POSTAL SAVINGS BANK TO BE OPENED HERE Laurens Post Office Desig nated by Department. SMALL INTEREST RATES ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS In Carrying out Iiis Policy of Extend ing the Postal Hanks System Over the United States Postmuster Gen eral Hitchcock has Ordered one Opened ut Laurens. "While Postmaster Hicks, several I members of the Chamber of Commerce ! and others were straining every nerve i to get the city mail delivery, the new Post Office building and most anything else that was likely to be turned loose free up at Washington, Postmas ter General Hitchcock took a running start and planked down a postal sav. 1 :ngs bank here right before every body's eyes before anybody could say "Jack-frost." The move of the Post- ! master General was wiiat the expect ant lover would term as "so sudden" that before the town could recover from its surprise it had already said "yes." To be a little shorter Laurens is going to have a postal savings bank, something like that one at Newborry but a little more prosperous. Post master General Hitchcock has been trying out the plan on a large number of cities within the past year and he has considered them successful < nough to locate them In many other places. Within the past few weeks a great many post offices have been so designated and judging from the rap idity with which they are still being distributed around they will soon ho spread all over the country. No mon ey goes with them however. One of he objects of the postal, savings bank, . :i staled by the advo< at s of the sys tem, is to bring out from secluded places that large horde of money which is kepi by thos i skeptical peo ple who will not trust the prevailing banks. In this way it is hoped to gel this money into use so that it will be of some real service in developing the country's resources. The banks are especially provided for the for- | - igii element, which seems suspicious of the nations present ".tanking sys tem and Which docs not make use of the capital which they have laid aside. I In other respects it will serve the Usual purposes as the private banks A small percent interest is paid on de posits. Postmaster Micks went to Nowberry ' Monday to look over the postal bank down there and to get on to the de rails of how to run it. In speaking of the new post office building, Mr. Hicks states that he has received a telegram calling for a few statistics as to the lot. Tin; Inquiry was couched in such terms as to lead him-to believe that tho architects arc! busy at work on the plans and that it will not now be long before tho j ontraot will be advertised, j _ Clarence Held Injured. Deputy sheriff Clarence Held met with a painful, though not a serious CCldent Friday afternoon, when his tj^i tol dropped out of his pocket and exploded, the bullet entering the calf of his left leg. Mr Heid had tust com. out of the sheriff's offlCO where he had been silting down. Ills "artillery' in list have slipped up considerably, for when he went to go out of the court bouse floor it fell out, striking the stone steps When tho report was heard and Mr. Held was seen to be wr unded, a er of men who were ; landing near by rushed up and aided hint, W "Meal assistance was render ed and he Is now steadily improving. In several days ho will probably be on the street again. A Laurens Woman Honored. Miss Lola Todd has Just completed a two year training courso at Hoper Hospital. On nccount. of her oxcollent services, splendid ability .and high cs ?eem in which she Is held by the Trustees of Roper Hospital, she has boon asked to accept a position there night Superintendent. Miss Todd's many friends both In Laurens and V "harleston will not ho surprised to N loam of her honored position, for she Is known by her amiable disposition and splendid judgment. Her friends predict for her a brlllinnt future. GRAND CHAPTER TO MEET HERE Killern Star to Hold Mooting Ucro Three Days During Week Beginning Juno lNtli. The Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, State of South Carolina, will hold its annual meeting here beginning the H'th of Juno, it is expected that over a hundred delegates will he present. The members of the local chapter are already making preparations for this event and visiting delegates