The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 12, 1911, Image 5

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I LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. | Dr. Maxle McLees was in the city Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Babb and children were in I aurei s last Fr'dav. Mr. W. H. Leaman, of Cross Hill, was in the city Friday. Mrs. R. F. Fleming of Greenwood is here on a visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David McClintock were in the city Monday from Ora. Mr. W. \V. Yeargin of Barksdale was in the city Monday afternoon. Mr. ami Mrs. M. A. Sumerel, of the Ridge section, were In the city Mon day Miss Dorothy Owens of Clinton was among the visitors in Laurens last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Gray, of Eden, /.pent Sunday with Mr. ahd Mrs. John Mahon. Judge II. C. Watts spent Monday night in the city witli Major W. A. Watts. Mrs. Nancy Owens and son were the Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Dahl) Thursday. Mr. A. Dabb, a resident of the Foun tain Inn section, was a visitor in the t^?y Friday. iM'ss Nannie Dorroh spent Sunday in Gray Court with her brother, .Mr. S. Ross Dorroh. Miss Lalla Mae Dial has returned dome after an extended visit to rela tives in Florida. Dr. T. L. TImmerman lias returned Dom a few days' visit to his old home in Edgelleld County. Qov. Coleman L, Dleaso passed through Laurons Monday night on bis way to Greenville. Airs. James Powell, of Wilmington, N. C, is in the city to attend the Sul i 1 un-McLoes wedding. Mrs Nettle Vance, accompanied by Miss Mae Babb, were in Fountain Inn !.asl Friday on business 'diss Bessie Roland has returned Irtan Alken, whore she visited her sis P)--, Mrs. W. .1. McNair. Miss Eugenia Childs of Columbia, aid Miss Clara Duekett, of Clinton, a e visiting the Misses Jones. Miss Lola Anderson, who has been * lilting relatives in the city, return ^Uc',! to her home in Augusta Sunday. .Mrs W. T. Dorroh who was painful ly injured a few days ago by a fall, though improving Is mending slowly. Mrs. Rosa 1. Caine has returned from a very pleasant stay in Chicago, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. John v. Garlington. Miss Maude Sharpe, accompanied by her friends Misses Leerlc and Al Hinc Baldwin, visited several days in ? inceton last week. Supt. J. II. Brannon. of Spartanburg County, will he with Mr. Ceo. L. Pitts P Iday night, coming down tu be at Doclalmcrs t ontest. ?i;s. .1. N. Richardson and little son. John, are spending some time in Jack sonville, Fla., as the guest of her Sls l< ?. Mrs. W. J. Reeves Mr. W. L. Boyd. representing the F ist Presbyterian church, is attend lug the soring session ot Enoroe Pl'OS bytery which met last night at Foun tain Inn. Miss Roberta Dorroh alter spend ing a few days at her home here fol lowing a very pleasant visit to Mrs. . A. foster in Tlmmonsvllle. went ? i Cray Court Monday to visit at the ' .nie Of her brother. Mr. .1. Ross Dor Kir. V. II. Cothran, locating engi ? er of the Piedmont & Northern Ry.. working between Spartanburg and ?eenvllle, spent Sunday In the city With Mrs. Cothran who Is visiting at :.:iO home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. A. Clardy. Mr. A. C. Culbertson and son. of ;'-arksdale Station, were in the city Monday. Mr. Culbertson is a new res Wjont In the county, having recently rcoved to his present home on the old Darlington place, from Greenville 'ounty. Mr. James R. Davis has returned to his homo near Clinton where lie In* ?' nds spending the coming year on his 'other's plantation. It had been his Lientlon to remain with Davis Roper \\ Co.. during the coming season but r." was forced to rettirn home on ac ? .unit of sickness in his family. Misses Ulla and Ruble Babb, of Fountain Inn visited their Kiandmoth ?;r, Mrs. Lewis MahAffey, Friday night ?1mA Satnrday, and Sunday they spent ?Ith Miss .Vivian Owons. Dr. and i Mrs. J. W. Benson, Misses Mae and Allie Bubb and Sadie Gray were also there. Union Meeting. The Union Meeting of the Second and Third sections of Laurens asso ciation will meet with ML Olive, the 5th Saturday in this month. Program. 10.00 a. m.?Devotional services by J. O. Martin. 10.30?Quory?"What is the Normal Condition of a Local Church Accord ing to New Testament Teachings?" Speakers: T. Ii. Drown and J. A. Mar tin. 11.30 Query?"Why are not Chris tians imbued with the Missionary Spirit?" Speakers. Walter Baldwin and W. B. Thayer. Adjournment for dinner. 2.00 Query?"What is the teaching of tho New Testament concerning church discipline?" Speakers: t. H. Butts and A. O. Alison. 3.00?Parental Responslbll ity: 1. "What should a child be taught?" t. s. Langston. 2. "Difficulties of proper training." 11. II. Mahon. ">. "Dangers that threaten the home." J. M. lludgens. Sunday. 10.00?Devotional services, Edga Davis. 10.30?Short talks by superintend ents on the needs of the Sunday School 11.on?Sunday Sihool address by C. B. Bobo. 11.30?Missionary sermon by A. O. Alison or B. P. Mitchell. Adjournment for dinner. 