The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 16, 1910, PART 2 PAGES 9 TO 12, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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MANY l li.ig/rirg gue-J hn M\\u \ *lt# Iv/ft-nt. "rU* M fvi make that DEUCWII3 uu<?" or?"What it the vxtti <A llnl WONDERFUL ihettino,7 . and w?re wjrpfivi 10 karn ?!.%' Wi -I i! * wbolt dinner, ever jr. i'.jr-j iron, tilth la mtati and d?'r?v ptitrks; U>e towtt llei la mini Wtum Snowdrift Ott. H you uv lh? W?iv,n Snowdrift Oil Cook fkx,k. you C4M avail yourieli ol the rlni<?il re fif! I>.~>?n. MM the awurar>? thai whatever xvi aervc Mill Kave ihe diiiinOion ol ?u^rwrity. and It will cufct ftmr kmdrntm tt? envy ?4 yaur {uttu. Wetton Sfwv-iriit 0:1 U rinlwWly pure and tartly vegetable. Ii it 100/vcooliing value.odor. u and latleleti. Il will cook anything thor. ?aghly. without permeating the article with great* 11 it unappotched for making mu?*. dretw rn?j?. eU. Beware ol IfapMttiwa whtn y(w ?J, Wet l*n t 0,5. Call lor ihe original, relined 't lx in,i*J ap0n im" <Koit" SoU by the leading deileri in your town, and n-.ade by The Southern Cotton Oil Co., *?? Tori, Ri,?????, ?,w O.I.,?.. I ,l..r. rMrf A-vir. TV.f o>ll*. Itae l..-o-,, V/Mton V^rw? : dr f O.I COOK IV X? K. II r:. w,t, I? -<? MM ?.? ,??!?"?". ?*'l,.',?l?.. /i,,B,^.!.r', Chi ind er? ?III tenet fha hook wee, ?Ith Inter* I cttine ?- ^inw*? ?/< levlinc Weii.e? ?Cl/m. etc. kkk.n im kulm < lmkbkd l\ nrK si \<.iM. or KLAw \ kk i \.noKirs xf.w \.nii <;kk vt? l i: l iioDt i i ion ok ?? Di.n in ;;.*? In ( oluii 'S. i.. Monthly, Tiicsdii) .iinl \\i lliftihi) L ?enlni!-, <iml Wed* itt ?Int Miitlnee, 21, 22 ami 23. v ich Inl :t has In n manifested ??>)..?? ini' i' ttiu mecl anical methods of the ihrlllliiK chariot race1 cm ployed in Klaw Krlung r'ti new und grealoi production of (leiiordl Wallace's spec taelt "Bqii II M." which la tu be.pre sented ;:t the Columbia Theatre. Col umbia. J-'. Monday. Tuesdaj und Wednesday evenings und Wcdnosday matinee, N'ov, 21, 22 and 2::. r-. t:.i.. nn.ii arenlc conical the spectator noon eight horses galloping at break neck apeed lind Htraining ovcrj mtiHclfl to gain ihe advantage in the ruco within the amphitheatre, Behind ouch tptartot of homers Ih a Korr.,1 a chariot. The wheela revolve rapit'.ly. the charlota lurch and away nnri the flaming horihhoned garmontH of tie driven Mutter behind them, iiddirK Intomdty to the roaliem of the ?rf tit. The III union i? Ktlll further In'creaMod bh the Interior wall of the amphitheatre moves along ami the! dun die , in blinding clouds beneath | the crushing wheels of the chariots., Th< clutter 01 ihe rui hing hoofs of the horses t nd the uiiihle of the I chariots distinctly i >nrd, BiahornlQ mechuulsm and nppi ca ' (dons of electricity produce this eff"'-. Tie- mechanism <f two great! arndles, twenty fool in lougdi and foUtteen fool wide, and wliich arc movable bach and forth on railways, is ?- tppo I v a ! Mge i tt ucttirn! on pi do of 1 aiding 1 wci ty 1 urn The tons oi 1 i-" cradle 1 at a 1 wo lu< ii<-.. nho' <? Mio level of the ?lagt! Kac'i ci'atlle beUrH Mm four hpr>i ? and the oh;.:'it 1 of oaeli conies'.aiu, pli each crndlc Micro nre four runways und tread.nil!- of hickory sl;i s two Incites wine and covered with nibiui . Miey are twelve reei hue., nhd Iwb ami a iinll ft et wide. o 1 oneli of Ihe ? treadmills a horse h Hatiinfd livsleol cable traces, which hold h'nt in place ami provem him ii mi moving forward off the run wo.vs. as * , 1 >r>o gal lops the 'readiuill reV(d,\es umle ? his foot, thereby ollmiii 11 Inn Mt ? forwnid pri -. lire cro'ltetl by t 13 impart of his liool which kVoiild forrto him ahead on nu In Inov it*!0 : urface By tin-; tueehanl ? il ui*it 1 i.'i e ? 