JrVEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE CONDITIONS Condition of the Markets as Told In Pun's Weekly Review of Trade and Finance. The Week. Both in business confidence and in volume of business transactions the situation continues to improve. The gain Is very gradual and conservative, and there is little disposition to go be yond satisfaction of immediate wants ?but It Is a gain; and the significant thing Is that this improvement has now been maintained for several weeks. The cessation of disturbing international difficulties, the easier conditions of the international money markets, the growing conviction that domestic economic problems are shap ing; themselves for the better, and the pressing need of doing something to replenish depleted stocks, uii contrib-j ute to the improvement which is b( - Ing achieved. Purchasing of cotton goods of the heavier and coarser description for the manufacturing trades has steadied prices during the week. Print cloths are selling more freely and wide cloths are from 1-lti to 1-8 cent higher. Fall River sold 200,000 pieces last week and over 2T>0,000 pieces this week. Large sales of blue denims have been made and jobbers report a fair busi liess on colored domestics. Prints are being bought steadily, ducks are well sold up and underwear and hosiery for fa!l Is firmer. Shipments on old or ders to China are being made regu larly, but new business is slow. Mis cellaneous export trade, however, is Stendy, and for the year to date ship Ji!* tits of domestics exceed last year by over $5,000,000. Dress goods and men's wear mills are in a better posi tion as to orders and are cleaning up stocks very rapidly. The yarn mar kets are steadier, a fairly broad move ment of merchandise being shown, and in the New England wool market transfers aggregate ;',,000,000 or 4, Oi 1 000 pounds for the week and pric es tend higher. The Cotton Market. Nothing has occurred to break the llock in the cotton market, prices still backing and filling in monoton Olli fashion. One day quotations move up a little and then fall back again Cl iso to the familiar basis of 9cu with trading on a very meagre scale. A prise was furnished by the appear an e of the Census ginning figures on Tuesday, showing it total 'if some 230, bales below the popu nr estimate: , yet there was only a feeble response ? I lie official statement and the ad vance was quickly wiped out by ag gresRlvo selling. The 1 1,2G9,!)8fi bales g] tied up to November I I are nearly I," "limit bales above the previous high r< >rd established In 1904, when the Cl ip turned out to bo 13,654,000 bales. Hence, no one questions but that the [??is nt yield will easily be of unpre cedented size, although some people now insist that forecasts of 15,000, 000 bales or over will not be realized. 1: is the price rather than the prob * able size of the crop, however, that Is baffling many of the shrewdest mem bers of the trade, and there is a gen eral disposition to await some devel opment that will sway the market defi nitely in one direction or the other. STATION Nl MI1KII (INK. Laurens Sub Post Office Placed in at the Laurens Cotton Mills. Uncle Sammle, who is always on tho job, has realized thai the mail busi UOSS of l.aurens is too much lor one Office and as a result of the realization thereof has established a branch out fit over at the l.aurens Cotton Mills. Wilfl W. Eugene Hawkins at the wheel. This post will bear the official title of Station Number One and will deal in practically the same line of goods as the boss oillco in the City. It will be under the supervision of Postmaster I licks. There Is a Walk Over style to lit you at (Manly ft Wilson* HOW TO REMOVE FRECKLES Wilson's Freckle Cream Is Pos itively Guaranteed to Do the Work. Letters are constantly helm? re ,c,an, ny tho makers of Wilsons Freckle Cream from prominent ladle* HityIIIj? that tiny huv. at Ust d.scov ereu how to remove freckles. Juni because you happen to have fnikles la 10 reason why you should alwavs hrtvc them. Mis M J IMvom wrote from Herne, gwitterlsnd. saying: "if after giving WllSOn'l Freckle Cream a fair trial It ?..es not cur? your akin, there la iio