NEWS FROM MADDEN. Delightful Entertainment at Home of Mr. T. S. Langrdton?reraonal Men tion. Madden, Feb. 13.?There was quite h pleasant occasion at the home of Mr. T. S. LangRton Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Fuller, of Mount vine, were the guests. What mattered it, that outside the -rain poured and the wind blew In gusts? Inside the Ifangs ion home there was warmth, laughter and music. The two "boys" faced each other with a fiddle and the bow, and renewed their youth. Clear (ind true sounded out the note of many ttn old tune, among them the old-time favorite, "Saint Patrick's Day in the Morning." Miss Agatha Reid, who is soon to go to Columbia, to finish her course us a trained nurse, is on a visit to her friend. Miss Jessie Thompson. Miss Edna Profltt, who Is a student at Cross Till Graded School, was ^viib. the home people Saturday and, Sunday. Mrs. Oxner, of Laurens, is on a vis it to her daughter, Mrs. Clury Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Thad. Moore visited Mrs. Moore's parents, near Rabun Sunday. Miss Ethel Bryson, who has been nursing a case in Waterloo, has re turned home. Some of our farmers took advantage of the cold snap Saturday and killed hogs. Little Louis Culbertson and Nell Madden, the little ones that have been ?sick with colds, are better, we are glad to note. Master Herbert Martin, who was buried here Tuesday, was a general favorite in this, his old home, and the hearts of all go out In sympathy to the parents and the uncle, with whom Herbert was a favorite. No where was Mrs. Rosa Fouche Hell, better known than here where for so many years, she taught school and our hearts were grieved when we heard she too, had passed away. Those of us who were her pupils at old "Rosedale" knew we had a loving place in her memory. Together with her loved ones, we mourn her death. As the dear ones go one by one may w? realize the importance of the solemn admonition "Be ye also ready". Professional Card. Dr. T. L. Timmerman will be out of his office Monday and Tuesday, February 20th and 21st. 29-lt pd W. 0. W. Meeting. A regular meetinfe of Lau i cub Camp No. 98, W. O. W .w.lll be held Thursday night when work In the sec ond and third degrees will be done. At the January meeting of the camp delegates to the Head Camp Conven tion at Columbia, March 14 and 16 were chosen, J. Lee L?ngsten, John A. Franks and John O. W. Watts be ing elected C. A. Power, consul com mander of the camp, will also at tend, he being the chairman of the board of managers of the Head Camp. Two Tablets and Stomach Misery Gone The Laurens Drug Co. sells and guarantees the best prescription the world has ever known for disturbed and upset stomach, gas, belching, heaviness, heartburn, acid stomac and biliousness. It Is called MI-O-NA. remember the name, it banishes distress from over ?atlng or fermentation of food in five minutes. .It Is guaranteed by the Laurens Drug Co. to cure Indigestion, sick headache, nervousness and dizziness, or money back. No matter how long you have suf -fered you will find a certain cure in MI-O-NA stomach tabets. "About six weekB ago I purchased a box of MI-O-NA tablets for an ag gravated form of stomach trouble. I had been troubled for four or five years, had tried different physicians and a great many patent remedies. MI-O-NA entirely relieved me from pain, and I can now eat most any kind of food and relish it."?A. J. Fish, West Carthage, N. Y. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are only f>0 cents a large box at Laurens Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Your Ideal. Do the right and your Ideal of It grows and perfects itself. Do the wrong and* your ideal of It breaks up and vanishes.?Martlneau. VERY LOW RATES TO MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS AND PENSACO LA FOR M A BIM GRAS CEL. EBRATION?FED RU A It Y 28rd-28th, 1911. The SEABOARD will sell round trip tickets from all principal sta tions on its line February 21st to 27th inclusive, to Mobile, New Or leans and Pensacola, account of the Mardi Gras Celebration, final limit of all tickets to reach original starting point not later than midnight of March 11. 1911. Tickets may be ex tended until March 27th, 1911, by pay ment of fee of |1.00 Call on nearest Agent of the SEA BOARD for information as to sched ules, rates, etc. C. D. WAYNE. A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. 29.2t Mrs. Kosa Pouche BelL Notwithstanding the very inclement weather, at 2 p. m. on the 8th, a dele gation from the Daughters of Confed eracy and a large number of friends, met at the station and accompanied to her former home, 3 miles out, the remains of Mrs. Rosa Fouchu Bell, who 'died the day before at the home of her sister, Mrs. Whisonant in Blacksburg, S. C. The pall bearers were, C. C. Featherstone, E. P. Minter, J. J. Pluss, M. J. Owings, W. B. Sloan, J. S. Bennett. C. M. Bobo, C. H. Roper, John Mills, B. S. Bailey The next afternoon. In Rocky Springs church, the very solemn and impressive funeral services were con ducted by Mrs Bell's pastor. Rev. Ed win Thayer, of the Baptist church, ossieted by Rev. Mr. McLJn of the Presbyterian church and Rev. Mr. Pat ton of the Methodist church, Mrs. Whisonant's pastor who came down with them from Blacksburg. The choir f'om her church assisted ly oll?