Too Late, Too Late, to think about taking out a policy on your house if it is already burning. We take a risk but not a certainty. If you have taken ^ J\ time by the forelock, and ins-urod your property against fire, you have the Absolute Certainty _j that the company Will pay all your losses. The race is to the swift, awl you owe it to your family to protect them from all I oublcs. Do not be a laggard. I E.H.WILKES&SON I Stocka - Bonds - Insurance Enterprise Bank Building Laurens, S. C. I PINE TREE BEETLE KILLING THE TREES Methods of Counteracting: the Inroads of the Beetle are Discussed at rei ser Meeting?Many Trees Dying. In the presence of one of the most representative gatherings of farmers and timber men ever held in the Pied mont Sectio: oi be stnto, Mr. B. B. Mason, of the Spartanburg station of Forest Insect investigation of agri culture .delivered an address recent ly in Pelzer on the pine bark beetle, its destructive work and the best means of preventing and destroying it. The audience was composed of rep resentative farmers all of whom had been heavy losers of timber because of the destructive ravages of the in sect. Many of them Came from the distance of 20 or more miles, while there were one or two from Laurons, Anderson and other parts of the state. Ho stated that (he pine bark beetle had been with us for years, but only in the last few years bad scientists discovered that it was what was de stroying the pine timber throughout the South, and only recently had its ravages grown to such an extent as it is now. He said that the beetle usually riddle a tree and kill it in 30 days. He cited instances where as much as 45 acres have been killed in that short time. He warned the farmers against cut WANTED All Young Men and Women interested in a business course to write or call at once for full information of The Special Opening Rates Southern Commercial Schools Fire Proof Building Greenwood, S. C. Chalcston and Spartanburg, S. C, Winston-Salcm, Wilmington, Salisbury and Durham, North Carolina. The Highest Endorsed Business College in the South Atlantic. Secures Positions for Graduates or Refunds Money WE BUY AND SELL s? I REAL ESTATE! ffl Nice house and lot on Martin Street near South Harper Street. Nice house and lot on Sullivan Street for $1,500. Quick sale. We offer for sale brick house and lot on Jail Street. List your property with us. We think we know values in City and County Property: Business entrusted to us will re ceive expert and careful attention. See us. Home Trust Co. N. B. DIAL, C. H. ROPER, President. Sec. & Treas. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA *>1 c9b ting their timber la the months of August, September and October. ?e the smell of the pitch attracts the beetles and means certain destruction of the rest of the timber left stand ing. "Burn your timber and the bark before February 15th," said Mr. Ma son, "and don't leave any of it till spring, as it contains millions of bee tles which will escape and continue the work of destruction." "In November the beetles go into living trees, and instead of coming out they spend the winter, Then is the time to go after them. It is only necessary to destroy the trees in which they are wintering and burn the bark." The certain indication that tree is filled with the beetles is when it turns light green, yellow or greenish brown. Then one can be certain that be has trees which have the beetle. He stressed the Importance of co operation, saying that nothing could be done without the assistance of all. Mr. Mason summed up his Interesting and instructive remarks with the fol lowing: "First: Don't cut any living or dead timber during the summer months without specific advice?this is to pro tect your own timber. Second: From November on through the winter watch out for trees that are changing to light green, yellow or greenish brown; cut them down and burn the bark?you don't have to both er with old dead trees or trees that died during the summer?there are none of Jhese beetls in them. This is to protect your own timber and your neighbor's timber as well. Third: Get all your neighbors work ing together. Cooperate. We can only ^iw advice. Your salvation lies in your own hands. The dying (,f this pine means a great deal to the South. We can tell you how to save it. If you follow our ad vice you can save it. Let us unite and do it. Wo want the names and ad dresses of every owner of pine timobr who desires