The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 17, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. Constable Ferguson, of Rcnno, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Rev. J. B. Mahaffey, of Clinton, was a visitor hi the city Thursday. Miss Julia Nevillo, of Clinton, spent Wednesday in the city shopping. Misses CHaude and Mary Gray, of Knights station, are visiting Miss Julia OhHdre9s. Miss Katherlno Hollams, of Wash ington, Ga., is tbo attractive guest of Miss Susie Gray. Miss Taccon Caine loft Friday for Wilmington and different points in Vir ginia to be gone about three months. Mr. Thomas M. Shaw of Laurcns, was hero this week.?Abbeville cor respondent of The Augusta Chronicle. Mr. Gus Simmons, who is making his home in Greenville, was a visi tor at the home, of his paronts Thurs day, The friends of Col. N. B. Dial will be glad to know that ho will again be at his desk after an illness of over a week. Miss Annie Simpson, who is teach ing in Spai'tanburg county, spent Sat urday and Sunday in the city with her parents. Mr. R. L. Wolff lias accepted a posi tion as agent for the Molony K- Carter Company, of Charleston, and will sell ingredients for making fertilizer at home. Mr. 13. P. Minter, who has been spending several days in McBce, look ing after the big land interests of the Southern Land Development Company, returned home Monday morning. Miss Kathorino Heliums, of Wash ington. G i.. who has been visiting Miss Susie Cray, left Saturday morning for Gray Court where she will visit rela tives before returning home. Col. Samuel MeGowan, of Philadel phia, has bi en spending several days in the city visiting relatives and friends and also in overseeing some work being done at the Laurens cem etery. Dlnodinc Cough Checker will quick ly allay that hacking Irritation ac companying a scvero cough or cold. The safest and surest remedy for chil dren. Keep a bottle constantly nt band. Laurens Drug Co.. Laurens, S. C. (From the Boston Globe.) A LARGE BOULDER FELL IN FRONT OF A PASSENGER TRAIN GOING AT FIFTY MILES AN HOUR. And It Whs Almost Miraculous That Everyone of the Two Hundred Pas sengers were not Crushed In Death. When you read such startling head lines In the daily papers, did you ever stop to think how many lives are being crushed out dally by stones in the bladders of hundred of human beings, because no remedy was ever known to medical science that would remove them until bloodine was discovered; and since bloodine has been found to be n specific for this terrible affliction, It has had the most phenomenal sale throughout the Fast and West, of any remedy ever known. Thousands of bottles having been sold in a single day in many of the large cities. [f you are suffering witii stone in the bladder. achin<" pains over hips, backache, sediment or deposit in urine ' irritation of the bladder, pain in urin ating, rheumatism, uiicacid in the blood, sudden stoppage of the urine, highly colored or milky white urine, pass blood or mucus in urine, reten tion o,f urine, straining alter urinating, thick or sluggish urine, scystltus in flammation Of bladder, catarrh of l>i;\(i der, or bowels, puffness under eyes, voracious appetite, thirst, gall stones, gravel, pain in urethra, swollen an kles, dimmed vsion, specks before the ? yes scanty urine, frequent calls, mouth dry. biliousness, dribbling, lum bago) weakness, loss of flesh, irregu lar heart action, ulceratlon of the blad der, skin pale, waxy and dry, had odor of perspiration, don't delay, but send to your druggist ami get a bottle of bloodine, Ol once; if he does not keep bloodine, you can secure a six weeks' treatment six bottles, for $2.60, or single bottles f?0e, trial bottle and booklet 10c from The llloodine Labor atories, Boston, Mas.;. F. D. ('. Notice. J. B. Kershaw chapter will hold its next regular meeting next Friday af ternoon nt .'I o'clock. Jan. 19th with Mrs. J. H. Teagtie, at which meeting "Crosses of Honor" will he conferred upon nil veterans whose applications have been sent in to the committee. All members of the chapter are most cor dially Invited to be present. Mrs. Brooks Swygert, Secrotary. WOMEN WITH PILES. Re tared by Simply Taking Sngar Coated Tablets* Constipation, tight clothing, wom b's ordeals cause pllos. Women suf fer more than men and all will be gratofn1 to knew of a succcsfui rem edy So tablet tsdn, 'hat bring* a cure wit lue ' outtln/, use of salt 68 or sup positories. This guaranteed remedy Is HKM-ROID, sold by Laurens Drug Co. and all druggists. $1 for treatment lasting 21 days. Dr. Leonhardt Co.. Station B. Buf falo, N. Y., Prop. Write for booklet. I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. | ?np^W^ Si?i^%^%% %S^S^ Ai#^ B^|H^1|H|H|i Miss Susie Gray entertained a ?inall party at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gray Thursday evening, in honor of hor guest, Miss Catherine Hellam3, of Washington, Ga. During the evening a few games of cards were played aftor which delightful refresh ments wore served. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Gray, MIhb Susie Gray and Miss Helfants, others present were Misses Hattio Kato Eaatorby and Mary Sulli van and Messrs. JamoB Sullivan, Er nest Easterby, Dick Childrcss, Jack McCravy, Gary Eichelberger, James Davis and Alllo Leo. ooo Sinunons-Hoyd. The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Simmons, near Gray Court, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when on December 27, at half past four o'clock, when Miss Lila Simmons and Mr. B. S. Hoyd, of Greenwood, were united in marriage by Rev. J. P. Atta way. ? Only the family and a few intimate friends were present. A bountiful din ner was served by the hoBtess; Tin young couple will be at home to their friends, In Greenwood, after Jan. 10, 1912. ooo Miss Willie May Childress enter tained the Forty Two Club Saturday afternoon at her home on Main street. A large number of the members of the club were present and a most enjoya ble afternoon was spent. Following a few games of Forty Two, a delightful luncheon consisting of a salad course and coffee was served. Miss Childress was assisted in entertaining by her sisters, Misses Annie Belle and llessie Childress and Miss Mary Gray. Those present were Mesdames F. K. Spratt, Ed Hart of Oklahoma, Elizabeth R. Bobbltt, L. G?Balle, John Balle; Misses Annie Rlchey, Josephine Fuller, Annie Gilkerson, Frances Thames, Rosalie Franks, Mary Todd, Dorcas Calmes, Ina Little, Beth Shell, Annie Childress, Julia Gilkerson. Wessle Lee Dial, Olyn thia Jones and Beaulah Balle. ooo Miss Oynthin Jones entertained at the regular meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution Friday evening. Much business of the chap ter was transacted and a profitable meeting held. LAUBENS BRI G CO. GUARANTEES HT0ME1 If you really mean tbnt you want to drive every Idt of catat rh from your nose and throat why not try a sensi ble remedy that is guaranteed to ban ish catarrh, or money back. If you already own a little hard rubber HYOMEI inhaler you can buy a bottle of HYOMEI (pronounce it Hlgh-o-mo) for only 50 cents. If you do not own an inhaler ask for com plete HYOMEI outfit which contains an inhaler, this will cost you *1 00, Then breathe HYOMEI and get rid of catarrh, relief comes in live min utes, a day's treatment will make you happy, a week's treatment and snuf flcs, museus and hawking go. another week and good bye to catarrh. Try it today on money hack plan. Sold by Laurens Drug Co. and druggists every where. The Rock Hill Plan. The committee appointed for this county under the Rock Hill plan has not gotten down to real work as yet, but they intend beginning a canvas for funds Immediately. The committee is composed of Dr. 11. K. Alken, Mr. W. L. Gray and Dr. W. C. lrby. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan, it allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. _ _ Wood's Seeds For 1012. ? Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it. T. W. WOOD ? SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Bay Fever. Sold by druggists; mail on receipt of price $i.oo. Trial PackftRc by mnll 10 cents. WILHAMS MFG. CO.. Prop. . Cleveland, Ohio LACHENS DRUG CO. Laurens. S. Q ROTSTER FERTILIZER HITS THE SPOT EVERY TIME The explanation is shnpie-Jheyarc. mudew?h the?reutesl cure und eveiy ki^pecuent has to pass the fest of our own laboratories; therfe no hit or miss aboutHqysier Fertilizers, Sold J3y Reliable Dealers Everywhere F.S.ROYSTER GUANO CO./ Sales Offices NorfolkVa. TarboroN.C. Columbia S C. Baltimore Md. Montgomery Ala. 5pariaribu,r?5.( Macori Ga. Columbus 6a. A Good Resolution For the New Year will be one to get the "correct" glasses your eyes need. Replace those harm ful badly-fitted ones you're now using, EXPERT OPTOMETRY i At your service here?the skill and exactness that the Utting of your eyes demands, at reasonable (expense. Get an examination! William Solomon THE JEWELER We Will Bring to Your Home The Best Class of Furniture You will find our store the most complete, our goods better and our prices lower. So come to us with your Furniture needs. Only $12.00 THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE