The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 14, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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tEfje gutartiger Subscription Trier Is $1.00 per lear Payable In Advance. Published by ADV Kims IK PKINTINti COMPANY I.aureus, 8. ('. Advertising Kate* on Application. ObituarlcH and Card of thanks: Our rent a word. Entered at th* poBtofflce at Laurens, S. C. as Becond class mall matter. LAITKENS? S. C JI NK 11, 1011. The Advertiser will be glad to receive the local news of all the communities In the county, t or. respondents are requested to fdgn their name to the contri butions. Letters should not he mailed later than Monday morn ing. The Watchman & Southron says i;. c. Blnghnm is a fugitive "In for eign lands." Was the suggestion of ?foreign lands" intentional or did the Watchman Ac Southron merely wish to ?say that Blnghnm was a fugitive? ? ? ? For the information of advertising ?.managers in cities without the postal savings hank, we take "great pleas tire" in saying that these hanks do not have to publish statements at regular advertising rates nor do they even ad vertise at all. If they do not succeed. v? win all see why. ? ? ? tut. AuitHTH/rritAij train. When the Clemson Agricultural and Laboratory Cor comes to this county mcxt Wednesday it should he met by a large number of Laurens county farmers and others. These men who take such trouble and pains to give ?<) South Carolina these valuable les sons In modern methods of farming and stock raising should bo given ?very encouragement thai we can j-'tve. They are doing a line work for South Carolina and we should show some appreciation for what they are ?doing. It cannot he said that they are being paid liberally for what they are ?doing, for they could make more mon ey elsewhere, nearly every one of them, and we should do all in our power show them that we are ap preciate of their work and that we are anxious to receive nil the knowl edge that they can Impart to us. The train will he in Laurens County ?only one day.. The time is limited and only that much could he given us. Mr. W. Carl Whnrton has promised that everything will bo done in Water* ?oo to make the people epnifortabje.'so? everybody who possibly ceti should be There to greet Prof Marrow and" his co workers. ' j*' In this connection we would also suggest that the question of the coun ty fair he brought to the attention of "r.? people that day. Every man who a? already interested should make It a point to do Individual work by talk r.>. it to each and nil of his friends. ?:s< uss the matter of exhibits, Each man promise to prepare for one thing if another neighbor will and If this is done, the number fit' exhibits at the will doubtless be a revelaton. Let everybody w.'to possibly can. v'urn out next Wednesday and greet I rot Barrow and his assistants at Waterloo, An iMil I,aureus Boy. The von complementary notice he Jow appeared in a recent Issue of the Wilmington Star of an evening's eon ert, In which Frank McCravy, who Is .-.o pleasantly remembered here, sang 'wo numbers. "Dreams" by Anton StrelOZke, and 'Absent" by Metealf. The friends of Mr. McCravy are al ways glad to bear of his popularity In Ms adopted home and only wish that was still a resident of his home town. "Miss Katie Foard. a pupil of Miss ?Cannle Chasten, had the honor of giv ing one of the best piano recitals of the season yesterday afternoon at 6 ?f.einrk in Schubert Hall. She was as sisted by Miss Lucy Mclntosh, sopra no, and .Mr. Frank McCravy, tenor. Miss Mclntosh. with her clear, liquid soprano, sang simply from the heart, with purity and warmth. Mr. Mc ?Cravy, with a half tear in his voice, which is of a wonderfully sweet and Sympathetic quality, sang with fine ap preciation of both the words and of the mUSlO, His enunciation, perfect breath control and intelligent phrasing ?comblne to make his singing a de Mgbt," ' If I Had Kc/oma. I'd wash It away with that mild, sooth ing liquid, D. D. 1). Trial bottle, 2&c. Itelieves nil kinds of skin trouble, idealising away the Impurities and ?clearing up the .complexion as nothing ?*?Jse can. YeS. If i had any kind of skin trou ble i'D USfO O. i>. 1). ..Enrons i>rugi Co., I.aureus, S. C CROSS MILL NEWS Cross Hill, Juno VI.