remedy for yon. I alwaya took the best care of my akin, but freckled dreiuf.illy and coul 1 get no rsmedyr "rail l founJ Wlla n'J Freok e Cream. ii e jar of Wilson". Freckle Cream Wll"Cause yotr f. cckle. to peroep lb y lime, and the a*oond Jar will entirely "TheV?, is instructed to return your money 10 VOU If U dooan t ?o '"litM'nifoa ???. Laurens, S. <. * Kkom Locals. ? ? ? *************** Kkom, Nov. 27.?The weather is fine now and farmers are finishing picking cotton and beginning to sow grain. Miss Kit ma Cooper has been right sick for several days. Mr. J. M. Moore is right sick. Miss Frankie Culbertson went to Mountvllle Saturday for a few days' stay. Mr. R. B. Coley spent Sunday in our midst. We are always glad to see him. Mr. M. W. Culbertson and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Jane Cooper. Misses Grace and Lorrle Cooper spent Saturday night with Misses Rosa Lee and Lola Godfrey. Miss Laurence Culbertson is at home after a two weeks' stay in Lau rens. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hurts are all smiles. It's a boy. Meeting V. 1> ('.. The .T. B. Kershaw^chapter, l'. n. C. will hold it's next regular monthly meeting on Monday afternoon, Decem ber 4th, at 3:30 o'clock w Ith Mr;;. Brooks Swygert, GOT? Irhy Avenue. All the members are most cordially invited to attend, and are kindly re quested to notify the hostess if they can not attend. Mrs. Brooks Swygert, Secretary. * HARMONY NEWS. * ? /? *************** Harmony. Nov. 25.?Everything seems to be moving along smooth in this community since the cool weath er has come in. Some have been killing some nice porkers and are hav ing a good old fashioned time feast ing on sausage, back ribs and spare bones. Corn gathering is about done. This crop was much snorter this year than last. Some little cotton in plac es is to he picked yet. Oats and wheat sowing is the order of the day now. The dog and pony show passed through here one day this week on its way to Kkom. Mrs. Larkln Hughes, of Bickens, af ter spendiim some time in this com munity, left for her home last Tues day. Mi-, and Mrs. A. K. Hughes ac companied her, to be gene several days. We say three cheers for the Honor able Mr. Cooper in regard to the des ecration of the Sabbath. We do hope he will be able to put that cursed thing to a stop, not only in our town and county bin from county to county un til tbis American land of ours will have a proper regard for the Lord's Day. This is one move timing many (others should be made) in the right direction. We do hope Mr. Cooper will push this matter to the Insl notch. Let all this Sunday traffic go with the dispensary and I look for old Laurens County to he the banner county of the State. Bight here I feel like spread ing myself and writing you a few but will refrain at this time. Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of c- nstipation would result in sever In digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Lifo Pills, and end it.| Its the only safe way. Best for bilious ness, headache, dyspopsla, chills and debility. -?"><)(? a box Sold by The Laurens Drug Co.. Laurens, S. C FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 16th day of December, I will render a final ac count of my acts and doings as Ad ministrator of the estate of Sara F. Cawlinson, deceased, In the office of the Judge of Probate of Liurens coun ty, at tl o'clock, a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final dis cbarge from my trust as Administra tor. Any persons Indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment on that dato; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, dulv proven.- or he forever barred, MARTHA B. MOORE, Administratrix. With Will Annexed. November 16, 1911.?1 mo. Two Special Values for the Holiday Trade $1.75 Six for $4.90 I They are made of First-class Oak, finely finished, I strong and durable and better values than others would think of offering you. I S.M.