the South to work out their own salvation and keep prices tip to proper figures?by cutting production." Commissioner Watson and Mr. An derson will spond today and tomorrow in Atlanta and then go to Montgomery Other points they will visit are Jack yon, Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Baton Rouge. New Orleans and points in Texas. A hk; ri i;i n i/i k in: vi Kit Rl < KXTLY SAID "Oh. yes, there is no doubt but what Fnriuogerm is a good thing to pro duce nitrates, but von arc Just about twenty years ahead of tic times." Now we admit that rs lorn; as cot ton brought 10 cents a pound It might pay to make heavy application:! of Ammonlated K'Mili/er to grow It. At .'.a cents a pound we uilgl I > \ u i row it profitably In flower pots, But low cotton prices find high cost fertilizers make.n poor tohm to pull stumps with. Instead of figuring how to pay lasr year's fertilizer bill \ylfh next year's less off cotton, why not ?.tow legume I crops that will ho of less Intoresl to Wall strict and more interest to your mules ami hogs, and at the same time grow your own ni' is by inoculat ing the seeds with Fnrmogerm illlgh Bred Bacterial. If half the cotton that is piled up in sheds in the South could be turned Info bales of liny, wo might bo buying automobiles Instead of borrowing money to pay Intoresl on debts. Then Wall Street would lave to "come ami see us" on the cotton proposif ion. As Ionic as Cotton is King, Wall Stree will be Minister of Finance. Why not throw off the yoke and es tablish a republic? Put Corn, o.it; and Legume crops In, with Thosnvn I'hoe phntc and Fnrmogerm as Secretary of the Treasury and Agriculture, and Cow Pen Hay for the Department of the Interior (of your mules). When we have don-1 this wo can safely control Old King Co toll, fand send him to England to buy our lux n rics. A Strange Story. Argvle. Mich.?Mrs. Win. II. Carson, In a letter from Argyle. says: "I was almost wild with pain In my head, and other severe pain*, due to womanly troubles. Cardul gave me great relief at once. Further use of Cardul raised me from my bed of agony. Cardul sav ed my life, and I uan't be thankful enough for what It did for me." Wheth er seriously sick, or simply ailing, take Cardul. the woman's tonic. As a general tonic for women, to Improve the appetite and build up the consti tution, Cardul is in a class by itself. Those who have used ft say it does the work: it relieves, it cut es. .Try It. Your druggist has it. * SUNDAY SCHOOL QUESTIONS. ? (Copyright, 1910, by Rev. T. S. Lin scott, D. D.) The Roy Jesus In the Temple. Luke 11:40-52. Golden Text?How is that yo sought me? Wist ye not that I must be In my Fathers house? Luke 11:49. (1.) Verse 40?Was this experience of the child Jesus of growth, spirit uality and wisdom any different to what any other child might have? (2.) How much did the spirituality of Jesus depend upon his mother's training? (3.) Did Jesus have any advantage over any other hoy in a like environ ment? j (4.) Verse 11-12? What can you say for or against parents taking very young children to religious services? (.").) What are the chances for chil dren Who are not taken to church nor religiously trained becoming earnest Christians? (ti.) What per cent of children who are religiously trained by a mother both wise am! good will develop into strong religious characters? (7.1 What feast was It that the par ents attended at Jerusalem? (8.) Verse 43-45?Why was there nothing strange in the parents of Je sus not missing him for :i whole day? (0.1 Why should parents these days not allow a twelve-year-old boy to be where they know not? (Ih.l What clOW is it safe to follow in looking for a twelvo-year-old boy? (11.) Was it the fact that Jesus knew his company had left Jerusa lem? Give your reason. (12.1 eVrse 40-47'? How do you sup pose they spent the three 'lays before they found the boy Jesus? (13.) If the parents hud known their son's