The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 29, 1911, PART TWO; PAGES 9 TO 16, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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The question of the most profitable fertilizer [ >f& 'or P?tatoes nas been the subject of very Ik* .?^?WP^fc^ - extended investigations. The conclusion is that 1000 lbs. per acre of r ' ammonia, 8"o phosphoric acid and 10"o POTASH for early potatoes and 800 lbs. of 3-6-? for the late crop are the most profitable under average conditions. The Potash should be in the form of Sulfate. Many growers uu double these amounts. Such brands can be had if you insist upon them. Do not accept so-called potato fertilizers of low grade. Write us for Potash prices and for Free books with formulas and directions , GERMAN KALI WORKS, Inc. "TL ncntnl Uldi(., Bnttlmo'-o Monnttnocls Blo<.k,Cl.icntio /hltrtoy Central Bar.k Building, New Ortann? Conti Wl i\ There is no wrong end up with an Self-FilUg Safcty Fountain IT CANT LEAK, Pea Worry with this safety fountain pen. Just stick it into your pocket any way it happens to go. One little twist makes it leak itfht, ink-tight, air-tight. ome in and see how the little twist corks it up and how quickly it fills itself. Palmetto Drug Co. Knit Goods \ Another shipment just re ceived in Ladies and Misses Cotton Fleeced Underwear. Ladies Wool Suits in sep= erate pieces in white and scar let. Children's Union Suits in all sizes. Hen's scarlet and white Underwear, Aviation Caps, Toques and Scarfs. All wool and fleeced lined Cotton Hosiery. W. Q. Wilson & Co. 1. mm DEAR BOYS AND GIRLS: I am sorry to give up my Reindeers, but the world is growing and there are so many children I have gotten out my new automobile, and will see you Christmas. If you good children want Christmas gifts, dolls, carriages, pianos, horns, in fact, anything, go to Palmetto Drug Co., see what they have got. Write me a letter in their care . Your old SANTA CLAUS. Don't forget the Store. Palmetto Drug Co l Laurens, S. C. Suffers Penalty for Killing Young Wife. TRAGIC ENDING OF FAMOUS CASE Statement Given to Ministers in Which lie Confesses Awful Crime of Which He uns Accused?Electric Slunk Effective in Less < hau One Minute. Richmond, Vn., Nov. 24.?Henry Clay Seattle, Jr., went to his death at dawn today the Belf??confessed mur derer of his young wife. The confes sion was not made public until four hours alter he had paid the toll exacted by the law. He maintained to the end the remarkable nerve he had exhibited since first he was neonsed of killing his wife Oil the lone Mid lothian turnplk ' on the night of July is. His last expression was a sneer when he observed the chair that was to launch him into eternity. The confession was made puhlio in the rotunda of a down-town hotel by the Rev. Benj. Dennis, one of the min isters who had labored with Beattie to repent. As a matter of fact, it was acknowledged by the minister that Beattie first admitted his guilt No vember i), the day after be entered the death cell and before the fruitless appeal for a commutation of the cen tenee was made to Qov. Mann. It was not until yesterday that he would agree to its being put In writing for his signature. Then all hope with Qov. Mann was gone. The extraordi nary document follows: Benttlc's Confession. "I, Henry Clay Heattie. Jr., de sirous of standing right before God and man, do on this, the u:ird day of November, 1911, confess my guilt of the eritne against me. Much that was published concerning the details was not true, but the awful fact, without the harrowing eiroumstances. remains. For this notion I am truly sorry, and believing that I am at peaee with God and am soon to pass into His presence, this statement is made." Beattlc's confession was followed by this statement by the attending min isters: "This statement was signed in the presence of the two attending minis ters nnd Is the only statement thnt can and will be made public by them. "Mr. Beattie desired to thank the many friends for kind letters and ex pressions of interest and the public, for whatever sympathy was felt or ex pressed." An Interested Prisoner* Beattie's attitude throughout the trial ami the imprisonment that was ended only on his death was a study for a physcologist. He read the news papers avidly. Bvery reference to his case and to the fact that he was go ing to the chair without acknowledg ing his crime in the hope of saving his aged father further sorrow, ac cording to those who were with him to the end. seemed to afford him su preme satisfaction. Apparently he gloated over the notoriety his crime had brought him. Even after his confession he main tained his air of bravado. What had since November been considered stoicism now is recognized as cyn icism. His remarkable nerve seems to have had its basis and support in the knoweldge that he was being applaud ed ns a man of Spartan courage and Indexible will, The secret of his confession was I held inviolate by the ministers until ! today. Not even the broken-hearted father knew of its existence, friends of the family declare. Not until four hours after he had been pronounced dead in the death chamber Iii state's prison were the murderers's attorneys cognizant that he had made a clean breast of his Kuilt. Went to Cliuir Gamely, With the Interpldlty that had marked his conduct from the begin ning. Beattie went to the chair and brought the sordid story to a damatie end. The shock that killed Beattie was given at exactly 7:19 o'clock this morning. Three times the current was turned on and at 7:23 it was shut off. Doctors W. T. nnd St. Julien Oppenheimer a minute later an nounced thnt death had been instan taneous. The 22 persons in the death chnm ber thereupon filed out nnd the end of a lengthy nnd costly battle for Justice had ended. In addition to the two physicians there were gathered In the death house when Beattie appeared the 12 witnesses to the execution ns required by law. the Hev. John J. Fix, the Rev. Benj. Dennis, MnJ. James B. Woods, superintendent of the peni tentiary, the electrician ana four deputy wardens. Tht loom was Hooded with light fror.. . group of Incandescent lamps set in ts. *ow ceil iiu; and a light that swung on its cord Immediately above the chair. A Silent Scene. There was no conversation. The witnesses labored under too great a strain, and all, even the prison at tendants, seemed ill at ease and anx ious to