to follow our advice so we can send him instructions. Let us have your names before you go. We hope and believe you are going to be missionaries to help save the pine that is left. You owe it to yourselves. You owe it to your neighbors. Mr. Mason desires to announce that he will be glad to send literature to all who will address the Forest Insect Investigating Station at Spartanburg. Prom lime to lime bulletins on this subject wlil he issued by the depart ment in Washington, for distribution in the South. From the audience which was pres ent it could be seen that there are a great number of farmers in the Piedmont section of the state who have suffered from the destructive' effects of the beetles. Some promi nent farmers present stated that they had lost as much as loot) cords in a short space of time. This shows the quick and destructive work of the beetles. It was seen from the interest taken and the crowd that was present that the meeting will be of immense benefit to the farmers of this section. ?Anderson aDily Mail. Blondine Itching and Bleeding Ointment Piles. Psoriasis, Salt Cures Hhcum, Pimples. Eczema Hashes, Dandruff and Falling Hair. Mrs. H. W. Allen. Oaffney. S. C. says: "I have used Hloodlne Ointment for Fczeina and find it a most effective remedy." We are showing some unusual \.il ties on our Ten Cent Counter, call and look them over. S. M. &. F. H. Wilkes & Co New Medicine Called Digestit Supplied to the Drug Stores * _ The Public is Given an Opportunity to Test the Merit of Digestit?The New Relief for Stomachs. RELIEVES INDIGESTION ALMOST INSTANTLY Drug Stores Authorized to Supply a Limited Number of Packages Without Cost?A Positive Proof of Merit. All first claas drug stores have been | supplied with Dlgostlt, the new remedy for indigestion and all Stoma?-', up sets, and sufferers are invited to try this now medicine with the distinct understanding that your druggist will " refund the money If you oro not pl-jased with the results of a few dos H?O. Digestl* Ii? ? ......tain relief for nil for?*lu ur Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, belching, or that full stuf fy feeling after eating a hearty meal. It is a harmless remedy absolutely free from poisons or habit-forming drugs; it simply digests food and tones tho stomach to Its natural hoalthful condition. The distributors of this remarka ble remedy propose to prove beyond a doubt its merit and have authorized the drug stores to furnish a limited number of full size f>0c packages with out cost. If you are a victim of Indigestion you cannot afford to miss tills oppor tunity to get relief. Go to your drug gist now and get a package without cost. The number is limited Bel ter go now. JONES EOK HOVE EltNORI Bead of State Judiciary mentioned as Blenso's Sucessor. Columbia. Aug. 31?That Chief Justice Ira B. Jones of the state su preme court may become a candidate1, for governor is a possibility that is being taken seriously. Several news papers have commented on his fit ness for the position, and the Lancas ter News, the home paper of the chief justice, in its last issue, repro duced these comments and adds the following: "It Is very gratifying to Judge Jones' host of friends here to know that their distinguished fellow towns man is being urged to enter the ernatoriai race, and it is earnestly hoped by them that he will be pre vailed upon to do so. "Judge Jones would make an ideal chlel executive. His irreproach able private character and spotless public record, bis pre-eminent ability, fine discriminating judgment and uni versally recognized impartiality in the administration of Justice, bis wide knowledge of men and affairs peculiar ly and happily fit him for the office of governor of South Carolina. "As a candidate for the office Judge' Jones would be irrestistible. He has no superior in the state as a stump speaker. Ever cool and deliberate, quick and ready in debate, resource ful, (inn and eoura^eoiijs. eloquent and forceful in delivery, the Judge Is a man whom few if any would care to tackle in public discussions before the people in a political campaign. Career of Chief Justice. The commanding ability of the chief I justice is everywhere recognized; bis decisions have impressed the bar with bis learning and his fairness. Dur- . ine. his service on the supreme bench he has followed South Carolina tradi tion and has not participated id polit ical fights at all .but he is by no means a tyro in the