The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 06, 1910, Image 1

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_ f VOLUME XXV. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 19\0. NUMBER <<> TRUSTEES NAMED BY COM BOARD Appointments 4re Officially Announced Today. THE NEW SCHOOL LAW Three Members of Hoard for Each ? District Commissions Good ^| for Two Years. For several weeks there lias been more or less interest manifested throughout tin- county in the matter of the new sehool law relative to the appointment of trustees for each dis trict, the sehool Act of 1908 providing that the district hoards be named hy the county hoard of education instead of being elected as heretofore. Today The Advertiser prints the list of new trustees as furnished by Superintendent (1. 1.. Pitts, together with an explanatory statement made hy the hoard, as follows: Section 1210 of the school law rends in part, "Rach county hoard of edu cation, on the first Tuesday of July, 1908, and on the first Tuesday in .Inly every two years thereafter, shall ap. point for each school district in their county three school trustees. At their fust meeting they shall organize by electing one of their number chairman Of the hoard, who shall preside at the official meeting of the hoard, anil an other clerk of the hoard, who shall record their proceedings in a hook provided for that purpose." The county hoard of education has. therefore, this day, July B, 1910, ap pointed and commissioned school trustee.- for 1.aureus county to serve until .Inly 1912. The names of the newly appointed trustees are given / below. The county hoard or education re quests that these several hoards meet within the next few days and elect their chairman and clerk, and notify the superintendent of education of the results of the meeting. This is very important and should he attended to at once. The Appointments. Lnnford No. 10?Special?W. II. Drununond, M. G. Patter-on, C. I.. Waldrop. Laurens No. 11?Special?No elec tion this year. The following constitute the hoard: ('. C. Featherstone, C. II. Roper, J. .1. Pluss, O. B. Simmons. P. A. Simpson, .1. c. Owings. Ora No. 12?Special ?I., r. Blnkely. O. I- Hunter. VV. 1!. lllakely, I.. F. Nabors, .1. I.. McClintock. Cross Hill No. 1:!?Special?The election as reported hy secretary is as follows: .1. W. Simmons, It. A. Austin, R. A. Boyce, W .('. Rasor, .1. W. Hannah. P. S. Pinson, T. M. Pinson. Waterloo No. 14- Special?W. C. "Wharton, W. II. Wharton, II. I). Winn, H. ('. Fuller, .1. ('. Smith. Hurricane No. lf>?C. C. Young, .1. M. Simpson, .1. L, Simpson. MountVille, No. 1C?W. C. Mitchell. M, B. Crisp. P. R. Fuller. Fountain Inn. No. P. Appointed hy the Creem IIle hoard. , Laurens No 1.?G. A. Fuller. J. I). MV. Walts. F. .1. Owings. % Laurens No. 2?W. 11. Hlldgens, .1. A. Woiford, (i. li. Finley. Laurens No. '.'<?'/.. R. Traynham. C. v. Craddock, F. ft. Burton. Laurens No. 1 ? 10. A. Hamilton. P.. p. niakely, J. tj. Brown. Laurens No..".- .Ino. I). Mills. T. P. Cbildress, Henry Kennedy. Laurens No. C. T. P. Plakely. p. Bailey, Will .Motte. YoUllgS No. 1 A. P. Stewart. .1. F. Sloan, T. Y. Henderson. Youngs No. ?.1. M. Gray, W. R. Henderson, Austin Abercromble. Youngs No. 3?Egbert Kiddle, J, p. Rhodes. ('. P. Taylor. Youngs No. 1??J. P. Cook, P. P. Cooper, If. T. Thompson. Youngs No. 5?B, P. Cossett, J. F. Me I nt ire, W. C Fincher. Youiims No. ?'? -H. P. Burdett, Ora Carrett, P. M. Parson. Dials No. 1?J. I). Wood, Abner Babb, Sampson Pahh. Dlnls No. 2?CJ a. Pahh. L. ^?Arm strong, M. W. GrAy. Dials No. :i?H. S. Wallace. R. (',. Wilson. .1. F. Cray. Dials No. I 11. .1. (!. Curry. .1. I. Cook. J. io. Holcombe. Dials No. B?