2.00?Query: "The annual or the indefinite call, which?" J. 12. Martin. T. B. Burns? H. L. Baggott. The Union of the Fourth Division Of Laurens Baptist Association will meet with the Benverdtiin church, Sat urday. April 20th. at 10.30. A. M. Program. 10.::0?Devotional service led by the moderator. 11.00?Discussion: "Are there few that be saved?" Why? Luke 13:23-30 .1. A. Martin. W. II. Plnson. J. A. Cul bortson. ' 12.00?Intermission I. 30- "Peed my Bhcep." The sheep, the food, and by whom given. John. 21:15.17. W. C. Whnrton, W. P. Brown,I W. P. Turner, and C. Lewis Fowler. 2.",n -"Tho relation of a purified church lo evangelical nnd spiritual progress" John, 15th chapter. Titus. 2nd chapter. J, 11. Whnrton, J. H. Motes. .1. A. Martin. .1. A. Smith. 3.30?Missionary conference and period of prayer for the spread of the gospel truth, led by the moderator. Sunday Morning, April 30th. 10.00?Sunday School conference. 1. "Some important needs of the Sun day School." 2. "How these needs mny be supplied." "The spiritual conditions in our State." I. "The Sunday School as a factor in improving these conditions." The arangenionts for conducting this conference arc to he supplied by the Union. II. 00?Missionary sermon by Uov. C. ? owls Fowler or Hew J. A. Martin. W. P. Culbortson, Sec. HOW THEY STAND. The following is how the contest ants stood at the last count publish ed by The Chronicle, showing the lead.>rs In every district in which this county is interested: Lender for capital prize. Mrs. Normn Shackleford, Au gusta. 0?.01,095 Lender In South Carolina DIs IVlCtS, Miss Helle (Mover, Alken S. C. C5.S4? Lead u" In Second District. Miss Ruth Bnrksdhlo, Abbo ville.'.1.S20 Lnttrens County Candidates, Miss Maggie (Jarlington .. ..27.280 Miss Mary Teague.26,460 liss Liddlo Sloan .26,040 Miss jlllie Voting.14,820 Miss Lula Young.18,470 Miss Blanche Plnson.19,460 Miss Bthel MoDanlol.17,380 Miss Syria Morebend.21,220 Miss Etta Brownlee.38,640 Miss Anna Rhodos.2,100 Miss Amanda Glenn..',,120 Miss Ora Delle Hunter .. . .:!,S00 Miss Marie Mahon.2.280 Miss Ruth Martin.2,280 Miss N'lxa Sullivan.0,220 Miss Sallio Wolff.27,215 Miss Daisy Adams.27.820 Miss Annie Kate Chlldress .,49,940 ? Miss H?ster Cooper.3,620 Miss W.vr.onn Chancey .. .. 7.640 Miss Laurence Culbertson ..48,190 Miss Lillian Crews.18,260 Miss Bessie lludgens.5,480 Miss Bessie Madden.5,160 Mr. T. H. Nelson.35.045 Miss Cornelia Patton.36,046 Miss Carrie Langston.28,920 Mis:; Beth Mitchell.31,220 Miss Odessa Hembree .. ..36,620 Miss Buphenla Thomson .. ..24,480 Mr. Duford Curry.10,860 Miss Mary Bagwell.2,100 Miss Ludle Taylor.29,840 Miss Louise Taylor.27.4 0 Miss Bertie Cunningham ..28,760 And that means housecleaning for those who own their own homes and undoubtedly many new homes to be furnished by those who do not. At any rate?whatever you need?=one article for home furnishing or a whole house full of new goods?just remember that S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co., will most satisfactorily and economically supply your needs. We are showing a very Attractive line of Fine Buffets and Sideboards ONLY $34.50 This is one of the newest designs, it is made of genuine quarter sawed oak, all the material selected to match in color and grain, all beautifully polished in a rich golden color, making one of the prettiest pieces ever put on our floors, it is fitted with fine French Plate Mirror size 38 X 16 inches, the case is 50 inches long and 23 inches deep, fitted with latest Satin Finish Brass Rules. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. Laurens, 5. C. I Let Us Serve You! | I # For we can do so to your Advantage and Per- J J feet Satisfaction. J ? Specials For This Week! f 25 pounds Rice . $1.00 ? 17 pounds Sugar. 1.00 1$ Cream Cheese. .20? 1 lb can Salmon .10 ? Best Ham. .17', ? And anything in the fancy grocery line that ? you may want you can always find at g J. C. Shell & Company. | I PURE COTTON SEED! jj < i 11 ;; I have for sale about 300 bushels of Smith's ;: :: Texas Big Boll Cotton Seed, and 200 bushels j ? Poland Cotton Seed. These seed are sound and in ?; ;; good condition. Price reasonable. :: ;I At my residence two and one-half miles east of ?j ! I Laurens. ;; ? H. L. BLAKELEY, Laurens, S.O. :: Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on receipt of price $1.00. Trial Package by mall 10 cents. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Prspt.. CUvaUod. Ohio LAURKNS DRUG CO. I,aureus, S. C* JAS.H. SULLIVAN Attorney at Uw OfficcBarksdale Building. LAURENS, S. C. >??a???????&?????????????<?? I THE FMMEB SOWS WHAT ? ? HE EXPECTS TO REAR IF YOU ? THE ? BANK In 1623, a copy of Shakespeare sold for $5. In 1886 Oliver Wendell Holmes was offered this same book for $4,000. But had $5 been out at compound interest (4 percent.) in 1623, it would have amounted in 1886 to $160,000. Make OUR Bank YOUR Hank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. Enterprise Bank Laurens, S. C. N. B. Dial, President C. H. Roper, Cashier