MOUNTVILLE HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTIOI> >'ew Municipal Officers Chosen fo Another Terr:! Other .Milt tors of Interest* MountvlUe, .March L'S,?The nnnua municipal election for the town o MouiltVllle was hold Friday. 'J?th. inst The officers whose duty it is to man age the town's affairs for this fisca year are. B. It. Kuller. Intendant; JeBBi Matthews. \V. C. Hipp, .lohn T. Stokes and W. J. Cluck, councilmen. AI these are former officers except tin last mentioned who was selected t< fill the place of W. I). I'yles. movet away. Messrs Clyde Hipp of Winder, On. and Henry Kuller of the South Caro Una university were here for Kastei That was a splendid speech made b\ Dr. J. II. Miller of Cross Hill In tin MountvlUe school, on the occasion o; a public meeting of the two llterarj societies, Monday evening. The onlj fault was its brevity; the people want ed to hear more. t There Is a force of hands at work or John M. Simmons' new dwelling which, when completed, will be the flm est and most costly building in Mount vllle. Mrs. C. M Fuller was carried to th< hospital at Columbia last week foi treatment. She was accompained by her husband and Dr. Penko, who hav< returned reporting that she Is dotnf ?well. Ladles, Why Not Preserve Your Youtl and Beauty I Parisian Sage, the quick acting hail restorer, is now for sale in Laurens a the drug store of Laurens Drug Co and is sold with a rigid guarantee a f?0 cents a large bottle. Parisian Sage has an Immense sale and here are the reasons: It Is safe and harmless. It cures dandruff in two weeks, b; killing the dandruff nenn. It stops falling hair. It promptly stops Itching of tlv scalp. It makes the hair soft and luxuriant It gives life and beauty to the bait It Is not sticky or greasy. It is the best, the most pleasant am Invigorating hair dressing made. At Bearerdam, 1 will preach at IJeaverdam churcl next Sunday at 3:30 p. in. Subject: "The Mission of the Churcl of Christ." We hope to have all mem hers out, and the community is in vlted also. B. P. Mitchell. liest potatoes Masher made for 2 cents, easy to perate.get one. STAT'c SCHOOL BO A HD. At Meeting Held in Columbia Mutter Given Consideration. Columbia, March 27.?After a scs slon of two days, Which ended las night the state board of education a its annual spring meeting considers many matters oi state-wide Interesl The first session was held on Krida afternoon. The first thing considered was th adoption of regulations for the dis bursement of the $t; appropriate* for sehool extension. The Qarris act o 1910 made several Important change in the policy established by the act o 1909. Henceforth, no private subserlp tlon can be used as a basis of stab aid. The district is made the unit fo distributing the appropriation for th< current year, and only Mioso district: levying a special school tax of not less thtn two mills are entitled to apply Districts whose apportionment of tin regular three mills constitutional tax poll tax, dog tax, and dispensary prof its will continue the session one bun dred days, cannot share in the ap proplntlon. High school districts an not entitled to participate in thii fund, because all state aided hlgl schools are under contract to contlnui the session eight months, and thesi high school districts already receivi much more from the high school ap proprlatlon than they could be grant ed under the extension act. State Aid to School Buildings. The recent legislature also appro printed $20.000 to encourage the ercc tlon of adequate school buildings Three schools submitted blue print which were approved, and each o these districts will receive $300 fror the secretary of the board. The la^ requires, that all plans be npprove both by the county board of educatio and by the state board of educatiot and where such approval is secure the district can receive 26 per cent. < the cost from the county and 2."? pet cent, from the state. In ease of con solldatlon, an additional bonus of $in< $.">0 from the county and $.")() from th state, may he allowed. Two vacancies in the office of conn ty superintendent of education, wer tilled at this meeting, Superintended Sample, of Saluda. having recentl died, and Superintendent Lane, of Ms rion. having resigned. The Salud vacancy was filled by the election c Rev. J, A. Carson, now acting count superintendent of education by th temporary appointment of the Salud grand jury. fill the vacancy In Marlon county. County Summer Schools. The board apportioned the incomi from the permanent school fun< among the forty-three counties, am .suggested that this money be used bj the county superintendents and conn ty boards of education to suppor county or district summer schools This fund yields nearly $:t,000 annual ly, hut since no distribution of Inter est was made during 1909, the amoun now available is $5,851.00, giving