PART TWO; PAGES NINE TO TWELVE VOLUME XXV._ _ LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910. NUMBER 35 SCHOOL NEWS NOTES OE LAURENS COllNTl The Schools, Teachers am Pupils. The people over the county seem t be very much Interested in up to dut school buildings just now. The trus teea of Byrd's school in Scuilletow No. 2 have just completed a house thn is a credit to any school district. A Friendship, In Youngs No. 2, a nous will soon he finished that the trustee and patrons as well as the children an teachers may well he proud of. Th patrons of Oakville school. In Watet loo No. r>, met Friday and plans wer perfected for a nice house at the place. The people of Princeton wll take definite steps next week toward a largo new building at that place. Th present building fund makes it eas for trustees to build a school hous now and our people are going to tak advantage of it. The Boys' Corn club is progressin nicely. The boys are preparing the! land well. It seems that there is mor interest In corn growing just now tun ever before. No doubt the Boys' Cor club Is having Its effect already. Mi O. B. Martin was heard to remark I Columbia the other day that Lauren county has one of the largest and mot wide awake clubs in the state and the he looked for Laurens to be the banne county this year. Miss Maggie Garllngton and he school will present "Ma Duesenber and Her Gearlcs from Vermont" in th school house some time in the nea future. This is a popular play an promises to be a grand success. Next Saturday is teachers' meetln day. All tho teachers In the count nre urged to come to this meeting. The principals of the eight big schools of the county are requeste to meet at the office of the county sui erlntondent of education next Satui day at 10 o'clock to make final arranp ments concerning the April Declaim ers* contest. The judges and the oi der In which the boys shall speak wi be decided on at that time. Bach t these schools should be represente so that matters may be satisfactoril arranged. Shiloh, Green Fond, Gray Court an Cross Hill have held their prelim; nnries. Jesse Wolff from Shiloh, ('1yd Curry from Green Bond, Barnio Bai rott from Cross Hill, and Charlie Gai rison from Gray Court will represser their respective schools in the Apr contest. The other schools have nc selected their speaker. The Lauren high school will hold its prellmlnar Friday night. COUNTY TEACHERS' MEETING. Program for Saturday Announced h Mr. Parkinson. At 11 o'clock next Saturday morn ing, April 2, the Laurens Count Teachers' association will meet in th Laurens school auditorium. Follow ing Is the program: "How to Teach Participles and In ^ flnltlves," Mr. M. B. Self. "Improvement of School Grounds, Mr. J. C. Martin. "Neatness nnd Cleanliness in th School Building," Mr. W. P. Culberl son. "Athletics In our Schools," Mr. I L. Parkinson. Evory teacher In tho county 1 urged to be present. B. L. Parkinson, Preslden LaureiiB, March 28. Three Life Term Prisoners. On Wednesday Deputy Sheriff A. I Culbertson carried to tho penitential at Columbia tho three negroes, Willi Harris, Willie Gray and Cleve Thorn son, convicted at the recent term c court and sent up for life, for th murder of Will Hand in Youngs town ship, the trial jury ba\lng saved thel necks by recommending morcy. ( Bishop Turner to Lecture. On Friday night. April 8, at Bethf church, Ilev. Henry M. Turner of AI lan'tR. the well known colored lecture and senior bishop of the African \ ?< E. church, will deliver a lecture on th subject: "The Negro Solentiftcall Considered." Reserved seats will b provided for the white visitors and * small admission fee will be charge We have all kinds of enamel war for your kitchens. ft M. & E. H. Wllkes & Co. ? AMONQ THE EXCHANQES i A Greenwood Prodigy. Mr. und Mi'B. J. E. Qregory wer in The Index office lust Snturduy uf ternoon with little Miss Malzie Greg ory, the little girl whose spelling pre cociousness was noted in The Inde: some time ago and they showed tha the little girl had learned some sur enough big words sinco that time. She can spell now the names o practically ail the states of the Unloi and also the names of tho principa cities. sh<< does not hesitate at sucl words as electricity, chinquepin, rheu mutism, neuraglia, pneumonia, etc etc., all those hard old words that ar mavorites in spelling matches. Malzl will be four years old on July the 4tl next, so the real wonder of her spell ing is in this fact, that she is les than four years old. The little girl is the adopted daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory. She ha a sister and two brothers In Conn! Maxwell orphanage.?Greenwood In dex. Jury, the Law and Kvldeuce. Is it because Nowberry hns bette criminal lawyers