The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 14, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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:pat SA ? HJf/E bill with THEN YOU 4\JueU^t^ Those who have never had a bank account know not the convenience of one. Each check you write is a RECEIPT; you know just how much you are spending; you've always "got money," and you carjTt lose it or be robbed. Make OUR Bank YOUR Rank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. Enterprise Bank Laurens, -S. C. N. B. Dial, President C. H. Roper, Cashier There is no wrong end up with an Onoto Self-Tilling Safety fountain IT CANT LEAK, Pen. No Worry with this safety fountain pen. Just stick it into youi pocket any way it happons to go. One little twist makes it leak tight, ink-tight, AIR - TIGHT. ome in and see how tho little twist corks it up and how quickly it fills itself. Palmetto Drug Co. HOUSE PAINTING! NEAT WORK DONE Quick and Prompt Service Painting, Decorating and Paper Hanging. Prices Reasonable. JAMES S. BOYD, Laurens, 5. C. Order Left in Charge of Wilkes & Company. Phone 58. 17b6 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON. 127th Year begins Soptember 20. ! Entrance examinations at all the OOtinty scats on Friday, .Inly 7, at !? a. m. Tho college is well endowed, en abling it to maintain the highest stan dards. It offers complete 4-year courses in Ancient and Modern Languages, .Math ematics, History, EconomlCB, Science, and Engineering. Courses for B, A.. B. 8., and B. S. degree with Engineering, A free tuition scholarship to each County of South Carolina. Vacant Boyce scholarships. giving $100 a year and free tuition, open to competitive examination in September. Kxpenses reasonable. Terms and catalogue on application. Write to Harrison Randolph, President. Charleston, S. C. DR. CLIFTON JONES ? Dentist Office In Simmons Building Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 210. We have a splendid Porch Rocker fW duly $^.2r>, it is made of oak. nice ly vanjyJied, large and roomy, and has wov'rjfioane seat. 8. M. & E. II. Wllkes Co. Dr. T. L. Timmerman Dentist Dial-Gray Block Phono 332. Laurens, S. C. Jno. W. Ferguson C. C. Featherstonc \V. B. Knight FERGUSON, PRATHERSTONE & KNIGHT Attorneys at Law laurens, S. C. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Office Over Palmetto Bank. Simpson, Cooper & Mahn, Will practice in all State Court?, prompt attention given to aH buninesa Wliy delay buying a Refrigerator? We have a good linn on hand, and the prices are very reasonable. H. M. $ B. II. Wilkea & "Jo Attorneys at Law. l MADDEN NEWS 1 Madden. June 11th.?The drought through here was relieved to some ex tent last Thursday when a good shower came to the thirsty earth and the parched vegetation. There are signs to keep up hope that the general rain, so badly needed will soon be here. Mr. Lin wood Martin was out with his threshing machine last week. He reports thai main is turning out bad ly. The dry weather made grain no small that it (bu s not measure out Well. Mrs. M. T. Allison, her friends will be pleased to note, is able to go on a visit to her granddaughter, Mrs. Wright, of Bnoree. Mrs. Culbertson, of Ekom, was the guest of her son. Mr. J. D. Culbertson, last week. While here she was join ed by her sister, Mrs. Watklns, of Laurens. Both returned to their re spective homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin were called Saturday night to see Mrs. Mar tin's sister, Mrs. Irene Hill, of Lau rens. Mrs. Hill has been sick for some time. Her condition is now seri ous. Mr. Jno. R. Flnley received a letter from Dr. W. J. Langston stating that Mrs. Langston had rallied and that there wus now a faint hope that she would recover. The health of the community is very good, there being, however, a few cases of minor sickness. The family of Mr. Wofford have mumps. Mr. Thurman Flnley and his children have chills, and the little boy of Mr. Luther Flnley has tonsllitiS. Miss .lessie Thompson has about recovered from her recent illness. Mr. Miller nnl family of Basley, S C, have been on a visit to the families of Judge Thompson and Mr. J. M. Dean. They returned home Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin were the guests recently of their daughter, Mrs. Lee Culbertson. Miss Ten nie Madden went on an automobile trip to Spartanburg Sun day, sh" accompanied Miss Janie Brown and Mr. Herbert Roper. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown were glad to see them out. They visited Mrs. Brown's aunt, Mrs. Teague. Mr. J. 1). Culbertson has placed an order for a complete fllnnery, Mad den has been in need of such an out lit. It will be a great help to the surrounding country. We thought when Diaz fled from Mexico that peace would immediately follow. Privat? letters received here from Calexlco, Cal., (which is near the Mexican border), state that the fighting is not yet over. The Insur rectos there say nothing will satisfy them save a big slice off the north western part of Mexico in which they een build up a rrco and Independent Rep i!)1ic. The Sunday visiting regretted In last weeks correspondence from Cross Ili'.l, wo wish the said correspondent could have heard the protest on same from our s. S. Superintendent recent ly. He called it hunting chicken pie, with eggs In it. 1 believe, however, ho plead guilty to the same charge in days of long ago. it is a universal failing, (shall we call it sin?) but it is refreshing to know that here and there are a few faithful. "There arc TiiU? yet In Israel who have not bowed the knee.*' It Is worso than useless to take, any medicine s internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism?* All that is need ed is a fret; application of Chamber lain's Liniment. For sale by all deal ers. Card of Thanks, I wish to take; this iffeans of ex pressing my sincere thanks to all of tliose who were kind enough to aid mo in the recent, voting contest In Which I won the first prize for this county. Each and everyono may rest assured that their help Is greatly appreciated. Miss Annie Kate Chlldresfl. GIVING OUT. The Struggle Discourages Mail) a Cit izen of Laurens. Around all day with an aching back; Can't i est at night; Enough to make any one ' give out." Loan's Kidney Pills have given re newed life to thousands. They are for kidney backache; For other kidney Ills. Hore is convincing proof of their worth. Mrs. J. B. West, 30G Hrowlcy St., Spartanburg, ?, ('., says: "I was in such bad shape with my back that I was hardly Able to get about. My ap petite was poor and I felt weary and despondent*. Headaches also bothered me and L was almost In despair when I heard' about Doan'a Kidney Pills. This remedy ?Ion relieved me and 1 grew strong and well as I continued taking it. 1 gained about ten pounds In weight and I now feel better than I have in years. My advice to anyone nflllcted with kidney complaint is to take Loan's Kidney Pills. For sale by all dealers. Price f.0 cents. Foster Milburn Co.. Huffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. I .*?..... i * . i ;?;??*??;? i 4 ?. 4 1 MT. OLIVE. Mt. Olivo. June 12. 1911. - A nice shower of rain fell here last Wednes day afternoon. Cotton Is looking well hut corn is not growing much. Mr. A. 10. Hill and Mr. William Cald well of tho city, were out lishiny one day last week. Mr. Gco. Washington and Cleveland Bolnml went up about Travelers Host a few days ago. Miss Armlttle Washington of Green ville, S. ('.. was on a visit several days apo to relatives in this section. Mr. Oscar Klmoro and wife visited the family of Mr. W. L. Cooper Sat urday night . The unifoiyn success that has attend ed the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has made it a favorite everywhere. It can always he depended upon. For sale by Postal Hank to Open. Postmaster Hicks has received all the paraphernalia necessary to "take In" the money at the post otlice and June 27th, Cashier Jack McCravy will be ready to receive all the spare cash of the Laurens money makers. De posits will be received In any amount from ten cents on up. The larger de posits are most desired. There is one medicine that every family should he provided with and es pecially during the summer months; viz. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost cer tain to be needed. It costs but a quar ter. Can you affard to be without it? For sale by all dealers. Uli: GLORIOUS ITH AT WATTS MILLS. There Will he Several Attractions at Watts Mills July 4. These will include two ball games, barbecue and other features, for which prizes will be given. Public cordially invited to attend the day's events. IMoodine Mood and Kidney Tablets cure kidney and bladder diseases by curing the cause. The Bloodlne Corporation, Bos ton, Mass. Get tlemen! ? Kindly send me six boxes of Bloodlne Hlood and Kidney Tab lets. They have helped me more than any remedy I have ever taken. I am old, ruptured and 1 suffer much from kidney and i trouble. 