00V. BLEASE OBJECTS TO FOREIGN ARCHITECTS Tnkcs tho Stand that Architects on W( ? (?... Hi Building Should he Na tive South Carolinian*. Columbia, April 6.?A? chairman px-offlclo of tho Winthrop College board of trustees, Governor Bleaae to day went on record asoppos ing the em ployment of an out of the State archi tect for the new building to bo erected at that institution and repudiated the contract that had been made by the bni'ding comm.ttee. A hurtled "nil for a meeting of the board Monday, at noon, was also is sued by the Goverm r. At this moot ing the question will come up for dis cussion and Governor Blouse will pre sent his attitude to the board. President Johnson Informed. The governor wired his views to Dr. I>. P. .Johnson, the president of Win throp. Dr. Johnson is now North. His roc rotary Informed Governor Bleaso that his message would be delivered upon the return of Dr. oJhnsou. The inespage rails the meeting of the board Jn Governor Blouse's office next Mon day at noon. Governor Blease had the following to say on the matter: "I want to go on record as repudiat ing such a Contract. I have asked Ilm committee not to sign the contract and to hold It up pending the mooting. My reasons for so doing are thai we have as good architects in South Carolina as there are In the Union. Why Kni Home Man "Our men are raising families in Ibis State; they are paying taxes and are helping to support our institutions ?then why should we pat ionize an achiteel from another State for the plans of a building to ho erected in one of our towns and by one of the State's institutions? Why should tho State put Itself on record as favoring tin- em ploy men I from men rrom be yond her borders? We should em ploy a SoutIi Carolinian. As soon as I saw it reported that the building committee was to employ a man from Charlotte, I at ouce made known my posit ion.'' Governor Please was emphatic in stating thai he repudiates such a con tract and.as chairman of the board he ?will never place his name to such a ?roccedlng. lie thinks that South Carolina's professional men are good enough to employ and that the State should not set such an example as this In going beyond the border to get an achitecL Building Committee. The building committee at Winthrop consists of the president. Dr. D. B. Johnson .Mayor Roddey and D. W. McLaurln. The building that caused Governor Hlense to oppose an out of tho state architect is the new arts and indus trial building, provided for at the last session of the general assembly. This bill caused quite a stir when Senator Stewart fought for it in the senate. He finally had It passed. Then Governor Mlease signed the Act. Then came the fight on the education Insti tutions, and the senate, having agreed! to give Winthrop a new building, gave the other institutions what they ask- J ed for. Governor Mlease vetoed the; Item for the University providing for a new building. * Sprlllg? of Course. * Crom Collier's Weekly. * ******* Chameleons and fops deserve envy when the "first real days of spring" arrive. How we long, on some of these sunny mornings, to celebrate in expressive raiment the season of expansion! Beside the push-cart of the ol' clo'es man or before the mer chant tailor's windows we stand and picture ourselves now in "thrush brown." now in "silver gray," now in some shade of joyous green. To have one suit of each would he too full a cup. Happy chameleons! Lucky fops! We knew one man who. whenever he felt downhearted, could restore BOlf confldenc > If he simply had his shoes polished and then went sauntering dowii the sunshiny side of the street. Another acquaintance afllrms thai a colored waistcoat may be the first in spiration of a genuiuoicareer. "Never trust poople who pretend that they have no joy in their new clothes," warns Kenneth Grahamo in "Dream Days." Least of all are such people to be trusted i:' they affect indifference to a sartorial season which this year ; has a terminology almost poetic. "Mist ' blue" is a popular shade in men's suits, and purple and lavender are ad vertised as approved colors for hosiery and scarfs. A suit for every mood is the idc."! slate to which the chameleon attains with ease and the fop with Study. Lovers, doubtless, should dress in gorgeous silks. How easy It might be to declaim the Question if the stiit * ? * or wore nl'owcd to wear a costume ap propriate to hiB state of soul! Suppose that wheu he threw back his opera cape she might see (like a maid of the time of Elizabeth) a symbol of splen dor and hope and joy. Idle longings, these. Even the fop, nowadays, may not express his mood in eloquent ap parel; and for the rest of us, we vain ly sigh, upon the coming of another bright season, for evon one complete change. In our personal experience, two men have given spring a fitting welcome. One fell heir to a little for tune. Passing a jeweler's shop soon afterward, he saw In the window a watch-fob of yellow dogskin, from which dangled an Ivory bulldog head for a charm. He bought. Ilrst. the fob: then a suit to match it: then tan shoes, a dark brown derby, brown socks and ties, and some brown striped shirt to match the suit, with garters of yel low silk for a dual touch. The otlt sr man, being of the steadfast type, i the same wlio as a boy sat on a hitch lug-post at the corner of the court house square in Lancaster. Missouri, watching a circus parade, and :here upon took oath that when he grew up and had the money he would buy a elicits of his own. Now, at fifty, he st-11 r.members the vow: and th?lifh his business is selling horses ami mules, his heart Is in a new "side line." and in the winter the basement of his big red farm barn Is full of noisy elephants and lions. And so. as an orphan boy doing chores around the town for his keep, lie also resolved to have good clothes some day. costl.v and in plenty. Every spring lie g? s to Chicago and buys a complete outfit, 'ndividnul In color scheme, ami topped with a hat of polished silk. "What!* ihe bill?" he aska "Two hundred and tlfty dollars." says the salesman after some work in addition. "Its loo much -I won't pay a cent over two hundred and tyenty-flve dollars" Thus for Wholesale lots, lie secures a reduction. Bv the way, women's hats, though full of color, ere smaller this spring. Had you noticed? Perhaps not; at any rato, a woman is likely to be happy while she makes her Easier purchase. MUX: Far tender face and neck after shav ing, fur pimples, black heads, dandruff or any skin or scalp disease use /,.{) and ZKMO SOAP. 7.HMO is guaranteed to relieve all soreness and Itching. The soap is part of the treatment, -best lor all toilet purposes. Sold by druggists everywhere and in Laurens by Laurens Drug Co. NOTHERS! Are Your Children Fretful? Don't Blame the Child Haybe It's The Shoes Bad humor comes from discomfort of some kind and more often because the helpless child is made to wear ill fitting shoes. Bring the children to us?we have shoes to fit every little foot and we fit them carefully too. Try us?the child will be so delighted and you'll be happier too. We handle the shoes of R. T. Wood & Company, who specialize in Children's and Infant's Shoes. Prices Conform to Quality. R. T. WOOD & COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF Misses', Children's and Infants' Shoes Switzer Company Exclusive Agents for Laurens