than Laurons that I is so much harder to convict a whit man down here than up there "There's a reason", if it isn't that it' something else.?Newberry Observer. Todd-Rnnmgc. Mr. J. A. Todd and Miss MamI Ramago were happily married on Sun day afternoon at tho home of th bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L Ramagc in Coronaca. Theb ride is a very sweet and at tractive young woman who has man friends in this county. The groom i one of Laurens county's most sterllm young men who for somo time has hel a responsible position with the Sea board railroad. The many friends of those youn people wish them much happiness i their future lives.?Greenwood Indes The Old Ways on The Farm. There are some lost nrts on th farms of our state. Up to abou 1868 farmers made their own plo\ lines. The best wero made of liar noss leather and thoy would last fo years. But most of tho lines wer made of cotton thread spun for th purpose. If tho farmers of this da wero roqulred to make their plow line they would have to go without. Tber wero expert makerB of plow stock in every neighborhood. Thon mnkin a grain cradle so that It would bo wel balanced was quite an art. Somo of our smart young farmer would bo puzzled If required to mak a rabbit and chicken proof garde without hammer, nails or saw. Th railing and palings were made b hand. There were threo rails t each pannel. Holes wore bored ii the posts and tho ends of the railin; Inserted. The lower piece was abou six inches from the ground and th upper about a foot below the top o tho palling. Tho third was mldwa between them. Tho palings wore wat tied, the lowor ends resting on th ground. When nails were on hand th railing was nulled to tho post. Sixty years ago when tho plow man started to the field he wore cloth Ing spun, woven and made at homo his shoes wero made of home tanno< leather; his plow gears .except th trace chains, wore all made on th farm, his plow stock and plows wer all made at home. Ho drank wato from a gourd and ho was careful t keep one hanging at every spring, i home-made horn called him to din nor, every bite of which, oxcept sal and sugar was raised on tho farm. Now when young farmers consldc these conditions that prevailed ther they ought to be more diligent In the! work and thoy ought to do twlco a much as tholr fathers and grandfath ers did.?Farm and Fireside. In the Pee Dee Section. Mr. Fenthorstone, candidate for gov ernor, spent a part of last week in th Pee Dee section of the state, vlsitlni the towns of Hartsvillo, Darlington an Hennettsvllle. He has been Invited t attend a big banquet to bo given b; tho Darlington T. P. A. post on th evening of April 8. Make a Shabby Floor Look New. Get a can of the L. & M. Floor Pain! Paint the floor in the morning. It drle hard over night. With a bright vnr nlsh finish. Saves wear?looks brlgh nnd cheerM. Get it from J. H. Kr. M L. Nash, Laurens; J. W. Copeland i Co., Clinton. SPECIAL ( VHS TO REUNION. Southern llullroud Will Carry Veter uns to Mobile. Mr. W. E. McGhee division passen ger ngent of the Southern Railroad a Charleston, has made arrangement with Major Oeneral Zimmerman Da vis, commanding the South Carolin; division, United States Confederat veterans, for through Pullman sleep ing cars and coaches to take the vet erans and their friends from Soutl Carolinn to Mobile. Ala., to the an nual reunion of the Confederate- vet ornns to be held April 26-28, 1910. The through Pullman sleeping car and coaches will be hauled on th following schedules: Leaving Colura bia on morning of April 25. at 7:15 ? m., passing Newberry 8:51 a. in Greenwood at 10:10 a. in., Deltoi 11:22 a.m., Anderson 11:57 a. in Seneca 7:00 p. in. Veterans jolnln party at Seneca will leave Rock I III at 6:45 a. in., passing Yorkville a 7:24 a. m., Hlacksburg 9:00 a. in., an Gaffney 9:18 a. in. The round trip rate from Hock Hi) will be $12.30. Cump Gurllngtou to Meet. The annual meeting of camp Gar lington. United Confederate Veteram will be held April 9th proximo, at 1 o'clock a. m., at the olllco of Probat Judge Thompson. A full meeting is requested, as im portant business Is to be trnnsacte< Delegates arae to bo elected to at tend the General Reunion at Mohih Alabama, to be held May 20, 27 an 28. Also, delegates to the state rounlo are to be elected. The time for thi meeting is not yet designated. Th place of meeting Is Spartanburg. Oflioers will be elected for the onsu Ing year. The members of the camp are earn estly requested to be prompt in at tendance. T. B. Crews, Commander. Laurens. S. O. March 23, DUO. Pluutliig Season at Hand. Farmers in the city Saturday froi many sections of the county stated ths splendid progress had been made tc ward preparing for the planting sen son now