% It. Cheek. It. L. Gray, IL M. Brysoh. , Dials No. fi?W. H. P.arksdale, W. A. Putnam, W, \v. Yet? rgin. Dials No. T D. I). Harris. J. T. THE DISBURSEMENT OF JULY DIVIDENDS Over Forty Thousand Dollars Paid Out by (lie Different Local Corporations ?inly 1. Foily one thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars represents the total amount distributed .Inly 1 as semi annual dividends by the cotton mills, hanks and other corporations in the city of Laurens. The list is as fol lows: Laurens cotton mills, 4 per rent on $350,000?$14,000. Watts cotton mills. :*. per cent, on $300,000?$9,000. Laurens Trust company, I per cent, on $75,000?$3,000. Peoples Loan and Exchange bank, s per cent, on $100,000 -$S,000. Enterprise hank, 1-2 per cent, on $100,000? ?:;.r,oo. Bank of Laurens, I per cent, on ; $50,000?$2,000. Palmetto hank. :'. 1.2 per cent, on $50,000?$1,750. Murray-Carter, Watts Mills, July .">?The marriage Of Miss Maude Murray and Mr. RufUS Carter was solemnized Sunday after noon :'.t ". o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. P. Murray, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. .1. A. Brock. The attendants were Misses Clara Weathers and Maggie Onrrett, Messrs Thomas Brown and Carl Brownlcc. An elegant wedding dinner was served. Mr. ami Mis. Carter left Monday for Ashcvllle, the home oi" the groom. Armstrong, W. B. Abercrombie. Dials Xo. 8?W. P. Medloek, 11. L. Babb, Walter N\iali. Sullivan No. I?A. ,T. Monroe. W. 1. Freeman. .1. F. Davis. Sullivan No. 2?N I> Wood, J. II. Henley. 3. ('. Cook Sullivan No. 3? Jos P. Simmons, Thos. T. Wood R. E. Simpson. Sullivan No. ! li. Ii. Mahon, W. a. Baldwin, R. m. Holt. Sullivan No. .". -.1. m. Sumerel, 11. li. Roper, .1. W. Kellett. Sullivan No. C?R. m. WoSSOn, W. a. Traynham, Dr. .1. 1.. Donnan. Sullivan No. 7 T. S. Crawford. W. B. Davis, .1. a. Balentino, Jr. Waterloo No. I--B. I,. Henderson. J. C. Marlin, .1. m. Golden. Waterloo No. 2?A. W. Sims, W. .1. Anderson. .1. A. Puckett. Waterloo No. 3? L. C. Clllbortson, T. 11. Duns. C. C. Cnldwell. Waterloo No. I ? L. m. C. Moore, E. M. El more, B. Boyd. Waterloo No. 5?W. 11. Williams, .1. C. McDaniel, J. D. Terry. Waterloo No. 6--.Jno. D. Hunter. .1. W. Powler, Mose Madden. Waterlot) No. 7?.1. R. Burton, W. I.. Cooper. M. II. Hill. Cross Hill No. 1?10. B. Pinson, R. L. Cole, Jno. Smith. Cross Hill No. 2?W. E. Griffin, R. w. Brown, O. B. Pitts. Cross Hill No. :i?s. H. Goggnns, Walter Watkins, J. O. Niel. Cross Hill No. 1?Jas. S. Hill, Jno. W. Ward. .1. C. Workman. Cross Hill No. 5?W. M. Grimn S. a. Lenman, C. M. Fuller. Cross Hill No. 6?T. J. Coleman, .1. Y. Benjamin, W. C. Cunningham, Hunter No. I?.1. C. Jacks, L. C. Corbett, W. L. Teague. Hunter No. 2?S W. Bryion II L Jones. T. a. Lynch. Hunter No. 3?T. J. Chandler, 11. E. Simpson, Ceo. m. Davis. Hunter No. I C. R. Workman. J. f. Workman. J. f. Bcdenbaugh. Hunter No. 5?B. L. King, Ceo. a. Copoland, 13. Lee Pitts. Hunter No -L w c Blalock, J. Y. Gary, II. C. Hunter. Hunter No. 7 Jno. a. Wallace, R. Q. Wallace, Jno. A. Davenport. Hunter No. 8?J. J. Young, J. L. Crawford. D. R. Crawford. Jacks No. 1 ?I. W. Adolr, J. IB. Adalr, R. J. Adalr. Jacks No. 2?T. L. Johnson, J. H. Pitts, Fred Johnson. Jacks No. 3?f. Copeland, P. m. Pitts, a. J. Hollingsworth, Jacks No. I -I. O. Hay, W. S. Hatton. Will Wiser. ? Jacks No. 5?W. D. Glenn, J. a. Jones. Will Lyles. Jacks No. 6? S. W. Dean, W. L. Lynn, T. W. Dillard. Scuflletown No. l?J, W. Hlakely. Sam Todd, Geo. m. Cunningham. Scuflletown No.%?W. M. Myers, G. c. Byrd, D. a. Glenn. SctlflletOWn No. 3? J. P, Saxon, P. L. Donnan. Reese Holland. Scuflletown No. 4?Jed. Pulley, F W. Little, Eugene Cleveland. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED HIMSELF. Walter Rhodes, itirelessly Handling Gun, Receives Mortal Wound. While at the home of Mr. Oshonie who lives in the Duncan Creek sec tion of Scuffletown township, Mr. Wal ter Rhodes of the county was aeci dently shot as he attempted to hand a shot gun to his hrother-in-law. Mr. Ed Osborne, while the two were stand inn on the front porch of the house last Wednesday afternoon. Young Rhodes was shot through! the ab domen and expired almost immediate ly after receiving the wound. The deceased was a quiet, hard working hoy and had reached his ICth birthday on the day of his tragic death. Coroner Hoiraton held the Inquest, and the verdict of the jury was in accordance with the facts as given above. SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATIONS. Lame ( hiss of Young Ladies Appl\ for Winthrop Scholarship. The examination of applicants for entrance and scholarship appoint ments to the different colleges in the State was held Friday in the court house by the county board of educa tion. Following is the list of applicants: University or South Carolina Bax ter 1)-Shield.;. Brosig Harmon, Phil Huff. College of Charleston?Jesse Wolff. Langdon Loa;:. Winthrop College?Eilecue Young, Nora Wilson. Margaret Young, Blanche Stewart. Sara Rudd, Lilllo .Miller. Sara Babb, Annie Kate Childless. Net. tie Armstrong, Ella May Martin. Dona Black, Edmonin Garrett, Emma Coop er. Irene Wallace. Florine Simpson, Ellen Armstrong, Kathlene Sullivan, Mary Cronier. Grace Pool. Eva Shell, Gertrude Hollingsworth, Ethel Jones, I Willie Stewart. Lila OwingS, Gertie Owlngs, Emma Henderson. Lila Coker, IMattie Peterson. Sara Wallace. Mar I guerite Tolbert. Winnie Jeans, Kate j Wofford. Ruth Payne, Marie Simpson. Cecil Wings, Beulnh Hcllams, Mable Dlckson, Ora Bra m hl et, Graham Ru Id. MISS M VRY BELL < II \ WFOHD. Heath of a Lovable Young Woman in the ( Itj Wednesday. After an illness of ?overal months. Miss Mary Bell Crawford passed away Wednesday morning : ? the Lome oi her aunt. .Miss Dolly Crawford, South , Harper street. Miss Crawford was j the daughter of the late Mr. William R. Crawford and was about 22 years 1 of age. After attending the city school for several years. Miss Crawford was a student at Chic-ova college, Green ville, one or two sessions. She was a most estimable young lady and had many friends in Laurens who regret her untimely demise. The funeral services, conducted by the Rev. C. F. Rankin. were held Thursday morning at the City ceme tery, j In Kansas Harvest Fields. With a party of his class mates. ; Mr. Ohas. T. Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Simpson of this city, left a few days ago for Smith Center. Kan sas, where the young men are employ ed in the big wheat fields of that sec tion, the harvest season now being In full blast. Alter finishing the season there, they c-xjj^cs to take rin extended ' northern trip Dofoi'C rOtUl'Uing to the State in the fall. Mr, Simpson graduated in Juno from tin- University of South Carolina, and 'he three young men who are with him in Kansas are Messrs. Sloan, la r veriy and Reiser of Columbia, mem bora Of his class. To Hear Dr. Thackcr. Quite a number of Laurens people went to Spartanburg Monday to hear Dr. Ernest Thacker, the well known Presbyterian evangelist who conduct ed the great revival at the First Pres byterian church here las! fall, and who is engaged in a meeting in the Spar tan city this week . Negro Lad hilled lather. Coroner R. o. liairston yesterday held the Inquest over William Cal llOtin, a ne^ro who died Monday after noon at Seyen o'clock at his cabin home, near Cole Point, as th- result of a gunshot wound Inflicted Sunday morning by the thirtcon-year*old son of the deceased. It appears that CnlllOUII was whip ping h!s wire wh n (ho boy, Frank Cnl hOlin procured a small rifle and shot his father. The wound proved fatal within thirty-six hour A, THE NF. WS Ol' ?KAI ('Ol' KT. Hovi Hu- Fourth Wits Observed Dentil of .llr. 