&E. H. WILKES & COMPANY - - SALE OF = - Personal Property j By virtue of an order of 0. G. Thompson, Probate Judge, I will sell at public auction at the late residence of E. A. Hamilton, deceased, com mencing at 10 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday, the 5th day of December next the personal estate of the deceased, consisting of farm implements, five wagons, two buggies, one carriage, one manure spreader, farm produce, hay and cotton seed, household and kitchen furniture, one registered Jersey Bull, one small gasoline engine, one thresher aud cotton ginning outfit. Terms of Sale Cash W. P. BROWN, Nov. 22, 1911 Administrator * I Bad Spells " I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness,** writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C. "At last, I was almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had bad spells, that lasted from 7 to 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardui a trial, I could, cat, sleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid for 5 weary years 1 Cardui relieved me, when everything else failed." TAKE Woman'sTonic If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women, has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers. They found It of real value in relieving their aches and pains. Why suffer longer? A remedy that has relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use, at once, by you. Try it, today. * Write to: L*dief' Advliory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Oiattanoosa. Term., for Special Inttruetlona, and 64-pa?c book, " Home Treatment lor Women," tent Iree. J 57 For Your Thanksgiving Cake You can select from our stock the best and the freshest ingredients. We have just received ship ments of Shelled Almonds Currents Raisins Citron Dates Spices_Figs MAHAFFEY & BABB Laurens, South Carolina EXECUTOR'S LAND SALE. E. F. A. Wleters, Erecutor (for di vision of Estate of J. C. Wieters de ceased) offers for sale that fine pro ductive cotton and grain farm known as "Benham" Place on Burnt Mill Creek near Laurens Court House. South Carolina of about 400 acres. Al so the fee in the balance of the orig inal 646% acre tract subject to a life (dower) Interest therein. If not sold at private sale before De cember. i911 Salesday, will be put up at auction on that day (4th December. 1911) at Laurens Court House door. Correspondence solicited. Address John D. Cappelmann, Real Estate Attorney, P. O. Box 627. Charleston, S. C. Valuable Lands for Sale. The undersigned as Executors of, and under and by virtue of the au thority and power conferred on them, In the last will of Ann E. Rice, do ceased, will sell on Monday December ', 1911 at twelve O'clock, 111. (12m.) before the Court House door at Laur ens, s. C, at public auction, upon the following terms, one third cash, tho balance on a credit of one and two years, payable in equal annual Install ments with elghl per cent Interest on each installment from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchasers ami mortgages Of the premises, purchasers to pay for papers and recording: and the bonds to provide for ten per cent attorneys fee In case of suit or fore closure, or collection by an attorney after due; and the purchaser to have the option of paying all cash, the fol lowing tracts of land in Laurens coun ty: 1. The Melts l'lace. Eighteen hun dred acres, more or less in .lacks town ship bounded on north by Knorcc Riv er and on west by lands of Jones and Copclnnd, on east by lands of Briggs an^ Harret, on south by the public road arm other:;. 2. Bailey tract containing seven hundred and thirty-four acres, more or less, in Jacks township; bounded on the east by Euoreo River, on tho south by lands of \V. E. Thomson, on the north by Metis place. This being upper half of Thomson Bttlloy tract. W. B. Thomson owns lower part. Win. Colcmun, K. M. Karr. Executors. In the District Court of Hie I 'lilted States, For the District of South Carolina. In matter of Mrs. M. A. Kay. Bankrupt, in Bankruptcy. Pursuant to the order of I Ion. Hen ry c. Tlllmnn, as Re force In Bankrupt cy in the above etililled case, 1 will sell at Laurens Court House. South Carolina, on Salesday in December, Bill, being tin' Ith day of the month, bi t Ween the hours of II o'clock ill the forenoon and o'clock in tho after* noon all that tract, piece or parcel of of land situate, lying and heilig with in the corporate limits of the City of Laurens. in County of Laurens. in Siate of South Carolina, i oiltulltin.'; Ilfteeii i I 'i ucres of land, more or less, with dwelling house and outbuildings located thereon, bounded as follows, on the north by Easl Main street, on east by lands of Harrison Hunter, .lohn C. Boyd ami Kay Anderson, on soiiih by land.