Hull l?rlcc is $1.00 per Ye Payable In Advance. Published by ADYEKTISKK I'HINTING COMPA> I,aureus, s. ('. Advcrt'.iing Kales on Application? Obituaries and Card of thanks: 0 cenl a word* Entered at. iho postofllco at Laurel s. C. as second class mail matter. I,AI"Iti:NS, S. C. MAIM II ?0, 11)10. tin: itrit u< polk i: i. \ w. Tlio ncl providing ror tlio two Bpecl polier nlllcors lor Laurens county, passed by I lie gonornl assembly tl year, is given in its entirety in a otlier purl of this issue. It would very well tor all citizens having t best interests of the county at hett and desirious of Iho proper on fore meat of the law, to fain il ia r i/.e thei Helves with the new act. That it in not he a dond letter, the oillcors a pointed to work in this county und Its provisions will need it),, nappe of the law abiding elcincni in eve community. Messrs Sullivan and I.owe are ol cers with many yeais of experiem They are considered capable and dl Grcot. They will at once i nter upi the discharge of their new duties. Carrying out the letter as well as t Bplrll of the art they will travel ov all parts of the county and they a empowered to arrest law-breakors whatever nature without warrant, offer security and protection to romo sections as well as those thickly po lllntcd. In other words these inen w act in the same capacity as rotated rural districts as the police depnrtme operates in the towns and cities. In several coynties the rural poll System has boon adopted and it working admirably. The people a pleased with the plan. With the new law in effect, the off! of "speciai dispensary constable" abolished. As provided in the coudtt of iho otllcers operating according that law, the sheriff will have genet' control and direction of the rui policeman. It will not he midersto that blind liners can pursue their n Carious business unmolested. On i other hand it is expected that the m system will be more effective in mi Iml/.ing if not altogether breaking i the prnctlco in Laurens county. It is confidently believed that Moss Sullivan and Lowe will give good a counts of their work and that the e forcemonl of law and order will 1 given a now impetus. ENTHUSIASTIC* YOUNG* FA KM KU It Is always refreshing and in .pi inn to come In contact with one wl is enthusiastic about his work, whet er it be business, trade or professlo He can he counted a success, as rule, though he may tail to aclliO' special distinction or greatness as r jgardod by the busy world about hi) There was in the city a few da; ago a yoiftJg farmer from a certain se tion in the county especially noted tt Us progrossivenoss. Our young frion be it understood is a small farme that is he farms mi a small scale hi secures largo results, comparative speaking. lie produces ovcrythli needed for home consumption and hi Somothing to sell besides the stap crop, since the tirst of January I lias sold $7fi worth of mem. The "lilfi cost of living" is not worrying hii He does not intend that it shall en barrass or handicap him. it is th Incentive combined with cnthuslns that make; for his curtain success. I was rear.d on the farm and learm eCOtiomy. As a wage earner in a inai nfacturlng enterprise ho did his woi well ami enthusiastically. After few years of to\tn lit" the call "bin to the soil" could not longor bo reals cd, With earnestness of purpose ai H determination to do his best he r turned to the farm. What be is d< Ing there has been told. Of course it not to be supposed that his is an exce tiotial rns.' in Laurens county. The ore hundreds, perhaps, as deservli of praise and encouragement, and v like to dwell upon the possibilities such young fellows. ? ? ? That the great Pee Dee section Wl unite with the Piedmont and all 0th contiguous South Carolina politic territory In rolling up a majority f< the logical candidate for governor, ai that means Keathei stone, Is now as hau been for some time one of the a Killed htdieduied events liiis SUU1UK ? ? ? Claude Ferguson and Jim Duv whose bloody work Saturday nig stirred the country side and marki them as a pair of the worst crlmina unpunished In Laurens, aro mlgh dangerous characters to be at large a other day. They cannot escape a prehension sooner or later, but i time whatever should be lost In ru till iiiUK them down. Members of the race can ausist in this; the officers ti fdllowing every possible trace of tl fugitives, but the murderers have hi tin.lavs of liberty and doubtlo they have made good use of it. ? ? ? Yes. faithful roador, the names speaker Joe Cannon and Sec rota .lohn Wood have graced the collll of t|ulto a number of newspapers i in recently. ? * ? Good morning, have you bought Ih bouse or lot yol ? ? * * And it comes to pass thai the C< lotltots have adopted Good Friday. ? ? ? "Tito News? Well, I have no new but here's a prediction: Lam ns is g lug to do her part this year in redu lug the high cost of living. What < you think of that?" Good Mr. Farmt good. ? ? ? A new candidate for mayor announ es thai his platform is for the worn* with big hats to sit on one side the church and the men who chew t bacco to sit in the basement. 