will be given a royal time In addition to 3 high ranking of ficers from this state, a number of of ficers "high up" in the constellation will be present. WILLIAM .1. HR Y A N COMING. Lecture Will be Chen in School Au ditorium Instead of Opera House. The time is fast approaching when W. J. Bryan, "The Peerless Loader" will be here. Me is coming Saturday night. June 17th and his lecture will be his most famous one. "The Prince of Peace." W. .1. Br>an. Reserved seat tickets will be plac ed on sale this coming Saturday at the Palmetto Di ng Stlro. As a largo num ber of people are expect ed, special provisions will be made to | give prompt attention to mail orders.! Had His Arm Cut Off. Cornell Hunter, colored, had a rath er rude awakening Sunday morning about three o'clock; more than that; 1m- lost one of his arms, and thereby ! hangs bis tale of woe. Journeying homeward 'way after midnight by way i of the railroad track of the C. & W. C, toward Watts Mills. Cornell, tired out from the days- work and more or less overcome by the night's excitement, etc., fell asleep on (he track, .lust how long ho slumbered caii hoi be stated with any degree of accuracy, but along about throe A. M.. a locomotive, having occasion to pass in thai direction, crashed into the it.; :. culling off nn arm only a few inches from Ilm shouldor. Dr. Hughes, local surge-on for the railroad, attend ed the injured man and made him as1 comfortable ?s possible, Another Raid on Gambler*, Cross Hill. S. C. June 5.?Rural Po lice Lowe and Maddon, assisted by J. T. Watts and Willie Madden, on Sat urdry night, June 3rd about 12 o'clock ran into a bunch e>f gamblers in the public highway about 100 yards south of Torn Shaw's, and caught one negro. They captnreel eine J)avls & Roper coat, 20 cents in money, one deck of cards, one 1-2 pint of whiskey anil got the names of six of the negroes. There was about ten in the bunch. Noi\ llcpalr Shop. Mr. E. C. P. Decker, a recent re-sl lent of MilledgOVille, Ca.. has moved to Laurens and Opened up a g neral repair shop ndtir (Day & Easterly's lumber yards. Mr. Ii E. Gray, who was Instrumental in having Mr. Decker move to Laurens In writing of him says that ho Is first class workman in ovory particu lar nnel has the tools ami the knowl edge to in any kind eif repair work in the very bes^ manner. dr. (j. c. albright chosen president After Election of Officers, Piedmont Dental Association Tendered Ban* quot. The Piedmont Dental Association adjourned its quarterly meeting Wednesday night, following a busi ness session in which the election of Officers for the ensuing year was gone into and an enjoyable hamiuet ten dered the visitors by the local den. tists. The following officers Avere elected: President, Dr. G. C. Albright. Lau rens: vice president. Dr. Frank Fer guson. Greenville; secretary and treas urer, Dr. W. D. Simmons. Piedmont. The next place of meeting will he Spartan burg some time in the early fall. A question of meat importance to the dentists and one that is of most general interest to the public was dis CUSsed Wednesday afternoon, when the examination of school children's teeth was fully gone into. 1 >rs. Chlsolm and Ferguson load in this discussion,] and many Interesting points were brought out showing the need of such examinations. No definite plan was settled upon, however, as to how this Work should bo taken up. The crowning event of the session, from a social standpoint, came Wednesday night when the banquet to the visiting dentists was given at Date's Dining Hall. Desidcs tin den tists themselves, a. number of local people had been invited, and the even ing was pleasantly spent at the ban quet board. Dr. .1. I'. Carlisle acted as toast master, and introduced the speakers as follows: "The Supply Man.'' r< spoiuled to by Mr. Slanbury, of Atlanta. "Tlie rseful Man,'' responded to by the lion. R. A. Cooper, of Laurens. "The .Medicine Man." responded to by Dr. It. K. Hughes, of Laurens. "The Hard Worked Man." respond ed to by Dr. F w. Bubanks. "The Help Me t of Man." by |) . \\\ D. Ferguson. bl Laurens. "The Business Man." by Dr. H. K. Alken, of Laurens. It was tin- general opinion of a num ber of dentists that this was one of the mo t enjoyable as well as prof itable meetings that the