The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 04, 1910, PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 8

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WE WILL SELL A limited quantity of sound Unknown Peas at $2.50 per bush. Amber and Orange Cane 1 Seed at $4.75 per bush. Cotton Bloom Planters $5.00 Ballentine Cotton Planters $3.50 Winder Cotton Planters $4.00 Cole Guano Distributors $4.50 E. Z. Fixd Cultivators the best made. The very thing to break the crust of ground and work your crop with. Only $6.00 Full stock of ly* and 8 inch Cotton Hoes, Plow Shapes, Heel Sweeps all sizes, Barb Wire and Nails Yours for business J. H. SULLIVAN, S. C. H ? , 160 acres, 3-1 mile from public square; will cut into any size lots; on easy terms. Several lots on South Harper street. 94 acres near Mountville, rents for 2,400 lbs. lint cotton. $25 per acre. House and lot on E. Main street. 8 1-2 acres and 15 room concrete dwelling; finest plaee in upper South Carolina. On easy terms. House and lot near Baptist church. Cheap at $ 1,000. 321 acres near Qarliugton station. $10 per acre. Two elegant r< sldences on Sullivan street on easy terms. Two eight room dwellings and one four room dwelling on North Harper st reot, on easy terms. One hundred acres llllable land within corporate limits of city, very reasonable and easy terms. Three; lots on South Harper strool well located and c heap. Two elegant farms near McDnnicl'a mill, well Improved, 72 acres and ?">2 acres, line neighborhood, schools and chu rches. A number of farms and other prop, erty for sale, see us before you pur chase or sell your proper:v. ANDERSON & BLAKELY. Todd Building Laurens, S. C. Simpson, Cooper & Babb, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all State Courts, prompt attention given to all business Chamberlain s Cough Remeoy Cure; Cold*. CfOtlp :">>l WIliKiplllK COUffU. MUST SERVE TERMS Slayers of Former's Wife Denied New Trial. WHERE IS DR. BIGHAM? The Defendants' Bond are $1,000 ami $8,000 Respectively? lteniittltur Comics Bonn In Ten Days. Columbia, April 20.?For the killing Of Mrs. Ruth Crisp Bighatn, at Mur rell'8 Inlet, in the early evening of September 4, lOOfl. (i. C. Bigham, the husband of the victim, and \V. B. Avant, his close friend, must serve three and a half years in the State penitentiary. In a decision, handed down by the supreme court this after noon, the two men are refused a new trial, the verdict of the circuit court being affirmed. In accordance with the rule of court, the defendants, now out on bail, will be brought here when the remittitur is handed down in ten days. It is not known bore whether there will arise any further complica tions as to the arrest of the men. In Georgetown, where the trial was held, the case throughout lias created great interest and the lei a. stops have been closely watched. A more mysteri ous killing was never known in the history of the county, nor perhaps :n the whole State. Refusing tin? motion of the solicitor to dismiss the appeal on gro.nids ol nonperfeeting of the same, tho su preme court. In an opinion written ' by Eugene B. Gary, A. J., goes Into the merits of the case. The court, however, considers fully tho question of technicalities involved In Solicitor Well's eon ten ion as to the appeal, lodge Watts, at the time of granting bail to tho defendants, wrote out an order inserting these words: "Notice of intention to appeal having been giv en." This was the bone of contention before the supreme court. Attorney Rndgsdale claiming thai this consti tuted notice. The court says: "It will thus bo seen that the service of notice in writing, on the solicitor, of an intention to ap peal was a prerequisite of the grant ing of ball. The order or his Honor, .lodge Watts, sliows that there was compliance with this requirement" The court then points out thai the question is whether the solicitor's af fidavits attacking tho verity of this recital should bo considered. Citini; authorities the court concludes: "111 ease of an iusullicient service of notice, If the court decides the ques tion of jurisdiction erroneously, the judgment will be voidable, but binding until reversed on appeal. The motion to dismiss the appeal Is thoroforo re fused.'' Taking up the question of the 'tests" referred to frequently in a llscusslon