11 Ministerial Union. IV The regular monthly meeting ''" the Ministerial union will be held no 01 Monday morning at it o'clock in tl " chamber of commerce rooms. Mrs. It. IV. Simpson III. 11-1 Pendleton, March 28.?Mrs. Sim !0- son. wife of Col. It. W. Simpson, hi 's" been desperately ill for four weel 1,11 at her home here. Mrs. Simpson condition continues critical, but e orywhoro the prayers of the nume or ous friends of this godly couple a m rising heavenward for the speet of restoration to health and streng to of this good and beneficent woman, ite . _ p Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv HI Tablets are safe, sure and reliabl and have been praised by thousands women who have been restored at . health through their gentle aid at curative properties. Sold by Laurel pn I Drug Co. is re CO is ICI to al I.aureus Visitors in Now berry. Dr. W. W. Dodson. a promine druggist of Laurens, was in the oi Monday. Prof. B. L. Jones, suporintonde of the Latirens graded schools, \vi in the city among relatives ai friends for the Master tide. Mr. Gary Thompson, of Lauren was In the city last Friday. He is abo the youngest drummer on the road. The Herald. L. A. .11. Varnish Stain. 'I' Use it to renew and make entire new (dd worn out chairs and o ts furniture. You can varnish a eha _ in thirty minutes, and make it as got as new. Directions on each can. So by .1. 11. ? M. L. Nash. Laurons; .1. \ be Copelnnd &. Co.. Clinton. Bridges to Let. j. On Thursday, April 21, 1910, at ' o'clock a. 111., at the site. I will let the lowest responsible bidder the coi ,() tract for building a bridge at Boyd h- Mill on Reedy River, in the county i n, Latirens. S. C. Certified cheek f< $ win be required as guarantt that bidder will execute written cot ve tract with satisfactory bond in one ha e- (he contract price within ten days a n. tor award is made. Plans and spec k,s llcations will bo exhibited on day < letting. The right Is reserved to r> c" ject any or all bids. >r Also, at the same time and plac il. and subject to all the conditions nbo\ ,. set out 1 will let to the lowest biddt the contract for building a bridge ov< Kabun Creek in said county near tl l.V residence of W. P. Caldwell. Biddet i>; who cannot attend will be permltbf 1S to tile sealed bids, in both instance at my ofllco until 12 o'clock m. of da 0 previous to letting. '>' II. B. Humbert. :'u Supervisor. ? March 2S, 1010. Lnurens, S. < . ::."i-::t Is Tumbling Shoals. March LT. Dr. I P.. Gllkerson pure-based the real estal oi' bis father last year. Monday li sold one tract of 130 acres of this lan to Mr. Con of Croonvllle city at $Hl.( per acre. Also sold to Jno. M. Woo ::?'. acres at $22.*>0 per acre which ga\ him sufficient funds to remove all 01 CUinbrnce off these lands and lea\ him the homestead clear profit. We done, doctor. Deafness Cannot he Cured. l>" by local aplications, as they canm re reach the diseased portion of the en in There is only one way to cure deafnet v.f. and that Is by constitutional reinedle Deafness is caused by an Inflamed COI or dltion of the mucousllnlng of the Km tachlan Tube. When this tube is li flamed you have a rumbling sound < Imperfect hearing, ami when it Is ei tlroly closed Deafness Is the resul 6r and unless the Inflammation can I al taken out and this tube restored I ()!- its normal condition, hearing Will ! j. destroyed forever; nine cases out i ten are caused by Catarrh, which u nothing but an Inflamed condition i s the mucous surfaces. ., We Will *lve One Hundred Dollai for any caso of Deafness (caused I Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall 'H- Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars fre ht F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. So P(] by Druggists, 7f>e. Tako Hall's Family Pills for coi stlpatlon. Ill Is ty n- We are showing a tine line of Han p. mered Brass .lardlnlers, and our prlct arc 25 to 40 per cent, less than yc 10 I will buy them elsowhere. ? saw u/m mjii.i IM ? r EMI loar [Q >> OUR SPECIAL NOTICES. s? Pur-u-slt-clde eures Itch In :?<) in utos. Price 50 cents, sold by Youn Pharmacy, Clinton; The Miller ( Cross Hill; Laurent Drug Co., Laure it of ns Per Kent Brick store room in Mns< ie Hall, opposite Kcd I ron Racket a ht formerly occpicd by them. Tor reasonable, Apply J. s. Hunter, Li rens, S. C. 01 at Improved Instruments Make Vet< nary Don Ist ry n success. Have yc horses teeth shaped up by the use the power float. Karle C. Owens, V. >t- 3l-2t Wauled 1 to 10 shares First > tlonnl Bank Clinton; .", to 20 shnt s. I.aureus Cotton Mills. Address I! o- 321, Spartanburg, s. c. :'..*> e- For Sale I have a good thousa p, pound farm mule lor sale, that can bough! cheap. Apply I.. S Fuller, !? lorprlse Hank building. 35 Trespass Notice ah persons are f< bidden from trespassing, fishing, Inn c" inn etc.. on our lands. 