I-" YOU CAN BUY Going fast a fine lot of sound Unknown Peas at $2.50 per bush. Ambar Cane Seed $1.50 bu Cotton Seed Meal, Corn, Oats, and Hay. Flour and Corn Meal. Horse and Mule Feed? the nevv feed?try a sack, you will be pleased with it Try us on Molasses in cans kegs, half bbls and bbls E. Z. Fixd Cultivators the best made. The very thing to break the crust of ground and work your crop with. Only .$6*.00 Full stock of 7' ? and r uni ?!! Ii m IhIohoh receive llio rt.iiiio careful intention from our ox purl workmen. Wu buy cn re Cully it the it. ! I,u> from trn\ 11 liiir uguntiior cuutloiitt. Wo can show you the ri titoiint, wheth er i t ho Kriuiitc ?>.? nun h|o, hikI uro irl.ul l? Iota. I f' in .show you Iii?' .I>t* foi onl Kniiiiloi* iuhI murhlon ami ti ll you llboUl llieill. P. F. BAXTER a SON, IToo Late, Too Late, to think about taking out a policy on your house if it is already burning. We take a risk but not a certainty. If you have taken time by the forelock, and insured your property against lire, you have the Absolute Certainty that the company Will pay all your losses, The race is to the swift, and you owe it to your family to protect them from all troubles. Do not lie a laggard. E.H.WILKES&SON Stocks - Bonds - Insurance Enterprise Bank Building Laurens, S. C. ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOMACH? Ho ynu want a belter one?one that Won't belch gas, or lum sour, ot leci heavy ot make you (eel miserable? MI-O-N? Cures indigestion It relieve* stomach dittoes* in five minutes. It turns old, unsatisiactoty, rebellious stomachs into new ones, ever ready to digest the hearti est meal* We guarantee Mi-o-n* tab let* to cure stomach disease. Money back if they foil. 50 Cents a Large Box Laurens Drug Co., Laurons, 8. C. ANNUAL HONOR ROLL j TIicko pupils have averaged '.>."? per !onl In scholarship, attendance) and leportmcnl ror the full session of nine mouths in the Laurons < i'y schools: First Grade: Montelth Calne, .Mar ?hall Dendy, Charles Hughes, Marion Moli. Flora Dennett, Rosn Gray. Leo Watson. Second Grado: .Mary Rlackwoll, Kston Nichols, William Lake. Third Grade: Mlldrod Counts. Fdghth Grade: Kdwln Mosoly, Anna PrentIss, Amelia Todd. Ninth Grade: Mary I'osey, Helen Sul livun, Azilc Wofford. Mill School. First tirade: Churllo Motte, Lucy Lunhntn. STATU DKMOCHATIC CONVENTION HELD. (Continued rrom page two I popuialion in the larger towns Colo I,. IJloase, of Newhorry, claim ed the effect of the adoption of tin. minority report would ho to em off white pepplo from voting, Mr. 131 ease said that the hencilt would la* to the negroes of South Carolina, Thero would not he BUlllclenl time to register all the voters, ami 2?,000 voters would he disqualified On the jury question Mr. Dlcaso said some men wouldn't register, hecnuso they didn't want to serve on tho jury, G. IL Remberl took issue with Mr. Illoasc in tho matter, lie did not think the resolution would go into effect until 15)12, giving all tin time to prepare for the new order. IL I!. Cnldwi 11. of Chester, cnlled at tention to the (langer front votes oi persons wlio have no interests in the weir;ir> of the government. Upon a call for tho previous question debate was ended. Senator Clifton's motion that tho >oi.' ho taken by counties passes. The voto: V'eas, 210; nays, ,!?. I The unfavorable report of tho com mittee was therefore adopted and the resolution killed. Farlj IMalforui. The Democratic convention tonight adopted tho following platform, as out lined by a special committee: "The Democrats of South Carolina, in convention assembled, express their gratifications that the sinus of the limes points to general dissatisfaction wiiii the administration of tho govern ment by tho Republican party, and congratulate tin- representative of our party in congress on the approval giv en their course in the recent elec tion in Massachusetts and New York at which Republicans were defeated ami Democrats sent to the congress in their places. The people of all sec. lion are Coming to realize that the Republican party stands lor special privileges at the cost of the 1111111111011'. and that, through the favoritism shown to the trusts :>y tariff legisla tion, the country is now suffering from conditions which make the cost of liv ing so high that even the Republican congress is compelled to institute an investigation. "The only substantial and lasting relief is to he found in the adoption ol the historic Democratic Doctrine de manding a system of tariff duties suf ficient to raise revenues adequate to the economical administration of the government. Material reductions should ln> made in the tariff upon the necessities of life. "Tho Protective tariff makes possi ble the combinations which are called trusts, and only by revision of tariff duties downward can the growth ol the trusts he checked. Failure of the Republican administrations to enforce the civil and criminal laws against the trusts demonstrates anew tho ob ligations of that parly to the trusts, which render it Impossible for the country to secure relief from that source. Favoring publicity of all cam paign contributions, the Democratic party, throughout the country, enters upon tho coming campaign for con gress this fall iis the only agency to Which the people can turn with expec tations of genuine tariff reform and genuine trust regulation. "The Democratic parly has long favored the imposition of a tux on in comes as a just method of taxation, when fairly levied and collected, and we favor such a lax. Relieving, with Jefferson in thO support of the State government in all their rights as the most competent administration for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwark against antl-Repuhllcan ten dencies, an din the preservation of the general government in its whole con stitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our pence at home and safety abroad. We are opposed to the cen tralization policies of the present Na tional administration. We Insist that Federal remedies for the regulation of interstate commerce and the pre vention of private monopoly, shall lift added to, not substituted for Statrt rein exiles. Candidates' Assessments liaised. The high cost of living has affected the State Democratic executive com mittee, causing assessments against candidates to be raised. The report of the sub-commltteo was adopted at Jell-0 Ice Cream Powder Makes Ice Cream for one cent a plate RECIPE t Stir the powder In n quart of milk and freeze. Nothing more to be done. Every thing Is in thf package. Muk?s two quarts of delicious Ice Cream In 10 minutes. Vanilla, Strawberry, Lemon, and Choco late flavors, and Unfluvored. Two packages 25 cents at grocers'. Recipe Hook Free. The Gencsee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. V. the meeting of the executive commit, tee this nftcrnoon. Sonutor Lide, <>i Ornngeburg, made n motion that Con gressional candidates be nsscssod $7-~>. candidates for govornor $50 and state <>!!*;; ; ;?.; $37.50 . jUBt 'is had boon the case heretofore, but this motion was tabled, and tho new assessments adopted, as given below in the report of tho committee which is as follows: "To the chairman ami members Ol the state Democratic executive com mittee tit' South Carolina Gentlemen: Your committee appointed to suggest assessments and the date of opening of tho campaign and the itinerary, re spectfully reports that, alter mature deliberation and investigation, we find that the eost of the campaign of 1908 was $2,050, und would, therefore, sug gest that the assessment on congress men bo $125, for govornor ?T"i and other State otllcers $50, w: ith. from Information received, would yield $3.075, viz: seventeen candidates for congress at $125, $2,125; \2 candidates tor Pinto olllces at $50, $000; I cnntll flntn for lieutenant govornor at $50; I candidates lor governor at ?"?"> $800, milking a lotnl of $3,570. "Your committee would suggest that the ditto for the opening of the cam paign he llxed for June 2.2. "We would further suggest thai :? committee (if three, consisting of the Stv.to chairman mid two members ol tlie executive committee, to he ap pointed by tho chairman, he appointed to make the arrangements for tho Itin erary, \ll of which is respectfully submit ted: D. I.. Slukler, .1. R. Rrenzcalo. T. II. Crews. \V. P. Robinson, I.. I. I'ar rott. it. l*. llamer, Willie Jones, com mittee." .lohn IV Rockefeller would go broke If he sho Id spend Iiis entire Income trying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dys entery or bowel complaints. It is sim ply impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by I.atirens Drug Co. Riibun News Notes. Rnbuil, May 17,?Mr. Calvin Ander son of Mernn spent last Monday night with Mr. T. K. Babb. Mrs. Harley Abercromble after spending a few days with her mother near McDaniels mill returned home Saturday morning. Mr. /.eh Vance and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. 0. W. Babb. Mr. George Babb spent last week with his uncle. Mr. R. 1.. Babb (it Green Tonil community. Owing to the hard rain and cold weather, cotton is coming up rather slowly and some fanners are planting over. The grain crop is fairly good in this community. ReV, liJ, C. Watson was the gUOSl ot Mr. T. P, Babb and family Sunday night. A large number of people attended the service at Rahun Sunday. Miss Cora Putnam spent Saturday night with her sister. Mrs. Ambrose Mnhon in Friendship community. Mr, Willie Abornromblo of Hickory Tavern section spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. w. A. Baldwin, I.ion Fondles a Chihl. In Plttsburg a savage lion fondled the hand that a child thrust into his cngo. Danger to a child is sometimes great when least regarded. Often it ((Hues through folds, Croup, nnd Whooping Cough. They slay thoufl. amis that Dr. King's New Discovery could have saved. "A few (losofl cured our baby Of a very had rase of Croup." writes Mrs. George B. Davis, of Flat Kock, N. Cm "We always give it to him when In* takes cold. Its a wonderful medicine for babies." liest for Coughs, Coldt?, LaGrlppe, Asthma, Hemorrhag es, Weak Lungs. BOO. $1.00. Trlnl bot tle free. Guaranteed by Laurens Drug Co. and Pal motto Drug Co. Bridge to Let. On Wednesday the 25th of May, 1010, at ii o'clock A. M. at Woodruff, r.. C. the supervisors of Lnurens nnd Spar tanhurg counties, S. C, will receive sealed bids for tho re-hulldlng of Van Patton bridge on ICnoroo river. All bids to bo accompanied by certified check of $100.00 ns guarantee that bid der. If successful, will execute writ ten contract and give bond for the per formance of same within ten days af-. ter award Is made. The right is re served to reject any or nil bids. H. B. HUMBERT, ?11 -3t Supt. of Laurens County. Paint Your Own Carriage You can do it yourself and at little expense, it's easy to give it a beauti ful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish ill black or rich, appropriate colors. CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds a tough, durable, glossy finish that w ill look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furniture, garden tools, and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. If it's a surface to lie painted, enameled, stained, varnished, or finished in any way there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. Laurens, S. C. * K??iii????'>?*?M?t?CMt'M?M?MMMtt?<