political game. He served in the bouse of representatives from Lancaster county from 1890 to ISOOk lie was chairman of the ways and means Committee when Speaker .1. I.. M. Irby was elected senator to succeed Wade Hampton and there upon Mr. Jones was elected speaker, which position he held until January. I89C, when he was unanimously elect ed associate justice of the supreme court In lOtiL' he was unanimously re elected for a term of eight years, but before the expiration of this term be was elected, in 1909, chief justice? to succeed lion. V. .1. Pope, resigned. Chief Justice Jones was a member of the constitutional convention in IS!b"> .of which he was vice president He was at one time a member of the state democratic committee and has been active in educational work. Ib is a graduate of Krskjne College, one of his classmates being Maj. .1. C. Hemphill, now of Richmond. A Dreadful Sight. to 11. .1. Bnrnum, of Preeville, N. Y? was the fever-sore that bad plagued his life for years in spite of many rem edies be tried. At last be used Buck lens Arnica Salve and wrote: "It has I entirely healed with scarcely a scar left.'' Heals burns. Bolls, Fczoiua. Cuts. Bruises, Swellings, Corns ami Piles like magic. Only 25c at I.aureus Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. Not a Word of Scandal, marred the call of a neighbor on Mis. W. P. Spaugh, of Mamille, Wyo., who said: "She told me Dr. King's New Life Pills bad cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman. Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 2Rc at I.aureus Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. II \ It MOW NEWS. Harmony. Sept. 2.?We have had a bad Week for gathering fodder in this section. A plenty of rain has fal len here and now is a good lime to BOW turnips. If conditions are ev erywhere like they are here, the tur nips will be noeded. Fall ami winter vegetables are going to be scarce. The old adage, "Propar for war in time of peace" will be true in this matter. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Pickehs, of Greenville, spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Plckcns' mother, Mrs. Martha Medlock. Mr. ami Mrs. L. T. II. Daniels, of Greenvllld county, visited a, this place last Sunday. A very enjoyable day was spent hero last Thursday when the people of this section enjoyed a line old Sunday school picnic. It was just an obi fash ioned picnic, without any speaking, and everybody enjoyed the da to the very fullest extent. Some itched horse shoes, some pitched -.onie played croeanole, some ran ices and a general good time V In the ansence of the p er Kdgar Davis preached ing sermon for US last S cr meeting Is held here night. As usually treated. will disable a man ' weeks, but by apply: Liniment freely as s< is received, and obs< tlons with each bottb effected in from two t sale by all dealers. I FortifyY>ur Future | || SjtJrUuUd. ~4a?x>?y, , ^ The hole in the ground, the crevice in the wall, a friend's pocket-book, or your own, is not as safe a place to keep your money as is our bank, which is fire and burglar proof. We refer those who have not banked with us to those who have. Make OUR Rank YOUR Rank. We pay liberal '. iterest consistent with safety. Enterprise Bank Laurens, S. C. N. B. Dial, President C. H, Roper, Cashier ANNOUNCEMENT! WE WISH to announce the daily arrival of our Fall and Winter Stock. SOur buyer has, for the past & month, with infinite care ran= L< , sacked the Hastern Markets, and * for this reason we feel that we can assure our customers of all ^ that is newest in Dry Qoods, Clothing, Shoes and flillinery. 4 We believe, as often stated be= A fore, that "Honesty is the Best ?1 Policy" Therefore we only buy M * Qoods that we can sell under a * Positive Guarantee. Our motto "If It's from Us=-It Must be Right" is lived up to, to the letter. We wish to invite yo come at once and inspect our Fall Stock of Dry Goods, Cloth ing:, Shoes and Millinery. Some A Special Bargains have been ar= ^ ranged for early buyers. i me k> l< u to V. r!p lS.Poliakoffi jt Next Door to Post Office Laurens, S. C. Lj TO THIS PUBLIC! The Undersigned Has Opened a New Black smith and Carriage Shop. The Shop is now open for public work. Forg ing, scientific horse-shoeing, buggy and wagon re pairing, tire shrinking by hot or cold method done by a competent mechanic. ALL WORK GUARANTY ED. <' 11 on me and be convinced that my p** ^ up-to-date. mbcMard E. C. F. BF'