The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 22, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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OUR BUYER Hr. E. P. Minter is in New York this week buying: a large stock of the newest things in Dress Goods, Novel ties and Millinery. We have secured the services of one of the most compe tent Milliners from the North who will select one of the most attractive lines of Millinery ever shown in Laurens. We want every lady to visit our Millinery Parlors when opened. J. E MINTER & BRO. Laurens, 5. C. GOWANS King of Externals IC Stils itself wherever |t introduced. Imitators1 f have tried to imitate, and substitution has been attempted. But once GOWANS always Gowans for irifiamrnation and congestion. It jrirfs 'Jt /<'- ?- : m mfri'J (Sovran* Prp/?.?r?rion f-^r Jntiur:,m?tton. fjcptxinllj at tine aad ehmv, \S't '-.i ? ? / Go*'Ml*'ir,n i<? vtur* x:)d oertr h*'i & < lii}:L!.S(,T'j> DtL'G < i Bar&ttgtou, .v. r BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT II THE HOME All Dr. tai.t. SI. SO?. 2S*. tont? ??j? vit'iv % : Kheumocidi IT CURES " '-ft um Vt : ramUla it t-xrt-si crt: i.ii .t U*t btot>4 ".'. ran rito r-.e-. ^-- Chil ? .i BOKt be 11JNflOlT fr*>:n tl>* fjKMt. K-'.t uiiitu?:r. -i i.r ti?: "f.vtts- trji sire* *.r. iaunul rfrsr.*t3y. lisrjici.^ ??." _ oil ?^ji ttn). otr.if rt.ay *k.m pa - Iber iriQ :m ?? . .-r HLw?niartain ?-.:: . trip* rotten ?? :>:A C*rr? RkriBill?a T?. Mi; < ?re4. Alseorwrod & perfect irjj ?? called H-.t taascSSt *.>**.? ?,3 :t. i-^i?-'fis ?>1 tasw tin ?-fffrt-."i ?. .? re*. J.-*.- isriSc 7-::*^?? t*.*- riun?, r*". f. ti-t .ia'.! !.-:?---. :??= :ti>t^r*. *.? - i . ?_: t; VXMtrr.. aa tlx rt-f-r'.L-.*-, :?.??-:' it.; kaftsteri ScM t? Arug a: "?? t-: J. I ? c rem **. in-l *?? :?>' mail BvaScSet <re?. Bol,t?;'it <"t?n.u-i; 0t :?-?:??"*? Mi. Oft? vt TV tateca ? r*ae Tk* Kheumooi IT CURES LUMl>> i?Rt<; CO. TRUSS MAN COMING! Trusses Fitted A FIT GUARANTEED DR. BIGELOW OF NEW YORK Expert Truss Fitter Will be at Our Store February 28th, 1911. ONE DAY ONLY Come and see him and let him ex amine your old truss and see what is the matter with \K Consultation free. New trusses fitted, old ones readjusted, new methods used in fitting, no chaf ing, every wearer is made comfortable, when he fits you. Come and see him. All Trusses GUARANTEED. LAURENS DRUG CO. Laurens, 5. C. Remember the Date, Feb. 28th. T A FEW SALIENT FACTS OF TORRENS SYSTEM Beprenentntlve Arcade WfllH OerUlne-?. the BUI for tne ( oatiderstios of hi* Ollear?*-* ajMi Csnttftnest* Dar. far tne Msntn* before the Rest Bet* BltHL Mr. Willis of Laurens. one of the young members of the house who has made tbe impression that he is deeply interested in welfare work. ba? pre sented a bfj* to Incorporate the Tor rens !?nS system into tbe laws of this St*!?. The bill will not come up fta\ consideration until next year. and tbe legislators are anxious for ! their constitue:.: ^ to study tbe fea I tures. Mr. Willis ha* prepared the. -irz synopsis for The State "Tbe Mil providing for a system of 'fct. i registration which 1 have Intro loced i? simply a modified form of the Torre n> System." tbe ber.eut- of ??hieb can I-? summed uj> i> v . It guarantees Cl) Certainty of title. Certainty of transfer (g) Clerity of transfer. Cheapnes of transfer ar.1 ?*? Creates a greater corner ? [. -.. i ealte for South Carolina real e;-s-e N'-t on* of these five elements zrz-* obtala in South Carolina, and ever? laaryer knows that onr present sy** ten.. besides being bnnglesome. Ii un safe. A smal*. j-er cent, of the *??? owners of this State are sbsoiat? : certain that their titles are gooi Out tre-s-er.". system prevents free irz. t: :r. a'; ef.ate Its Object To ascerti.r. an; clear t::le?- by radlciaJ proceeding* En r*m. iratco shall he binding upon all the world to register the titles sc. ascertained h:.z to require eve~-.- ?^er;e:.* trans fer end every lien or proceeding that :r iejigr.e-i to affect the same, to b* registered the origins*, certifi cate which never coe-f oj: cf the clerks offic? i also ur?c?n the dupll '.'-te vh:1::. r.eier roes out of the person or persons ownir.e the lands. 01 tcy .ncere-s*. therein The resuli *ts". *"'T.'y.i;i? ?H'h'.th Ci.U "he certificate-* a*, i every one ? ? - :_er lawyer OT layman. Ci.*i tell tbe true state of tbe title *T- *n.T moment: and tbis act is s^eed'ly securely axe* cheaply done." Exj?er'H?ent. The sy.