Association has yet In Id, th- local dentists having spared no pains make it a success. These meetings uro proving of great benefit, professionally, besides furnish ing an occasion when tie' men can ir? t togethi r ii. broth* rly friendship and keep in direct touch with each other. .11 Ni: TKRM CRIMINAL t ot IM. Session Convenes Monday, June 111. Willi Judsre Ivriiest Gary on tin Bench. The June tern, of General Sessiom court foi Lauren;: County will be con vened Monday, June 19. The sc >-. :<,;. will be held by Judge Kniest Gory. The docket at this time does not con tain a siiiKle murder charge, a cir cumstances without ? parallel in the recent history ol the county, so far .:? the records show. However, there will j be quite a number of indictments in minor cases for tie- court which will be in session only ouo week, provided ' there is enough businoss. Became of a discovered Irregular ity in drawing tie- jurors for the term by the jury commissioners se> rnl days ago, a now venire was drawn Monday. June as follows: Laurens Township?-J. IC. Phllpot, .1. A P. Moore, M. I.. Nash. 10. D. Tom pleton, .1 L. McCllnlock, J. A. Wof ford. Dials?lt. L. Gray. .1. C. Smith <' m. Wolff, itobt c owrnge, Jno. v Gray. Youngs ^. a. Edwards, John L Jones, G. J. Lanford. W. W. BurdettO, Scufllotown L. F. N'hbors. Hunter?It, 10. Copeiand, R, .1. Mr. Crary, C. C. Bailey, J. a. Bailey. I). R. Crawford, J. Rhett Copeiand, John H. Hipp, W. R. Crisp. Jaeks~W. L. Weir. Cross Hill?J. 11. Dukes. R. W. Brown, Waterloo- -.). F, Burton, J. I. Ander son. H M. Latimer, J. 10. Martin. Sullivan?a. J. Traynham. .1 II Carlisle, J. M. Chlldress, It. E. Taylor, w. a Traynham. Meeting of i>. \. It. The daughters of tlie American Rev olution will hold a1 meeting Friday , afternoon at the home of Mrs. Perry Simpson. The meeting will be called to order at 0 o'clock, at which time all of tho raombert are requested to he present. FOUNTAIN INN CHARMED WITH "THE NAZARENE" Beautiful Cantata Sung in the Border Town hy Laurens Talent Before a Large and Vpprcclallvc Audience. Quite a haudsoinc hattery of tour ing ears left the city last Friday af ternoon front 5:30 p. in., at ". minute intervals, carrying 19 persons. Of these, 20 were to sing the cantata, taking the following parts: Director, Chas. H. Dicks. Accompanist, Mrs. C. H. Hicks. Sopranos. Misses Annie Richey, Jennie Shenl ey, Mary Toil 1. Wallace, Mathews, Emmie Ming, Henry Wright, .Mrs. K. A. Babb, Mrs. ,T. H. Teague. Tenors. Messrs. It. G. Franks. Ed. Hicks. .1. N. Richardson, Jno. I). Chlldress, w. R McCuen. Altos. Mesdntnes H. K. Alken, \V. 1'. Thome.-on. W. H. Anderson. Misses Nanni? Dramhlelt, Addle Shenley. Basses Messrs. E. II. Wilkcs. J \ Wright, Jno. Dicks. ('. II. GilsqUO, Jach Mc Cravy. The time to Fountain Inn varied from ."?" to mi minutes for all tin curs and r< ad conditions were good. The people of our prosperous iicigh horine town had spread an olegant suppei on Hie lawn near their hand some school building and the tourists did full justice to the twilight picnic. The singers were never in hotter voice than on this occasion ami the music lovers i Fountain Inn were generous in tht lr praise s. Quite a nice sum was realized from the door receipts, these being dlvidvd with tue Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church there. Practice and haul work on the part of director ami members of the ?aste has Im proved tho work since this number was rendered here and they give a performance that is highly creditable. I So successful and pleasant was IhD trlp that similar Jaunts to nearby points are being considered, the next In all probability, heilig Woodruff. Laurens Boj Won, ! .'