The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 23, 1910, PART 1 PAGES 1 TO 8, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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ANNEXED HIMSELF TO NEIGHBOR'S COTTON mount til lr Negro Attempts to KoplM lull his Stock of Cotton from IK' Neighbor's Patch. Mountvllle, Nov. 21.- Last Weriies day night .lake Hyrd, a negro living r?n the llyrd place three miles or more below Mountville. made a hold attempt to Increase his crop of cotton. With' his wagon and team he \v< nt to Mr. 'Sam 15r> son's held and picked up a basket, of cotton, thence to Mr. ? )s ? born's field wi'i re he added another Basket or two to his load, p.ui (,'uj l?hnson. liviruv on the srtno [llact ?md having a keen eye for such forug Hfa. especially on a moon light night Kb pi cd the intruder and reminded 'Jakt his unwelcome visit by means o| F|l shot gun. .lake returned il\e ?ri H?ten hurriedly look his leave. Hut ? crossing a small stream pear i>y ?B wagon became entangled in some Bpfrlendly condition of the stream. Paring lest the time required for te wing things to their former order travel as a whole, would bo incom ktlble with his presold hurried incli iatlons, he decided to divide into two ? sections. Therefore he detached the mules and started again, leaving the wagon and cotton to (heir own fate. ; These were secured and brought back "to Mountville. Policeman Lowe came up to look af ter the man. hut it is learned that 'Jake is not 'il homo to callers now. Mr. Karl Dry son and Miss Knitna ?Colctnnn were married at the home of tho bride's parents. Clinton, on Wed nesday the 'Ith. Karl is tho son or Mr. Sam Uryson, or tills place, and is a salesman in the store of Itnsor & Fuller. Mrs. Dryson is the daught er of Mr. Henry Colcman who recently moved from Cross Hill to Clinton. Best wishes are extended to the happy cou ple. Mr. Albert 1 laltiwanger, of Atlanta. (I after attending the StnAe En\r, comnj to MountvJIJc and spevtf ttau idflVH with ' his sister, JIM* J..I. Jtellews, He .left. Wednesday ?01 .his honxs. Mrs. Maud*1 Ilryson, who has been quite sick twosome. tiXMS W.OIti to Co lumbia Sunday for treatment at the hospital. She .WAS a/'Momptitvind Ajjf her husband, ib'. W R Urysvu. RECEIVER APPOINTED FOR;DISTILLINGC?u Value of the Proper!? is Fixed ?t #?"?">? (MM) although ('otupnnj i* rimmed ?Ith OwljUJjC State (000,000. A recolver has be< a appointed for the Rlohlnnd Dint ill tng company .of Columbia against which the tltspen. <ary commission .khau u elidm of ??500,* ICO for overcharges. A. M, Luis pk In >l Columbia was j;?m< d tin n?.-civ 01 of tiie company by Judge Shi>p sit chambers In Cauulen Saturday. The action of Judge ship,, follws a peti tion filed by Attorney Central Lyon. Tin' RichtendiDlstllUng company owns <?<:? siderablo property In CoJwnbJa.aivd this will bo taken over by the re ceiver, cite officers* of the company arc restrained by tij. order from in terfering with the properly. The Riehl and Distilling company WSJ? organized to sell liiskies to the stsjit" dlspensatiy. In the petition it b charged that the officers an/,1 ageuu. of the Jt5fh land Distilling ouinpnn.. conspired to deftjaud the State in en: sale of liqtip s. Order by Jtltftti The following is the.oTV"!' of Judge Shlpp '?On hearing th? verltiejJ complaint of the planitlff heroin, and on motion of Stevenson & Mutheson i if counsel for plaintiff, it appearing i that the properly of the defendant herein is abandoned and that there Us no offi cer or agent charged with the control Wesson Snowdrift Oil FOR SALADS AND COOKING?turns the duties o! the cook iiilo a pleasure. No nutter, wjtai.lhe days prcpara Uons call lor, either in salad drcssings,,Jor Irying or for baking. Wesson Snowdrill Oil brings the siuiic supe rior n ull-, in everylliing. It is an absolutely pure vegetable oil, which cooks thoroughly through and through WITHOUT ANY CREASY RE SULTS. It is the equal ol the lines! Jersey butler lor cooking; is superior to lard as a shortening and Infinitely more healthful: it is ? pcrleclly reliaed oil lor salads, saueej. etc.. Uftelcu, odorless, and in fact. Irom every pout ol view and lor every service. i\ is positively tlte^eer ol all the world as a riealthlul, economical oil. ' L1 every attempt at substitution warn you against arrc^ijn,) anything