'I'minMin. Cray Court. July ?">??Miss Fannie Garrison who Is attending school In Greenville was at home for the Fourth. Mrs. R. M. DuBose returned Fri day from a visit to friends at Fasley. Miss Annie McLauriu of Greenwood and Miss Nan L'asterling of Tatum spent the week-end with Mrs. Fest us Curry. Mr. W. C. Curry returned from; Asheville Friday when he had I.n to see his son, Mr. I. 10. Curry who is under treatment at the St. Joseph hospital. Miss Mabel and Kleanor West of Greenville were the. quests of Miss Lucy Peden last week. Mr .and Mis. 1'. R. McCain of Co lumbia are visiting Rev. J. K. McCain. Mrs. R. L. Gray and son. 1311 ts, are visiting in Williamston. Miss Virginia Coleman of Wood ruff is the guest of Miss Ruth and Janette Willis. The Fourth was celebrated lu re by some going fishing, some to lOnoroo to witness the c. c. O. I. vs. I3norco I ball game, others remaining al their dally work. The body of Mr. Jim Tumbliu was brought here from Greenville on the late train Monday and was carried to Rahun for burial today. Mr. Tiimblin lived mar here last year ami moved to Greenville late last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cuglc of Grocn vllle have been the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. <!. 13. Moore, for a few days. Chestnut Ridge Ciillings. Chestnut Ridge, July 5.?We are still having plenty of rain and farm ers are making slow progress with the grass. Quarterly meeting was held with Trinity church Saturday and Sunday. The Royal Ambasadors met ai the home of Mrs. Lnngston Saturday af ternoon. Mr. Isomer Moore and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Glenn Fuller and family. The Trinity Ridge boys played tho Mounlville team one day last week. ;? to o in favor of Trinity Ridge. The Sunday school ai Chestnut Ridge is in a nourishing condition. Mr. '!. S. Harp spent Sunday with the family of Mr. R. Dunk Boyd. The Trinity Ridge boys crossed hats with the Slliloh boys Saturday af ternoon. The score was G to S in favor of Trinity Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Press Abrains spent the Fourth with Mrs. 13. F. Lnngston. Mr. Tom I3rwin who has been con fln< (i to his room is improving. Mr. Fcutlicrstonc at Home. Mr. C. C. Feathestono spent from Sunday until Tuesday at home, leav ing Tuesday afternoon for Lexington where lie rejoins the campaign party . today after an interval of several days. Tho last campaign meeting was held at Winnshoro on Saturday to he resumed at Lexington today. Mr. Feathers tune, is apparently standing the campaigning all right and besides feeling more encouraged over the race than he did even two weeks ago he \^ in excellent shape for the next quarter dash. MR. FE?THERSTONL IS ENDORSED BY BAR ASSOCIATION, At a meeting of the Laurens Bai association held this July 5th, IfJlO tin following resolution was adopted: Whereas Hon. C. C. Fcntherstone a member of the Laurens Bar associa ?ion is a candidate for the Democrat I< nomination foi fjovornor ol the Stab oi South c.' rollna. Now therefore, be it resolvc-d bj the said association: First. That we commend the (Jon C, C. Featherstone to the voters of tin Slate in view of his peculiar fllllOS! to till the position aspired to. Ill; success as a blisflioss man and l i. ability as a lawyer, coupled with hi> experience In public nffnirs \vl|j eniibh him to fill the position with honor t< himself and credit to (he State shouti he be the