1 have only a fow doses left of the sample box von steift me. so kindly send tab lets promptly. Yours truly, Thomas Taylor, Adams. III. Sold by Laurens Drug Co. STATEMENT Of the Condition of The Peoples Loan and Exchange Hank, located at Lau rens, S. (',, at the ( lose of Business June 7, 1911. RESOURCES Loans ml Discounts . . . $309,5(58.81 Overdrafts. 5.529.54 Hoods and Stocks owned by the Bank. 27.000,00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 2..'.(mi. in Hanking House. 10.000.00 Duo from Hanks and Hank ers . 22,352.04 Currency. 5,707.00 Gold. 1,585.00 Silver anil other Minor Coin 9-17.01 Checks and Cash Items . . Total.$145,340.31 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Pain In . . $100,000.00 Surplus Fund. 2.'?,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid. 84,637.1' Individual Deposits subject to Check. 125,131.19 Time Certificates of Depos it .......... . 80.221,55 Cashier's Chi cks. .".0.40 Hills Payable, Including Certificates for Money Borrower). 30,000.00 Total.$445,340.31 State of South Carolina, County of Lac . en Before me came C. W. Tune, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the aho\e and foregoing statement Is a true condi tion of said hank, as shown by the books of said bank. C. W. Tune. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12 day of Juno, 1911. W. R. McCuen. Notary Public for S. C. Correct-Attest: W. A. Watts, . J. II. Sullivan, II. B. Kennedy, Directors. When you feel vons. tired, worried or despondent it is a sum sign you need MOTT'S NERVERINE PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and make life worth living. R? %^Te ana site for Mott's rferverine Pill? WILLIAMS HFC CO., Prop.., CUveUnd, Ohio LACKK...4 DRUG CO. Lauren^ S. C. Embroidery Flouncings This week we will throw on the counter two lots of the above. These we bought at a bargain an(j offered at almost half their real value. They come in 5 yard lengths and will not be cut under any consideration. The price is 50 cents and 75 cents. Only a limited quality offered. Act promptly before they are sold. Can't be dupli cated this season at * hese prices. LACE CURTAINS This week we open direct from the manufacturers a line of Lace Cur tains running from 50 cents to $1.50 a pair. Inspection will prove these to be good value for the money. W. Q. Wilson & Co. BIG LAND SALE! J. N. LEAK The "Land Man1 I-!', acre of land with six-room dwell ing in town of Clinton situated on Adnlr Street. Price $2,200. 12? acres of land, with seven rodm dwelling, bnrn and outbuildings, bounded by lands of Rebecca Simp son. John Childres8 and others. Price $:;0 per acre. 219 acres of laud with dwelling and outbuildings, bounded by lands of .1. M. Phil pot. 15. F. Terry and others. Price $10 per acre. 85 acres of land more or less, eight room dwelling, 15 tenant houses, good barn and outbuildings, in the town of Lnnford. Pi Ice $G,500. ti'' acres of land in Yonngs township, known as the Old Smith Pia? ?', nice cottage and good barn and outbuild ings. Price $l,S:.0. Kii acres of land in the town of Lnn ford, with beautiful cottage nicely lo cated. Price I6.G00. 2 beautiful six-room cottager iu town of Gray Court, nicely locate', close to business part of the to-mi. Pricos right and terms made easy Al so :i lots suitable for residence lets In town of Gray Court. One lot of land ;">") ft. fronting on North Harper street, 210 feet deep witli store-room 2C/.jO near the. Watts Hill. On< 1< t fiouting. North Hooper St., 100x210 feet deep, prlCC $800.00. M bush css lots near 'lie Watts mill fr i!tin,r North Harper street. ??xl?O' feet deep. One lot with G-room cottage front ing .Mock street, 110x800 feet cleon 2 acres of land, more or less and S-room dwelling, store-bouse ami out building at Owing; Station. This prop erty is well located to establish the trade and is worth more than the mom ; ey we ask, $2,<;r.o.oo. If you do not find what you want let me know your wants and I will find it for you. J. N. LEAK The Real Rslale Man Thai Divides the Harth to Soil Your Purse' to the im :JTi "k":?" The Undersigned Has Opened a New Black smith and Carriage Shop. The Shop is now open for public work. Forg ing, scientific horse-shoeing, buggy and wagon re pairing, tire shrinking by hot or cold method done by a competent mechanic. ALL WORK GUARANTEED: Call on me and be convinced that my shop and work are up-to-date. In H. E. (iray's Lumber >ard. E. C. F. BECK ER They lost a lifetime. They're Fireproof?Stormproof? I ? Inexpensive ?Suitable for all kinds cf buildings. For I I further detailed information npply to | Local Dealer or Cortrlght Metal Roofing Co., Philadelphia, Penn.