The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 03, 1912, Page PAGE TEN, Image 11

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COMMISSIONER WATSON GIVEN A CALL DOWN ?Governor Blease Lets It be Known Again that lie isThe Thing Around Colombia. Columbia, Dec. 29.?The following correspondence was given out at the office of Governor Blease Thursday afternoon, on telephoned instructions from the governor: Mr. E. J. Watson, Comiinssioner of Agriculture, Columbia, S. C: Dear Sir?In my opinion, you were appointed commissioner of agriculturo for South Carolina and not for the United States and I would advise you as a friend to remain in the state and qnlt running about as you are doing. If you do not discontinue this con tinual running around over the coun try, I will be compelled to put some one in your place who will not neglect the duties thereof. If you make an other trip out of the State without my permission, tin official order, de claring your ofllce vacant, will be made and your successor appointed. Very respectfully. Cole L, Blease, Governor, Columbia. Dec. 10. .Mr. Watson's lleply. Commissioner Watson's reply is as follows: Dear Governor?l have received yonrs of even date with utter aston ishment, for I have been absolutely unconscious that I have been doing anything In contravention of the ad ministrative policy. fJod knows I have honestly, sincerely and without the re motest thought of self-interest, done all In my power to advance the ma terial Interests of our state and her people, and In just the same manner? as I told you in Atlanta 1 wanted to ? Ii? I have endeavored to work in er feet harmony with your policy. When 1 have gone out of the state this year, it has been with no idea of self-advancement, but always af ter something 1 felt would do the state the greatest amount of good, and it lias been but seldom that 1 have gone, l believe that I have lived up to my promise to you to accomplish the hardest year's work of my life. 1 talked with you. as you will recall, of the objects of the recent trip to Chicago, and urged you to be there, and 1 had not the remotest idea that you were In any way opposed to my Koing. A word from you would have lcept me here. The contents of your letter will mo't gladly he observed to the let ter, for If I have unconsciously err ed, I want you as a fair man. which 1 have ever regarded you. to believe my absolute sincerity when 1 tell you St could only spring from ovor/.oalous jies in my work, to the success r)? which l have sacrificed everything. I can only ask you to carefully consider your opinion of me and Kive me credit for honesty, sincerity, fidelity, and complete subservience of self-interest. If you doubt that this is trne, simply ask anyone, who has questioned me as to bow the gover nor has treated myself this de partment . oVry truly yours, K. .1. Watson. Columbia. Dec. 1 1. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. *? ?**?**??*??** ?vis Around Pine GrOTO. * * -?...-.?,.*?. *** We want to thank the people for being so kind in helping huy a new organ for the Sunday school and pray er meeting at Pine Grove school house. A nice turkey dinner was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reld last Thursday to which several young and old people were invited. Miss Alma Wells was given up her school at this place. Someone else is expected to take up the school. Miss Armittle Washington of Creen Vlllo, spent the holidays with Misses Li la and Mae Hramlett. Miss Gladys Boyd, of Laurens, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mcdlr/ck and family MIbr Marie ?Woods and brother, of Princeton, spent part of Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Craddock. Misx Bessie Owens is spending a while in Spartanburg with friends and relatives. Misses Pare and Luclle Reld and brother, Willie, of Cold Point, spent part of Christmas with their uncle, Mr. Walter Reld. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Medlock spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mr*. Austin Hramlett. For sore throat there is positively bo remedy that will relieve bo ?lugckly and cure permanently the most aggravated case, as Bloodlne Rheumatic Liniment. JLaurens Drug Co., Laurens, S. C. The dynamite demonstration on Thor*d*y. January 11th, to be given on 3. .1. Dendy'a farm, under the di rection of Brook? & Jones, will be oC Interest to all farmors and land owners. Don't fall to attend. Cross Hill, Janl.?The following youug people have been at home from college during Christmas and will re turn: Paul McGowan, Broslg Harmon, William Wharton, to South Carolina University; Karl 11 a so r and Paul