. Henry Simpson, of the Poplar Springs section of this county, won the "Improvement Modal" in tho Phil osophlnn Society of Furnian Culvers ity re tenlly, This i.. a highly coveted j honoi and shows lliiil this young Lau rens county hoy \? doing well at Fur ' man. lie is also o'Ui Of four members j of Furhian who will compete for Ihc "Wharton Medal." given hy Mr. W. Carl Wharton cd' Ulis county, for the best declnimor. D Is said thai he stands a line chance of winning :his honor also. THE GREAT CONTEST TO CLOSE TO-NIGHT Ml Ballots SI.hi he in the Posl Of fice in Time to lie Slumped Tonight' The great contest, which has been 'conducted hy the \iigustn Chronicle and a mimher of weekly papers, this One included. Will conic to a close to night in a great whirlwind Of votes. I Because the Contest Department did hot have the vote* In shape to pub jllsh yestorday, wc cannot give them ; today. Since today i. the last chiince e,i the contestants. i> should not by any means he the least fruitful one. A number Of Contestants fool sure that they are already in a position to win one of the Chronicle prizes or one oi the county prizes. They l" -I that they have got one of thorn "cinched," so to speak, As a matter of fact, they ha\e no grounds for any such thought, for (here is no telling how many votes another candidate may have. Do not allow one of those beautiful prizes to get away from you at the last moment ' just because you failed to work tho last day. That very last subscription ' might turn the balance in your favor while If you failed to get that sub scription you might fail to win a single prize. There Is only one day left to work in. The chain : mail or telephone . ? as S00I1 ::s tie- < Hint Is decided. Real I stale I runsforx. Dishop AI- Wolff ha\ Jt1Sl c losed a deal by Which 'our lots on Todd and Farley streets formerly belonging to ('apt. II. D. Humbert, \. rn sold to Mr. I L. W. Marii?. The Selling price Is Jnot stated. MR. Je O. C. FLEMING CALLED TO HIS REWARD I.aureus Shocked Lais! Muhl hy 11??? News of Iiis Death, Which uns I n expected. Just as we are going to press the news roaches us of the death of Mr. J. o. C. Fleming, quo of the city's and county's most prominent citizens. Mr. Fleming had been in declining health for Bcveral weeks and although It was thought that his condition was very serious, his death came as a distinct shock. Mr. Fleming was about 67 years of age. He is survived hy his wife, who was a Miss Todd, and three children, Charles. Jonnnle and Caroline. Only ] about a year ago he was called I to grieve the death of his eldest child. Samuel, who died suddenly at David son College. It is impossible to say at this time, when tlie funeral will be held. INSPECTION MADE FOR FREE DELIVERY Government Vgent in the t'ltj to See if Requirements hud Keen Mel With in the Numbering of Streets ami Houses. Mr CSco. N. Drown, of Columbia, was , l in the city last week inspecting the city street signs, house numbers tipd I other things for the Post Otllce De ; pertinent in order to make a report a; to the advisability of Installing a free I delivery in Laurens. Postmaster Hicks l drove Mr. Drown over the city and showed him what had boon done. Mr. Drown found ii necessary to vis. it a number of business houses in the city in order to gel information on different matters. Although lie bus J not made hjs report yet and did not have anything definite to say on the ! mutter, it is gencrnlly understood that lie will recommend that the system bo put In and that a( b ast, two carries bo employed. However, Postmaster Hicks thinks thai Ihn city really will J (lud need for three and he will take Up the !)? til further with the depart in< ill and t ry to have three put on a! opf.ii \ norsi: t u v,\tn:s ii \nds. Mr. ii. ii, Graill, v\ ho has Peon Coli? ducting a Muting Picture shoe.. Trans ft r> his Lease, Mr. !!. II. (Irani, who has been eon-j [ ductine Ci' Dreamland Theatre for several months, has sob! oni Iiis inn i> est ii, Mr. Chnrlic Amos, V. HO lias been assisting him Kineo he (ins been here, The. moving picture shows \, ill . on Untie as before. i The departure of Mr Gram will bo regretted by a large number of poo pie here for he had made a groat many friends. He was always very liberal in aiding any charitable cause by di ll siding receipts at different pi liform lances and although at times it inighl not have he, M convenient it can be alely said thai be did not reins.- a' ' single request ol this kind. I Mr. Charlie Amos, who will now take dharge, has been running the machine since ho liar; been bore and Is thoroughly in touch with the bin i I ness and Ire will continue running ibe iIn a;re in ihe .- ame niaiuu i ihnl ! irlor Car Service. ' The. C, ?v V.. C, |t; ., will pttl on a don;.!