The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 25, 1911, PART 1; PAGES 1 TO 10, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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fLOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. ? MIbs Ethel Simmons spent Sunday in the city with her parents, Col. Oscar Babb spent the early part of the week In the city. Miss Dorothy Owens, of Clinton, was in the city visiting Monday morning. Miss Jennie Fleming spent Sunday in the city with her mother and other relatives. Mr. C. S. Curtis of New York City spent the week-end in the city on business. Mr. W. A. Putnam, of Barksdale, Is in the city on business.?Greenwood Daily Journal. Mr. Robert Roper, who is attending Fur man University, spent Sunday in the city with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Owens, Jr., spent the week-end in the city as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. C.ilkerson. Messrs J. L. Fellers and .J. W. .Mat thews were among the visitors here from Mountville last Wednesday. Miss arie Tolbert, of Laurens, is a teai ?? at the Hyatt Park school and is quite popular.?"The State." Mrs. E. P. Mtnter and Miss Marjorie Gelder have returned from a pleas ant stay of a few weeks at Asheville. Mr. Will Orndoff, proprietor of the Rod Hot Hacket stores was among the business visitors in Luurens Saturday. Misses Gladys and Velma Smith of Easley are the guests this week of Miss Sadie Sullivan and Miss Wil Lou Gray. Among the recent additions to the population of the city Is Mr. and Mrs. Win. 11. Snyder and family, of New Jersey. Mr. John D. W. Watts will go down to Columbia tomorrow to attend to his business as general manager of the State Fair. Rev. .1. 1\ Marion and wife are spending a few days in the city with Mrs. Marlon's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Lrhy. Dr. and Mrs. 11. K. Alken entertalu ? ? : ,ii dinner Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Wilkes and Mr. and .Mrs. Cnroll Miller. Rev. 11. L. Baggott, who has been making his residence here, lias moved his family to Gray Court so as to he nearer his church. Mrs. P. W. Devon- and little son, Harold, left today fur Barksdale, Lau rens county, to visit relatives.- Green wi) hi Daily Journal. Miss Tallu Neville, of Clinton, spent last night in the city with Mrs. II. K. Aiken on her way to Boston, where she will spend the winter. Dr. Robert Adams spent Monday night in the city with his son, Mr. .1. .1. Adams and continued the next day to Clinton to attend the meeting of Synod. Messrs. B. A. Sullivan and 13. P. Mir.ter of the Oakland Heights Realty ?Company, were business visitors in Abbeville last week. They will go to McBee this week where they will hold a big land sale. Mrs. Eugenia Teague, or Mountville. spent a part of last week in tin- city at the home of her son. Dr. J. H. Teague, and left Sunday with Master Calvin Teague Tor Spartanhurg. Calvin re? turhed yesterday ami Mrs. Tongue will roturn today to attend the bazaar. Rev. G. M. Boyd, who is well known hi re where he preached many years ago, has been visiting in the City for several days. Mr. B'?yd was pastor of ti.e Methodist church at this place when it was made a station in the Conference. His numerous friends are very glad to see him trt his old home agnin. Misses Juanita Martin, Clara Daven port, Mary Teague, Lila Clark and Messrs. Joe Smith. Henry Connts. t lyde Fowler, A. P. Nichols. Tom Hen derson, Krank Henderson, .laut' L. Kinard, Pelham Chancy, Wellie Mc D.iniel and Dr. T. L. Timmerman were ;:n<oiiK those who attended the festival at Trln'lty-Rldge school house Fri day evening. The Unklndest Cut. Father (to his son, a doctor)?If this Isn't the limit! I pay all that money for you to study medicine, and the first thing you do Is to cut me off my drinks. A Partnership. "My father and I know everything In ?jo world," ?aid a small boy to bia companion. "All right," the latter said. "Whero'i Aeia?" It was a stiff question, but tho lit tle fellow answorcd coolly: "That I? jone of the questions my father knows." I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. | fef9fcte&&a&^%%^A&t%Q4fc#^fe*^^ia4%%%% Miss Sadie Sullivan was the host ess at a charming afternoon party last Saturday, given in honor of her vis itors, Misses Gladys and Velma Smith of Easley. After several games of heart-dice the hostess served delicious cream and cake. During the after noon, Miss Velma Smith entertained the guests with several pretty songs, ooo The Misses Smith were again the guests of honor at a delightful par ty given last night by Miss Wil Lou Gray at her home on West Main street ooo Mcllichamp-Young. Winnshoro, Oct. 