Mar tin, to Fur man; Lyi Leaman, Charles Pinson and Ellis Fuller, to Presby terian College of South Carolina; Maxcy Hanna to Erskine; Gertrude Learnan, Bessie Hill, Idalia Hollings worth, Ella Mae Martin to Winthrop, Lizzie Bryaon to Greenville Female College; Miss Anne Austin to Womans Medical College, Philadelphia; Messrs. J. P. Coats, Wesley Pitts, Miss Kate Austin and Miss Uhidona Owens, teachers, have also heen at home dur ing Christmas. CROSS HILL NEWS Christmas passed without anything to mar the pleasure of the occasion and friendly visits and family reun ions wag the rule. Much sympathy is felt for families in affliction and where sickness kept thom at home. A Christmas tree was enjoyed at the school building on Tuesday after noon, and this correspondent witness ed a family tree on Monday where Santa Claus made the children happy with bis gifts. This correspondent is surprised that any one except the lawless element, would suggest to discontinue the rural police. We think conditions have Im proved under the system In this part of the county and we hope Mr. S. W. Lowe will be renppointcd. He is a conscientious and fearless officer. There was a Union meeting at the Baptist church Saturday. The rain Interfered with the servlcs on Sunday. Mr. James Leaman of Clinton sur prised his friends here by bringing with him his bride to enjoy Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Blgle Leaman. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Leaman were glad to see them in town the laat of the week. They were both quite ill at the beginning of Christmas. Mr. S. L. Crisp has moved his fam ily to town and will run tho hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stone of Atlan ta was with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hol lingsworth and Miss Maud Wells, also of Atlanta, was with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wells for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wasson of Foun tain Inn was with his people here Saturday and Sunday. Don't forget the dynamite demon stration on J. J. Dendy's place, Thurs day, January 11, To Resume Series, beginning next Sunday, Rev. W. E. Thayer will resume the series of sor mons which he has been preaching on the bible heroes. These sermons were discontinued during the holidays. The subject of the sermon Sunday will be "Samuel". Mr. Thayer has also an nounced that he will begin a series of Sunday evening sermons on "Jesus." The first of these will bo preached Sunday evening, when the subject will be "Jesus the Teacher." The ser mons of Rev. Mr. Thayer are attract ing a great many who do not attend services regularly and are proving very beneficial. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth ers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. VC WISH YOU A HAPPY ArtB PROSPEROUS 1912. - rtCV YMR - 1912. 1912 THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS 1912 RED IRON RACKET Sells Same Goods 15 Sells for Cash and Give to 35 per cent Less You Your Money's Worth SMILE AND BE HAPPY 1912 Buy Your Goods of J. C. Burns & Company 1912 A HAPPY NEW YEAR LETTER TO AEL DEAR SIK :? In Heaven there are n<> grumblers thai makes [leaven, fn Hell, they are all grumblers thai makes Hell. Grumbling is the characteristic that belongs to universal humanity. The lirsi man in the Garden of lOdcn had every want fulfilled, had every privilege accorded i<> him, but the eating of the fruit of. one tree, lie grumbled because he did not have that, and his grumbling cost him Paradise. The first thing a baby docs is to raise a howl and make a kick. Wc are all born kickers: -Nobody likes his business, no matter what that business it. To hear men talk, they are nil losing money. The dry goods man says business is not what it used to be, he is losing money every year; he wears fine clothes; his wife wears diamonds; they own their own carriage, and have a cottage by the sea-side, still ho. is losing money: It is the same with the doctors, the lawyers, and men in every profession. Then, the farm er, the man yon think would he content, is the greatest grumbler of them all. If the season is dry. "We will not make seed this year": if the Heavens pour abundance, and the barns burst. ''We will not get any filing for our stuff, liiere is no use having it." Nobody wants Iiis son to follow the same line of business. There are grumblers in every vocation and location, There are more grumblers in the home than anywhere else. The nmn in business has to he a gentleman:?at home In- doesn't have to he anything in particular. You say it is a hard lot to lie shut up within brick walls, that it would he