-tem is proposed by my 11 no ei;?er:ment but it a 'yi-tem that has been tri*>d and proved to be * is claUned for it. It was first introduced into Australia, and has been in force for a 0amber of years :n Tasmania. British Columbia. Ne? Zealand. Manitoba Antario and Eng land. Not on!y has tbis system found favor in the*.-* countries across the seas, but here in our own United States tbe States of Elinoif. Massa chusetts. Oregon. Minnesota. Col orado and Ne? York have adopted it. Ev*ra the baby islands of Porto Rico. HiTk:: and tbe Philippines, for whom v? stand as protectors and advisors. Lave adopted tbe "'Torrens System." The States of Virginia. Iowa. Michi. gat Rhode Island. Wisconsin. Georgia. Kortk Carolina and others have taker. Sbepl leaking toward tbe adoption of this syste-m Other States are falling into line and it is time our own South Carolina ""?as placing tbe law 'j;?oi her Statut?- oo?.&* The people of South Carolina ?t.rough tbe;r firmert .nion and in Utbej vfcvi Lb . e demaitded that the ryttett be mtrodnced into thll State. CU?1 ?- prorisSOtti be Incorporated In to oui ;hv-( j?r;d tie I ba-.e pre ???'. w.d introduced looks to that end '? hai bee* prepared after a careful ??;.'-? 01 *?? - v ?.r DSOdlfied forms of (Jus syeteu i>ow in force :n ptner states, ax.0 it has been so jTei-are*: at to fit oondrtlons lu South Carolina. 'jt:.c ".<;-~a ere ; rc.-v.ded for and ?i.e t ?-.'kt of the oourti of the sereral ?-..'?.??< ire OesigaiAiel tbe registrars. I - - SAdVoVAOl vho -u-iy want hi* ? >r regSsMred tnty make application ?v *.t.e rrclrtrtr of iu eoasty? t*ut it a if ft psnetVy pidlonsJ with every man. e-awwtvra ltd adri.nistrator? SrftkS *re wrndjig v> enta*e? J? I**-z}^-nsite. ?';.?. '. ; '7^>i ' *f-*r a tract of s.?a r t*red. an orbti naJ oe-r*>?!??.ate shai. o* kept in the of nce fd tfce registrar, duplicate of ?t/t ,.t a ?>? ''- 'he owner or '/sam vf the lax>d and upon both ?x? or*?)*t*J *t*d jgnHests certificate a*f fSieSMSdVWSCeSy ?f aay nature ? : ?-? ? always he shown. Ta<e MmfifJutA as proposed and pro - rided for Is tse till it Inexpensive. An s**vr* fsnd of one-tenth of oene per ?enc of Use assessed valua tion of tne land registered shall be. tnsdsr Us* pwrtsaons of Use bill, patd j kmt/9 tne ?tat* trensary. ss s graaran tes fttnd. ost of wksth any loss froen any inoorrsct title being Insared will be paid Coder tne Provision? of the bill tne fees payable snail be as follows: 'a* For docketing Indexing and Sl hng nsr original petition and exhib its ?ber*with and publishing and mall teg Use notices thereof, and Jndexing nsTnxrrardnni thereof In deed book. as notice of Iis peahens, the postage required and two dollars. For docket - fas. Indexlas and filing aar other paper, fifty cent*. For.the entry of the original certiRcate of title and Is suing one duplicate certificate and re cording and indexing memorandum in proper deed book, two dollars. For each addition duplicate, fifty cents. For registration of any writ ing, instrument, or record, or any me. mortal. including every act necessary therefor SI- lb) For examining title and making report to the court, one tenth of one perceatum of the value of the land, and postage, and f". For hearing evidence in contested cases and making report to the court, the same fee as that of a master for like services. For any service of the registrars or of any sheriff or surveyor, not spe c.all; provided for herein such fee as may be allowed by law for like services in other c&s*. Do you know that crt>u-> can br pre vented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and h will prevent the attack, i*. is a1.*-:- a certain cure for croup and has never been knowi. to fail. Sold b* LaDre r.s Drug Co. EDGAR >HIM\7I kILLED. Vovbs Son of Mr. Henry s. Shumate. I"ora*?Tl* of Bremerton. T?i> ( odd tj? Meet* TraE-k End at Felrer. ilici- Shumate a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Shumate, former resi dents of Brewenoc. this county, ir.d t :r,>ev of '.vir Fleming M Smith of tail city died last "?Vednesday as the rest! ? o4. injaries received the night :<t4.: ?? .:. an at-ciient at the Prize: OH Mill of which he was superin tendent. A s;? from Anderson gives the following account of the unfortunate not irenc* Mr J. Shumate, son of Mr. H S Snumite ar.d brother 01 J. F. Shumate of tail city, was horribly mangled In (he Moneyntek Oil Mil] at Peirer tn.s morning about one o'clock sod at t o'clock today he died from the Injuries Mr Shumate was r.izh: superintendent of th?