1 1 I? ,- ?> i'.le foi tli ho t h fK't'lllly' ?? i-.dl ? t with all He i,- I 1 - - I w 1 11 tin. >.; in e of tin ii 0WII 1 n-. li II lf< f in iileri I Ihe most realistic offocl OVOt' seen upon the stage. Por the accomodatlon of on; ol town visitors who will Wahl .0 witness the staging of "Men Hur," the ntahai; - men; of the Columbia TllOdlro an nounce that special attontlon win he givr-n to all ordors for sentH received by n.nil. Prices range from 7fie to 12.00 Beats fur "Men llur'. will he placed on sale Tuesday morning. Nov. the I.Mil. Sines An long Man's Life. Thfl very grave seemed to yawn be* tore Hohen Madsen, <>f West Burling ton, lOWa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, four of the best pity ?Iclnni gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Klee? tile Millers. For after eight mouths of frightful suffering from User hie ami yellow .laundlce. getting no help from other remedies or doctoi Hvi bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him its positively guaranteed for utomach, llvor or kid ney troubles and m vor disappoints. Only r?o cents at I*flurens Drug Co. ITEMS IF INETREST IN SOUTH CAROLINA Culled and Condensed for Busy Readers. RESUME OF PAST WEEK South Carolina at a Glance -What la Doing In a Great State From l)aj to Day. Columbia, Nov. 12. -Following the < urtailment decided upon by the ex ecutive committee of the south' Caro lina Cotton Manufacturings' associa tion for the month of October, practi cally all of the text II?; plant? of the State have resumed operation, with the exception of a few smaller mil Ik. While nothing official ha? been an nounced ay to the effects of the cur tailment, it In generally believed that the condition of the Industry ha? been materially Improved. There were periods of curtailment during .July and October. Practically al of the mills of the State stopped operations from one to two weeks. Edgefleld, Nov. 11.?It really seems that at last Ldgelleld Is to have a new railroad, the objective point of which win he Augusta, (la., bklgefleld, Sa luda. Newherry. Whitmire and Spar enburg. There In no fake about this matter, as it is a Bound business affair and backed by men of means and progress. Some mentis since .1. William Thurmond of this place had a con ference with ah 'i w. Jones of Mid ville, Co., ??? man of large means and en'- who hu? bcfor? built long lir:** of road successfully. The conference between Mr, Thurmond and .Mr. Jones took place h: Augipua, Ga? and the Situation was fully gone into, aad it was decided to hui! I the lino ol road named. Ol course there are other In n?ouccf behind tho move, but it is not doomed prudent to name ?'.. ,.i now. it was ontiroly through tha efforts ol Mr. Thurmund that the i attt r was undertaken. All necessary advortisoibents t? se cure a charter have ben hiudo, books *>r subscription opened and tie- sto<k uhs'crlbcd. Mr. Thurmond left for Columbia this morning to secure the charter for the road, as all require ments of the law have been complied with. The name of the road will be the Georgia & Carolina railway, to oovor the territory already named. Vcsterday Alien w. Jones was here ami a final mooting was held and al) arrangements perfected. it la to be [a standard ??uge, steam road. All a W. Jones, as president and treasurer; , .1. Win. Thurmond and A. K. Padgett of Ibis place are on 'he board of dl I I rectors, as are W. C. Ilayne of Augus ta, Oa? and It. ('. NcOly of Waynes, boro. Oa. Messrs. Thurmond and Padgett of this p!uo arc men o, largo means.' an I Mr. Ilayne of Augusta is known as a Ian!