Madden, Aug. 28.?There was an es pecially Interesting service at Pros pect Sunday. The always solemn or dinance of bnptlsm was administered to ten cundidates by the pastor, Rev. Jodie Martin. Five of thcBO however ?will unltu with Ueaverdain church. It was a beautiful BCene and' impressive. Two of the candidates were young boys both just merging Into manhood, sev en lovely young girls and one dear Christian mother, who came to us from another denomination. May they, like the Master of Old, "Go about doing good."' As it was a union service, we were glad to welcome many friends from other churches. We noted among the large congregation Mr. and Mrs. Edd Mtlam, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Madden, of Lisbon. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. Will TengUO, Mr. Tom Colo man, and nearly all the prominent members of Ueaverdain congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Fowler of Mt. Pleasant and Mr. and Mrs. Lobt. Hoyd of Kkotn were among those who wor shipped with us. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Montjoy of Clin - ton came over Sunday for the Bap tismal servclo . Among the comers and goors recent ly in our midst we note the genial face of Mr. Haste Stuart and wife of Clin ton who wero the guests recently of Mr. P. H. Martin, Mrs. Stuart s brother. Miss Hallle Culbertson of Ekom was the pleasant giiesl of her uncle. Mr J. I). Culbertson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fowler, of Mt. Pleasant were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Culbertson Sunday. Mrs. Mol lie TeagUQ has returned from a delightful family reunion at the home of her son, Mr. Kdd TengUC of Spartnnburg. Mr. and Mrs. Alon/o Culbertson were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Finley. Mr. Arthur Madden. Jr., of Columbia has been the guest for the past two weeks of Ills little cousin. Malra Mad den . Mrs. Pat Madden of Cross Hill spent last week with his brother. Mr. Jno. A. Madden. Mr .and Mrs. Ernest Hurts were ov er for the baptizing Sunday. While here they were the guests of Mt'< and Mrs. Hoe Culbertson. Mr. .1. I). Culbertson is giving his store a thorough over-hauling on the inside. Messrs. Add Martin and Doug lass Bryson are the worKmen. The machinery for the ginnery has arrived. The gentleman jsent out by the company 1h now here placing name, and the gin will be in operutlon at an early date. Several changers In real estate hat? taken place. Mrs. M. T. Allison has Isold her farm to Messrs. Clyde Mar tin and John L. Flnley. Mr. Flnley ! will begin to build at once on bis part. Mr. Pitts Henry has sold his home i place to The Laurent! Trust Company. We hope this farm will bo subdivided I and sold to small farmers. It Is a most desirably located place. Mr. Jimmle Benjamin of Beaverdam will also come among us. He is soon to erect a house near his father-in law, Mr. Alonzo Culbertson. Mr. Ellsha Wat kins has rented the place locally known as the Watt Fin ley place. Willi tbe Influx of all these good people our community will necessarily receive a new Impetus. School time is will} us again. Mrs. .1. I-:. McFaddeil of Clinton will teach for us this year. Prof. B. V. Culbert 8011, who for so many years did good service here, stepped out and up to the editor's chair in the sanctum of The Herald. j The rains have come and we are all serene and happy, save those alack, who have their fodder and corn tops down. First Dose Knds Indlvcstloil, Heart burn or tins on Stomach. The question as to how long you are goinu to continue a sufferer from In digestion, dyspepsia or out-of-order stomach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking Hloodine . If your stomach is lacking in diges tiv.? power, why not help the stomach I to do its work, not with drastic drugs, but as re-enforcement of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work in the stomach. People with weak stomachs should take a little Hloodine occasionally, and there will be no more indigestion, no feeling like a lump of lead in the stom ach no heartburn sour risings, gas on stomach, or belching of undigested food, headaches, dizziness or sick stomach: and besides, what you eat will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these i symptoms resulting from a sour out of-order stomach and dyspepsia are generally relieved live minutes after taking a little Hloodine. Co to your druggist and get a 50 cent bottle of Bloodino now and you will always go to the table with a hearty appetite, and