eacl county approximately $!'Jr> for summei school tises. Terrible Croup. My little boy, who is four years old has suffered a lot witli croup. On sev eral occasions wo thought he was gone After trying all the old time remedies and most of the new, I came home oik night at midnight, and my wife sntd "The bov has the crop again?sunpos? you get a bottle of Hyomel." "More junk," I said, "but we will olroulnu our money so they all will get some.' I hastened to an all night drug store brought it home. In five minutes he was breathing easier. In fifteen min utes he was sound asleep, it broke the croup so quickly it scared me. Arjymio wls-shlnf* to euro fho croun a child I hope will give Hyomel a trial Wishing you the best of success which you surely deserve, I remain Jos. E. Clark, 204 6th St. fc\ E., Wash ington. I). C. Oct. 7. 1909. Hyornel is a remarkably effective remedy incase of croup and It should be in every home where there is r croupy child. Full instructions how to cure crop comes with each outfit. Complete Hyomel outfit Including in haler costs $1.00 at druggists every where and at Laurens Drug Co. It if guaranteed to cure catarrh, coughs anc colds. Hlg line of Flower Pots In all sizes saucers to fit. Prices from 5 cents up S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. Citation for Letters of Administration The State of South Carolina, County of Laurens. By O. Ci. Thompson, Probate Judge Whereas. Margaret Smith made sui to me to grant her Letters of Adminis nation of the Estate and effects of I 1). Smith. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monlsh all and singular the kindret and creditors of the said I. 1). Smith deceased, that they be and appear be fore me. in tlx- Court of Probate, ti be held at Laurens. C. H. S. ('. on th< 7th day of April. 1910 next, after pub llcatlon hereof, at 11 o'clock in tti< forenoon, to show cause, if any the; have, why the said administratioi should not be granted. (liven under my hand this 2Sth da; of March. Anno Domini 1910. O. O. THOMPSON. 35-2t Probate Judge Are you a member of the Chambe <0xforrj? M ORE Oxfords will bt worn this season than ever before. So everybody says, and everybody knows. The best Oxfords that walk streets, will be the Oxfords that come from this Home of Good Shoes. Men's Oxfords Oxfords in Tie or Button Style. The new two-hole Ties and Pumps. Patent Colt, Kid, Gun Metal Calf or T\?n leathers?Extreme or Conservative models. Oxfords that will fit the foot perfectly. $3, 3.50, 4, 5, 6. Women's Oxfords Oxfords, Two Kyelet Ties and Ankle Strap Pumps. Patent Kid, Colt, Gun Metal Calf, Suede and Tan leathers with Cuban Heels and High Arch. Shoes of beauty and elegance. $2, 2.50, 3, 3.5O. , Oxfords and Low Cut Footwear, in a variety of styles, for Boys, Misses and Children. See our line of Hats and Furnishings. Copelanry One Price Shoe Store. Customers' Shoes Shined Free, I DO IT NOW GET YOUR RING SUIT AND HAT Millinery. Never before has our Millinery depart ment been as complete as it now is, and we are getting in new stuff almost every day. The hats this season are especially beautiful and the prices we are quoting will interest you as much as the beauty of the hats. Ladies' Skirts. Our assortment of Skirts must be seen to be appreciated. We have all the new cloths, new styles and new colors. Voils are very fashionable this season, and we are showing a big assortment. Chifon Wool Taffeta is the most ser viceable material for Skirts The Cloth THAT IS EASILY CLEANED. We have them from $5 to $20. Ladies' Tailored Skirts and Lin gerie Shirt Waists. We are showing the largest and most exclusive lines, from 98c to $6 50. Silk Waists from $2.50 to $7.75. Embroideries. The prettiest, daintiest, embroideries ever shown in Laurens. We mean every word of this, and you will agree with us when you see them. Everything fiotn wide Flouncings to the daintiest little Entredcaux's. Prices from'io cts to $2.00 per yard. Hair Qoods We are prepared to show you anything von would want to see in the wav of TURBANS, BRAIDS and SWITCHES See our real French Hair Braids and Switches from $3.75 to $9.50. We can give you a match no matter what color your hair may be. Ladies' Neckwear. We are now showing a variety of stock Collars at 10c, 15c and 25c. Jabots at 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Lace and wash Collars from the cheap est to the most expensive. Ruching all kinds and of every price. We have not time nor space to enumerate all the things we would like to call your attention to, but we are sure to have what you want at the price you want it. Come in and give us a chance to show you. We will appreciate your call whether you buy anything or not, and assure you we will make your visit both pleasant and profitable. O. B. SIMMONS & SON, Sole Agents for "Royal Society" Embroidery Floss. Laurens, S. C.