20.?The marriage of Miss Kate Mellichamp and Marion Julian Young was celebrated Thurs day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. Rev. Oliver Johnson offi ciated. The church was made a scene of loveliness by the decorations of green and white, large and willowing ferns and majestic palms being used. Preceding the ceremony and while the guests were entering the church Miss Nell Qooding rendered a few selections. The ushers, who were Misses Martha and Queenle Mobley, Jennie Young and Mary Ellison, an nounced the approach of the wedding party by walking down the aisle; and then Miss Qooding commenced Men delssohn's wedding march. The first of the wedding party were the two little ribbon bearers, Masters Pierre Mellichamp and Jack Mc.Master; then the little ring bearer, Master Riley McMaster. Following was the groom, who came In with his best man, Ar chie Young. On the opposite aisle walked the bride, gowned in an ex quisite white satin, hand-embroidered in pearls and enveloped in a snow veil of white tulle, she being attended by Miss Annie Laurie Groves. The church was darkened during the cere mony and a myriad of electric globes cast their soft glow upon the party as they formed at the altar. Alter the marriage the couple re paired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. N. Mc.Master, where a reception was tendered them. While the guests were making merry and enjoying the feasts of delicacies the bride stole quietly away and changed her wed ding gown for a traveling suit of brown with shoes and bat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Young left for Colum bia and from there will probably go to the mountains of North Carolina to spend their bridal trip. The out of-town guests here for the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. CuttillO Melli champ and son. Pierce, of Hlackville, Misses Jonnio and Lutie and Archie Young of James Island, Mises An nie Laurie Groves of Hlaskville. Misses Queenle Mobley, May Ketthin, Roberta Roshorough and Martha Mobley of Columbia.--The Staie. Taxes Coming in Slowly. County Treasurer Ross D. Young is now receiving county and state tax es. At least he is now ready to re ceive them, but they are coining in very slowly. Only about $1,000 has come in so far. TMN1TY.RIDGE FESTIVAL Very successful Entertainment at this School Last Friday. The festival which was given at Trinity-Ridge school house last Fri day night was a decided success In every way. The crowd was larger than bus ever attended such an occa sion at this place, and everyone seem ed to enjoy it very much. The refreshments, which consisted of fruit, candy, cake, and cream, were delight ful as was evidenced by the fact that more could have been sold had the committee expected such a crowd. The success of the affair was due largely to the enthusiasm and untir ing efforts of the ladies of the com munity. As a result of their work, a profit of $21.75 was realized. This money will be used for school Im provement. There was no school at this place last Thursday. The holiday was giv en so that the teachers and pupils might attond the county fair. Some Of the exhibits of the Trinity-Ridge children. won the "blue." Mr. Jeff Jacks and son. Jesse of Simpsonvllle, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth I^ingston last Thursday night. Miss Elolse Drown and Master Alex Drown of Cross Hill were week-end visitors of their aunt, Mrs. Robt. Drown. William, the young son of Dr. Ceo. Knight, was knocked from his horse by another boy while they were riding in the ring at the County Fair. Luck ily, he was not seriously hurt. Misses Payne and Putnam, assist ant teachers of the Trinity-Ridge school visited their home people Sat urday and Sunday. The Goods You Choose Will Come To Your Home As They Ought To Come They will be delivered with painstaking care. Delivery service as well as every service fully warrants every young couple in visiting this store. T 1 Solid Car Load of Fine Side boards and Buffets. They are in Mahogany and Oak. The Oak in either Golden or Mis sion finish. Prices range from $10.50 up to $75.00 $2.00 up to $18.50 Beautiful Library Tables From Sec our line of fine Rockers. Over fifty styles to select from, livery one a good value. Price from 50 cts Up. Vt?fcL ... . ?-^.*? ?rn.ii) ^iMr fir ~ Only $1.50 The best Metal Lamps on the market. It's worth ajvisit to our Store just to sec the beauti ful Tailor Suits we are showing. We have both three and live piece Suits, upholstered in genuine leather or cloth. Prices from $27.50 to $60.00. Dining Tables From $3.75 up to $50.00 Big Line to Select Prom. mm. Only $1.75 Beautiful Parlor Lamps. LAURENS, South Carolina