interior, and remember that there is nolhliifj "jy ? t as good." MADE BY The Southern Cottojn?Qil NEW YORK NMfr ORIGANS SAVANNAH CHI najiVi Atk your dealer for th? famous. Wesson BOOK. If bit ?utiply la i?xltWt?d, wrjte ...luiita office, irlvtfitf desjer'a n?tti?, ana ... splendid testimony, from the luinjlnj Woiuoiv'a Co. CHICAGO ift oil (XK>K "rect to our free with ?to. Snoudflftt ?ViAf-e din , WllllJlHI It ; Clinton Garage and Machine Shops Will do any kind of machine work at reasonable prices on Engines, Gas [En gines, Automobiles, and all kinds of farm machinery. Clinton Garage& Machine Shops. Telephone 119 E Cut Price Store !Watch us ail the time. Every thing must be closed out, all at Cut Prices. Anything and ev* erything less than you can buy !t any where. Special on ladies' cloaks. Special on ladies9 suits. Special on shoes Special on underwear. ? ? Don't forget your friends. Put Price Store of. the saM jirtyimty <?f said fovpora tton ior attorney to jafit for Ihe said cerium tiesi. "it !? ?ndernd that A. m. SLnmpkln, Bag., he jwid he is har.eby appointed receiver .of the property of tue dc fondaif aiKi is dira&ed Iminofliatoly on rooetjrt. of a < oitili'd copy vt ?Di? , order ?o lake pissesa-ion of a3.1 and s insular lb* assets of the said eom \K"y, lvok yfter .'.lie pvitectlon ?'f the sane. &nd bold them smbject ti the ?order cd this court, and until the fur j flier order cd this court ( tHIwr* Are Restrained. I "U Is further ordered that tttO (agents and Bfucere and icmployea of i 1 ho company. If any shall be found ot '.?bail ber.en.fter appear, s'/mii be re sMajnrd from in any wise Interfering with the control or tho property by ?Ihe stiAd receiver. ? It Ik further ordered that notice .:: this appointment be Riven by pub lication in the t'olunibia Statte, OJJC6 a week tor six consecutive weeks, and Utailjng a copy thereof to the Rich latid Distilling company at Colombia, S. .C. that being its last known place of business; and that likewise the sutMinonB be published at tho s; me time and mailed in like manner to said defendant. "P is further ordered that- he do ? \e(?? ?(' the usual receiver's bond, with one or more sureties, or in a surety company, in the sum of $1,000, and Hie the same with the clerk of court of Riojiland county, and the value of the property is fixed at $."?0,000." REVOLUTION FEARED DAILY IN MEXICO For First Time in Fifteen Years As sociated .Press Wires are ' lit On. The situation in Mexico appears to be serious. Foj the tirst time in the fifteen years of operation, the leased wire of the Associated Press from Laredo to Monterey and Mexico City was commandeered by the .Mexican government on the plea of military need, and the federal circuit manager in NetlVO Laredo was ordered to cut off the Laredo office of the Assoc iated Cress to prevent Information being gleaned from messages moving over the wire. These instructions eman ated from the headquarters of the Federal Telegraphs in .Mexico City, where it was explained that the gov ernment would require the full ca pacity of all its telegraph facilities throughout the r.ip!?t. ('inniiir. ;as it does after whet Avas officially reported to nave oeon a per fectly tranquil Sunday throughout the greater part of the republic, bnoken only by a fow almost .insignificant'dis orders In ,the smaller places, this action op the part of the -government would appear to lend substance to the rumors of bloody riots at Zaca tccas, Gomez Palaclous and Torrcou, the authenticity of which had been iu doubt. These three important cities are sit mi/tod in a region which had 'been disaffected for years. Gomez Pala cios and Torrqon arc cities of about 15,000 and twenty-live thousand In. habitants respectively and are located four miles apart ,ln the Laguna dis trict of the State of Coahulla. This territory was the scene of the Insurrection in 1!