i pot rr in the banks % WHEN YOU HIDE YOUR MONEY are you m $ not always SCARED? You will act so that people ? <$ will know you have money and follow you, and find J $ out where it is and steal it. Thon you won't have J 6 any money. Besides, money draws interest in our 2 $ Bank and makes you MORE MONEY. 0 Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. 2 & We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. 1 Enterprise Bank | ? Laurens, S. C. ? <$ N. B. Dial, President C. H. Roper, Cashier J Grand Kimball factory PIANO EXHIBIT A Display of Sample Pianos by Kimball Factory Now on at No. 116 West Main St. Dial-Gray Block, Laurens,S.C. ?si ? 1tv-.11. v. ?-' Everybody is invited to attend. Factory ex perts will explain details of Piano manufacturing. Free souvenir to all who attend. This Exposition is for advertising purposes. Admission will be free. We have arranged special entertainment for all each afternoon and night. This display will include one each of the dif ferent styles of Pianos made in the Kimball Fac tory. The object of the exhibit is to thoroughly introduce the different style Pianos manufactured by The W. W. Kimball Company. Kimball Pianos are now used by several Music Conservatories, and over 222,000 in use in the best families in this country and endorsed by them. Any Banker will give you our financial standing. These Sample Pianos will be sold at a much re duced price on very liberal terms at a saving from $60.00 to S1C0.00 on each Piano. Don't fail to come. We want your good opinion. Open evenings until 9 p. m. J. F. MISENHEIMER, F. H. TRAMMELL, Exhition Managers. Pi.aTH OF J. ROSS DORROH. Was Son of the Lato W. T. Dorroh and Was Well Known Young- Cltlien. Burial Occurred Saturday In Tills City. Tho death Friday afternoon at Gray Court of Mr. J. Ross Dorroh was a shock to his mauy friends and ad mirers In Laurens and throughout tho county. Although It was known that he had beeu very ill for several days the nnnoureenent of his death came as o. surprise to his friends and a great blow to his family and other relatives. On Saturday afternoon the body was brought lo Laurens for burial In the family plot at the city cemetery. Hp was burled With Masonic honors, the ceremonies being conducted by mem bers of Schroder Lodge No. 111. Cray Court, assisted by members of Palmet to and Laurens Lodges of this city. A large gathering of friends from the Gray Court country and from the city attended the services. ;uul a great pro. 'fusion of handsome flowers attested the love and affection for the memory of the departed kinsman and friend. Mr. Dorroh was the older.: son of the late William T. Dorroh who pass ed away last September. Ho was in Iiis 39th year and is survived by his j wife who was before marriage, Miss Etta Owlngs, daughter of Mr. Thaddo ! us P. Owlngs Of Cray Court. The inoth I er of the deceased and six of his sis ters live here, while two other sisters Mrs. S. M. Wright and Mrs. C. A. Fos ter live at Woodruff and Tinimoiis viiie. respectively. Ills only brother, Mr. Sain Dorroh is engaged in farm ing in Youngs Township. lipon the death of his father who was at that time county auditor. J, Koss Dorroh was appointed by GOV. \ir oi t(> ;i'i out the unoxpired term. At the expiration of this service in February Mr. Dorroh returned to hia home at Cray Court and assumed tho management of the Cray Court bondod warehous ?. Recently his health which had not been good for several months, failed rapidly and ho was forced to take to bis bed some ilr-'ce weeks ago after which Iii? condition grow steadi ly weaker until the dual summons Saturday afternoon. Ross Don oh was a most exccllcnl man nnd Clll7.cn, loyal to his friends land devoted to his family: faithfully discharging his obligations to his church and to society generally ever living uprightly before God and man Thr Agoil) of a M?h? under a Skin Affliction. is all tho more terrible because it can't toll you how it suffers. Hut there is relief at hand not only re lict but .1 permanent cure from prick ley heal, rashes, hives, eczema and all other skin affections so prevalent among infants during the summer mouths. If you mant to see your baby rest easy once again?and a look of relief spread over its 'ittle face, just apply this splendid remedy ZEMO. We' 'olhve honestly ind sincerely that in ZEMO you will find the cure you have ' oen praying for. We can tell you in all thruth that we made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simple btu sure remedy. And to prove our absolute sincere ly, we haw instructed all druggists selling ZEMO, to refund the purchaser his money if the very first bottle does not bring relief. Used peristently thereafter ZEMO is bound to cure. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP make the most economical as well as the clean est and most effective treatment for affections of tho skin and scalp win lll < r on Infant o-1 grown person. Sold by druggists ovorywliere ami In Laurens by our authorized agents Laurens I >rug Co. * ******* ait. olim:. Ml. Olive. April 17. Th:> Ml. Olive school closed iant Friday. i>\. .lohn 11 Washington, pastor handle, and most durable. Willi aluminum there is no danger <>f poisonous compounds forming will) acid fruits or foods. Replace utensils that irrtir out with utensils thai "Wear-Ever.'! Let us supply you with WEAR-EVEB i the one-quart saucepan /|2p\ advertised in maga zines and show you T A C U Co other utensils bearing the "Wear-Ever'' trade mark. TRADEMARK Try This Test in a "Wear-Ever" Utensil I'our one pint of milk Met a Saucffratt, /'?'.;.'