The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 01, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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.??.. ?~r^ ? ? ? ? ?' ?? Silver Wedding Anniversary. * ? . * This was a very delightful occasion in tii.' hospitable home, o? Mr, and Mrs. John Mill when a few friends met to colebr.tte with them their twenty-five years of married life. These years have brought to them health, happl ?? ness and 'prosperity N'lno splendid . s,ons ai>d .Uli ?? Joveiy. young daughters gathered with them around the happy fireside. There was no "vacant chair'' until a few months ago, their eldest son, Karle, while it was yet morning time in his fair young life, was cull ed "up higher". They sadly miss "the touch of the vanished hand and the sound of the voice that is still." Hut for this bereavement they meant to have had their "Silver Anniversary" a festive occasion, Their handsome hone was once the residence; of Mr. William Mills, who Is so pleasantly remembered by our old er citizens as the very courteous and successful merchant of long ago in this city. By him this fine estate was bequeathed to Mr. John Mills, who has added to it and kept It In fine con %!lt'in A '.'.rnded school nearby, un der the excellent management of Miss Allan of Virginia and Miss Hunter from near Ora. gives good facilities for education to the children or the neighborhood. It was a real pleasure to the guests, after the delicious dinner had been enjoyed, to go out.with Mr. and Mrs. "Mills and Miss Lucy Martin their love, ly sister whose home Is with them, and see the evidences of the thrifty and progressive farming methods all around. Fine fields of grain and splendid orchards, registered cattle, fine colts, sheep and hogs, with grand poultry of all kinds, bronze turkeys, pea fowl, duck, guineas and fine chick ens of many kinds and sizes. A gasoline engine in the barn, beside doing many other duties faithfully, pumps water from the well and dis tributes it through pipes into the house, the yard, and the various lots for the stock. We so much enjoyed seeing so many comforts and con veniences. Then when the pleasant day was done and the evening shad ows gathered. It was very sweet and happy to see the mother with her fine sons and daughters assemble around the family altar while the father read from the sacred "Hook of Wisdom'' and then returned thanks to Clod for mercies pant and Invoked His guidance through the coming years.?A friend. Eden Dots. Mr. Willie Mahaffoy has finished a big aaw bill for M. ;W, Cray. Mrs. Kmljy Woods, after spending n few weeks In Habun community, has returned home. Master Cray Hipp was tho'guest of Lake Cray, Saturday nl?ht. Mr. and Mi's. C. V. Hipp spent Hun day, with Mr. Paul Gray. Mr. Horace Cray spent Saturday night with Mr. U. L. Babb. Mr. Fulmcr spent Thursday night with 13. H. Hooves. Dr. Benson and wife spent Sunday with W. B. Owons. Mrs. Klizaboth Brooks has ?be??n spending a few days with Mr. SV. K. Cray. Mrs. Hose Holder spent Friday with Mrs. L. It. Brooks. Master Frank Cray who has been very 111 for several days is improving. SKOVGAAHD i AVOID IIAHSH BRIGS. Many.. Cathartics Tend to Cause In jury to the Bowels. If you are subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give tempor ary relief and their reaction is harm ful and sometimes more annoy"ng than constipation. They In no wtiy cf.'cct a cure and their tendency is to weak en the already weak organs with which they come In contact. We honestly believe that v/a have the best constipation treatment ever devised. Our faith In it is so strong that we sell it on the positive guar antee1 that It snail not cost the user a ? "lit if it does not give entire satis faction and completely ?emedv consti pation. This preparation is called Roy all Orderlies. These arc prompt, soothing and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Their principal Ingredi ent is ordorless, tasteless and color less. Combined with other well known Ingredients, long established for their usefulness in the treatment of constipation, it forms a tablet whi -It Is eaten just like candy. They may be taken at any time, either da> or night, without fear of their caus ing any inconvenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea. T'uv y net without causing any pain or excessive looseners of tho bowels. They are lder.l for children, weak, delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person. They come in two size packages, 12 tablets 10 cents. :i."> tablets 2't cents. Remember you can obtain them only at our store?The Rexall Store. The Laurens Drug Co * ?**?*??