PART ONE; PAGBS ONE TO EIGHT VOLUME XXV. CRIMINAL COURT CONVENED MONDAY Number of Cases HaveBeen Disposed of Already. MILAM IS CONVICTED Shot W. M. Irl? and Found Guilty of Assault nnd Battery With In tend to Kill. The spring term of general sessions court for Laurens county was con vened at 10 o'clock Monday morning, with Judge Charles G. Dantzler of Orangeburg on the bench. The other officers of the court, Solicitor Cooper, Stenographer Aull, Clerk Bolt, Sheriff Owings nnd Court Crier Barksdale, were at their respective posts and with but little delay, incident to drawing extra jury venires, the court was or. ganized for business. Seventeen members of the grand jury answered to their names, Mr, J. B. Adalr being unable to attend on ac count of illness. Mr. .Alex Uramlett of the City was drawn to serve in his stead. Seven petit jurors drawn for this term were absent or excused for various reasons, whereupon the court directed that fourteen extra jurors be drawn. Mr. Collier Curry of Dials township, one of the six holdover members, was appointed by the court as foreman of the grand jury, and the clerk was di rected to swear In ttie members of this body. In his charge, Judge Dantzler briefly and concisely outlined the duty devolv ing upon the grand jury as a hody and the prerogative of each member in or out of court during his term. The functions of the body are not inquisi torial, but due processes should be ex hausted in order to properly pass on all matters presented, and in their re spective communities each member may sometimes find a duty to perform, suggested the judge. Conviction in First Case. The first case taken up Monday was that of the state vs. J. M. VVinn, Charged With violation of the dispen sary law. Two separate counts were submitted to the jury selling and storing and keeping in possession for unlawful purposes - and the jury rend ered a verdict of guilty on the former. Winn's attorneys, Messrs Cannon & Blackwoll, gave notice of a motion for new trial. Arthur Hill, colored, pleaded guilty to violation of the dispensary law, and was sentenced to pay a line of $100 or to Berve thirty days. Duck Byrd, colored, pleaded guilty to a charge of house breaking and larceny, nnd was sentenced to servo 0110 year. Abe O'Sliielda, a young white man was tried on Monday afternoon on the charge of assault and battery with in tent to kill. O'Sbields was working at the Laurens cotton mill at the time of the alleged assault In July of last year, and it appears that his wife and the little daughter of N. T. Curry, an other employee of the mill, had somo unpleasantness about, something the little girl was charged with having said about Mrs O'Shlebts. This led to a fight between Curry and O'Sbields. in which both were seriously cut. The jury in tills case returned a sealed verdict Monday night which was opened upon the convening of court Tuesday morning. O'Shlelds was acquitted. Jake I'.urnsides and John Lindsay, both colored, pleaded guilty to house breaking and larceny and received a sentence each of one year on the chain gang. Parrott Milum ('use. The first important case for this term was next taken up, that of the state against Parrott, Milain, ehnrged with assault and battery with Intent to kill, the Bhooting last fall of William M. Irby who has not yet completely recovered from the wound. Tho defendant, the 10-year old son of James L. Milam of the Holly drove section of the county, was represented by ui< hey & Rlchey, Solicitor Cnoner conducting the prosecution, .Mi. came i.i early and was joined by most of the members of his family. Mr. ami Mrs. Milam. with other relatives, also occupied seats within the railing. When the case was called the court room was crowded with Interested spectators and they remained until tho close of tho trial. The taking of testimony was com pleted shortly after one o'clock, and at 3:30, upon reconvening after the noon recess, the arguments were he gun, W. R. Rlchey, Jr., leading off for the defence. Ho was followed hy his father, and Mr. Cooper for tho state concluded tho arguments. Tho charge by the court occupied I hut a short tlmo and the jury retired. Within eleven minutes a verdict of "guilty" was returned. Pending no tice of a motion hy counsel for de fense, sentence was not passed yester day. Dr. W. D. Ferguson of Laurens and Dr. T. L. VV. Bailey of Clinton, both of whom attended Mr. Irby after the shooting, were the first witnesses. The character of tho wound was described, both stating that tho entire scalp had been torn away by the shot and the skull fractured, thus causing, a few days later, paralysis of the left arm and leg and a slight paralysis of tho tongue. Carried to Columbia