at hand. Unusual at tent lo Is being given to corn and a groat den has been planted already. Accordin to Mr. Jared 1). Sullivan, count agent of the National Bureau of Plan Industry, who has just completed vis its of Inspection in eight of the nin townships, farming operations are we advanced, the preparatory work fo planting has been done in a more tboi ough manner than usual, and corn cul turo with Increased acreage. is th slogan of the Laurens farmer thi year. Selling Cotton. Several small lots of cotton wer sold off the wagon here Saturda} Some of It brought the top of the mat kot?14 3-4 cents. it is understoo that comparatively little of the stnpl remains in the hands of the farmer; As to that, the commercial supply c cotton throughout the county is lowe than In years. Deufiiess Cannot be Cured. by local aplications. as they canne reach tho diseased portion of the eai There Is only one way to cure deafnes and that Is by constitutional remedies DeafnesR is caused by an Inflamed eon tilt ion of the mucouslining of the Bun tachian Tube. When this tube Is in (lamed you have a rumbling sound C Imperfect hearing, and when it is en tlrely closed Deafness Is the resub and unless tho inflammation can b taken out and this tube restored t Its normal condition, hearing will b destroyed forever; nine cases out c ten are caused by Catarrh, which I nothing but an inflamed condition 0 the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused b Catarrh that cannot be cured by llnll' Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sol by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. Corn Breeders' Association. All Laurens county farmers and al other Interestod are Invited to mee with nie at the court house, at 11 o' clock next Saturday morning, April i for the purpose of organizing the Lau rens County Corn Hreeders' associa tlon. .tared D. Sullivan. County Agent Nations Bureau Plant Industr) Laurens, March 27. He sura to see the beautiful line 0 Go-carts we are showing. 8. M. St B. H. Wilkea A Co. LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. " Mr. .). Y. Bryson, president of th t1 Bank of Bnoree, which opened for bus b Iness last week, was in the city Th?rs . day, accompanied by Iiis brother, in I R. H. Bryson Of Bradley. The Mossr ll i Bryson were among the promoters o 8 [ the new bank which is capitalized a -' $r? Mr. W. J. Sanders, one of the bes '* ! farmers in the county, was in towi - Saturday from Mount Bethel. Ill ad . I dltlcn to planting bourn; and othe Harden seeds oil (Jood Friday. Ml Sanders planted a special acre in cot ton. Mr. B. Y. Culbortson, principal o the Madden high school, was in th city Saturday. Mr. W. D. Harmon of Scuffletowi was in town Saturday on Iiis way t Newberry for a (lays' visit. Rev. Hoheit Adams, I). 1).. presiden if the Presbyterian college of Bout Carolina, Clinton, was in the city Sat urday. Mr. Hen F. Simpson of Cray Com was in town Saturday. Mr. J. (3. Teague, one of our youn farmer friends from Waterloo wus visitor to the city Saturday. Mr. Eugene Yeargill was in the cit {Saturday afternoon from his farm 0 j few miles out from Cray Court. e I Mrs E. W. Martin spent a few day last week in Columbia, Capt. A. Y. Thompson of Ora wa In the city Saturday. Foreman Mattox of The Chronic] office, Clinton, came over Friday after noon for the burial of Dr. .tones whoi lie had known for several years an for whom he had a high regard. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Norwood of th city and .Miss Rosa Bailey of Collimbl college, spent Faster Sunday with Ml and Mrs. I*. B. Bailey, near Leosvllli Mr. and .Mrs. J. Willis llenderso spent Sunday with relatives at Lai: ford. Mrs. Louis Anderson and littl daughter are at Lailford this wee visiting Mrs. Anderson's parents, Cap and Mrs. W. II. DruilllllOild. Mr. 0rover Godfrey and Miss Ma rtrambetto of this county were mai l ied Sunday, arch 20 hyM the Met In dist minister, Rev. D. I), Jones of Bin reo. Mr. ('. C. Connors, after a resldono of sis months at Woodruff, has return ed to 1.aureus. Mr. T. J. Weathers visited his brotl er at Woodruff during the past weel Mr. J. 1). Watts was associated wit Dr. Aiken in the recent purchase < the Bailey block of stores here Insten of Mr. Simmons. Edltor W. J. Dendy of the Cllnto Gazette was in the city for a fe< hours Friday. He admits that Ills vlt its to Laurens are less frequent tha formerly, still he enjoys coining u "to see the old town grow." Rev. W. A. Clarke is in Oreeiivill this week visiting, his daughter, Mn Kate Poole. Mr. Frank Henderson of the AllgUf ta Commercial college spent the Bat ter season with home folks in the citj Mr. Clyde Fowler has returned t Augusta where he is pursuing a but Inoss course. Mr. G. B, Godfrey