The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 24, 1912, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR LAURENS COUNTY SCHOOL TEACHERS The Advertiser offers to Supply Each School in the County with a Small Library. We have made arrangements with one of the largest Book Houses in the country, Hurst & Co., through their Agents here, The Palmetto Drug Company, to offer a number of Sets of Books in return for Pleasant Work in the afternoons of school Days. The Special Offers are stated in the different sections below. Presentation Series. Thia Is a set of books that every school in the county would do well to have and a set which each of them ought to have. The children should have Bomethiug else to road besides their studies, for if they are confined to study alone they do not learn to ap preciate the truo value of an education. Give them something light to read and something that all of the young folks of the larger cities are familiar with. Did you old folks have the opportunity of reading such books when you were young? Don't you wish you had? They serve to round out the life of the llt Jrtj II tie ones and give them a true insight Into b?kII 'be lives of the fellow beings. Do not cramp them with (he knowledge gained only in the Arithmetic, Geography or the Speller. These hooks are delightful 1 ft tie treasures for the young folks. They will appeal to the most discriminating. The paper and printing is of the best quality ami substantially bound in extra English cloth. Each with line black illustrations and inserted with six colored lithographs In ten col ors. Bach book is priced at $1.00. THE OFF Kit. This set will only he given as a whole. No parts of it are to he given. This Bet for BO New Subscriptions or CO Old Ones or a pro rata number of each. The following books compose the series: Alice In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Anderson's Fairy Tales, Arabian Nights, I ? a< k Beauty, Gribb's Fairy Tules, Gulliver's Travels. Mother (loose Complete, Pilgrim's Progress, Robiuson Crusoe, Swiss Family Kobinson, Tom Brown's School Days, Dncle Tom's Cabin. Alger and Henty Sets. This Is an edition of twelve separate sets of four books to the set. The Alger and Henty books for boys are too well known to dwell on them at length. Suffice it to say that the have probably been the mos,t widely read boys' books of any writer of recent years. The books nre just what the young fellows should have to exercise their imaginations on. They are most ly stories of adventure and of heroism in the different wars of recent years where the English or the Americans have been the participants. In num bers of the books are stories of the life struggle of poor boys who by sheer pluck and determination fought their way to the forefront in the world of war, politics and business. They are well worth having on the shelf for the hoys. The books are by Horatio Alger, Jr. and C. A. Henty, both well known authors. THE OF FKK. These books will either be given away in single sets or in a whole set. For six new subscribers to The Advertiser or eight old subscriptions renewed we will give any of the single sets. Or for 70 new subscribers to The Advertiser or for 90 old subscribers, we will give the entire set, or for a pro rata number of each. Shakespeare's Works. ? A school without a set of Shakespeare Is uot complete. The teacher might almost as well be missing. Is there a sot in your school, Mr. or Miss Teacher? If not, you know that you ought to have one. Not only Is It one of the necessary adjuncts to a good school, but it is an edition that you can always point out with pride to the visitor or to the trustee, It will serve as a nuc leus for a larger li brary. Next year you can add to it. Be among the leaders In such work. This is the handy (lOllnncz edition, a complete reprint of the original Temple edition, with a his torical and critical preface. It is com plete for every pur pose. Vocabulary and notes to each play by Israel Col lane/.. Illustrated The text is by (Mark and Wright, with critical notes, complete glos sary and a life or the great poet. Complete in fourteen volumes In a cloth box. I.imp cloth, gilt cloth, beautiful in every tlcular. Usual price $?.00. THE OFFKll. This complete edition given for L,r? Old subscriptions. Let each boy or girl get one subscription. par new subscriptions or ;I0 111 your school or grade Half Leather Edition of Standard \uthors. One hundred and five volumes of this beautiful edition. Every book selected on ac count of its peculiar adaptibllity to the uses of boys and girls. Clear type; good paper and excellent printing. Hound in line library style, half leather, gilt top, boxed. Price per volume at stores $1.00. Some of the Bosks. Adam Bode Aesop's Fables, Anderson's Fairy Talcs, Arabian Nights, Browings' (Moth) Poetical Works, Count of Monte Cr is to, David Copperfield, Emersion's Essays, Jn Ills Steps, Ivanhoo, Les Miserables, Little Minister, Napoleon and bis Marsballs, Pilgrims Progress, Stepping Heavenward, Vicar of Waketield, Whlttler's Poetical Works, Scott's Waverly. In pointing out these special books from the selection we hesitated on naming these be cause we did not wls'i to slight others. Tho edition is truly a well rounded one and would be an ornament, to any library. In case. an> library already has some, of these books and would not wish them duplicated, wo will sub stitute others for tlpun. We especially dlreot tho attention of the Laurens and Clinton schools to this selection. Indeed the Laurens or Clinton City library would do well to got It. A full list of them can be seen at this of fice. This selection Is such a largo one that wo will make special Inducements on any part of them. For those who do not get up the re quired number, we will deliver thorn singly on a basis of flvo old subscribers or four now ones, or for 