-, of .1. Wade Anderson and on west by land of Mrs. Jiiuie C, Clark and lands oi the estate of Sam Woody, deceased, ami Richard Hun ter. Terms cash, purchaser to pay for papers. .1. WADE ANDERSON, As Trustee. State of South Carolina, ? omit) of Laurens, In Court of Co in in on Blens, The Southern Cotton Oil Company, plaint ill against Farmers a Merchants Clin Co., do fendnnt. Pursuant to n decree of tho Court in the above stated case. I will sell at public outcry lo the highest bidder, at Laurens C, IL, S. C, on Salesday in December next, hel.nv Monday the Ith day of the month, during the legal hours for such sales the following de> nilbod pi operty lo wll: All that |0t, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the town Of Cross Hill, County Ol Laurens an?: Stale of South Carolina. COIltlliliiUP ( I i one acre, more or less, and bound cd on the north by Seaboard Air Llm Railroad, en the oast by a certain street and on Hie south and vvo'sl I)) lands of E. W and T. M. Pl.uson, Terms of sale: cash. Purchaser to I pay for papers. If the term.- of sale I are not complied with, the land to he ! resold on same or sonn- subsequent Sale:.day on same terms at risk of former purchaser. JOHN K. BOLT, c. c. c. P. K- ('.. s., Laurens, s. C Dated, this Nov. Kl, 1011, 16.31 Male of South Carolina. Count) of Laurens. In Court of Common Picas. W. M. Pitts, plaintiff against Minnie c. Adair. and Rhetl P. Adalr, in their own right and as Adminis trator Of the estate of Robert .1. Adalr, deceased, and Irene Adair, Mamie Adair el al. defendants. Pursuant to a decree of the Court in the above stated case. I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens C. IL, S. ('.. on Salesday in December next, being Monday the 4th day of the month, during the le nal hoiirs for such sales, the follow ing described property to wit: All that lot, piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the town of Clinton In the county of Laurens and State of South Carolina, containing about one-fourth of one acre, morn or less, butting on Pitts street and bounded by lands of P. J. Moore, Young Dendy, J. M. Pitts, .lames W. Davis and J. M. I'ltts on which Is sit uated the stable lately occupied by the firm of Pitts & Adalr as sales and livery stable. Terms of sale: cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to ho resold on same or some subsequent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former purchaser. JOHN V. HOLT. c C c p. & Ci. S., Laurens, s. C. Dated, this Nov. 13, 1911. 16 3t State of South Carolina, County of Luurons. In Court of Common Pleas. Mrs. Etile M. Burns, individually, ami as Administratrix of the goods, chat tels, rights and credits of B. C. Um ns. deceased, Alma I* Workman. Ollie R. Coleman and Lillian G. Drowning, plaintiffs against R. D. Kugenc Burns and Don G. Bums, defendants. Pursuant to a decree of Court In the above stated ease. I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Lau reaa C. H. S. O, on Salesday In Decem ber. 1911, next, being Monday the 4th day of the month, during the legal bourse for such sales, the following described property to wit: Tract No. 3, The Simpson place, containing three hundred and llfty acres, more or less, end bounded on the north by LaFayottc Heudorson, on the east by (iid llcltnins, on tin- South by Mrs. Margaret Dial and Mrs. I. II. Cannon ami on the west by Tom Hen derson. This tract will be cut up into two Ol' inure tracts before sale and sold separately. Tract No. 1, A purl of the obi Bums place, containing eighty-live acres, more or less, and bounded on the north by Willis llurns. on tl.nsl by ('b in mil" Garrett, on the South by estate oi H. c. llurns, deceased and on the west by Mrs. until Uobortson. Tract No. ... \ pnrt of the obi Burns plnco, containing