-Miss Olive Culbertson and Mr. Walter Hill were married last Wednesday, .Inno 7th, at the Inline of the brlde'8 parents, Mr. and Mrsr. J. A. Culbertson, this city, Hev, .1. A. Martin, olHclatlng. Mr. and Mrs. Hill left for Iiis home next day near Mount Olive, this county. We had a line rain again last Wed nesday for which we are grateful. Crops look well and are growing nice ly. We hope this time the rain was general and that the drought Is brok en. Mr. .1. W. Harber, a recent graduate of Fur man University, made an inter esting address to the "Mlrrlains" at the Presbyterian church last Sunday afternoon. The friends of Mr. Edwin Wassou are glad to know that he is at home from the hospital and Is about well again. He was badly hurt a few weeks ago by a kick from his horse. Miss Lizzie Griffin of Newberry was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Simp son last Saturday. Messrs. Fills Fuller. Lyl Leaman. Paul McQowan, Fail Rasor, Mayes Hanna and also Miss Iluth Simmons are at koine from college Mr. Hugh Leamon of Clinton was with homefolks here last Sunday. Mr. Guy Martin has bought the goods of Mr. Douglas Chapman and will continue the business at the same place. Mr. John Hltt's new cottage on rail road street Is nearly completed. Dr. Miller has returned from Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Mr. W. M. Miller is at home from his trip to At lanta. They have both been away about a month. The weather continues very hot with the mercury in the nineties during the 1 day. Is Cleaner Than Carpet. Paint your floor around the border of the room with L, & M. Floor Paint. Costs about ?O cenis. It gives a bright varnished finish. Cover the center of the room with your home made carpet rug. Looks splendid. Get it from J. H. & M. L. Nash. Lau. reim; J. W. Copeiand Co.. Clinton. ? * Tumbling Shoals. ? *????? ???????* Mr. .1. G. Sullivan spent Sunday at his old home at Tumbling Shoals. Mrs. J. ti Sullivan, with little Rob ert and Cecil, visited in Greenville a few days the first of the week Miss Hattie aijd. Anna Sullivan have returned home: after a three weeks stay In the "Mountain" city. Little Miss Mariana Miller, of Green ville, came down Tuesday to see her ?little' cousins, the Sullivan children \$0, South Harper Street. Mr. E.-M. JJurgesa. spout Sunday in Spartanburg with b'fl parents. Messrs. Lawrence Hafksdale, Finest Easterby, D. c. McLaurin and B. M. Wolff went up to Glenns Spring Sun day by automobile and spent the day. They had tiro and other troubles on the return and had to take the train Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Wilkes took ad vantage of the attractive week-end rates and spent Sunday at Glonns Spring. hair in:uhim:it. Refined Women the World (her Use It. Miss Alice Rainier. 133 S. 3rd St., Reading. Pa., knows that there is noth ing so good for hair anl scalp trouble as Parisian Sage. On June 8. 1910. she wrote: "I am using Pari ian Sage two or three tinier; a week and it is certainly line. It. keeps my scalp nice and clean and it cured my dandruff. I have no dandruff now. It makes the hair lustrous ami luffy and keeps it from falling out." We urge every woman who loves radiant and faselnrting hair to g<> ro Laurens Drug Co.. today and get a large .Ml cent bottle of Parisiau Sago. Laurens Drug Co.. guarantees it to cure dandruc, falling hair itcning scalp, or money back. Meeting Executive Committee. The executive committee of the Laurens County Fair will meet Fri day morning at 11 o'c lock in the town of Laurens. Every member Is urged to he present. By order of. W. D. Byrd, Pres. WINTHROP 60LLEGE Scholarship and Entrance Examination The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop Col lege and for the admission of now atu deiua will ho held at the County Court House on Friday, July 7, at 9 a. m. Ap plicants must bo not less than fifteen years of ago. When scholarships are vacant after July 7 they will be award ed to those making the highest ver age at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should Write to President Johnson be fore the examination for scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will oijm September 20, 1911. For further In formation and catalogue, address Pres. D.. B. Johnson, Rock HUI, S. C. 7-9-1911 BRYAN COMING SATURDAY. Sale of Seats Shows That the House Will be Full When the Lecture Be gins. The Bajo of scats for the Bryan lec ture has boon very encouraging and