of this case, the court says that the question' of whether or not testimony of this character is admlssnblo de pends upon the discretion of tho pre siding judge and "in the case under consideration it lias not been made to appeal- that Iiis discretion was abused." As to the testimony of .1 n. Murchlnson about the newspaper accounts of the affair, the court says that the ruling of the question along this line as irrelevant was correct and adds: "This question was manifestly an effort to get before the jury the opin ion attributed by a newspaper to re latives of the deceased witli respect to the guilt of tho defendants under tlie guise of cross-examination. On the question of whether a line of cross-examination could be conducted as to the testimony at the coroner's Inquest, tho court says that tin's, too, should lie lof( to the discretion of the presiding judge. The crime for which Dr. O. C, Mig ham and \V. B. Avant are to spend three years and a half In the State prison was the killing of the beauti ful young wife of Dr. Bigham, at Mur rel 1*8 Inlet, twenty-five miles from Georgetown, last September. Out on the beach Mrs. Hicham was walking at dusk ami the two men were seated on the porch, As the girl wife passed the house the two men followed ac cording to statements they made and facts brought out at trial. As far as is known Avant tired the fatal shot. Although neither ot the defendants went on the stand, this much was ad mitted to witnesses who testified at the trial. Why Mrs. Bigham was kill ed was never brought out. The two men were friends. Bigham being a vis itor to "Sunnyslde," the Avant home on the Inlet. There were no witness es to the killing. Several persons heard the shot, however, and these testified. The jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter and the men were sen tenced to three and half years in the penitentiary. After the trial there were complications abOUt whether or not the men could be arrested until the appeal was argued. Avant was brought here to the penitentiary, hut was later released. Uighnm has never been arrested since the trial. The bond was $1,500. Avant'? having been Increased to $3,000. Where Bigham is is not known here. He Is said to have been In Greenville. Make Your Dollar Lxtend. Our agency will prove that thirty five years Imk sales and pleased users of the L. AL- M. Paint will save ><m dollars, because when painting with I.. & M. you are usin^ metal Zinc Oxide combined with White Lend. Zinc Oxide is imperishable, air.l makes tin- L. & M. wear and cover like K<'ld. The L. & M. Colors are therefore bright and lasting. You won't need to repaint for id to I.", years; besides L. & M, Paint costs less than tiny other, say about $1.30 per gallon. Sold by .1. II. & M. L. Nash. Laurens; .1. W. Copeland & Co.. Clinton. "Here Goes Nothing. Hoys with hi (s on the back of their heads and long hair hanging ('own over their foreheads ami cigarettes and very smutty stories in their foul mouths are cht aper than old worn out work horses.. Nobody wants them at any price. Men don't employ them and sensible t-'irls won't marry them. They are not worth their keeping to anybody and it is not likely that they will he able to keep themselves, if anybody should happen to read this Who answers to above description, let him take a look at himself and jump .n a well ami say "Here goes noth ing.*'?Exchange. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets wil cleai the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a heal thy appetite. They promote the How of gastric juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by Laureus Drug Co. ! "Suggested" for the Legislature. Editor Cue Lnurens Advertiser; If suggestions for the legislature are in order, and we believe they aro, I should like to say to the people of Lnurens county thai out in Scuffletown township lives a fanner who as such is a thorough success, besides being a good business man. He has no polit ical record, having never heen a can didate for any public GfiiC< We refer to Mr W. ?. Hyrd. than whom the county has no abler or bet ter quail I fled citizen or one who knows the needs and would strive harder for the interests of the whole people, Ex Politico. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tahlets'Ms daily coming to light. No such gH id reme dy for liver ami how el troubles was ever known before. Thousands hless them for curing constipation, sick headache, biliousness, Jaundice and In digestion, Sohl by Lnurens Drug Co. Another shipment ol 'hose beautiful Matting Rugs jtjst received, price ?''<>! cents. S M. ,v E. Ii. Wilkes K- Co. SIX MONTH'S WEAR SIX MONTH'S TEAR 4? Holeproof" Costs No More Than Others There are just two kinds of hosiery?the kind that wears and the kind that tears. Yet they both sell for the same price. Certainly you would not buy unguaranteed hosiery when for tho same money you can get the famous "Holeproof" guaranteed against holes for six months. You pay no more for "Holeproof" but it wears six times as long. Every box of Holeproof Hosiery contains a written Hosiery "FOR MEN WOMENr AND CHILDREN~ guarantee. If any holes appear within six months you present the guarantee and get new hosiery free. This hosiery is as smooth and soft us silk. It i3 shaped to fit the ankle like a glove fits the hand?it is both Stylish and comfort able. Learn what this hosiery really is?come in and see it for yourself today. Price from 25 to 50 cents a pair. "^j; \ TRIBBLE CLOTHING COMPANY One-Price Clothiers. - Laurens, S. C. t i M, D's. Convention, ? The Xewberry doctors Drs. Hou senl, Mayer. lillesor, Qildor and Dunn ? who attended the mooting of the State Medical society in Laurens last week are warm in their praises of the hospitality of Laurens. Tin y say is was the best meeting they ever attended. The Herald and News told the doctors what to OX pect at Laurens hands. 1.aureus is all right. Newberry Herald anil News. Writing Hack. Extract from a personal letter of one of (he otlieers of the association to his host: "The pleasant memories of my vis it to Laurens will long he stamped up on my memory and heart. I enjoyed It all hut especially the time spent in your home, meeting your good wife and interesting family." And Another. ".lust want to thank you and Mrs. -again for your generous hospital. Ity shown mo while in your city. I was struck by the fact that the people generally put forth untiring efforts to make us feel at home and have a good time. It was the opinion generally expressed by the physicians present that it was the best meeting we have ever held." This train Jones. We attended the meeting of the State Medical association at I.aureus last week. The attendance surpassed any previous meeting of the associa tion ami the addresses and papers were unusually good and thoroughly enjoyed. The Laurens County Medical society and citizens of Laurens dis pensed a lavish hospitality and enter tined the visitors in a charmingly de lightful manner. It was our rood for tune to become the cue. t and recipient of the whole-souled and unstinted hos pitality of our good friends. Hon. Uub erl A. Cooper and Mansel Owlngs. We called upon our venerable frh "-1 Col. T. I!. Crews, editor of the Laurens Herald, whOlll we hadn't seen for many years. Y/e were delighted to find him in the/enjoyment of good health and his mental faculties as vigorous as ev er. He is a charming conversational ist and wo thoroughly enjoyed our vis It. Col. Crews is a grand old gentle man. He has achieved an evlnble rep utation as citizen, warrior, journalist and statesman, and we sincerely trust his useful life In- prolonged many years. Wo also met cur cousin Fleming Smith. Maj. (Ins Watts. Col. Henry Simpson. Col. X. I'.. Dlol, Homer Black well, Augustas Huff. .las. Clardy. .loo Sullivan. I<\ I*. McGownu, Itev. Burr, and many other.-;, -.lones correspond ence Honen Path Chronicle. Excursion hales Vln The Southern llnihvilj Frnm Lauren-. S. C. To Richmond, Vn. and return. A ?< ? ; .; National Association of Piano Healers of America. May 13-18, 101.0. Tickets on sale .May 11 and 12 and for trains scheduled to arrive in Richmond he fore noon May 13; final limit return ing May 20, 1010. $15.45 Atlanta. On. and return. Account National Baptist Sunday School con gress (colored) May 25-30, 1910. Tick ets on sale May 23 and 21 and for trains scheduled to arrive at Atlanta May 2"?, 1910. Fluni limit returning MnyJune 1st. 1910. $0.55 Richmond, Va and return. Account American Pharmoceutleal association, Mny 2-14. 