*?, stftly and sweetly, ' Lend Kindly Light" and others of her fa\orite hymns; then sadly and mournfully loving trlends gathered around the oueu grave: the beautiful casket of gray plush, covered with the flowers that she loved best and the quiet sleeper, so lovely in death, was laid away to rest, until that morning, when our Saviour shall come In the East and the dead shall arise. "Asleep in Jesus" was softly sung as the low red mound was hidden beneath ex quisite flowers, Easter, Calla and Val ley lilies, carnations, roses, hyacinths and ferns; love's last token of affec tion. Mrs. Bell was* a faithful teacher at Rocky Springs for several years be fore her marriage ;then during the 21 years of her married life, was the regular organist at the semi-monthly services of her husband's church. So where she had toiled, it is fitting that she should rest. ' "Only 'Goodnight' beloved, not fare well'! A little while and all His Saints shall dwell In hallowed union indivisible? And so 'Goodnight' I'ntll we meet before His throne. Clothed in the spotless robe He gives His own, Ur.t'.l we know, even as we are known, 'Goodnight' " ?A Friend. * The Origin of Roystcr Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster's idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers* F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO. N. C. COLUMBIA. 8. C. 8 PART AN B?RO. 8. O. MACON. OA. COLUMBUS. OA. MONTGOMERY. ALA. BALTIMORE. MD. CROSS HILL NEWS. Dr. Peak Called to Abbeville on Ac count of Brother's Illness?Many Visitor*. Cross Hill, Feb. 13.?Cnpt. J. G. Jenkins, of Greenwood, was here on business interests last Friday. Miss Llllie Milam, of Clinton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Aus tin Saturday. Mrs. Mary Robertson has returned from a visit to friends in Laurens. Mr. E. H. Kaminer, a prominent bus iness man of Gadsden, S. C, was a Cross Hill visitor last Thursday. Mrs. Dr. Miller spent last week with the doctor in Columbia. Dr. Peak was called to Abbeville recently to see his brother, Mr. John Peak, who is seriously ill. Mrs. P. B. Smith is visiting rela tives in Columbia. Mr. J. Wade Hill sold a fine point er dog a few days ago for $75.00. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cseney & Co.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honourable in all business transactions and finan cially ubla to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kliman & Margin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 7?c. per bottle. Sold by all durggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE The auditor's olllce will bo open from the first of January to the 20th of February, 1911, to make returns of all personal property for taxation and wherever changes have been made in real estate. AM nii.le citizens between the ages Of 21 and 60 years on the 1st of Janu ary, except those who are incapable of earning a support from belag malm ed or from other causes, aro deemed polls, Confederate veterans excepted. All taxjayers are required to give Township and No of School District; also state whether property is situated in town or country. Each lot, tract or parcel of land must be entered separately. After the 20th of February, 50 per cent penalty will be attached for fail ure to make returns. J. ROSS DORROH. Dec. 9, 1910?td. STOP! LOOK! GRAND LISTEN Laurens, S. C, Monday, February 20th, 11 a. m. We have had consigned to us, to be sold at Public Auction on the above date, 100 Choice Resident Lots absolutely regardless of price. This property is owned by The Laurens Trust Company, and is located near the Watts Mill. Each and every lot faces a broad Street or Avenue. This will truly be the chance of a life time, a golden opportunity for the home-seeker, the speculator or wise investor. This property has been consigned to us to be sold and it is going to change hands. These lots will be sold at the rate of one a minute until every lot has been disposed of. Your price will be ours from start to finish. There will be plenty of good music to amuse you while the sale is going on. So don't fail to be on hand, your presence will be appreciated. HFAlfr PFNMV RUATHPPQ *'ie Twin Auctioneers, both speak at the same time and in the 55 dill I DIVvr 1 IljLilip same tone of voice, and sei 1 lots at the rate of One a Minute. FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY! The Property will be Sold on Easy Terms: One Fourth Cash, balance One, Two and Three Years. AMERICAN J. W. CALLAHAN, Sale Manager. AUCTION CO GREENSBORO, N. C.