it Is thought thut before the time comes for opening the doors Saturday night all of the seats will be sold. It is the request of those who have been Instrumental in having Mr. Bryan come here, that everybody be in their places by 8:40 o'clock. Mr. Hryun will begin his lecture at 8:46 and it Is hoped that nobody will be late enough to disturb him. TORTURES OF PILES. it Is Unnecessary to Suffer This Ter rible Trouble. Keen torture is the everyday lot of the sufferer from piles. And yot that suffering is needless. Laurens Drug Co.. and druggists everywhere will sell you Hciu-Knid an! later return your money If it fails. We have sold Ilem-Koid that way for two or three years and refunds asked have been less than 3 per cent. We therefore recommend it with con fidence. Ilem-Iloid Is an internal remedy, the prescription of Dr. J. S. Leon harde $1 for a large bottle. Dr. Leon hardt Co.. Station B., Bugalo, N. Y. Write for booklet. Imitations Recalled. Clinton, June 13.?On account of the illness of Dr. Uean. the marriage of Miss Katharine Bean and Prof. Both well Graham will not take place at the church, as planned, but will be celebrated at the family residence at J o'clock tomorrow morning. Conse quently the invitations to the church wedding have been recalled. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough Is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It has been used ill many epidemics of this disease with perfect SUCC85S. For saie by all deal ers. Bought a Pacer. Childress & Childless have just bought a Kentucky thoroughbred p-i eer which they intend putting on the track during the coming season. He is ti\ ? years old and a well built ani mal. After keeping him here for a few weeks, they Will send him to Spnrtanburg where be can get the ad vantage of training quarters. Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their fine results. Constipation and indi gestion vanish and line appetite re turns. They regulate stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 2.">c at Laurens Drug Co.. and Palmetto Drug Co. An Old Resident Here Mr. James H. Nash, a brother of Mr. .1. II Nash of this city, ami a former resident of this county-. Is '.u the city visiting relatives and friends Mr. Nash lias been lining near Atlanta now for many years and there, with his wife, he is living in quiet and con tentment. He returns to bis old home every year or two- to keep in touch with his old acquaintances, and when possible, to attend the closing exor cist's of Furman University, of which be is a graduate. Mr. Nash will he here for several weeks. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun. tin can, rusty nail, I fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Ruck leu's Arnica Salve to' prevent blood poison or gangrene. Its the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Rolls. Sores. Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands. Corns or Piles. 2oC at Laurens Drug Co.. ami Palmetto Drug Co. Phone or write the Palmetto Drug Co.. for Bryan tickets and they will be reserved for you. Messrs. Richard Simpson. John Mills and William McGowan are at home from the University of South Carolina. Mr. Simpson was a member of the graduating ClaSS this year. Mr. Gus Hart, another Laurens student at the University, is going to travel dur ing the summer months for the Uni versity. The woman of today who has good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the re sult of correct living and good diges tion, wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion is fhulty Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct It. For sale by all dealers. Come to Laurens an.: spend a night witli your friends and go to bear the Hon. Win. J. Rryan. Row's This? We oger One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that can. not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry oift Ony obligations made by his firm. V Waldlug. Kliman & Marvin, Wholesale Drngglsto, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent-free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. SPECIAL NOTICES. Lookout Mour.tain Irish] Potatoes for July planting. Grow yell plant ed after grain. $1.75 per bushel. 