- president und a round btlS (39 man. All Indications point to a success ful lormlliatlon of the enterprise. So rar the i.latter i., unknown to our peo ple and this will be the first announce, in out of t!i - prcr.pects of the road, It Is hoped thai in a short tlmo more definite announcements can be mad -. After Mr. Thurmond ha:, se cured the charter, work will at once bo < ommeuced on tho line. V. IIV in: HALD. When Parisian Sage Is Guaranteed to Slop Pulling llulr, or /;? nej Had . Parisian BfgO is the mos.) delightful hair d-"se ine, in the world; it is pieasani. Invigorating and refreshing, It makOM the hair soli, beautiful and luxuriant SVhorover Parisian Sage Is known, it is the ladies' favorite hair dressing. It. alt r Using one bottle, you do not say ii is the most delightful hair dress ing you ever used, you can have your money back. The price hi only f?0 cents a large bottle at Laurens Drug Co. ii is guaranteed to euro dandruff and falling hair or money back. The Kill With tho Auburn hair Is on every bottle. I'nelalnied Letters Advertised. Hugh I). Doyd, Henry Huxal. Macon Uyce, Josslo Crotor, Mrs. Cora Fuller, Miss llnttio Fuller, Burk flounder, Miss Carrie Lawrence, Mrs, Laura 13. Sullivan. lie aboVO letters have remained in ilii-. office uncalled for for a period of two woeka ending Nov. 12th, 1010, the owners of any of them will please call and say that letter la advertised and upon the payment of one cent same will be delivered c,eo. s. McCravy, P, m. Laurens, s. C? Nov. lath, 1010, When you feel JJasnft VOUS, tired, worried or despondent it is a ? me ? i^n yoU need MOTT'S NERVr.RiNfc. PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and makfs lifo worth living. Jio ?uro und Mh for Mott's Nervcrinc Pills Ej'&JJjJS "'IM.tAMS MFC, CO.. Prop*., CUveWJ, Chlo Laurent Drug Co., Laurens, S. C. SECOXD PRIMARY ELKCTIOV Messrs Dorroli and Thompson Will Try Conclusions for Auditor. The second special primary election, in which the voters of laurens will nominate a coonty auditor, will be held next Tuesday, November 22nd. Messrs. J- Ross Dorroh of (Jray Court and J. Waddy Thompson Of Laurens who received the highest number of votes it; the first primary. Nov. Sth. in a Heid of t-n candidates, will try ' luslon Iii the final heat for the Coveted prize. The same managers will conduct tie elation ?-t the different voting precincts In the county, and the re sult should be known early Tuesday evening, This con be accomplished if one of the managers at each box Ail! send or 'phone the returns to The Advertiser office Immediately af ter the votes a:e CounteJ. LAM) SALE. On Saturday the 26th day <>f Nov. next. I will ?eil at public outcry at my residence, one mile from Tumb. ling Shoals, between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, my real and personal estate, consisting of one tract of land being that place known as the Hen derson Lindlv homestead, containing eighteen M* acres, more or les , hounded by lands of Nell Knight. An na West and Prank Tumbling. Also, household furniture and lot Of corn and fodder. Terms of sale: as to personal, cash; as to land, one-half cash, the other half on a credit of twelve months, with Interest from day of sale, secur ed by bond of purchaser and mort gage of the premises, with leave to purchaser to pay all cash. Purcbusei to pay for paper.