7T> cents In cash and ten coupons taken from this paper. But below is the offer we wish to stress. THE OF FEH. This beautiful edition of well seloctod books for &00 old subscribers or 400 new sub scribers or pro rata number of each. Plutarch's Lives. Plutarch's lives of groat and Illustrious Romans and Greeks have proved the Inspira tion of a large number of groat men of later years. They have proved the foundation stono on which the careers of many modern mon have been built. They should be at the hand of every young man and every young womnu who is growing up today. They might inspire somo of the pupils to do greater things in lifo than they have yet thought of. The work has immortallzod the writer's name and takes tho reader into tho horolc stir of Roman and Groek life. Complete in throo volumes, each set In a box and strongly bound in cloth. Val ue $2.25. THE OFFER, Bring to Oils ofllco nine new subso.riKrs or twelve old subscribers paid up in advance to The Advertiser and Oie set is yours. Nothing easier could be Imagined than getting this lit tle set of books. For Ambitious Teachers! At this season of the year the newspapers, all over the country, count most on securing new subscribers and on obtaining renewals. They figure that it costs them a certain per cent to collect the subscription money. This per cent this year we are going to give to the schools of Laurens county if they will do the work that is required; not much work but some effort will be required, especially on the part of the scholars them selves. As the plan which we have formulated entails some little effort on the part of a great many the work will not fall heavily on any one person, but will be divided among a large number and thus lessened for each individual and made more pleasant for all concerned. Here is The Simple Plan! The plan is simply this: We are going to give to any school in the county that will get up a certain number of subscribers for The Advertiser a certain set of books. The size and value of the set of books will depend on the size of the list that is brought in and of course this will depend on the enthusiasm and the determination with which each individual teacher enters into the work. We are not claiming to give any great big unheard of offer in this line, something that you could get with littler effort. This is a plain business proposition where you and we get the benefits. We are just as much interested in getting the subscriptions as in giving the books to the schools. Only this, we are giving the schools the benefit of the per centage usually spent soliciting. The proposition is a good one and we believe that every enterprising teacher in the county, who has the real interest of his or her school at heart, will take advantage of it. It will be an easy matter to get one, two or all of these sets of books if an in telligent effort is made to get them. Just One Prize! To put some zest and enthusiasm into this campaign, we are going to offer just one prize. It is going to be a beautiful heavy crushed leather bound volume of the poems of one of the world's famous poets. This book is going to be given to the school, first library or individual that brings in the largest amount of subscription money. It will be thus seen that the prize winner will be the one who does the most consistent work. The poet is to be selected by the winner of the prize. While this offer is made to appeal more directly to school teachers, any public library, private individual who is ambitious for books, any Sunday School or any other organizations is at liberty to take advantage of it. As we do not intend ordering out a large quantity of the books at once, the win ners of the prizes will be able to make their selection from this office and have the books ordered as wanted. Do not delay but start out at once. Popular Two Volume Sets. This reries is one that nearly every child in the county could win and one that should adorn every school library shell. The beauty about this series is that the number of boobs which you get is only limited by the amount of work which you do. It will be easy work for a bunch of throe or four school children' to make a canvas of one immediate neighborhood and get a pair of these books. out OFF EIL Fach set of two books boxed will he given for ?} new sub scribers to The Advertiser ?r for f? old subscriptions paid in advance. Among the sets are these: Autocrat of the Breakfast Table Professor at the Breakfast Table. Data of EtlllCS Education. Emerson's Essays Vols. I & II. French Revolution, Vols. | & |i. Les Miserables. Vols. I & II. Lincoln find His Lifo and Time, Vols. I & [[, Napoleon and His Marshals. Vols. \ K- II. Washington and His Generals, Vols. I & II. Tom Brown and Oxford Tom Brown's School Days, Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire." This Is a book which should bo In every school loom above the fifth grade. It should be where the young folks in studying ancient history can get It for reference and for study and for recreation. It Is a book of hooks and should be on every shelf whether school, li brnry or private person. It should bo there It Is easy to got. All that it takes Is hot a few hours work. The book is printed from clear type on good paper, handsomely and dur ably bound in cloth with gilt tops. Complete in tlve volumes, boxed. Selling price $3.70. THE OFFER. This set of books, six in number, will be given for 1F> new subscribers to The Advertiser or 20 obi BUbscrl! s or a pro rata number of each. This should appeal to every school teacher In the county. The young folks, some of them, who have already started a library could onslly win this by getting out and doing a little work. The Laurens Advertiser TEACHERS I Do not be content without a Librarv, Laurens, South Carolina a I lie Bible Study Question are alone the subscription price. I rgc It.