-- daily pin lor car service be ginning (he Ii-Ith of ibis month, D?r ing tlio :- mi inier months heretofore on ly a daily service h.'ii been run but tho ilicrensed travel over this road calls for this extra service This means that III pailor car will Pave Augusta every ; day rind one will leave. Aohvlllo evuri j day making connections at Spartan ! burg for both points without the no c> Bslty of changing cars. Mr*.. Lucy llarksdalo Kvans. After an illness of several Weeks, Mrs. Lucy Darksdalo Hvans, wife >f Prof. Frank Fvans. superintendent of the Spartanburg graded schools, died at a Columbia hospital Monday. On Monday evening tho body was brought to Laurens, accompanied by members of the family. At. II o'clock yester day morning the funeral and burial services, clndUCted by Re v. W. K. Thnycr and Rev. C. F. Dunkln, woro held at tho Darksdale burying grounds, two mlios wesi of the city. '!'!;;? deCcasod (ho daughter of the late Dr. John A, Rail'-dale and Mrs. Mary Rarksdale. She is Blirvlv. od by her husband and two children be-ides four brolhorfl of tills city, Messrs. 0. 1)., J. A.. W.J, and A. D. Darksdalo, College Commencements Overshadow Everything. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ON POPULAR PEOPLE Itov. Or. II. A. While I'reached nu Eloquent Scriaou at the Presbyter* Ian Church Social tfhtlrs of Much interest to a Large Number of l*co? pie. Clinton. Juno College commence ment is overshadowing e\< rythlag else in town this week, Tho week's pro gram is ns follows. Sunday. June I, 11 a. in Dacca laureate sermon hy Itov, Henry Alex ander White, d D. of Columbia; s:SO p. in., sermon before Y M. C \. by Itov. .1. M. Molladtty, D I)., ot Wiiiusboro. .Monday, .lam ;'. p, in .Meeting oi i.xccutlvo <-. Tuesday, .luue 10 a m, Mooting of Alumni association; s :.o p in., doolnlmors' contest, Wednesday, Inno 7. D> a, in. Com inouci incut i xcrclsos, address by Prof. Ci o. A. Wain hope. l*h. D. of Univevslty of South Carolina. Tin- Presbyterian i hurch was HUed on Sunday morning to hoar the Itev. Dr. II. \. Wl |(e ot Columbia 1 to a; his toxi Caul's speech to King \grlppn: "I was not disobedient unto iho heayi nly \ i: Idn." The moii was ii very abb- one. The College Dice club look the place of the regu lar church choir and Hie seats in tho main body ol the church wore rosorv od for the i (udent body. On Sunday ? veiling I In lb v i M. I loll (day of Wimishoro preached the annual sel'inon before tin V. ,M. t' A., on the life of : < r\ [< ?? !! ? u-\i In inj ?'Love one a not In r'.'' Invitations wi : i! i - "?ii ;i wi nk by (ho II io the marrhuv ol i '.< h dan Kalherlne I.mi; i;, to Pro I Mot h v, oil (Iraliam, ,li\ I In nun i lai i w ill lako place in l!i ? Klr; l, I'n bytei ian church copt a.n. Several social affairs have already been given In hohoi ol the hrido-oleei. Wednesday i\?:,iii;. Mi-> Tallulab N ? \ ille < iiterta!m d a dozen hit 'male fi e nds for h< r iii a lovely d|nil< i; ' urday aflernoon, Mbs. Prnnrcs Ken nedy i ii to rt aiued tin; Aotaeon Pool, club, the occii ion Inking the form of a "inlsccllam ous show* i :.rid ; uno lovely gift; of honor. .Miss Clara Dm/i it has i : ti d invitations for a dinner party for the member! of the bridal part> next Tucsdaj evenlni; The graded i eliool em jng exort I ei will lie hold in the u w an lltoriun; on Thnrsdiiy and Friday oven lags o this week. The I'liiduatiuf clii . Is com I Kien11 k mi Thursdily y,voblng, An old fashioned school entort.'tiLtnoiit will b r.iv u Friday evening, Among the parth : oj tin week were (hose given by Mrs; ?< I Cope|and for the colli ge seniors and by Mil Mnllh Alan, on for (ho (n plumage sei ioi . I Misses Oarvln oiitorlnlned foi theli cousin, Miss Conyers, of Manning, who was to be their guest for commence ? mcnt, but was hindered by Illness from COlillng. The Misses NevillO en. lortalned on Saturday evening'. MISS Tallulab Neville entertained the grad ed school teachers Tuesday evening. Mrs. a. m. Copoiand entertained tho Friendly Dozen Tuesday afternoon. The 0 irman club has Issued Invi tations for a dance for Wednesday ? veiling. IfclliiiiiH'Klchnrdson I The announcement has bei n n il< at Cray Court, which will bo of in torest to a largo circle of I lindi tho J OUllg couple: Mr, and Mrs. J, II. ilollams announce I the approaching marrlogo of thoh daughter, fleulah, to Mr, Charles (Thomson Hlchardson,