for op eration, the removal of the prosure on the brain, which relieved paralysis; not yet completely recovered but prom ises to get well. Mr. Irby was next called. Tie is 43 years of age and lives in the coun ty. On Sunday afternoon, November 7, last, just about sundown, was on way i home from Sunday school, having lit | tie two year old daughter in buggy I with him when men by a negro woman who called his attention to the fact that the child was asleep, whereupon he took baby in his lap, placing her on his right side and driving with his left hand. As lie came up to the Milain home Parroti .Milam came out and call ed to him to "hold up-" "I asked him what he wanted," continued the wit ness. "-n you, you cursed my dad dy in town the other day and I am going to kill you," was the reply. Wit ness told him he did not, to call his father and he would prove he was mis taken. Defendant had shot gun in his hand and as he raised It witness im plored him "for God's sake not to shoot my baby," meantime leaning forward to protect the child and instantly Par rott shot. He drove on 100 yards be fore realizing what had occurred; found tho child covered in blood, but drove on home. Admitted that there had been some unpleasantness be tween himself and J. L. Milam some years ago. Lila Taylor colored, coroborated statement about tho baby being asleep ! in buggy. Will Nelson, white, was coining up the road and was within 1T."> yards of the .Milam place when he heard Parrott Milam calling "hold on Will Irby. bold on there, I am tired of you running over my folks, I am going to kill you.'' Witness did not hear reply, but was in full view of both parties and saw Mil am fire. Alsey Madden swore that some time before shooting that .Milam had told him he was going to shoot Irby on the new cut road, but did not say why. For the defense, J. L, Milam, father of the defendant, was introduced as the first witness. Did not see shoot ing as was in lot milking the cow at j time. Heard loud talking and curs ing In front of house. Heard report of gun about live minutes later. John P. May, uncle of young Milain. was in sitting room writing a letter. He heard cursing and after Parrott inui passed 'hroiigb bouse heard ro port of gun. Heard Mrs. Milam say lo some one in front yard "to nice on, that they did not want any distur ance there." Shooting over when he got out In yard. .Mrs. Milam. the mother, was in kit chen cookin?.': supper when she heard cursing out in front of house. Parrott wns at the fall, Witness went to front door and saw Irby. Told him to go on as they wanted no trouble. Parrott came through house and pass ed by her. She went out and told Irby again to go on home. Irby stooped like be was going to get a pistol. Cursed Parrott and said he was going to kill him. Then Parrott shot. Did not see baby In buggy. The defendant was next sworn. On day of shooting was at well drawing water when Irby drove up. Irby call ed to him to come out to road, "wanted to frail the life out of him." Witness j told him to go on, he wanted no fuss. I : !,y drovo on in front of gate. Defend | ant returned to house, Irby still curs ing him, Mother had told Irby to drive '; on. Defendant picked up gun and j went out, thinking When Irby saw the I gun he would go on off. Irby reached down In foot of buggy for pistol and said "I will kill you." As Irby rahftd pistol to view defendant bred "to save himself." MR. FRANK B. TEAGUE DIES UNEXPECTEDLY Young Farmer, Son of >V. L. Teague, Found Dead, Seated on Harrow, In Hie Yard. Waterloo, March 15,?This entire community was shocked and sadden ed this morning on hearing of the sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Krank Ii. TeagUe last night at 7 o'clock at his home 2 miles from Waterloo. Mr. Teague was engaged in his farm work all day Monday harrowing nnd plowing. At sundown lie rode home on a harrow and was found later by members of Iiis family at the lot seat ed on the barrow dead. The deceased was 22 years of age and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W, li. Teague of this place. He is sur vived by a number of sisters and broth ers. He has one sister living in Co lumbia, Mrs. W. A. Davis, and Mrs. Cid Heliums, living at Barksdale is also a sister. Mr. Teague was an industrious, bard working young man and Iiis sudden death, due to heart failure is a pro found shock to his family and friends. He is a member of the local camp? Luthla Camp, No. 215, Woodmen of the World and will he buried with Wood men honors this evening at 3:30 o' clock. The family have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. Building Elegant Residence. Mr. A. C. Todd lias given a contract for the erection of