44?Gt. pd. Win. P. Harris. Owings, S. C. The Byrdvlllo Dairy and Slock Farm still have their Jack. The Beason is now open. This last year's work is showing up flue. See hlin, before breeding elsewhere. Will take caro of mares over night for thoso from a distance. Fee $12.50 living edit. Phorie No. 10. Laurens H. F. D. No. 3. W. D. By i d and Son 40-tf For Sale?Fifty bushels Lookout Mountain Irish potatoes. Best fall potatoes on earth. Price $1.75 par bushel. W. C. Wharton. 14 5t. Waterloo, S. C. Wanted at once--Fifty young men to learn hoilcrmaking and tank build ing and nil kinds of sheet metal work. Write R. I). Cole Mfg. t o.. Ne\;han. tia. 47-lt. For sale Stand pipe, smoke stacks, towers, tanks, hollers, eiiKlnes. saw mills, grist mills, sash, doors, and blinds; all kinds of sheet metal work. All work guaranteed. Write for price list. R. I). Cole Mfg. Co.. Newuan. Ga. 47-lt. For Sale?A two hundred and thirty dollar certificate for a Krause piano. Will sell for fifty dollars. / Apply to Mrs. Purman Brown. Laureus, S. C? Route 3, ^ / Harness Repairing ifSpYc;'alto^*r lug j >ur old harness tolls {ji be iwpaired. Mosrrtfy & Roland. 40-lt-pd. DEATH OF PROF. M'( ASLAN. Well Known Clinton Citizen Passed Away Early Yesterday .Morning. Clinton. June 13.?Prof. W. M. Mc Caslan died here at his home this morning at seven o'clock. The sum mons came suddenly, heart failure being the cause of his demise. He had been unwell for some time but ap parently there had been no change in his condition for the past several days. The funeral services will hi' held tomorrow morning at 9:30 at the Presbyterian church. Local Firm Will Continue Valuable Agency. Laureus Drug Co.. of this city have just closed a deal whereby they will continue to be agents for ZEMO?the well known remedy for Eczema, Dand ruff, and all diseases of the skin and The eytraordlnary leap that tins scalp. clean liquid external- treatment for skin affections has made into public favor in the last few years proves Its wonlerful curative properties and makes it Indeed a valuable addition to the fine stock of remedial ?gents j They have a limited supply of carried by the Laureus Drug Co. samples. One of which will be given free to any skin sufferer who wishes to test the. merit of the medicine. A booklet "How To Prove The Skin." will also be given to those Interested. STATEMENT Of the Condition of The Palmetto Hank, Located tit I.aureus, S. ('., at the ( lose of Business, .1 mn>? 7, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . . . $180,139.48 Overdrafts. 461.00 Furniture anl Fixtures . . 2,166.92 Banking House. 4,200.00 Due from Banks and Bank ers . 9.128.01 Currency. 5,765.00 Gold. 1.547.50 Silver and other Minor Coin 1.027.1 1 Checks and Cash Items . 164.82 Total.$213.002.S4 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In . . $50.000.00 Surplus Fund. 12.500.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid. 8.589.13 Due to Banks and Bank ers . 1.634.66 Individual Deposits subject to Check. 46.967.19 Savings Deposits. 25,041.28 Time Certificates of Deposit 23,767.88 Cashier's Checks. 102.40 Bills Payable. including Certificates for Money Borrowed. 45,000.000 Total.$213.602.84 State of 8outh Carolina. County of Laureus. Before me came 8. J. Cralg. Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the abovo and foregoing atatemont Is a true condi tion of said bank, as shown by the hooks of said bank. S. J. Cralg. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of June 1911. R. B. Terry, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: R. T. Dunlap, John W. Ferguson, J. J. Pluss, Directors. STATEMENT Ol Ihc Condition ?tt The Bank 01* Lau- ; rens, Located at Laurens, S. C nt the t'losc ol Business, June 71Ii, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . . . $220,031.02 Overdrafts. 2,161.02 Monds and1 Stocks owned by the Bank. 1.000.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 1.714.00 Banking House. 2,800 00 Other Real Estate owned . 246.75 Due from Ranks and Mank . 15,431.68 ers Currency. 58.1.00 Gold. U72.60 Silver and other .Minor Coin 2,091.80 Checks and Cash Items . 1,710.32 Total.$248,947.60 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In . . $50.000.00 Surplus Fund . .'. 35.000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid. 10.917.08 Due to Manns and Hankers 2,112.15 Dividends Unpaid. 52,00 Individual Deposits subject to Check. 41.131.29 Savings Deposits. 40,279.60 Time Certificates of Depos it . 29.263.57 Certified Checks. 