*<>***** * The University Letter. * * ? The health of the university la mott. oxcellent. There has been no serious sickness here this year. The enrollment at present is 407. This is the largest attendance in the history of the Institution. During the presidency of Wm, C. Preston, the number enrolled was 216. This was the maximum enrollment before the CiVIl War. The Carolina students come from every walk of life,"especially do \vc find the sons of the common people. Our people have come to realize that the place where their sons and daught ers can get a good education most economically is the state institutions. Plinn Hall, the student, home, with the genie! secretary is of untold value to the students. The legislature and his excellency, the governor, realized this and gave a very liberal appropria tion for its support. The Thursday night lectures con tinue' to he very interesting and In structive. Prof. T?te gave a very fine talk on Rural Schools last Thursday evening. At the same time this week, Prof. Carson will lecture on, "The Colors of the Spectrum." The following new courses arc be ing offered at the University this sptlng: "Negro Life In the South." by Or. G. 13. Moore; "A course in Agri culture" by Prof. A C. Moore. This course is given primarily for the teacher students who are going out to teach in the public schools. Anoth er course of much, interest is the one in Insurance ;,iven by Prof. McCut cheon. This is the only course In In surance given In the Sooth. The Stato High School Athletic Meet will take place at the University on April ?9. All Interested should writ< to Mr. P. E. Scofleld, Physical Direc tor. The death of Mr. /ach McGhee, one of Carolina's most Illustrious alumni, cast a veil of sorrow over the cam pus. Mr McGhee was at one time professor of Physics at the University. Has .Millions of Friends. How would you like to number your friends by millions as Bucklen's Arni ca Salve does? Its astounding cures In the past forty years made them. Its the best Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings bruises cold sores. Has no equal for piles. 27>c at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. Mi WH OF MOUXTYILLE. Hi-Ms of Interest Written In Attrac tive stylo About People Around This Little Town. MountVillo, Feb. 27.?The patrons of Hunter school district No. 2. have built a new school house near Head Springs church and Will 1 open up school there today. We learn that .Miss Annie Austin, of Cross Hill, has been secured as teacher. Heretofore this district has been united in the Hock school with Or OS 8 Hill No. 5. They have a good houSQ now, conve niently situated to the pupils who will compose the school. The (lice Club of the Clinton col lege will give nn entertainment at the Mountvllle school building next Mon day evening, March 6th. The public is cordially invited (o attend. Miss Lois Bryson wishes thus pub licly to return thanks to her many friends who so generously aided her in the recent piano contest at Rasor & Fuller's. Mrs. Mamie Harrison, of Anderson, was a recent visitor at Mountvllle, spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Anna Crisp. ? Messrs. W. B. Crisp and J. A. Davon, port will leave tomorrow for Sumter county where they will spend several days fox huntiug. Mr. Crisp is taking a ten days vacation from his work as depot agent and operator here, being relieved by Mr. R. C. Watts, of Winder, Ca. Mr. M. B. Crisp, a few days ago, made a business visit to Georgetown, S. 0. Mr, Timtnons and Mr. W. P. Fuller went to Birmingham, Ala. last Monday on a pleasure and visiting trip. They report cold weather In the Iron City. Many friends wi re glad to see Mrs. .1 B. Rasor and little Francos, of Greenville, in our midst last week. They were visiting Mr. S. J. Rasor nnd family and other relatives here. Miss Julia Fellers will leave tomor row for Grover, N. C, to spend a while with her sister, Mrs. Lucy Crisp. .Makes Everything New. Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old closets, old bureaus, when worn out make new again at a cost of lf> to '}0 cents with a can of either Homo Finish Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M. Varnish, or Home Finish L. & M. Varnish Slain. Directions for use on each can. Any body can use it. Get it from J. H. & M. L. Nash. Laurens; J. W. Copeland & Co., Clin ton. I CROSS HILL NEWS | Cross Hill. F(b. 27.?sir. W. T. Boyce went to Columbia last work with his sister. Mrs. Sam Todd, of Clinton, who was taken to the hospital for a sei loUs operation. Mr. I'. B. Watts returned from Flor ida some days ago and is quite sick with m< asles. Dr. O. C. Protest o'f Walhalla Is In town with a view to opening up a dental ofllce here. The entertainment by the school a the auditorium last Friday evening was quite a success and enjoyed by a largo audience. Miss Anne \ustln has accepted a position to teach school a few miles from town. Prof. D. B. Smith, of Cross Anchor, was a Cross Hill visitor Saturday. Miss Corn Qrlffln, teacher of the Vaughnvillo school, was