>0S. which was quick ly quelled by the federal government and which is supposed to have eventuated in the sending of Gen. Bordardo Reyes who had been pro claimed leader by the revolutionists to Rurope. Every precaution is being taken by the American authorities to prevent violation of neutrality laws on (Jolted States soil. Qov. Campbell Is re ported to have ordered the entire force of Texas rangers to the Rio Grande, and the commanding officer of Fort Mclntosh has placed a double guard over the gun racks In each barracks of the four companies of infantry stationed here, as a pre caution against theft or seizure by Mexican revolutionists, BIO SWINDLERS ARRESTED, Charged ?Ith Using the Malis to De. fraud the 1'nblir. In raids bo important that Post mastei General Hitchcock took charge in person, his Inspectors fell on two concerns Monday afternoon nt New York which they choree with swind ling the public out of more than $10, '?00,000 by fraudulent u?o of the malls Sheldon II. Durr, president of Durr Rros.: Eugene II. Burr, secretary and trea?urer of the firm, and Frank H. Tobey, its vice-president, were ar rested In the first raid and hold in $20,000 bond each. The government charges that the firm sold between $10.000.000 r.nd $50,000.000 of mining and oil stocks worth little or noth ing. Wireless Company. Charles L, Baughn, a director of the Continental wireless Telegraph and Telephone company, incorporated in Arizona, was taken in tho second raid and held in $10,000 bail. Inspectors say bis company has sold stock to the amount of at least ?1,000,000 which haB brought inmo /etiirn to the In vestors. Vaughn, is treasurer of the Columbia Finance company, which acts as DscaJ-'A&oni for the Continen tal Wireless Telegraph and Telephone company, and had charge of the Con tinental offices in Lhla city. Both raids are furtlier evidence that the government in its warfare against alleged Interstate swindlers, means business and no longer will be content with using fraud orders de nying them the use of the mails, but will press >r convictions on criminal charges. The present campaign bo gan some monthfi ip) and has result ed in the arrest of Louis Oolln and his associates, charged with operat ing a string of bucket shops: the of ficers of tin- United Wireless company, 11m mi Progress!* Banana company, the United Exchange of Chicago, the . ~'>le. Wilier Cotton firm, at Corinth, .Miss., in . more than GO ether firms in td\ parts of the country. I leered t,f $.0O,O<)0,<>00. Postmaster General Hitchcock esti mates thai i he public has been Pi.ed out of at least * 10:1 000,000 by gel-rich quick concerns in the last five years but says that their heyday has gone. The postofllce department under the present administration intends to keep alter them every ml nil to and Tost master General Hitclicoc:; said today that other arrests involving corpora tions that have sought investors the length and breadth of the country, are expected shortly. OFF FOR SI'.MTKK. Tho football team of the High school, accompanied by Prof. Jones and Prof. Parkinson, will leave toda) for 8u tnter, whero c: ? Snmter school team In He on Turkey Day. Tl baa been hard at wor! week getting In perfect The Sumteritea have from one ? nd of the Sil as the real high uchbo! and the Lauretta boj s preparations to show tiling or two about gr #y tackle the a pigskin bw local eleven ;'? for the past ilgMing trim, been heralded le 11 the other . "champeeuH liavo made id hem just, a dlron art. Look for This Sign ON LEADING GA R A G E S FOR SALE ALL OVER THE WORLD Michelin was the first to manufacture pneumatic automobile tires and now produces more than half of the tires made in the world. IN STOCK BY W. P. HUDGENS LAURENS, S. C. I Our Job Department Is Compl< ie | f ? Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill He* tds | K Neatly, Stylishly and Originally Done. ^ 5 To obtain that Nicety of Finish and Appears lice $? 6 that should go with every piece of Stationery t tiat S goes out of your office, S h We would advise that you have our Jt & & $ Nan Call on You. S ^ To Secure the Best of Work Requires, ? ? 1st. The Best of Materials, | s 2nd. The Best Plant in which to do ^ g the work, 5 S 3nd. The Best of Experience In * h Printing*, S g 4th! And the best Intentions to Pie* tse. X J? We have the Plant, the Experience,, the Met 1 to $ vl do the work, and the Determination to come u p to \ p? the Requirements of the most Fastidious. ? \\ If you have job printing that you think cai mot X ^ be done in your own town, inquire at our o ffice ^ first and you will be surprised to know that we Sfc p? are in a position to do work that has hitherto j fone S to the larger cities, and at prices that your I ?cat v S office can beat. . 5 p? Phone for the job man to call on you. s \ Advertiser Printing Co. |