what you eat will taste good, because your stomach and intestines will be ( lean and fresh, and you will know there are not going to bo any more bad nichts and miserable days for you. Hloodine will refreshen you and make you feel like life Is worth living. Hloodine costs but 50 cents a bottle. Mail orders tilled. The Hloodine Corpo ration. Boston, Mass. Laurens Drug Co.. Laurens. S. C. For Ice Cream When you have a party at home, when a few friends are in vited to dine with you or when, on any occasion, you desire a delightful dessert. Prompt attention will be given and immediate delivery made, Don't ask us what kind we have?tell us the kind yon want?we'll make it for yon. We make all kinds. Here are Some of Our Specialties: Fruit, Vanilla, Chocolate, Caromel, Sherrytina, Mareschino, Mapolene, Walnut Bisque. Fresh Shipment of GUTH'S The King of Candies Just Received. RAY'S \ BLOCK LAURENS, 5. C. T DISASTROUS STORM V!?!TS CHARLESTON (Continued from page one.) blow to both Industries. The fertilizer mills also were dam aged badly. In the city, the damage Is largely In the unroofing of houses, blowing down of fences, toppling over of chlm neys, etc. The Hooding of premises ; I und goods, with the unroofing of the 1 buildings added to the property losses. [ The water front has suffered as It has j not done since the cyclone of 188f>, when great havoc was wrought. A half dozen wharves have been knocked away in whole or part and shipping has suffered a good deal. Islanders Rescued. Great anxiety felt for the safety of the people marooned on Sullivan's Is land was relieved early in the after noon with the arrival of the Consoli dated Company s steamer. The steam er tied up late yesterday at Mount Pleasant terminal, where it remain ed until this afternoon. Horrowing experiences were told by some of the passengers. Whon the storm reached its highest tho island was completely Inundated. I Houses were flooded. Splendid work in rescu ing individuals and families was done by the soldiers from Fort Moultrle, the rescued being taken care of at the government reset vat ion. Along the water front great havoc was wrought t,o shipping Two wharves were completely wrecked, while two pier heads of the Clyde Steamship company were badly damaged. Fight or ten schooners and small steamers were either sunk or damaged. The schooner Kdwina has nine feet of wa ter in her hold; a few boards tell the story of all that Is left of the pilot boat Sophia Amelia; the dredge Sewes was sunk. The schooner Laura Hall I Is ashore on a mud fiat up the Cooper river. The schooner Humarock sus tained serious damage by pounding. The naval reserves also suffered some loss. High Tides at Wrights*illc. Wilmington. X. ('.. Aug. '-'S.?Ex Cept for very high tides at Wrights Vllle Bench, a summer resort nine miles east of this city, and the conse quent scurrying of a number of resi dents and hotel guests to this city, Wilmington and this section felt very little effect of the severe storm that raged along the South Carolina coast Sunday and today. The British steam er Katherine Inward bound from Huel va, Spain .with cargo of pyrites, was struck by a rain squall some distance down the Cape Fear river and tho pi lot, having lost sight of the range lights the vessel ran ashore but was floated subsequently without damage and proceeded to this port. Damage at Savannah. Augusta. Ha.. Aug. 28.? Passengers who have just arrived from Savannah, and crews of the Central of Georgia train, say the dam.ige from the storm was not so great in that city as was! first feared. The greatest injury to the city is in being completely cut off from all wire communication'. Xo loss of life has been.reported, though the wreckage among houses along the water front has been extensive. The sti.t-- are littered with debris and all today business was at a complete standstill. The electric lighting plant and pow er house was seriously damaged last night :,"d the city is in total darkness. Xo street cars are in operation and i< is reported that they can't be In op eration again before Wednesday morn-' ing or possibly later. Trains are forced to proceed cau tiously on account of the leaning tel egraph pob s and uprooted trees along tlx- right of way. The greatest damage was in Tybeo Island which Conductor Harmon reports was practically Inun dated bill reports from other source.; is that 'ho railroad from the island succeeded in operating trains up to 10: .'JO |ast night ami practically all the p-oplc had got ton off Hie island lo