The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 20, 1910, PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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CORTKIGHTshm ARE FIRE PROOF 'TMIKY will ?>??? burn. Will not nplll ?" curl llko wood nhlnidcN. ' Will n<<( i ifti i. mi.I loll <>n iiio> nlnto. Will not rip fit Hie HoaniN like plain ttu Nritii?M will they rnltlo durin? M?:li wind Btormft. They never need repnlrn nnd Initt nn lonn an lh? imiiiiliiK- And hint of nil, Iltc>y iiinl<<> ih<> hniHliiotuenl roof mid ?i<> uol oxpoiinlvc. Appi) to latent llenler or POHTHHIIIT Mi: i pooping <<>., Philadelphia, Vn, .Pfl (\ V % %i j for the BleacHed Linen Goods Table Damask, Linen Sltcctiur? and Pillow Casing SUitlinp, I,ilicit, Wash l.iucn nnd l.incu I,awns .?II }>UlU(Utt(?C(l pint' ll.iv. Bleached Cotton Goods* dl w ib tin Kilkcuuo Suiting, it plain loxtuve, while sheer, shows t?P .\ round l lit end, a Kmitautcc foi service, W ith the ictuvu ol the season India l.inou is Mill a strong com petttoi uuton^ summet Ion hues, having always passed the laundiv test satisfactory, Special uumbeis ate shown here at .iti;i*-iiv?^ pines wob pretty designs itt Val Kdees and Insertions I1' ntatoh foi Itimmings, A limited tivtau ni\ ol III I v. ned l'iriui?! Silk?., the ? pi iilip bile lhc\ last. Plain ami Striped Cotton Pop w ub M< ?*. \ i , d !? .d>w eoloi inyjs. \\\dee\ id. Tht pvomiucutU iulvvevtised in tin- fnshi dni.ihlc t.Um u- ol sUlUeicM WCIliUl U) to1.1 printed goods ion magazines. ,dd c spi\ng ??mi. W w mak kwe.u an.i tin .\ comfort rttCSt CVa?.C in I Fixings, at W. (i. Wilson & Co. -rut M A X W KI K The Car Tor 5ervice?AII Models, D. H. COUNTS, Jr.. I Laurens, A cent. South Carolina /April FooledX I ;?' fh < fatlmt So -fit I Satsapc rifla Tomicl ? Rig W*wUs I LAURENS tm Q CO. Th* Rex? II Store To Sec The COMET ^ on Must t>c on Time l et vis repair th&t old Watch or Clock regulate it to keep perfect time. If > ou arc think in? of hu> inca new W ATC H or CLOCK or an\ thing Im the JEWELRY UNE \ see rrte first ? %a ill < make it interesting 3 for you. ; Win. Solomon \ The QcUnbU .ioweler J n ;i.?u:>?< Pptkinn * Vtn tlr*> \ Hotel l??rwt>. <s C, j I ft* THE SOCIAL SIDE OF IVIOUINTVILLE LIFE Touchers Entertained h> Mr. and Mrs. HIiumoiiN Coming up for Hit' Oratorical Contest. Mounlvlllo. April is. Laut Wednes day evening the loaehers of Mount v 111 f i were very pleasantly nod delight fully entertained til leu l?y Mr. und Mm. .lohn M Simmons. The leach nrn present were: Missen Nellie Miller, Mary Martin, Marie Stokes, and Mr. w c CiilhertHon. Other guests were also present as follows: Misses Julia und Annie Kellers, (Jraee Cook, Carry (loodinnn, Mrs. 1011 en Culhortson and Mrs Mary (Muck. The occuslon was one full of pleasure for tin- weary touchers ami nil present enjoyed the evening to Hie fullest extent. Mrs Simmons proved herself an excellent I'" tc while Mr. Sliutnons showed no lack or the characteristics which make n genuine host. Mr .1 Wade Culhortson and daught er, Knill oT the Poplar Springs sec tion spent a portion or last week with relatives hero Wade Is one ot our famous hrldge builders and while hero Friday he was awarded die contract for building a new bridge on Little riv er at Milton Ml", and Mrs Aimer llaltlwnnger or Columbia uro here on a week's visit to the former,s sister, Mrs .t l. Fellers. Mr Crank lloyd, who went to Florl da several months ago. returned Sat urd.n lie Is lust up f t urn a spell of sickness and did not care to risk a longer stu> in a malarial climate, Quite a number or our people ex peel i>> attend the Ooolulmers' contest next Friday evening Mr, Robert Thornton ?tu represent Mountvillo in the contest, \ lino ruin roll here Saturday night and farmers are more hopeful. F.vory bod> tot.dees that the live weeks drought ts at an end. Planting will now bo pushed to the finish. Make a Shabb) floor I.eoV New. Hot a can of the L ? M Floor Paint. Paint the floor |n the morning. It dries hard over night With a bright var nish finish Saxes wear looks bright and cheerful, c.? ? ,: from L H .