In town Sat urday. Mr. W. M. Miller has been confined to his room for several weeks on ac count of tedious illness. SKOVGAAED I Kabun News. Mr. Lewis Hahaffey, of Eden sec tion, spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. Nancy Owens. Mrs! ? Eugene Wasson, and Mrs. Claude Wasson. of Friendship com munity, visited Mrs. Rebecca Owens last Tuesday. Mrs. Melvina Aborcromble visited her daughter, Mrs. Paul Willis, of Shiloh community, sever:.! days last week. Miss Edna Owens was the guest o? Mrs. G. W. Babb most of last week. Mr. Zeb Vance and family visited his people near Augusta Cross Roads Wednesday and Thursday. Messrs Luther Ropei and Will \n derson, of Lnurens, were in this com* munlt yseveral days last week hunt ing. Mr. Lusian Babb and wife, of Green Pond section, were the visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Babb Saturday night and with Mr. and Mrs. Lusted Babb Sunday. Mr. Hue Mahon and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ma hon. Misses Jenavie Babb, Alpha and Vena Martin of Eden, were the visitors of Misses Mamie and Lala Stone Sat urday night and Sunday. MADDEN NEWS I h* ^><^o>^^><^^o-?><^3-^ ? o ? ? o ? ? tfjtdqeu, Feb. L8.?Tho young *?pfo ,p|c of lt>. n< ighborhood nub! enjoyable social gatherings lately The pound "supper at the residence of Mr. T. S. Langs ton Friday night und the social at Miss Tennie Madden's Saturday night were both largely attended nnd rgUeh enjoyed. MIfs Uonnio Prolfll ha3 sent out invitations to a social to be held at her home at an earl date. The Rev .T. A. Martin filled his reg al, u- appointment at Prospect 8nt.ii day and Sunday. As the years go by ''?'o. Msi'Un grows In grace and wis dom. Ho preached an especially goo I sermon Sunday to a large and appre ciative congregation. The committee that has in hand collecting of funds for the cemetery fence are meeting with encouraging success. Those who have not yet c< ? tributed can do so. Messrs. J. M Dean and W. H. Hudgens are two of the committee. Mrs. Bolsvy Motes, the aged widow of the late Allen Motes, is quite sick at her home here. Her brother, Mr Anderson Abercromblo, of Rabun ami her granddaughter, Mrs. Dorn, of Columbia, have been called to her bed side. Mrs. Kttie Cunningham, her frier. Is Will be pleased to hear, has almost re covered from her recent Illness. The little ones, Joe Pink, Martin and Frances Finley, are also better. .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. P. Moore were the guests Sunday of Mrs. Teague an Mrs. Allison. Miss Lidio Culberlson is visiting her uncle, Prof. P. C. Culberlson. Miss Robbie Hudgens visited Mis* Louise Dean Sunday. Mr. 1!. F. Terry, who was buried al Mt. Pleasant Thursday last, had many friends here who grieve that ho ba boon called. Ho was a gallant 0? n federnte veteran. One by one ttu "thin gray line is broken." Kills a Murderer. A merlless murdered Is Appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. King s New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach. ll\cv nnd bowels, preventing that clogging that invites apendtcitis. curing consu ltation, headache, biliousness, chill 2f>c at l.aur.'us Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. Don't fall to come to the big BOd i snle. Red Iron Racket. J. C. Burnt: & Co. Cut Price Store. SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY MORE GOODS FOR SAME MONEY Soda Sale Saturday, Mar. ONE SOLID CAR LOAD OF SODA Bought direct from the Manufacturer, 30,000 lbs in full 1 pound packages (16 ozs to the pounch put Up in airtigh packages. The Soda Man from the Factory will hold a Special Sale at our The Han from the Factory will sell the Soda. Come see the Soda Man. store on Saturday, March 4th, 1911, and will sell and give away Soda and Cook Books. Come and buy Soda Saturday. This is the biggest shipment of Soda ever Shipped into Laurens. Every package guaranteed pure under the Pure Food Law, and full 16 ozs to the pound packages. Will be sold in case lots, or in 25cts lots. Come Saturday to the Big Soda Sale. One Car Load of 500 Cases of the best Soda made for this Sale. Buy Saturday and save money. Big Soda Sale Saturday, Mar. 4th. The Man from the Factory will sell the Soda. Come see the Soda Man. RED 1 N RACKET J. C BURNS & COMPANY 210 West Laurens St. Cheapest House on Earth. Laurens, South Carolina Six Stores: Laurens 1, Greenwood 1, Spartanburg 2, Anderson 1, Greenville 1. All of these stores Sell Same Goods for Less Money. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions, Tin, Glass, Crockery, Enameled Ware, Sewing Machines, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco, Candy and Thousands of other Goods we have not time to mention. We have very near everything you may need, and remember we Sell the Same Goods for Less Money. RED IRON RACKET SELLS SAME GOODS FOR LESS