The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 25, 1911, PART 1 PAGES 1 TO 8, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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^*li#*ti%*t*li*#*tt%%%*li%>lt%%%*>*#*M<ii>tt*ti*j I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. f -# * Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. ?IL McCuen entertained a party of fiends at tea. 000 Mi88 Olythia Jones waa hostess Thursday afternoon to a party of her :>oung. friends at her home on North Harper Btreet. ooo Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thomnson, Jr. i.ave a dining at their home Friday, a few friends and relatives of the c ity being the guests. ooo Today at one o'clock Miss Mario tiray. daughter of Mr. Hugh E. Gray. ?-Ill be married to Mr. B. L. Swain of 'harlotte, N. C. The marriage will t-e 8?.'leirni?.ed at the home of (he bride's father, and the cavemony will be performed by the Rev. L. P. McGee, pastor of the First Methodist church. 4.fter luncheon has been served the bridal couple will leave at ?:30 for a wedding trip. Mr. Swain, the groom :j-be, is vice president of the Char lotte College of Telegraphy in which institution Miss Gray was a student last fall, having returned to her home Christmas when announcement of her < ngagement was made, sin? !s the ; hlrd daughter of Mr. Gray, ind Is an accomplished and popular young lady, ooo On Friday Mrs. W. E. Lucas enter tained at en eight-course luncheon in honor of Mrs. C. E. Gray who is soon I to give up her residence in Laurens 'or Georgetown The Lucas home was beautifully decorated for the occasion. . nd the luncheon was a very delight ful affair. The place cards were pret ty pen and ink sketches, and each ^test read a toast to the guest of hon r. Including the hostess herself, there were present ton guests and the icaslon was one of the most charm ing of the week's society events, ooo 1 At her home on West Main street. Saturday morning. Mrs. II. K. Alken gave a lovely reception in compliment .j Mrs. Gray, the entertainment prov ing one of the most enjoyable of the series tendered Mrs. Gray on the eve o:' her departure from the city, ooo 1 in celebiatlon of his ?l si birthday, Mr. Harvey Terry, a popular eiti/.on and business man of the city, enter tained 22 members of his family at a turkey dinner at the Terry Home Sun 'luv. January 15. The members of the Wednesday Club were charmingly entertained by Mrs. Brooks Swygert at her home on Irby avenue WedneBday afternoon. It being the occasion of the regular semi-monthly meeting of the club. At Hie conclusion of the program of the afternoon, delicious refreshments were served. FOB THE ST OMACU. Here's an Offer You Should Not Over-* look. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach stroubles by supplying the one element, the abr.ence of which in the gastric julees causes indi gestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomaoh to digest food and to quickly convert It into rich red blood and material necessary for overcom ing natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket, or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and in digestion will not bother you. We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee them to relieve indi gestion and dyspepsia, if they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes: 2f> cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexalt Remedies only at?The Rexall Store? Tht Laurens' Drug Co. On The Governor's Staff. It's Col. Cannon now. Among those appointed by Gov. Blease to be on his staff was .lohn M. Cannon, Esq., who aided materially in the campaign last summer. Col. Cannon will be Judge \dvoeate General. Col. T. B. Crews, the veteran editor of the Lauronsvllle Herald has been appointed by 'Jov. Blease a inei::vr of the Confederate Infirmary Commls ! slon PILES ?HING DESPAIR. Take Courage! Internal Treatment 1 Will Cure. Piles make life unhappy and ruin the best disposition. .Most sufferers have been bitterly disappointed by I many failures to find a cure. A medi cine in tablet form, taken internally, thai avoids the unpleasant features of ointments, suppositories, and opera lions, and cures thoroughly by remov ing the inside cause, is surely worth trying, especially as Laurens Drug Co. and druggists everywhere guaran tee it. Dr. Leonhardt's llem-Roid costs $1 lor a large box?21 days' treatment. Dr. Leonhardt Co.. station B. Buffalo, N. Y. Write lor booklet. WILL OPEN ?EW STORK. Red Hot Rackett Under Management of W. M. Orndorf Will Start Bast ness Next Saturday. Mr. W. M. Orndorf and his corps of clerks have arrived in the city and are making big preparations for the opening of tho new store, The Red Hot Racket next Saturday. He has received a large shipment of goods from Spnrtanburg and also n b!g sup ply from wholesale houses. The large store-room formerly occupied by Q, B. 8immons & Soil has been well stocked with nearly everything. Mr Orndorf expects to do a big husineas here as he is doing now in Green wood. Greenville and Anderson. The opening of the store will take" place at 11 o'clock Saturday Instead of 9 o'clock as heretofore advertised. At that time Mr. Orndorf expects to give away a large amount of merchan dise Just to start t'^'ngs going. Call on Hr. Sullivan. Mr Jared I). Sullivan, county repre sentative of the farm demonstration work in the State, has been granted a vacation until March. However, he will be glad to visit and speak to any assemblage of farmers in the several townships during this vacation period, for be realizes that now is the im portant time to plan and prepare thoroughly the lands that, are to be cultivated this year, and he stands ready to give all the Information he can along this line. Death in Roaring Fire. may not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bueklon's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores it subdues inflammation, it kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only "J.'