1910. Tickets on sale May I and 2, J910. Final limit returning .May 17, 1010. $15.45 Cincinnati. O. and return. Account Biennial Session. General Federation of Woman's clubs. May 11-18, 1910. Tickets on sale May ",, !t, 10 and II. 1910, with final limit returning to reach starting point not later than midnight May 22. 1910. $17.10 Ashevlllc, N. ('. and return. Account. Goneral Conference M. K. Churcli South. May 1-21. lOlO. Tickets on sale May 2 to II inclusive with filial limit to roach original starting point not later than midnight .May 31st, 1910. Charlotte. ,\. C. and return. Ac count American Cotton Mil till fact in association. May 17-1*. 1910. Tier..-, on sale May I". ami III and for train scheduled to arrive Charlotte befon noon May IT, 1910. Final limit re turning to reach original starting point not later than midnight Ma> 21. I9J0. $1.25 Atlantic City, X. .1. and Washington. I). C. and return. Ac count World's Sunday School asso elation, May 19-26, 1010. Tickets on sale May 16, 17 and is, 1910 only with final limit returning to reach original stinting point not later than midnight June L HMO. $15.15 Knoxvllle, Tenn. anil return. Ac count Summer Schools ;>!' the South. June 21 -July 21, 1910. Tickets on sab June 19, 20, 21, 26, 26, July 2. 9, 10 and 16, 1910 with final limit returning to reach destination not later than fifteen davs from, but not Including, dato of sale. $7.::n Nashville, Tenn. aifd return. Ac count Army Manoouvers, June 10-26, 1910. Tickets on sale June 18, 19, 20, 22 and 22, 1010 with OXCOpllonS. Filial limit returning lo rench^pflglnal start ing point not midnight June 28, 1010. ^ For further Information, apply to Southern Railway ticket agents, or. .1. L. Meek. A. O. P. A. Atlanta, Ca. Alex. IL Acker, T. P. A Augusta, GO. i o I ?The Luxury of Hot and Cold Water in your home cannot be overestimated, when supplied through the medium of modern sanitary plumbing ap pliances. We n$c prepared to fit np yonr home with .ill the latest ideas in sanitary plumbing, steam and gas fitting, and at prices that will enable the man of moderate menus to enjoy it. J. II. BO YD & COMPANY Electrical and Plumbing Contractors Statement Jan. ist, 1910, to Conn. Ins. Dep'tm't National Fire Insurance Company OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital Stork all Cash, $1,000,000.00 Funds reserved to meet nil Liabilities, Re-Insurance Reserve, Legal Standard, 4,6X5,577.28 Unsettled Losses and Other Claims, l?02,8.J5.lMi Net Surplus over Capital und Liabilities, 2,840,21)4.01 Total Assets January ist, 1910, 0,328,707.25 J. J. ADAMS, Agent ! Ci> C^V CIA* 035 K2> <M> Hi* C5* (ZS <ZTl> CJC- ''JTjl 05* iSST' ZSJt <A? OX> * 9 <EJt 05 <SB <33i' In Bad Fix "1 had a mishap at the age of 41, which left tnc in bad fix," writes Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conycrs, Oa. "I was unconscious for three days, and after that 1 would have fainting spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick headache, heart palpitation and many strand feelings. "1 suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of life and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded to try Cardni. "Since taking Cardui, I am so much better and can do all my housework." Take J 41 The Woman's Tonic Do not allow yourself to j/ct into a bad fix. Yon ::.:^ht get in so bad you would find i; haul to get ont. Belter take Cardui while there is time, while von are still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep you in tip top condition. In this way your troubles, whatever they arc, will grad ually grow smaller instead of larger?you v. II be on the up-grade instead of the down and by and bye you will arrive at the north pole of perfect health. Get a bottle at your druggists' today. C0RTRIGHFETAI SHINGLES nPIIKY will not bum. Will n?t split or curl like wood : inj i< Will not < rack and roll od Iii:.' r.'.ate. Will not rip at t;.' I can like plain tin. Neither will tlx y rattle during high wind storms. They never need ropalrs and last as long as the building. And last , of all, they make the handsomest roof and arc not expensive, Apph (o Local Dealer or COin UICJI'I MKTAI, ROOFJ VO t o., j'|,||ndelplilii, L'a. 0-0">i C'W4 *M'W''>K'^M H^<v^H?-?-H^1>> W-t//mt : ^X m Vrft MODEL AA. Perfectly Simple & Simply Perfect | D. H. COUNTS, Jr., Agent. Laurens, ? South Carolina | t'>?^c-?^?| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HI