- mill, and when nre was discovered in the mil! si .after midnight he went into the engine room to help put out the famer. In &r. attempt to save the laree driving belt he stepped into the fly wheel pit to remove the belt, when tne ' v. as started, the young man being caught and fatally crushed. He was removed at once to Pagett's hotel, and medical aid was summoned Dr. J. L Gray of this city with Mr. ?::-:::.i>'> father and brother went to the wounded man immediately, and everything possible was done to ease his suffering and save his life. Edgar Shumate was about 2J> years of age and was a popular young man. highly regarded by al!. His father has been connected with the Sullivan Hard ware company for years, and hi? bro. ther. Mr. Jas. F. Shumate, has been cashier of the Citizens National bank since its organization several years ago. The news of his terrible death came as a great shock to the whole city. The body has been brought to Anderson, and the funeral services w;l! probably be held tomorrow. Tortured for 15 Year.*. by a cure-defying stomash trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all remedies h? tried John W. Moddlers. >f Moddersvfllft, Mlcb., seeded doomed He had to sell his farm and give up work. His rieigiitini ~ said ' he enn't live much longer." "Whatever I ate distre ??? I me." he wrote, "till I tried Electric s'Bners. which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. Its surely a grand remedy for trouble." Just as good for the liver it ?': kidney*. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. To The Board* of School Trustees. At the last annual meeting of the l.Vdrens County Survivors' Associa tion a resolution was adopted recjeust ing the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of each school district to forward to O. G. Thompson the names of all survivors, with company and regiment. Also names of all widows of soldiers, with company and regi ment of deceased husband. The Chairman of the respective boards are earnestly requested to aid us in this effort to get up a complete roll of all veterans survivors and widows that we may publish before our next annual meeting in August, next Please give us these names by the .'0th day of March. O. G. Thompson. If troubled with Indigestion, con stipation, no appetite or feel bilious, give Chaatberlaln's Stomach sad Liv er Tablets a trial sad you will b? 1 pleased with the result. These tab. lets invigorate the stomach and liver sad strengthen the digestion. Sold tar Laarens Drag Co. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have 70? overworked your mttdui uy tem and caused trouble with your kld avryft aj*J Madder? Have you pals* In Mas. side, back and b Udder ? liar* you ? flabby appearance of the fare, and un ser the eyes? A frequent desire to pass urtoe? If no. Winiame- Kidney Pills will cur* r'?>'-??D/usstet. Price a*c WILLIAMS MFC CO.. fr???-. CW.U.OW? LU RE>S DRl'G CO. Lasreas, s. C Where Does Your Shoe Pinch ? Feet that ache are ill treated. No foot ever complained that was not pinched or rubbed or bound by stiff leather. If your feet are tender or sensitive, if you are on your feet continuously, don't force them into stiff, unyielding shoes. THE SOUTHERN GIRL $2.00?SHOE?$2.50 is made in many patterns on many lasts in many styles. Go to our dealer in your town and let him fit you. Ask to see this shoe shown here. We call it Old Ladies' Comfort, but many young women wear it for a house shoe because it is so easy under foot. Whatever your taste in style, we make it ? of better leather, with more wear, than you ever bought before for $2.00. Look for the Red Bell on the Box CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., Lynchburg, Va. This same shoe In oar "Autograph '' brand t2.50-$3.00 is Goodyear Welt sewed: in oar College Woman't Walking Shoe. S3-S3 50-S4. it equals the beit custom make. Special Values at W. G. Wilson & Co. Children's Sweaters 50c, Misses' Sweaters $1.50, Ladies' Sweaters, strictly all w ool, at $2.50 and $3.50. All wool Mufflers, Togues and a complete line of Cotton and Wool Underwear, Cotton and Wool Hosiery, Blankets and Flannels. W. Q. Wilson & Co. We want to do your Tin Roofing Guttering and all other work in the Tin and Sheet Iron Line We will sell you a better grade of VALLEY TIN = than you have been using at the same price. We make anything to order out of Sheet Metal Be sure and see our Metal Shingles before roof ing your residence. Yours for better work and material. DIVVER BROTHERS North Side Public Square - Laurens, S. C. FOR SALE Pure Improved King Cotton Seed. (GUARANTEED) . * i ^P^?1 Pains t0 that these Seed were S^ISH; Tbey w ^ ht direct from T j * i *?Nnt. First come, first serve. $1.00 per bushel. ? R. F1NLEY, Madden, S. C