The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 01, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Too Late, Too Late, to think about taking out a policy on your house if it is already burning. We take a risk but not a certainty. If you have taken time by the forelock, and insured your property against fire, you have the Absolute Certainty that the company Will pay all your losses. The race is to the swift, and you owe it to your family to protect them from all troubles. Do not be a laggard. E.H.WILKES&SON Stocks - Bonds - Insurance Enterprise Bank Building Laurens, S. C. PHOTOGRAPHS j The McCord Studio ? wiH copy any Photo, en I large any picture and I make High Grade Pho | tographs for you at the I very lowest prices. No ? photographer can do [ more nor offer any I more special inducement j than the ricCord Studio has always done. The HcCord Studio's motto is "Best Pictures, Lowest Prices" Come to see us. ! The New Year Should be started right by doing" business with us. We have always been known as Despen sers of PURE DRUGS and medicines, and dur ing the csming year you will find us with the best quality of goods and the best service for handling them. Dr. Posey's (Drug Store "Purity at Posey's" Laurens, S. C. When yens feet SffiT? vous. tired, worried or. despondent it is a eart sign you need MOTTO NERVER1NE PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and make life worth living. Be tur? and *?k tor Motft Nenrerine PilU gfcjjffi W1LUAMS MFC CO.. CU~U?4 OWU LAUBEfitf DRUG CO. Lnurens, H. C OR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY WUi Surely Slop Thai Coutjh. Nothing to ? Think About "Yes," ??ld the nice little old woman from her corner seat In the lobby of the family hotel, "we shut up our house and moved here oo I could get a little reit and quiet Daughter said I'd never recover my nervous tone as I long as I had a house on my handa to fhum orer. I tako such an Interest In \ things whon I do take an Interest?and you know what a house Is! Something all the time to upset you and keep you ' thinking and planning! The doctor said I needed a complete mental rest. With no responsibility and nothing to distract mo, and that's why wo went to boarding. "I like it here?don't you? Of course I don't know that I llko all the people. For instance, the folks in the room next to mino must bo dubious. They come home at all hours of the night, my dear, all hours! They walk per fectly straight down the corridor, be causo I can toll by their steps, but you needn't tell mo that two o'clock in the morning Is a respectable hour for a man and his wife to get homo three or four nights every week. "I've never laid oyos on them?not that I'vo tried to, of course, but you'd think I'd run upon them In tho hall going In or out. Every time I hear a door close and think It's theirs I find wh?n I get out Into tho hall It's somebody else going out. It's very suspicious. "You don't happen to know their name, do you? Not that I care?I Just wondered. "That's a pretty girl who Just went by?tho ono In tho lynx furs. Oh, you must havo noticed hor. Sho's the one that sits at the table under the elec tric fan nearest the north window and n young man with atralght-up blond hair comes to see her every Tuesday evening. There's another ono calls, too, but he's not so regular, She's so dark that they'd mako a fine couple, wouldn't they? "If people only use common sense ?hero's not a bit of chance for mar riages to turn out unhappily. Just look at tho Carlintons here?anybody can see they're unhappy, because ho Just buries himself In his newspaper at j meals and snaps If she asks him to pass anything. I didn't got a bit of salad tho other night because my wait er took It away while I was watching to see If Carllnton wouldn't speak to his wife before ho finished his coffee. "I don't see how she stands It?It's so apparent to outsiders. I feel so sorry for her that I Just bate to catch her eye when I'm looking at thorn. She has a way of looking up suddenly when you don't expect it. I should think she'd havo known by the shapo of his chin that she'd no business to marry him. Some women neyer pay any attention to those things. "Didn't that automobile wake you up the other night? Why, ths big green one that stopped out in front of the hotel about half paat three aud chugged away for such a long time. I think whorer came home in it hadn't any money to pay the bill and the chauffeur had to go Inside to collect. It. "That Orosebeck man wasn't down to breakfast at all tho next morning? I know, becnuse I went early to mine and then road my papor In the lobby, and I could see every one who came out of tho dtnlnK room, and he never appeared. I'd bate to say for certain that ho was the ono who came home In that automobile, hut I havo my suspicions. Ho always looks as though ho came out of a bandbox, too, and a man like that'll bear watching. "Shouldn't you think that woman with the pinkish hair would get tired running downtown so much? I kept track ono week and she wont out six mornings straight. She wears her best sable furs to shop In. too. anil that's what drives a lot of husbands to drink, such extravagance. Sable Is so delicate I should think she could find onotlgh useful things to do at j homo instead of gadding about so much. I'll warrant she doesn't keep her husband's socks darned. It's tho most curious color for hair. I'd hate to say she dyed It. but what's a per son to think. I'd llko to know? Six times In ono week? "You say maybe she was going to the dent 1st? Oh. well, perhaps so, but I don't believe It. This time of year everybody Is too busy to bother with the dentist. 