delightful to get off some where and enjoy fresh viands ami pure air. You go- when you tfot there, the place is beastly, the peo ple are the most vulgar you ever saw. the food is stale, the little room where they have put you is an old garret, and you just wish you had slaved at home, and so does every one else. Everybody knows how a work ought to be done, except the poor wretches who arc doinf! it. Is it not strange, that as you improve, everybody else und everything else seems to improve at the same time? Here arc some prescriptions for chronic grumbling: Try to live right. The best way in the world to h>- sweet-spirited and gentle is to live right. When David was not living right, he was ready to kill the man who had slain a little lamb; he himself had taken another man's wife, and killed Hie man besides, -?that made him savage, Live right : und you will have the charily, that sufforcth long and is kind. Have the homo us beautiful ns YOU can make it. If you are a husband, praise your wife, praise her looks even if she is rather homely. Praise her cooking though it choke you. Give her tue same lover-like at tention that you gave her when you were handing her in and out. sending bouquets and bonbons, and writing her reams of poetry on gilt-edged paper. If you are a wife, praise your husband: -tell him In; is the best husband you ever had, no matter how manny you have had. He careful of what you eat. Be ware of mincc-pic with a crisp on top, a sodden one beneath, and untold horrors between. Take plenty of sleep. The world is going crazy for lack of sleep, It wants fresh, wide awake people in the habit of being thankful for w hat you have. When you are miserable because you have not, something I hat other people have, think of the things they have you would NOT like to have. He like the old woman who had only two teeth, hut said she was thankful that they were opposite to each other. 1 never pass a crip ple or a blind man that my heart is not lifted in thankfulness that I have sound limbs, and eyes that can sec. Get into the habit of looking for sweetness and light. People usually find just what they look for. The Dec and the Buzzard hover together in the air; one goes straight to a rose garden in the distance; the other to a dead rat a mile away. Look for sweetness and light and you w ill find it everywhere. Go around 'expecting to get your feelings hurt, and you will always get them hurl. Get to work; get a move on you. TUE PEOPLE WHO ARE BRIGHT, CHEERFUL, AND HAPPY, ARE ALWAYS THOSE WHO ARE DOING SOMETHING WITH ALL THEIR MIGHT. Forget yourself. Try to make the world brighter and better, give refreshing cups and bouquets to the dusty pilgrims along life's highway. , u WISHING YOU AND YOURS A HAPPY NEW YEAR FULL OF GOOD CHEER, ' ; .' ' 'vi -.;', ,Q , . . ? Sincerely yours, :">; ? .? l. e. burns, nt*\% ^ L u. i, . '?<, -"-V. ' , ' > OF J; C. BURNS & COMPANY, ;A, , . Laurens, South Carolina. The Southeastern Elective Policy Gives You Perfect Protection. Is an excellent Investment Leaves no chance of I^oss. Offers four modes of Settlement Everything in the Policy Guaranteed. After the age of 27 our Twenty Pay Life Elec tive Policy has a cash surren der value at the cud of the pe riod of MORE than the total amount of premiums paid. The Best Policy for .Young Men. M. R. WILKES, Agent Laurens, S. C. 'Southeastern Life Insurance Co. Greenville, S. C. USE OF Typewriter TO BE A STENOGRAPHER BOOKKEEPER SALESMAN FOR PARTICULARS WRITE BROWN'S HOME STUDY SCHOOL ;;i3!1t;i ano pike. st. lows, mo. AMBITION TALKS Sixty of these now '>unous articles brnnrt In bonk form? pasteboard covers?f>4 Paares, with nn Inspiring money-making suggos lion on each piko. Mailed prepaid, 28r. meines* Publishing Co. Hth and Tine Sts., St. Loula Mo. WANT Your! Trade! ? ? ? #. Trade with us and we will treat your square. ? ? ? We cany a full stock of goods and will sell you close. ? ? ? Want to sell you seed for fall sowing. A lint line of Seed wheat, Seed Oats. Seed Pye and Crimson ( lover Seed. A full stock of Fresh Patent and Half Patent Flour. Car of good Timothy Hay and a car of choice Country Pea vine Hay, sound and bright. Full lino of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and Cigars. Mako your selections, you lov ers of the weed. A limited stock of Bagging and Ties on hand to close out. J. H. SULLIVAN Laurens, S. C. I? When you feet^z^t voub. tired, worried or despondent it is a Rur? sign you need MOTTS NERVERINE "ILLS. They renew tha normal vigor and make life worth living. Be sure and ask lor Motf s Nenrerine Pilli R&SiS WIUAM3 MFG. CO., Preps., CUr.Und. Ohio LAUBEN8 DRUG CO. Laurent?, S. C.