of Youngs town ship visited the citv Saturdav and Sun day. d e i Mr. T. .1 Layton of Lnnford was visitor to the city Saturday. Mr. James Wham, whose health ha not been at all vigorous for the pat ,( lew months, has be, u Spending a par i\ of his time recently in the city takin s special medical treatment. I Mr. It. IV Sullivan of Camp Hill. Ala was in the county lasl week, visitin his uncle. Dr. Hobt. It. Gllkorson. Mesrs Calhoun McGowan ami Qu Hart of the University of South Care Una were at home for the Easter hol idays. Master Louis Stoney of Cainde spent Easter in the city with his sit ter. Miss Jeanillo Stoney of the grade school faculty. Mr. Larry II. Walts of Saluda, Green wood Coutlty, spent ii few days In th city last week with friends and rela tlves. Miss Abble Hampton, accompanlo by Master Barle and little Miss Alle McCord Poole, of Gastonln after a via It to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCord, rc turned home Saturday. Sinod A Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell I the civil war was more agreeable to .! A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing 1 from what doctors said was consnm ptlon. "i cantracted a stubborn cold he writes. that developed a COUgl that stuck to ine in spite of all reme dies for years. My weight ran down I 130 pounds. Then I began to use Di King's New Discovery, which complete ly cured me. I now weigh ITS ponndt For Coughs, Colds. La Grippe, Asthnu Hemorrhage. Hoarseness, Croil] Whooping Cough and lung trouble, it supreme. GOc, $1.00. Trial bottl free, Guaranteed by Laurens Dru Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. SUMMONS AM) NOTICE. Stale or Sou til Carolina. County 0 Laurens, In the Court of CoiUlUOl l'leus. The State of South Carolina, l'laintill against Straus, Pritz & Company n copnrlnor ship COUBiSting Of Straus am -Prltz and others unknown res idents of the City of Clncllinttl, Slat of Ohio, and others, Defendants. Summons for lte?ef. (Complaint Served.) To the Defendants Above .Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint In thi action of which a copy is horewitl served upon you. and to serve a cop of your answer t>? the said complain on tlm Attorney-General at his oillc in Columbia, S. ('., within twenty day after the service hereof exclusive v the day of such service, ami if yoi fall to answer the complaint witUi the time aforesaid, the plaintiff horel will apply to the court lor (be relit demanded in the complaint. .1. Fr?ser Lyon. Attorney.General, South Carolin: Anderson, Felder, Koiimltroc fi Wilsoi VV. F. Stevenson, it. I.. Abney, a I Of Counsel. Dated February 9, 1910. To the Defendants: Strauss. Pritz i Company a copartnership consist in ?f - Strauss, ami ? Pritz an other unknown residents of the en of Cilicinattl, State of Ohio, abo\ named. Take notice that the Complain) t< gether with the Summons in this at tlon of which tho foregoing is a cop was tiled in the Oillce of tho Clerk (i the Court of Common Pleas and Geuei nl Session.^ for Laurens County a Laurens in the county nil (I stale nforc said on the IS day of February, 19It .1. Fr?ser 1 o on. Attornoy-Genornl, South Carol Im Anderson, Felder, Uoundtrce & Wilsoi VV. F. Stevenson, B. D. Abney, Of Counsel. ? I Dated February 21, 1910. :'.l C ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOMACH? Do you ?rant a belter one?one lliol won't belch gas, or turn sour, or icel heavy or make you (eel miserable? MX-ONA Cures indigestion It relieves stomach distress in five minutes. It turns old, unsatisfactory, rebellious stomachs into new ones, ever ready to digest the hearti est im nl. Wo guarantee Mi-o-nn tab lets to cure stomach disease. Money back if they fail. 50 Cents a Large Box Laurens Drug Co., I.aureus, S. C. I-?1 Get Ready to GARDEN and buy your SEED of US. We have a fresh lot of Garden Seeds of all kinds of a good variety best a dapted to our Southern soil. Yellow Danver and Sil ver Skin Onion Sets, Irish Potatoes, Seed Corn, Field and Snap Beans. Kennedy Bros. Laurens, S. C. A Waich gift may mean 1 V everything?or nothing. It depends on the watch?not necessarily on the price you pay for ii.^Tlie RxCBLSIOft is made,' finished nidi adjusted as a finr match ? \ I at a populai pric??$4.50 to $11.00. ^ ! Ask 11.1 for the KXCRLSIOK WATCH.' FLEMING BROS, AlPRII. 1ST i ? is the last day for paying tlic April dues on stock and on m loans to the t Merchants Building' and Loan Association a After this date all delinquent stockholders are subject to a fine of TEN CENTS A SHARK. i .J. J. ADAMS, SKCandTRKAS. SPECIAL RUN ON Candies This Week One lot 20c lb. Candy at lO Cents One lot 35c lb. Candy at 20 Cents Also Fresh Groceries at reduced prices. J. H. BENNETT LAURENS. S. C.