8ho was Just hunting up moro doodads to spend her husband's money for, that's what she was up to. I think it's a shame?and he looks so gray. Well, perhaps he is old enough to be gray, anyhow, but If she'd bo the right sort of wife, Instead of extrava gant, he wouldn't be half worried Into his grave. "Do you suppose those clerks read the poetal cards before they distribute them In our boxes? They seem to take such a long time over the mall. Mrs. Bings, the grass widow, got one from Europe yesterday. I was standing right there when the postman laid the bundle down and It was on top. She ??ems quiet, but I'll warrant she's deep. Corresponding with soms man abroad Is a bad sign. "Yes," the nles Ilttls old woman concluded. 'I'm getting a good rsst here, because there's absolutely noth ing to distract ms and occupy my mind! Sometfmss I wish there was something for ms to take an Intsr sst In!" Easy Monsy. "There srs all sorts of ways to get rich." "Yes, Indeed. Some men sell bogus mining stock and some just rob the Illinois Central railroad." Advertising Talks CITIES BOOST THEMSELVES American Towns and 8tates Spend Thousands of Dollars in Ad vertising. Spokane, Wash., laid out more than $100,000 last year, holding herself up to the public gaze; Memphis expects to spend $25,000 this year for the | same purpose; St. Paul, $18,000; Chi- j cago, with a "Hoostor club" of 3.000 j hustlers, pays an advertising manager a salary of $10,000 a year and does not consider that she really needs much boosting either. Tho advertising bills of the city of New York during tho last six years aggregated a trifle under $5,000,000, says Huslness. Denver, Des Molnes, Detroit, Kansas City, Mo.; St. Louis, Toledo, Minneapolis, Montgomery, Ala.; Wichita, Kan.; Indianapolis, New Orleans, Rochester, Cleveland? one might fill n page with a list of tho cities that are boosting and booming themselves, systematically and reso lutely, and laying out their good, hard coin to do it. Tho Greater Georgia association, with a membership of nearly 20,000, is at work raising $200,000 to be used In exploiting the state and expects to es tablish permanent advertising head quarters In many cities throughout tho country. Mississippi is getting busy with a somewhat similar plan; eighty Nebraska newspapers have pledged themselves to methodically exploit their commonwealth and to raise $25, 000 within the coming year with which to do tho work; tho Northern Pacille railway company has Just put a force of thirty writers and publicity men to work on a campaign of adver tising for Oregon. NEWSPAPER IS BEST MEDIUM Its Business Bringing Says Advertising Manager. Advertising mediums was the chief topic for discussion ut the regular meeting of the Hlnghamton (N. Y.) Merchants and Advertisers' associa tion. Concerning tho value of tho newspa per, William McMahon, advertising manager of Sissou Uro?.-Weiden Co., said In part: "In my estimation the handbill and the rest of Its kind bear much the same relation to the recognized beat means of publicity as the old-fashioned muzzle-loading blunderbusses of the past do to the rapid-fire magazine guns of the present day. If you were going out gunning today you wouldn't ?elect a blunderbuss. Then why. In hunting up new business, do you use those same methods? "You probably want to know by this time what I consider t.ho best means of publicity. To my mind, there's no doubt about it?newspaper advertis ing. "It's the most profitable advertis ing?therefore, the beat. Thcro Is no limit to its business bringing powers, provided it Is backed up with the right merchandise at tho right prlco. It Is tho repeating gun of preBent-dny business-hunting methods. It hits hard and fast, and you get. In six, eight, ten shots In the same time that you wero firing one undor tho old methods. The man who cannot afford to advertise can't afford to waste his time In his business. And If he ad vertises at all, his first and last and main reliance should bo tho news pa por." No Limit to Power, JL?JLfiJLfiJULOJLfUL^ Some advertisers would rath- p> er lose money In their own way Cj than to make It according to somebody's else way. It Pays to Advertise. Mr. Irwin pointed with pride to the advanco In education shown by the ad vertising of sets of Shakespeare at cut prices. He saw an advertisement recently that aald there had been a great cut in the English classics, and as he wasn't posted on what had hap pened recently to the English classic? he v jnt to find out. Some of the tags on the "sets" read aa follows: "Shakespeare greatly redueed." "Shelley out In half," "Dante's In ferno gone down lower than ever be fore." "I wanted 'Macbeth' for a friend," he continued, "and I asked the sal? lady: "Have you "Macbeth?" She called to the next counter: 'Bay, Lia sle, have we 'Macbeth' this weekt" and then added, "I think this gentle man is In the wrong department. 