sixty-five (OR acres, more or loss, and bounded on the north by estate of It. ('. Hums, deceased, on the east by Fannie Wolfe, on the south by H. 11. Iltldgcns and mi the west by .1. II. Powers. Tract No. G A pari of the old llurns place, containing seventy-two acres, more or less, and hounded on (he north by Loo llurns, on tin1 east by Louis llurns. on ti e South by It. II. Iludgens lUld "11 lb.' west by estate of B. ('. llurns. deceased. Tract No. 7. Amelia Sbockley place, containing Blxty-four acres, more or less, and bounded on the north by .lohn OwlUgS, on tin- east by estnto of Ii. c. Burns, decent t. on the south by It. A. Cooper and on the west by \v. it. Putnam. Tract No. s. Wister Owlugs plnco, containing thirty seven c!7> acres more or less, and bounded on the north by Wasli Garrett, on the east by Willis llurns, on the South by Will llurns and on the west by Mrs. Car rie Duvall. No. :?. Thirty-one (111) lots of land, in the City of 1.aureus and County and Slate aforesaid, being known as lots Nos. '!> Block "A"- SR, SO, :!7. 38, 40, II, 12. In Rlock "IV: l7. r.x. R9, 0Q, Gl, G2. 01, OR, 00, 10, I*. R0, f>-'. RI in Itloek "F"- on I'lal of subdivision of Sonth Harper street, ICxtenslon made by W. 11. Neves. May loth. 1010. Nu. in rhlrty-two ?"-? lots of lam! in iho City of I.aureus. County and State aforesaid, being known as lots Nos. IS, I".. 17. IS), 00, 71. 7::. 7.".. 77. 7s, 7!1, mi. si. |)R in Block "V" and 08, To. 7:.'. 7 1, 70, K2, v., 81, So, 80, *7 and in Block "('.'*. being 'II Hie lots in said block; Also, lots Hit, ?0, 01, 92. 93, !i I in l lloi k "M ". being all the lot i in block "II". mi plat of subdivision of South Harper Street lOxtenslon, made by W. I ?. Neves, May in. I'llO. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, bal ance t'',?'If iho terms of sab- are not c mi In-I with, (he land to be resold on 1,,11'io or ?OlllO suhsetpmnl Salesday on snine terms, at risk of former purchaser. JOHN F. HOLT, r. c. c p k <:. s . Luurons, S. C. Dated, this Nov. I I, 101 I. IO-3t Citation for hellers of Vdiiiinislmtion. Stale of South Carolina, < Oil III) of 1.aureus. by (). fi. Thompson. Probate .bulge: Whereas, I. F Abereromble made suit to mo to grant him betters of Ad ministration of the 10 stale and ef fects of a b. Bolt. Those tiro therefore In < it.' and tub iiioiiIhIi ; !I anil i Ingbuir tho Kindi ed ?? nil credit'.i i ..: He- : id A, lb bolt, d< ceased, that they be and a j mar he fort! mo, ia the Court <>i I' :obato, to !..? bold f t Luureii! '' II. -' ' . <>n Hie :,ih d:r ol I loecmber, l!t| I next, after pnL'b'ntlnii hffrcol, (it ii o'clock it. jhc t'oronnoii, to show can c. if any 11: ? have, u by the sa id Ailtninl it rii I ion should not be i: muted fiivoii under my liaml this I Nth flay of November, Anno Domini mi) 0. n. Thompson; u I 7 ::t Probat ? Judge. Slate of South Carolina, Count) of Lauren-. Probate Court. Maiiba K. Moore, as Administratrix, with will annexed, ol the estate of Sarah F. bawllllSOli, deceased, and in her own right, plalntifl again si Carrie H. Holden et al, defendants, Pursuant to a decree of the Court in this action. I will sell at public OUtcry, at I.aureus C. II., S. C. Oil Balonday In Dei-ember, mil, next, be ing Monday the Ith day of Iho month, within the legal hours for such sales the following described tract of land to wit: All that tract, piece or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in Cross Mill township, In I.aureus county, S. ('., containing one hundred and one (101) acres, more or less, bounded on the north, east and south by lands of J. C. Wade, and on the west by lands of J. T. Hill and others. Terms of sale: One-half cash. Pur chaser to pay for papers. The credit portion to bear Interest from the date Of sale and be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the prom ises sold, with leave to the purchaser to pay his entire bid In cash. If the purchaser falls to comply with the terms of sale the property to be re sold on same oi some subsequent Salesday, on the same terms, at the risk of the former purchaser and with out further order of the Court. O. 0. THOMPSON, probate Judge. Nov. 18, 1911. i6-3t