tin- mainland. It i-; also reported that (Hero have boon several coasl wrecks. Harlj Horning Itcport, Summervlllo, Tuesday .Aug. 2'.).? The gale that has boon swooping over the South Carolina and Georgia coast for the past ::c, hours was completely subsided last night at 11:3b o'clock, according to passengers reaching Sum-j mervlllo this morning at an early hour. The loss is estimated at from $1, 000.000 to ?l,r,00,000. The death list of seven has not been increased al though a diligent search of the city and outlying districts has been made. Trains Inst night entered the un ion station. The water which was fhreo feet deep in the station efrly In tho afternoon has completely sub sided. The city Is In complete dark ness and no street cars nre being op erated. Charleston police stated at a late hour last night that no van dalism had been reported. Many of the summer visitors on the Islands near tue city left on the late afternoon ttnin. Report-! reaching here from Sul llvnn's Island say there was no loss of life thoro .although the loss to propetry was groat TUMBLING SHOALS. Mr. Thomas Sullvian was In I.nurens Saturday on business. Miss Clara Snipes, of Fountain Inn, was a visitor in this community Thurs day and Friday. Mr. It .T. Pitts, after spending a few days In Columbia, has returned home. Mr. G. C. Abercrombie attended the picnic at Cross Anchor last Friday. Miss Polly Holt, who has been sick for some time, is now slowly improv ing. Miss Niza Sullivan Is spending some time in Shelby. N. C. with her slst? I Mrs. Margie Culbertson. A good rain fell in this section this week and everybody was glad to see it Mr. William I) .Sullivan was ;i visi< tor In Lavirens last Thursday. Mr. pud Mrs Eddie Wilson made a visit to the home or his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Traynhain. at Princeton last week. Mr. D. W Holt is the guest this week o fhis undo. Mr. K. T. Pitts, in Pllloil Quaker soot ion. Mr. Willie Sullivan made a trip to Augusta lust week. Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Taylor have re turned to Lauren* after visiting rela tives here for a short time. Interesting Statistic*. More than 97 per cent, of the peo ple In the Pnited States have kidney and bladder tr?uhle, and during the past eight years Rloodtne Blood and: Kidney Tablets ha\e cured per cent, of the case* treato? with them. They are guaranteed to cure all kid ney and bladder troubles. Laufens Drug, Co., Special Agents. Stop Scratching Par-a-?it-i-cide cures itch and mange in 30 minutes. Pimples and Ringworms quickly. Price 50c at LAURENS DRUG CO. 60c by mail or express from Dr. L. J. Sharp & Co., Commerce, Ga. Guaranteed. "Take no substitute." When you feel Jftsas* TOUS, tired, worried or despondent it is a. sure sign you need MOTTS NERVERINE PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and make life worth living. De sure and ask for Mott's Nerverine Pills BfeSfii Wit UAMS MFG. CO., Propi.. ClereUnd, Ohio LAUREAT DRUG CO. 1,.'linens, 8. < . 1 OPERA HOUSE GEO. L. WILSON. Manager Formerly Manager ol Majestic Theatre Anderson. S. C, and (ireenwood, S. C. WEDNESDAY The Star from Bingville Every Base Ball Fan Should See This thursday "Juarez, After The Battle S??A7"The Trappers" j Saturday A beautiful, and intensely thrilling story, in hand colors, of the Canadian North West. -gjlH Two New Reels Every Day. Two Repeated ?Four Reels Daily. njjts Matinee at 4 p. m. First Show at Night 8 p. m. Second Show at 9:15 p. m. ^ No Extra Prices Saturday. Only 5cts and lOcts to All. ??????????????????????????????????????S You Must Have a Nail Box to get free mail delivery Uncle Sam Puts Restrictions around the Free Delivery of his Mail. He will not Tolerate any Delay on the Part of his Carriers when the Pa trons can Remedy the trouble. See The Ornamented and Conveniently Arranged Box Below! Read the Directions under it and learn how to get one. The Children will enjoy Doing the Work Write to Distant Friends Who ought to have The Advertiser To Every Person who Brings Four New Yearly Subscriptions to The Advertiser, or to Every Person who Brings Five Old Yearly Subscriptions to The Advertiser we will give Free One of these Mail Boxes. They are valued at $1.00 each. You cannot buy them for less. This is a simple business proposition. Don't get it Confused with a Popularity Contest. Don't Let Your Neigh bor Next Door Get Ahead of You. Start now. Work one-half an hour and the Mail Box will be Yours. Offer Expires Sept. 15th. Advertiser Printing Co Laurens, South Carolina