.c at I,aureus Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 27th day of February, we will render a Hanl ac count of our acts and doings as K\ ecutOl'S of tin* estate of I. R. Switzer. deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens county, at 11 o' clock, a. in., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trusts as Executors. Any person indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay inent on that date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or hefore said date, duly provsn or be forever barred. .1. M. Shell. Louise Cannon K'.eeutors. January !.">, put. i inc. Wall Paper Thousands of Rolls of Fine Paper to be Sold at Bargain Prices We have just received the largest shipment of High-grade Paper ever brought to Laurens. These Goods were bought on a Special Contract, enabling us to offer you values that will supprise you. You will find paper suitable for every room in the house. The prices will range from Five Cents per Roll on up. We invitt you to call and inspect our line. Our Goods will please you. Our prices will save you Money. S. ML & E. H. WILKES & CO. HSS! FINAL SKTTLKMF.NT. Take notkc that on the 28th tiny of February. I will render a dual ac count i)t my acts and doings as \d ministratri.\ of the estate of lt. L. iMct/.s . deceased, in the olllee of the Judge of Probate of Laurens county, at II o'clock, a. in., and on the same day will apply for a linal discharge I from my trusts as Administratrix. i Any person indebted to said estate notified and retptired to make pay ment on that date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven or he rorevor haired. Allee M. .Moists, Admiuist i al i i v .lanuii i'.v l' ?. I. I mo. Before ordering Magazines ge our big clubbing Catalogue ant Special offers, and save money.] Southern- Subscription Agency ltnleigh, N. (. A postal "ill do I Hin tine of Knam -I Ware just re cclvcd. S, M. & 10. II. Wlikes * Co. Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian Pile Ointnici t will euro mind, HIccdliiK ami ItchhiR Piles. It ab? sorbs tin: tumors, allays Itching at once, n<t" as a poultice, ?iAcs Instant rollcf. Williams' Indian Pilo Ointment Ik pro? parcd for riles and Itching of tho private parts. Druggists, mall BOo and $1.00. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props.. Clovnlanrl, Ohio Laurens Drog Co., Laurens, S. C. XXXXXXXX Let Us Remind You that Such Bargains as The MILL END Sale Offers You Does Not Come Every Day Nor Last for Ever. You will only have a few days longer and all the Short Lengths and Odds and Ends of all kinds will be gone, only a short time and the Sale ill close. Thousands and Thousands of Dollars worth of choice Merchandise being sold, Thousands and Thousands oi Dollars being saved by all who *e taking advantage of this wonderful money saving opportunity. LADIES' DEPARTMENT! Special Gingham Value Big lot of genuine Everette Classic Ginghams in short lengths. Worth 10 cents, Mill End Price. 7c. Extra Special Values Extra Special Values in Ladies' Tailored Coat Suits during last days of the Mill End Sale. Lots of them in only one and two of a style. Special Mill End Prices to close out at $7.49, $10 49 and $14.99 Beautiful White jLawns and Mercerized Waistings, and Suitings of all kinds in some of the biggest values that you have ever seen. Never before have we offered such bargains. You should Cr 7^ Or Q1IJ Q~ see the Special Mill End Prices. PC, I CM PC dilil tfC. MEN'S DEPARTMENT! Special Sale on Men's Fine Shirts Big lot of Men's Fine Percal Shirts in a big range of Patterns. Comes in all sizes. Worth 75cts to 85cts. Mill End Price 59 cents A GREAT VALUE-GIVING Sale of Men's White and Colored Vests. Some a little soiled. Come quick, for all will go at the Low Price. Vests worth up to $3.00. Your Choice for . . 99c. All Boys' Shoes sold at Big Reduction during this Money-saving Mill End Sale. REMEMBER?The reductions in all Kinds of Merchandise at the Mill End Sale give a Magnificent opportunity for profitable investments. Important Notice! Bring your pocket book with you. Positively no goods will be charged to any one. This is going to be strictly a cash sale to all. So please remember this. Davis Roper Co LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA Big Bargains! A Big Value in Children's black Ribbed Hose for Friday. Children's ribbed Hose in small sizes only. Good value for 10cts. Friday's Special Mill End Price 5 cents