-. RUTH LINDLY. Nov. 11, 1910. l?i? 3t Strong, Wen-formed Healthy Children By far l!:3 larger percentage < f pul monary ailment. arise from n habit of looping, contracted in childhood, which preventj projx r bri athir.g. If you have n child v/ho shows n ten deney toward "round" or ? looping shoul ders it i* your duty to take every means (toi rfblc t < correct i fault, t J .jti w? SHOULDER BRACES will prove of invaluable assistance to you ai lliey Compel a natural erect car riage, which means proper breathing, and if done in lime "ill incline your children to l>ec< mc perfectly formed, healthy meu a,.d women. Wc have this brace in sizes suitable f-r the child of four years or the adult weighing SOO pounds. Being made en tirely of cloth it is easily washable and may be worn without discomfort. Price, $1.00 f-? Grass and Field Seeds Lawn Mixtures and Blue Grass, Rye, Barley, Oats, Wheat, Lucerne, Red, Crim son and Burr Clover Seeds, Vetch, Pearl Onion Sets. Kennedy Bros. Laurens, 3. C. EARL C. OWENS Veterinary Surgeon Phono 3 rings 114 Gray Court, S. C. MICHELIN Tires Look for This Sign ON LEADING GARAGES FOR SALE ALL OVER THE WORLD Michelin was the first to manufacture pneumatic automobile tires and now produces more than half of the tires made in the world. IN STOCK BY W. P. HUDQENS LAUREN?, S. C. FOR THANKSGIVING With Thanksgiving so near and Christmas not far off the housewife that is concerned for her dinner appointments will find her opportunity here for a FAULTLESS SET OF SILVER at a moderate cost. The superb designs?rich, exclusive and refined ? the magnificent workmanship ami the REAL intrinsic value of the anicles offered merit a visit ol inspection from you: V. WILLIAM SOLOMON < V/rV WWO VrVW -WrV*?s5> Dr. T. L. Timmerman Dentist Dial-Gray Block Laurens, S C. Before ordering Magazines getj [our big clubbing Catalogue and [Special offers, and save money [.Southern Subscription Agency. Raleigh, X. <. A postal will do. CHiCHESTER S PILLS TUB diamond n.: \m>. ~ pmmi IA MONO liHVNIt I?|LT.*.?? years kiwwnM Best, Safest, AI? ivs Reti?t>ki SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I Offer You the Following-: Six room dwell in? on Fleming street in city of Laurens bounded by lands cf J. T. Ledford, J. P. Walker and oth. <;rs. Trice $1,050.00 100 acres of land one half mile from I .an ford Station; eight-room cottage, good on* buildings, In high state of cultivation. Come quick If you want this property, bounded by \V. H. Drum mond, J. M. DeShlelds and others. Price $C0.00 per acre. 21ft acres of land bounded on north by .Mrs. Milton Robertson, on south by J. M. PhiljKJt, cast by Mrs. Martin and on west by B. P. Terry and others. Price $10.00 per acre. One nine-room new dwelling, fln i died throughout, 1 acres of land, sit uated in town of Crlss Hill, price $1,000.(10 ,tortns made right. 25 acres land, 5-room dwelling, barn and OUt.btlrldlngs. Adjoining land of George Wilson. Price $775.00. acres land, four-room Cottage at Watts mill, price $1,300, 04 act es land, one building, bound ed by lands of Mrs. ?oytl, S. O. I.eake and others. Prices and terms made right. ?IT acres land, bounded by lands of Friendship church, Joe Wasson, J, A. Coats ?."d others. Price $10 00 per acre. r.!i acres, town of I.anford, dwelling anil out-buildinns, nicely located over looking town of Knorco. Price $2, 000.00. 50 acres land bounded by lands of Walter Nash, and RufU8 Cray, dwell ing and out-hnlldlngs. Prico $20.00 per acre. To acres of land bounded by lands of Jim Ad Moor.-. Will lludgens and others, COttOgO house. 40 acres under cultivation. Price $1,700 00. ?GVa RCros land, hounn d by lands of Albert Huns and others; 5-room dwelling, tenant bouse, hi.rn and out buildings. Price $40.00 per acre. 71 acres on Reedy River, hounded by lands of .lames Downey, Will Cnld vell und others. With tenant house, Price $30 per acre. Terms mado easy. ICO acre;! land bounded by lands of Ludy Mills. L, B. Burns and V. A. Mills Price $30 per acre. 307 acres of land In Scufflctown township near liyrds Cross Loads, bounded by lands of M. B. Poole. Will J. Adalr, Will Myers and others, known as the Yarborough place, 3 dwellings, $6,000. 8 room dwelling, on Centennial St., Clinton, S. C, with 81 hundredths of an acre of land, known as the Griffin place. $4,000. 150 acres land, one-half mile of Dial church, with a handsome dwelling, 3 tenant houses and good out-buildings. Come quick if you want this place. Price $50 per acre. J. N. LKAK The "Land Man" 74% ?eres of land near Green Pond church, 8-room cottage, with line barn and ont-bulldlngs, tenant house, hounded by lands Ju?, Tay lor, Mrs.'Aborcromble', and Jno, Curry. Price $60.00 per acre. ir,!)<^ acres of land hounded by lands of Bryson place, isee Bailey. I lamp Holland and thors; 5-room dwelling, 2 tenant houses; good barn and out buildings; known as the old Ferguson place, owned at present by Will B. Motte. Price $27.50 per acre, terms easy. One 8-room dwelling in city of Lau* ions. No. :!:'."? Hampton street. Price $3,250. Flvo room cottage on Gnrlington street, city of Laurens. Price only $1,500.00 50 acres land near GreenPonl church, bounded by the Yeargln ei tate and others, nice 6-room cottago and out buildings. Price $35.00 per cere. 52 acres near Dials church, bouul ed by la-ds of Ludy Abercromble, L. D. Curry and others. Price $35.00 per acre. 92% acres of land near Tumbling Shoals; bounded by lands of W. D. and J. G. Sullivan; 8-room dwelling; good out-buildings. Price $22.50 per acre. 2 lots Watts cotton mills, Camp street fronting, 150 by "0 ft., pried $200. 61 ac -es land hounded l>y lands of Robert Nash and Others. Price 5+0.0D per acre. 121 acres land, bounded by lands of J. N. Leak, ("apt. Martin and others; 6-room cottage, one tenant house Price $30.00 per acre. ? 1 twelve room dwelling with water works fronting North Harper street, known as Owings' hoarding house. Price and terms made right. 200 acres line farm land. 2 1-2 miles of I.aurens. on road loading to Clin ton. - mile of Parks station, seve i horse farm in cultivation. Good dwell ing and tenant houses. Price and terirts made right. .'?0 acres land, well located in towu oi i.anford. 6-room dwelling, i tenant house, out-buildings. Price $3,600.00,^ $1,000 down cash, balance on easy pay, ments. 127 acres land, bounded by lands S. II. and M. 13, Johnson, one mile of Friendship church, Sullivan township; Tvvo .dwellings, good barn and out buildings. Price $30.00 per acte. 500 acres. 5 miles from city ryt I ftU rens, bounded by landa of A. Huff, John Drown & 1'ailey land. 8 horsu farm in cultivation, well supplied with ' tenant houses. Price right and terms easy. 228 acres land, hounded by lands Oi - Daniel South, Davis land. Miss West and others, known as the Oullen Dark homestead, 7-room dwelling nnd 3 ten ant houses. Price made right. Torma easy. 313 acres land, Hi miles below J. D. M. Shaw's place, good dwelling and barn; 5 tenant houses, 215 acres in cultivation, good school near by; 2% miles to Waterloo, snme distance to Cold Point. Price $35.00 acre. Good terms. If you do not see listed above what you need, see me and 1 will try and vet it for you. Let your wants be known. If you have land to sell, place it in my' hands. People come to me for land. J. N. LEAK Real Estate Gray Court, S. C.