choice of tho people R. 15. w. r Riehe? a. c. Todd, H Commit) ? CKOSS MILL IN EWS FOR THE PAST WEEK Town's (lot a New Calaboose Execs she Rains Damage Crops To Some Extent. Cross Hill. July I. Dr. and Mrs. u. c. Davenport of Augusta arc with .Mr. and Mrs N. H. Davenport for the summer. t Cross Hill and WhitUllrc teams crossed liats on the (lluinoiul here last Wednesday result inn in a score of '?' to 0 In favor of Cross Hill. Mr. Jim Neal has been very ill for several days. Mrs. It. A. Austin. Misses Kate and Anne Austin went over to Due West last Wednesday returning on Friday. Tiny had a special invitation to visit the Misses Voilllg of that place. The town council has had a nice council chamber ami calaboose on clod Miss Connie Martin has heen se riously ill lor more than a week with fever. Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Wllcul were call cd to Waterloo last week on account of the serious illness and subsequent death of Mr. Wllcul's father. Mr Harnes Wllcut. Mr. Austin l.camnn with his friend Mr. Pouche were over from Clinton .vest onlay. Heavy rains have fallen all around us during th'' past week, hut not enough lute to stop the plows till Saturday afternoon when we had a trash mover". Cotton on sandy lands is looking badly and some farms are pretty gras sy yet. The negro' 3 are ^Citing to be so patriotic they Insist on observing the Ith of July. This correspondent was wondering how he could afford to allow his plows to stop Monday, but tile rain settled it. ' Mr. W. c. Itasor is spending some time at Glenn Springs. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McSwalll ami their three line boys are visiting rela tives in town. IIKATII OK MR. !'. K. WILCIT. Waterloo Citi/on Siueutiibs to Attack et Paralysis. Mr. I'.iiriics F. Wllcut, the promi nent Waterloo citizen whoso serious illness was noted in The Advertiser last week, died on Friday as a result of the paralytic stroke suffered on Sunday. June 20. Tic1 funeral ami burial services were 'mid Saturday at Wat rloo. Mr. Wi'.cui was a gentleman most highly esteemed and his death is re gretted hy hosts of friends and ac quaintances throughout this part ol the state. No more gallant soldier went to the front in 'C( and none ex celled him in loyalty ami devotion to the Confederacy. Cotton lllossonis. Mr. .1. Wade Anderson reported the flrsl cotton bloom on July 1. Messt: Arthur l.caman of Cross Hill and T. I L. Summern! Of Laurens lt. F. I) N<> 1. sent in ( looms Monday as did Wade Flnley colored Mr w L Grnv also reported blossoms plucked from some oi' his Heids Monday. July I. I'lllj ed Double- Header. At the Watts mills baseball park (wo very good games were played Monday between Walts and Clinton. Result of first game: Watts. |Q Clinton 2 i Batteries: Mill, and Fisher, Hili and Campbell, Second gaiui : Watts, 7 ">; Clin ton, i I Datteries: I'rJneo and Hawkins, Riddle and Campbell. Tcni Meeting Conthnies. Since tliO Inclement weather has ceased evangelist 101 more has been preaching to larger audience;;, with each service tie- interest manifested is more noticeable. Quite a number haVo sign I fled their Intention of he. coming charter members in the organ ization of the Christian Church in Laurens at the close of the meeting, A regular minist? r has already been secured to lake the work when the organization Is perfected. The sermon subjects for the next week are being distributed. A special invitation is extended to all to all the services. There will bo throe serviced on Lord's pay, the one a! ! v. win b.. i.ei-i in the opera house. Song service be gins at 8;15 I'. M. Chamberlain's Stomach ami Llvi Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowel- to expel poisonous matter, 'banse the .