75.00 Cashier's Checks. 117.00 Notes and Mills Rediscount - ed. 10.000.00 Rills Payable. including Certificates for Money Borrowed. :; Other Liabilities, viz.: . . none Total.$218.017. State of South Carolina. County of Laurens. Before me o\:ine H. K. Alken, Cashier of the above named bank. who. being duly sworn, Bays that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. H. K. Alken. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of June, 1911. J. J. Adams. Notary Public S. C. Correct-Attest: O. B, Simmons. M. J. Owlngs, W. R. Rlchey. Directors. STATEMENT Of tbe Condition of The Bank of Wa terloo, located at Wuterloo, S. C nt the Close of Business, June 7th, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ... $37,404.91 Overdrafts. 142.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 1,110.90 Manking House. 2,288.38 Due from M?nks and Hank ers . . ?. Currency . Silver and other Minor Coin Checks and Cash Items . . Total.$47,406.66] LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In . . . $25,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Exi>enses and Taxes Paid. 1,404.41 Individual Deposits subject to ("heck. 9.820.91 Savings Deposits. 343.2 Time Certificates Of Deposit OS 1.5:: Cashier's Checks. 119.50 Mills Payable. Including Cer tificates for Money Bor rowed . 10,000.00 Totai.$47,465.66 state of South Carolina, County if Laurens. Before me came j, c. Smith. Cashier of the above named bank. who. being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books Of said bank. J. C. Smith. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of June. 1611 W, W. Campbell. Magistrate. Correct-Attest: O. B. Simmons, I). C. Smith, H. D. Wlnn, Directors LEARN AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Take a thirty days Practical course In our well equipped Machine Shops and learn (he Automobile business, and accept good positions. CHAR LOTTE AUTO SCIlOu^ charlotte, N. ITCH! CUBED IN SO MINUTES WITH PAR-A-SIT-I-ODE PIMPLES Cured quickly. T?ke bo aubadtule. v60c by mail or expreat from Man'., Dr. L. j. Sharp A Ca., Chhhin, Ca., or 50 from druggists. Laurens Drug Company Laurens, S. C. 0HICHESTER S PILLS wajr? SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Automobile Insurance Against FIRE From Any Source, in any location in United States and Canada (Floater) at $20.00 per $1,000. This policy in written by the Springfield F. and M. Ins. Company of Mass. A company with $4,600, 000 surplus and $9,960,000 total resources and which has been doing business since 1849 and has paid out nearly $50,000,000 in losses during that time. I want to insure every Automobile in Laurens county or adjoining coun ties. This is absolutely the best policy on the mar ket. J. J. ADAMS, Agt. At Bank of Laarens LAURENS, S. C. TRADE WITH US We carry a Full 5tock of Goods and can Please You. We buy Flour, Moni, Corn, Oats, Buy ami other heavy stuff in car load lots at the Lowest Cash price which places us In position (o save you mon ey if joh trade ?Ith us. We sell the biggest and liest farmers In the coun ty, also take care of the small farm ers. We sell llenrj ( lay Flour, the best flour made, also White Satin, White Star, Copyright, Xordyke and other popular brands of hour, Swift's Silver Leaf and Jewel Lard, hlnvaiis, Ar mours, Cuduhy and Forbes host make of hams. We handle in large quantities Wire, Horse ami Mule Shoes ami Nails, Four Brothers and Mica Axle Greese in Sets, lOcts, 25cts, 7?cts ami $1.25 sizes, best line of Green and Boasted Coffee and Tea, the popular brands of Chewing and Smoking To bacco, Cigars and Cheroots, Canned Goods, Baking 1'owdcrs, Soap, Starch. Perfection and Karo Syrup In Can-. Molasses In barrels and kegs, Un known Peas and Speckle IVns, Guano, Acid and Nitrate Soda. Cotton Seed -Meal delivered In the city. Good Broom for 25 ccuts. J. H. SULUVAN Laurens, S. C. I(leal HItMe noinc> t>e" c.'inse it's f?,tV. Not like beer, but win., ., refreshing umixerl-fruit' taste. For thechild ren when thdy arc warm ;,nd tired. ftM AT M[: a LS Ironbcfr WllL Icljsh to every dish. FOR CO^,,ANV in the aftern rved an easily joyed ON PI drink it rig bottle or evening; \ greatly en ICS out of the ?rder*?*5 To-day Put u^Httied by la BottIinRCo. Laurens, i ^ Coca .- M-?? ers for Fruit Jars, H.v s"'? headsuari Rubbers. cltfS^HM? Jar Tops and 8. iL .ft I " "' 1,1 Wilkes A Co.