a handsome two story residence for himself on West Main street. Mr. .1. II. Haddon of Asheville is superintending the stone work for the foundations and has the contract for completing the building. Cake Sale. The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will have a cake sale at Todd and Simpson's store Saturday. They also wish to state that they will re ceive orders for cakes at any time. Notify Mrs. W. B. Childless or mem bers of her band. DEATH OF MRS. .1. P. CALDWELL. Funeral and It ii rial Services Took Place Saturday Afternoon* Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, wife of Mr. J. Pat Caldwell. one of the county's most excellent citizens, died of paral ysis at her home seven miles west of the city last Friday night in the t'.Tth year of her age. Saturday afternoon at four o'clock tho funeral service, conducted by Rev. w. D. ]lammet). pastor, was held at Union (Quaker? church. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. Joel Blackwell who is now in bis 90th year and is well known In Laurens, (I reen wood and Abbeville counties, Besides her husband, Mrs. Caldwell la survived by two daughters. Mrs. Henry Pitts and Miss Minnie Caldwell. and three sons, Messrs William, Clifton and Joseph Caldwell. Mountville News Leiter. Mountville, March 14.?The joint public mooting of tho two literary so cieties of the Mountville school, which was postponed Friday on account of the rain, will be hold this evening. Tho subject lor debate is "Resolved that South Carolina should support higher education." This will be dis cussed by eight pupils. The program Includes other exercises also. Dr. J. II. Miller of Cross Hill has accepted an invitation to deliver an address on (lie subject of hygiene. The school anticipates a pleasant and profitable evening. Messrs W. B. Crisp and J. C. Miller made a business visit to tho Fork sec tion of the county last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mills Hunter of Green? villo are here visiting the hitter's mother, Mrs. Fannie Stokes. Mr. Alsey Mitchell, who has been teaching In North Carolina, Is again at home, having finished his term of school. Mr Lonnle Fellers and family and Mr. Paul Fellers of Columbia are spending a while with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fellers. Mr. Jesse M. Bryson, who lias been in Columbia several weeks for treat ment, returned home Sunday much Improved. He had an operation per formed for appendicitis. Dr. F. s. War lick has returnod from an extended social and business trip to sections in North Carolina. Gardening and some crop prepara tion has been done. Small grain lias mit r.,i n wahv ,i?nmi?i..~ ORA SOCIAL NEWS AND OTHER NOTES Enjoyable Birthday Tarty?Two Other Entertainments?He v. Mr. Blnkciy at Home. Orn, March 14.?Tho Ora people ore looking forward with pleasure to tho recital which will be given in the near future by Miss Allen's music pupils. MlsseB .Nannie and Lizzie McClln tock are on an extended visit to rela tives in Spartanburg. Rev. W. A. Blakely who has been in ill health for boiuq time has rcovorod and Is now at home with his brother, Mr. W. B. Hlakely. A most enjoyable social affair was the six o'clock dinner given by Mrs. J. L. McClintock to celebrate tho birth, day of her son, John Hunter. Tho dining room was lovely in Its appoint ments. A jardiniere of ferns surround ed by violets on a green bed formed the centerpiece of the table. Not the least of the attractions for the child ren was the birthday cake containing* eight tiny candles. The menu con sisted of turkey and nil the good things that go with it. Beside the Children, .lohn Hunter invited the fol | lowing older friends to enjoy tho ev ening with him. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Crier, Misses Euphemia Thompson and Lucy Allen and Mr. W. M. Bryson. Dr. Brimm fo Clinton preached In the Presbyterian church yesterday; in the morning and in tho afternoon.. Mr. J. Y. Brysoil is expected homo this week for the opening of the new bank at Hnoree of which he has been made president. Miss Eliza McDtll was hostess at a delightful tea given recently, Those enjoying her hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Crier and children, Misses Lucy Allen, Euphemia Thomp son and Panic Nabors of Laurens. Misses Bessie and Mamie Dyrd en tertained three tables of "42" players Friday evening. Violets and daffodils, harbingers of spring, decorated the rooms and added to the pleasure of tho 1 merry party. CROSS HILL HAPPENINGS. Ittiuawny Accident But So One Was Injured Other Hems. Cross HIM. March M. -Tlioro set ins to be quite an epidemic of Grippe In town. This correspondent has been laid up with it for nearly two weeks. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Nance, also a child of Mr. Mid Mrs. Edgar Hill are seriously ill with pneu monia. A good many pcoplo took advantage of the good weather last week and planted garden seed, pot does etc. Yesterday evening Mr. .). t). Denny was coining to town and Stopped at. a house to give bis horse water, a dog ran out. frightened his horse and caused it to run away. The buggy was badly broken up. Mr, Denny was not hurt and the horse, escaped without Miry. Miss Llda Itudd lost a valuable lock et and old fashioned gold chain be tween the Methodist church and Pres byterian seminary yesterday afternoon. Any one finding it will ho reward? d if they will return It to her. Misses Kate and Anne Austin, also Mr. Sye Lcnman were over from Clin ton Saturday and Sunday. Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets are F?a'o, fupe nail reliable, and have? been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold hy Laurens Drug Co. IteVt Mr. Fowler Goch Vbroad. Clinton. March Hi, Sunday the Rev. C. Lewis Fowler preached farwoll ser mons at bis own church and by Invi tation of Dr. Jacobs at the Thorn well Memorial church. During the next, three months ho will be absent and bis pulpit will be tilled by visiting ministers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fowler and Miss Sadie Phllson left Monday afternoon for New York tO sail from there for Egypl and 'the Holy Land. They will return j through Europe, visiting a number of j the chief points of Interest on that continent. Dentil of Miss Janifl Speiice, Clinton, March 15. -Miss Janlo SpenOO, a most Competent and beloved matron of the ThornweH orphanage, died at the Faircbild Infirmary Mon day morning about 10 o'clock. Rho was well on Sunday and attend ed Sunday school and two church ser vices. Early Monday morning she was found by the little girl who makes the morning fires lying unconscious in the turn on the electric lights. she was moved to the Infirmary at once and never regained consciousness. The physicians are not certain what was the cause of death, but It seems to have been something like apoplexy. The news was at once conveyed to her relatives and her brother, Mr. Dav id Spence of Chester, reached here on the noon train and left with the body at half- past two,, for tho family home at Ridgeway. BEST THING OF THE YEAH. The Tableau, "Auiit Jei'?nba'fl Family Albuin," Friday Night You want to be at the Graded School auditorium Friday night. March 18th. One of the best performances ever giv en there will be the attraction. The program will be made up of vocal and instrumental music, recita tions and the laughable tableau, "Aunt Jerusha's Family Album," by some of our best local talent. Those who do not get as many laughs as they want can get their money back. Tickets on sale at Fleming Bros, jewelry store and tho I.aureus Drue, Co. Prices 15 and cents. Pari of the pi'OCCdS will be given to the school 1 library fund. The entertainment has been arranged by tie ladies of tho Presbyterian church. Detter go. We've seen it in re hearsal and it is all right. Bosl thing Of the year, so far. The curtain rises at S. I'. M. Every Old Thing Made New Old Kitchen-chairs, benches, lawn swings, porch furniture will re(|Uiro only a small can of our Domestic Paint in open mouth cans to make them look ' like new. Go! it from .1. II. & M. L. Nash. Lau rens; .1. W. Copelnnd ; total number of pen sioners for this county. l!7.".. Mr. Adolph Shnyor has sold bin pool room business to Mr. Guy Todd. Mr. A. P. Moore of Clinton was In the city yesterday. Mr. .lames P. I thy of Columbia was here; yesterday for tho Parrott Milam i trial. Dr. P. P.. Gllkcrson of Princ e ton was in town Monday. Building operations have already commenced out on the North Laurens ? suburb, and within a short time thoro will probably be a number of houses i going up in that locality. Mr. ike Katz of Birmingham, Ala., is in the city In charge of A iheildorf's ? bin 13 d i> s sale, Miss Brnni of Chester win \isit Miss .Toslo Sullivan this week. Store Htiraed at KfHarris, Tho store of Mr. Man OxnOf at Kin ards was destroyed by lire Friday night. Mr. Oxnor'a loss has been es timated at $r..0h, : nil J, W. Copo land.Jr. 1 Dr. .1. Dillard .'. ol k made n very Interesting, Instructive, and Important talk along lh<> lines of looking Into and provlslng plans foi n t ubllc park for (Minion, Dr. Jacob covered the ground so thoroughly I hi I ii moi with (ho hearty approval oi ??> ll present, and oth ers made encouraging remarks on tho subject, after which a moiion was made and carried that the chairman ask the mayor, (ho president of tho Rnsllicss League and tie- pre. id' nt