'Macbeth' lan't a book; it's a lamp chimney." Clever Sank Novelty. A clever series of poet cards for bank* has been brought out. There are six cards la the series, to be mailed 60 days apart. Pictures of six famous American poets are shown, with the biography, and a calendar for two months; also an interesting talk on the benefits of banking and the name of the bank. THREE RURAL POLICE OFFICERS APPOINTED Under Special Act Prorldlug for Ad* dltlonal Members of the County Force, the Governor Names Messrs. Owen?, Wright and Madden. Under the provisions of the county rural police act, aa amended at the last session of the general assembly, Governor Blease has appointed three additional men as members of the force, thereby giving the county five rural police oftlcers. The new officers arc Messrs. Columbus L. Owens and Henry M. Wright of this city and James H. Madden of Mountville. Officers A. R. Sullivan and S. W. Lowe were appointed a year ago by Oov. Ansel for a term of two years, and with three men added to the force It Is expected that the county will he thoroughly patrolled. Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions an daids nature In re storing the system to a healthy con dition. Sold by Laurens Drug Co. 111 In its ninth year of unrivaled jjojjular I<|] ity.with an annual ft m f sales of millioi \ ofpounds^ mi? Rnowi to-day the lift country over as the u u 'ONE COFFEE'Yjf JmWA P exceptional quality }?jp I and moderate j)fice fA The Reily Taylor Co. NEW ORLEANS. U.S. A Kheumaciili Hbeuronll'in nnil Iltond Disease* The cause of rheumatism Is excess uric add In the blood. To cure rheu matism this acid must be expelled from the system. Kheumntlsm Is uii inter nal diseuso und requires an Internal remedy. Huhhlng With oils and lini ments may enso the pain, but they will no more cure rheumatism than paint will change the liber of rotten wood. ('urea llheiinmtlum To Stay Cured. Science has discovered a perfect and complete cure called Hheumaclde. Test ed In hundredi of cases, it has effected marvelous cures. Hheumaclde removes the cause, gets at the joints from tho inside, sweeps the poisons out of tho system, tones up the stomach, regulates the bowels and kidneys. Sold by drug gists at 60c, and $1; in the taSlet form at 25c. and 50c., by mall. Booklet free. Bobhitt Clvemlcal Co.. Baltimore. Md. Gets Vt The Joint* Prom The Inside. iwmiMgfe IT CURES LAURENS DRUG CO. Laurens, S. C. OH! YOU LADIES Stop! Listen! Read! "Bread is the Staff of Life" Therefore Have it Good. We know you are a good cook, but you can't make good bread out of sorry flour, can you? Then why do you use the so-called Patent, First Patent or Fancy Patent Flour that is now being sold you, simply because you have never tnea HENRY CLAY FLOUR the 100 per cent pure wheat flour, which we will sell you at a very little over the cost of so-called patent flour. We guarantee each and every saek of Henry Clay Flour to do better than any other flour on the market and stand ready to back up our statement. Henry Clay is good for breakfast, good for dinner, good for supper and good all the time for the children between meals. Yours for business J. H. Sullivan LAURENS, S. C THE NEW YORK VACUUM CLEANER "The Cleaner that Cleans" No Dust or Dirt Escapes its Powerful Suction. Most Efficient, Economical and Durable. Least Expensive. Our Agents in other parts of the country are making money and building up a permanent We want an enerjstlc agent for this territory. Hand V Apply at once V*^^"^ EUctrio ?15 to the X *7S . NEW YORK VACUUM CLEANER CO. Marbridfe Buildiaf, Broadway and 34th Sir -:- NEW YORK CITY. Attention Farmers! Buy your Guano from the Old Reliable Manufacturer of High-giade Fertilizers, The Georgia Chemical Works, of Augusta, Georgia, who have been manufacturing first class Guanos for 38 years. They make 50 or more different brands of fine Guano. They know your wants, because they have the experience. Can buy from them Special Peruvian Compound, Crown Guano, Sea Gull, Mascot, Blood and Hone, Polapsco, and many other well-known brands. None better on earth. Then look well to your interest and write Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga., for prices, or see your old friend, Gco. S. McCravy, Laurens, S. C, who will be pleased to quote you prices. Remember the prizes for the best acre of Corn raised in Laurens County, in 1910, was awarded to Willie Wolff, and he used our Guano. Address? The Georgia Chemical Works Geo. S. McCravy, Agent Augusta, Laurens, S. C. Ca. Special Values at W.O. Wilon&Co. Children's Sweaters 50c, Misses* Sweaters $1.50, Ladies* Sweaters, strictly all wool, at $2.50 and $3.50. All wool Mufflers, Togues and a complete line of Cotton and Wool Underwear, Cotton and Wool Hosiery, Blankets and Flannels. W. Q. Wilson & Co. We want to do your Tin Roofing Guttering and all other work in the Tin and Sheet Iron Line We will sell you a better grade of -VALLEY TIN than you have been using at the same price. We make anything to order out of Sheet Metal Be sure and see our Metal Shingles before roof ing your residence. Yours for better work and material. DIVVER BROTHERS I North Side Public Square - Laurens, S. C.