1). C. Smith, im 15. Harris. Waterloo. S. C. ;!."? ,,. Stonewall .laeksnn's Way. ! Come, stack arms, men; pile the rail Stir up the camptire bright! No growling if the canteen fails; of We'll make a roaring night. x( Here Shenandonh brawls along, lie Here burly BlUO Ridge echoes sot To swell the brigade's rousing so I Of Stonewall Jackson's way. We see him now -the queer slou P- hat ;is Cocked o'er Iiis eye askew; ': 00 P. M.?No. 30, daily, for Was Ingtotl and New York. Pullman cat dining cars. Arrive Washington 10: A. M.. New York 5:00 P. M. iu:.i0 A. M.?No. 9. dally, for Ash ville and intermediate points. Arri' Asheville 2:10 P. M. 5:35 P. M.?No. 13, daily, for Ash ville and intermediate points. Arri' Asheville 9:15 P. M. Parlor-cafe ea West bound trains from Qreenvill S. C. 6:50 A. M.?No. 29, dally, for Atlai ta and Birmingham. Pullman cat dining cars. Arrive Atlanta 10:'< A. M.. arrive Birmingham 4:00 P. I ll:&5 A. M.?No.39, daily, for A lama and intermediate points, co necting at Atlanta for all points wet Arrive Atlanta 3:55 P. M. 1:30 P. M.?No. 37, daily ("Ne York-Atlanta-New Orleans Limited1 for Atlanta and New Orleans. A rive Atlanta 5:00 N. M., New Orleai 7:55 P. M. Pullman sleeping ca club car, observation car and din it car. 2:35 P. M.?No. LL, daily local, fi Atlanta and way stations. Arri Atlanta 8:30 P. M. 1:10 A. M.?No. 35, daily, sol train to New Orleans with pullim cars and dining car. Arrive Atlan 5:00 A. M., New Orleans 8:30 P. M. Southbound from Columbia. 6:5? A. M.?No. 29, daily, for S vannah and Jackconvillo. Pullmt cars. -7:55 A. M.?No. 12. daily, for Cha lesion and intermediate points. 3:50 P. M.?No. 14, daily, for Cha lostor. and way stations. 2:15 A. M.?No. 16. daily, for Cha leston. Pullman car. Summer excursion tickets now ( sale. For further information, call ( ticket agents Southern railway, or .1. L. Meek, A. O. P. P. A., Atlauta, Ca. C. II. Ackert. V. P. & O. M., Washington, D. C. Alex. H. Acker, CITY SCHOOL NOTES. (Communicated) The Laurons Graded schools we given a holiday on last Friday. On E count of tliis the monthly examiuatio were held on Thursday. For the last few weeks the pup have been taking a great deal of inti est i;i the school grounds. Trees til (lowers have been planted in vacio parts of the grounds. The purpose to make our s bool campus second none in beauty in the state. A game of base ball was played (j tween the ninth grade and a tea selected from the rest of the sehe on Thursday. The score was six four In favor of the ninth grade. Much interest is being shown in t preliminary contest to be held Pridi night in the school auditorium, medal will be given to the best spea or. The winner in tills contest w represent our school in the county co test to be hold April 22. All are cor tally invited to be present. 1 Too Late, Too Late, to think about taking out a policy on your house if it is already burning. We take a risk but not a certainty. If you have taken time by the forelock, and insurccl your property against fire, you have the Absolute Certainty that the company Will pay all your losses. The race is to the swift, and you owe it to your family to protect them from all troubles. Do not be a laggard. E.H.WILKES&SON Stocks - Honds - Insurance Enterprise Bank Building Laurens, S. C. TWO SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Good quality 3 lb. can Tomatoes $1.00 Dozen Good Roasted Cof fee, 12 lbs. for $1.00 See us before you buy Flour. Trade with ns and we will save you money J. C. Shell & Co. Staple and Fancy Grocers. Dial?Gray Block. W. Alain St., Laurens, S. C. Simpson, Cooper & Babb Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all State CourU prompt attention given to all business Bridge to Let. On Friday, April 15, lit 10. at 1 o'clock a. in. the hoard of county com missioners of Lnurens county. S. C will let to the lowest responsible hid der the contract for rebuilding Mllto bridge on Little River, letting to Ii at the site. Contractor will be roquil ed to close written contract and oxc Cute satisfactory bond in one half th contract price on the spot, or deposl $25.00 as guarantee to close within fiv days after award is made. The righ is reserved to reject any or all bid: County will furnish material. II. 15. Humbert. Supervisor, March 28, 1010. Laurens, S. C 35-3t Chamberlain's Coush Remedy When you buy jClothes Figure on Getting most real value for what you pay. If you get Suits from 1 ribble Clothing Company you are sure to get your money's worth every time. SEE THOSE SUITS $7.50, 8.50, 9, 10,12.50, 13.50, 15, 16, up to 25. Straw and Panama Hats They are ready for your inspection. Straw, $2, 2.5O, 3. Panama, $5.00 Shoes See our Low Cut Shoes. They will please you if you see them. Edwin Clapp $5 and 6. Regal $3.50, 4, 5. The home of Hart, Schaf fner & Marx Clothing. Suits $l6.5o to 27.5o ?SEE? Tribble Clothing Company before you buy. We can please. The Up-to-date One-Price Clothiers Tribble Clothing Co. Laurens, S. C. Laurens, S. C,