-> ?*.i.i. cure constipation and sic); hi tidacho. Sold i>y Laurenn !?: .in '!o. AMERICAN NEURO DEFEATS JEFFRIES Jack Johnson Knocks Out Tonncr Champion* 15TH ROUND DOWNS HiM I'iulit Disappointing, lor the ItoilSOU Thai Jeffries Palled (<? Show l it as dt' Old. Ueno, Nev.. July I. John Arlliitf Johnson, a Texas negro, son of an Anict'lean slave, tonight is Ihe Hist undisputed henvywelghi champion pugilist of (he world. James .1. Jeffries, of California, winner of (wonty-two championship lighls. the man who never wan brought to Ills Knees before by a blow, (oulghl passed Into history as a broken hlol. lie mei utter defeat at the hand:' of the hlneh ehampioii in the fifteen round. While Jell ries was not actually counted out. he was saved only front this crowning shame I his friends pleading with Johnson nol lo hi) the fallen man again, anil the towel was brought Into tho ring from his cor ner. At the end of the lifted! round liefen e Ton Klokard raised (lie lilnok arm. and the great ? rowd liled out, "linn and sib lit. Jeffries was drugged to Iiis cor ner, bleeding from nose and uiouth, and a dozen cuts oil the lace. Ilo had a black, closed 1 ! o, and swollen features and he held his head in IllH hands, dazed. Johnson walked mn of Hie ring without a ma i k on his body. e\cepl a slight cut on bis lip \ liicli was Ilm I 0|ioning of a wound suffered in train , ing. l?nt; experts agree that it was not even a shampiouship 'Ight. .IcfTrlOH had il chance In tho second round, per haps, but nfter the sixth, it was plain I that he was weakened and o'lt-elnsacd in < very point. Af t< r the i lovonth round it was hopeless. It was (he greatest demons!ration the ring has ever seen of the falluro of a fighter to "come buck" nfter y< ars of ro| Ircment, Tie? you Hi and tli.i< n ??? of ihn black man in: <l .Ii fl i look like a green man. The reviled John on was like black pniitl.i r, a nif il in his alertness and d f- n in: iae|i ? . Jeffries fought by ii ,; ict., ii sonin I ed showing hi gi nu . and his great lighting heart in <?.' y round, hut lie was only tin i-mII of his old self The old power to take u torrlbio beating and bore in until lie lauded tin- knockout blow, was * one. Treated Jeff as a Jake, After the third round. Johnson treated bis opponent almost as a joke lie smiled and blocked playfully, warding ofl the bearlike rushes of Jeffries with a marvelous silence, now tucking a blow under bis arm, again plucking il out of the air as a man strips a baseball. Out of the sea of opinions and ar guments that bolstered Up the tight and made ii the (ulk ol the world, these pinnacles of fact have been cast, up: The fight was on the square. Of tha| there wa . no doubt nfter tho first round. There was no evidence oi hint of the. famous '"yellow si reak" on fl o part of John: (in. .loll?soll proved him elf :o abso lutely Jeffries' master that experts siudi a- Corbett, an Australian ring expert declared that Tommy I'.-;; ?<>?? ' iid put up a bot!? r fight against John. on. and that the black in tin was only playing with the other man Finish Swift Terrific, The end cane' sw if and p iTlblO. Ii looked as (hough John on had been holding hitm-i |f under en v. i all tho rest ol the lime; and now thai he had measured Jeffries in nil bis weakness, he had detormli ed to stop it quickly, Jeffries bad lost (he power of de fense, a series of right and left Up percuts delivered at will senf him i (nggi ring to the rop< . I lo turned and fought back by 111 linct nS (hough he were dying hard. Will, the exception oi a few fast. rounds, the fight was (amo, Jeffries did hot hnvo the power In his punch to hurt Johnson after he had recelv