\> M. I. Nash. \?aureus; I. copolnnd A Co Clinton. lnto?graphs, "What's horse sense, pa Horse sense, m> son. is what makes a horse s'\> at an automobile." "But they speak of men having horse sense pa." "Sure tavn'l some men shy at auto* moblh s * Since 1 have a motor oar Mr re rover asunder; Hsu the tithe I'm in it \nd ha\f the time under. Some ears sound a siren strain. So.roo ears loudlj toot. }5<vmf ? a rs whistle warnings plain, \nd some moan like * Ante - Unt others, silent as the grave Sneak up and spread you o er the pa\r Manufacturer: And yon would like t.^ be ar. automobile salesman! DO >?x? ? i ?ose es* I m ag ? r. (.: I or el oo, u f n e e aha' persistence enough to f.t >-.?>.-. .or such a position? \. pi team S;: l v.sed to be fx lano salesman He -? hs engaged. Or.f .-.f the, first s:cj*rr. carriages .r. V7?fl j-11 Nicholas *1oseph Cug t;o:. Is s;-.:i pve&orved !r. Far;*. in Vtagland ".:> year* ag.-* a *;eitTr. soTom?bile was ns-o."". Which had :he SmgOlkrVj np.-vr ???>.. r name or "The karoos? " ' ;v?es 5*cmr aWoroobile earn :rs up fceei *" ' '. sr.:<;*:>pf *).*. ke.'? l don't." T)<r ?;: ! i:-/.ri'.-<b. i :<? '-on. :)n ureek "tatrtOS." s-f.t unf. the l?a;iT *?,-."<': mold lis movable. "Cm '? Ont re bh"y * vr * hOOO mi *if? ' ?RKOhittfii STOMA OH HiMT.1. Hot Riil i*\ Thai >oiirnos??. i-Jms? mm liiilieeviioti. "W)>ei your tttoBBBOh ts on: ril orden 01 MID ?l v i. potff foofl rtoesi.'; .ilic ? Ii rormotfts In yotti stomach anil form* i u> Whiol ei use*- sourness heartburn f/?n |i-oi?,b n; pi; of Stomach hi'i mnn? eflfbw miaerabh avmiitotns \: -e n*, stomach tablrtt? will ffivi U)\ 'i>: mioe ii r i n;Jnu?es i takei regularly for two *-eoks :be> Wll :u -i io, sots lire! run MrnmnCb ie ir t. rwet? Hnorpettii isEirYscfl work Infi one o?. em ?: >?f - o- s-niii ant vigor n?> tt ytlW forv? ?tilj bill: ilipests Vour appottN wih p( ani ii??.^.-?. 3! bllluoanem iwrvowmwA aftrti benri nchr tiort rnnnHnuttor. wli: foltf*. Kff*o<ni atmnadt tunifts htt small trnti i?n*t"- tr HWtllle* nnr* n-f guomtv ti?*?r: ?**> Nltltsb lnri?g^:uit win! TO] 01 mi <?: tbr n)\ovf MSnUlttltlM OH mone* hnrk rif;v curs n bn-s. Sold b^ rt-uRvtHr#. i^orx-wborf ?nrl hy iaiurens Pov r**m?jlperinr. *hoTe t* nr rom^?' ii S4?:ts.*vlufi a*- ftootl ^ Pill??2/. eetiu. WKDDINU AT CLINTON TOMORROW. MIhh Mary Little to Become Bride of Mr. Mack Hipp. Clinton, April 18.?Much Interest loin been aroused by the approaching inur rlage of Miss Mary Hunter I.Idle, daughter of Mr. T. H. Little, to Mr. Mack II. Hipp of Abbeville. Tho mar riage will bo solemulzod at tho homo of the bride's parents Thursday morn ing Ul II o'clock and will be witnessed by a small gathering of relatives and intimate friends. They will leave at once for Abbeville. Miss Little has been Tor a number of years chief operator of the tele phono exchange anil lias been most efficient. She lias many warm friends who regret that she will make her Inline elsewhere. Mr. Hipp is a suc cessful merchant in Abbeville. Among the evidences of the bride's popularity have been several showers, teas, and dinners. Mrs. J. I. Cope land Invited a number of her friends to a hose shower last Wednesday on which occasion some lovely footwear was added to her trousseau. Mrs. Whitman Smith was hostess on Mon day afternoon at a delightful "miscel laneous shower." Misses Mollie Da vidson and Lou Ilia McMillan joined In Inviting some of their friends to a kitchen shower Saturday afternoon. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County. ss. Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney ? Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and state afore said, and that said linn will pay the sum of ON 10 HUNDRKD DOLLARS lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall s Catarrh Cure. Frank .1. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. I SSO. (Seal.) a. w. Glenson, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. P. J CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists. 7">o. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Idicrtlscd letters. H. Augustus Ream. Miss Alorce Urlckol. Miss Leila Brock, Goo.Camow, Mrs Susie Davenport. Goo B. Pagan, Miss Sarah Gardner. Jim Hill, Reubln Cobb, Tossie K el ley. Frank LAke, Ros r> Lee Mrs TexAnor Little Mrs Sarah MeCnllum, NeAnder Pitts. \\\ P. Ryan, .lames Robinson. Dr. H. D Reese. Al bert Smith. Columbus Stunstall, Mrs. Mary SulllVAn, Maine Taylor. M;ss IVssor Tumblin, Hlley WoBe The above letters hAVe remained in this office uncalled for for a period of two weeks ending April 16th l^KV The owners of any of the above will please call a: window arid say that let ter ?;> advertised and apon the payment of One v-ent same will be delivered. Respectfully. GKO S McCRAVY, P M. I?ftur< ns S C April IS, 1*1< (iliiers R. X I* tssocifttion tnnnal V <*< t i nc. The annual r.-.t-e-t.T.i: of stock bouiers of the Citizens Building and lx-tan association will be held April ai the Peoples l^oan hT.A bar.k \Y R McOl EN LAnrer.s S 0 April ".> Secret* ? Meeting of Creditor*. District Conn ot to* Vi.;:e? States District of South Carolina. lr. the matter of V. "vVi.ssor. bf.r.k rnpt. To tbr creditor* of .1 M Wassor. of ^ross Hill, ir. the counts of Laurens ATifl district aforesaid: N.>;?ce is hereby given that or. the 11 1h 6$?i ot at-. A: l the atxii V. Wf.ssor. ?m flolij adjofllcActed a hank -r. 071 thftt thi first TTjee::r.c ot rrod::; ?t*t ?111 hi hoc it. the Office of Simjwor. Cooper * Btiit. attorney* at law. ir. the city of Laurens., S C, or the *tn day of Mio ? lo at threi r- oiock ir. the- afte-moor. i.t whin) tlTOI tbe at.if. :-er. ? i. 'oi,:". :?:?:<?< rheir claims elect a trustee, exam < tin bttritorupi an! rratmaci sucl otbet buatnesi ai mm proper'.? comt )><?:;???< said meeting. . ."e.N 3 MARLIS Tieferer it BftOkfuptcy Columbia s o. An-, : ? 11 New Line Lenolium ; iicc JtwJ the :hiii? itn yam bstU cn Smhfg 50 Per Cent Better "I have used less than one bottle of Cardui," writes Mrs. Oertrude Ward, of RushvHle, Neb., "and am feeling fifty per cent better than when 1 began taking it. "Before taking Cardui, 1 had suffered with female trouble, for eight years. My greatest trouble was irregu larity. I also suffered with severe pains, every month, but now 1 am greatly improved and will recommend Car dui to all my suffering friends." Take J 48 CARDUI The Woman's Tonic The rare medicinal herbs of Cardui are imported by the manufacturers direct from Europe and are not to be found n any other medicine. These ingredients are what give Cardui its superiority, as a female medicine find tonic, over any other medicine. For over 50 years Cardui has been the favorite wom an's medicine. The ladies like it, because it is so easy to take, so gentle, so safe, so reliable in its results, and they have faith in its curative tonic powers, because of the thousands of other ladies it has helped. Try it today. Write to- Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., tor Special instructions, and 64-pagc book. "Home Treatment tor Women." sent tree. ? Get it at SIMMONS' I 1 1 il H il it ? il i ! ? $2 Showed Him The Town \\ When you want to show your visiting friends the sights of the town and the vicinage, be sure you have a II stylish "and othei wise satisfactory turnout?speedy, well WW .3 \. J - ? Hi i If groomed horses, up-to-date and well kept |a ot runabout. Vom first call should be a bu ggy, carnage Childress ? Childress kh well equipped liver) stal le, *? Phone 24. N Laurens, S. C. J{ Prices moderate. 1 wish to call youi attention to my line of Tobaccos, 1 J j Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos j j have in stock fresh lines of the most popular and choiC {{ selections of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos t \ 4 I i! A CHOICE AUCTION OY CIGARS ALSO Dr. Poseyfs Drug store i: < ? 11 I ?Remember? To see us for The best job of Electric Wiring, Electric Chandeliers, Electric heating devices of all kinds. How About a front door Bell? Swygert & Teao;Ue Ajrents "E. M. IV AutomoSiJe*