character more int imately would they have pone to the temple sooner? (II.) Why, under the circumstances, was it. not extraordinary for Jesus to be found in the midst of these rah bis? (15.) What kind of a meeting today most resembles the one Jesus was found at? (Ifi.) Why would yon or not say that there was anything supernatural in the precocity of Jesus* (17.) Which is the better way to learn truth and why? Listen inj: to sermons and lectures or by questions ami answers': (IS.) Verso 48?Ought they to have been "amazed"' when they saw Jesus in such company? (10.) Whj is it possible and essen tial "'or parent* in lie acquainted tvitli Cue 'nner life of their children.' (This is one of the questions which Ulli) be answered in writing h\ members of the club.) (20.) Did Mary act wisely in blaming her son? Why? (21.) Verse l!i-.r. 1 ?Wl .it did Jesus mean by his answer which his parents diil not understand? (22.) Verse f>2. Does God grow? Lesson lor Sunday, Fob. is. 1912. The Ministry of John the (Inplist, Mark 1:1 -x; Luke 111:1-20. International l'rcs>. Itiblc Question Club I 1 have read the Surestivo Ques tions on the Sunday School Lesson published in The Advertiser, also I Lesson itself for Sunday t Dale) t be series of :'>:.'. Name . . \ our Quest Ions \ nsYvci'cil. If you would \\U, i.-i have answered any particular quest Ion each or buy Week from 'The Suggestive Question's oil Mto Sun.by School Lesson" by Rev. Dr. Llhsoott, BohO your request ? this office, giving (lie date of the les son and tlib number of the question yon wish answered. You may h bei any question except the one Indien! ed that "It may ho answer, ,\ in writ ing by members of the club." Or. Linscott will answer the questions either in these columns or by mail through Ii i office, Don't forgot to state whinl benefit these "Suggestive Questions' are to you. Give your full name and address. Send your letters to "The Question Kditor of Tho Ad VOrtiser, I.aureus, s. ('." soi ;: ST0.M w iL (bis ami Hcnrtbnrn Stopped In five Ninnies. Get rid of indigestion. Or dyspepsia, or whatever you call your stomach misery. Drive out the sourness. Lift off the heaviness. Stop the fermentation of food. Danish Ras. heartburn, foul breath, dizziness, headaches, nervousness, nlRhtswents and bad dreams forever. Get a 60 cent box of MI-O NA tab lets at Laurens Drug Co. today. They guarantee them for any of tho dis eases named above or for any stomach dist ress. No better prescription for indigo.)" tion was over written. MI-O-NA makes the stomach vigor ous und strong enough to digest food without aid. Cor sale by Lau runs Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Think of it! A 10 quart Holler only 10 cents. S. M. & K. II. Wilkos & Co. blooMNE COUGH CHECKER Will Cure That Racking Cough A Scientific Throat and Lung Remedy which quickly allays all Throat Irritation and perminently cures the most severe Coughs and Colds. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Contains no Nauacating Drugs, it is most palatable and especially good for Children. 25c, 50c and (1.00 Bottles. Try it To-day. Delays and Dangerous. The BLOODINE CORPORATION, Boston, Mass. We Take This Method To thank our customers for their liberal patronage during the year just passed away. With renewed effort we hope to merit a continuance of the same. With best wishes to*all for a happy and prosperous* New Year. Very respectfully, W. Q. Wilson & Co. All of Ye People Who Eat Fresh GROCERIES In Order to Reduce Our Stock and Raise the Needful, we offer for FIFTEEN DAYS anything in ourline of Fresh Staple and Fancy Groceries at Greatly Reduced Prices. Call at Once and Get Your Share of Bargains. Strictly Cash. pimxx&s?-"*"*??*^^^^ :::: LTM&arra 9 H % YOU SHOULD USE Paroid Roofing BECAUSE IT IS GUARANTEED We have on hand 200 squares that we will sell at COST for Cash. We want to move it NOW. GRAY & EASTERBY Leading Lumber Dealers Laurens, S. C.