be done. The electrician brought a hoard studded with electric bulbs and laid it across the arms of the chair. The lamps blazed brightly. Then in other ways the instrument of death was tested and finally at a signal attendants went over the ap paratus, attaching the deadly elec trodes and testing every strap and clamp. When the preliminaries were over, Maj. Woods, accompanied by two deputies, threw back an iron studded door and started for the death cell Instantly the death chamber was plunged in blackness with the excep tion of a vivid circle of light from the hooded and powerful lamps above the chair. The chair, an oaken bit of furniture, which except for straps and steel bands, might grace any library, was on a rubber mat. AH but it was obscured, tho dazzling rays from the low swinging lamp throwing everything else into dark ness st) dense as almost to bo felt. Death Warrant Head. The little party in the chamber heard the superintendent a few feet away droning out the death warrant. Beattlo listened to it with Intensity! but did not flinch. He stood during the tending, as is the. custom, and when it was ended be swayed just a trifle but quickly recovered. Then, without assistance, he took bis place between the guards and be gan bis inarch to the unknown. His entrance to the death chamber was iis dramatic as anything he had done ?since first he commanded the public eye. lie halted for a moment on the threshold, looked on the chair with an inscrutable smile that had in it the hint of a sneer, and then walked briskly forward. Not once did he de sign to strive to pierce the blackness outside his circle of glowing light. It had been feared that the pris oner would flinch when the moment came to seat himself in the chair. There was no trepidition and not a bint of hesitation in Heattie's atti tude. Still wearing his peculiar smile, half amused and half cynical, be stepped lightly Into the seat, settled himself as though he hail been look ing forward to the rest and assisted the attendants in adjusting the straps and clamps by placing bis arms and hands in the proper position. The only indication that he was under a nervous strain was disclosed by his tightly clenched teeth. During the few seconds preceding the turning on of the current Heattie moved once. While tho attendants were stepping back, he squeezed his feet back as though to seek a still more comfortable posi tion. At the same time he raised his head, now almost completely hidden by the leather helmet that covered the upper part of his head and face. The next second the shock came. Taken to Morgue. When the law was avenged and the witnesses were gone, the prison at tendants removed the body to the mortuary room which adjoins the death chamber. There it lay for four hours until an undertaker, authorized by the Heattie family to prepare it for burial, removed it to his morgue. Town still Gasping. Events moved so rapidly during the day that Richmond still is gasping. The sudden production of the murder er's confession caused a profound sen sation. There had been rumors of tho existence of such a document, but tho rumors were based on nothing tangible. Early and persistently they were denied, the family of the slayer, by the attorneys, who had taken part in the case, and by the prison author ities. The ministers refused to dis cuss the reports, putting off all in terrogators with the simple statement that they hoped for a confession. The acknowledgment of his crime by Heattie was nowhere received,With more satisfaction than in the execu tive mansion. QoV. .Mann, who resist ed all pressure brought to bear upon him to commute the sentence or to Issue a reprieve has worried himself into a state bordering on a nervous breakdown, through entertaining the fear that he might he permitting an innocent man to go to his doom. The same deep satisfaction is shared by the jurors who convicted Heattie, the attorneys who prosecuted him and by the witnesses whose evidence sent him to the chair. Heattie was convicted solely on cir cumstantial evidence. There could be found no one who had seen the fatal shot fired nor any person who could deny emphatically the Illogical story of the tall, beared stranger, the mythical person whom Henttle charg ed with the murder. This doubt, in the face of damning circumstantial evidence, so linked as to be practical ly conclusive, thus Is cleared away by the slayers pot humous aeknowl edtnement of a murder that has held the interest of the whole country. Fine line of "Link" Roa?ters for your Christmas Turkey. S. M. & E. H. Wllkes & Co. Delicious Coffee every Morning and always the same with a Rochester Percolator Popular in Price - Simple to Operate - SAVES NEARLY because it extracts all of the good Ask for our Illustrated Polder : " How to Make Delicious Coffee." AM. SIZF.S S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. CORTRIGHTsh.ngle Buildings covered over twenty years ago are as good as new and have never needed repairs. Fireproof ? Stormproof?Hand some ? Inexpensive. For further detailed information apply to Local Dealer or Cortright Metal Roofing Co., Philadelphia, Penn. r-n Buyers Guide and Classified BUSINESS DIRECTORY PRESSING CLUB! C?Ll7~ E. V. FERGUSONS' Pressing Club For Cleaning, Piessing and Dyeing. All Alterations promptly and neatly done. Telephone No. 254. Harness, Horse Goods and VehiclesI The difference between a rut and a grave is the length and the breadth of it. If you deal with JOHN A. FRANKS there is no danger of falling into either. STEAIY LAUNDRY! We wash everything but the Baby. Put your duds in my suds. The best combina tion in Laurens. Laurens Steam Laundry ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Come in und see nboat Hie West Iho U80 Rugged Tungsten Lamps am! let ns reduce your light hill. W. P. HUDGENS Tinning. Rooffing and PLUMHING! S. S. BOYD~ Plumber and Tinner Dealer in Plumber's and Tin ner's Supplies. Upstairs opposite City Hall. MONUMENTS! P. F. Baxter & Son Marble and Granite Dealers Oeorgia, Vermont and Italian MARBLES [Winsboro Granite kept on yard all the time at Newborryv S. C. GROCERIES Delicacies of the Season For all the Delicacies of the season KENNEDY BROTHERS is the place to go. Laurens' Up-to-date Grocers BOTTLING WORKS! We are the sole bot tlers for Coca Cola, the famous drink. Coca Cola Bottling Works Advertiser PrlntingCo. '?The Quality Printshop" Specialist in Every Class of Job Work