XXX>O0< 2: V 2 KS/ 7? OUR ENTIRE.STOCK ACROSS THE STREET TO CLOSE OUT! We arc going to Reduce our Stock in our main building to condense our stock all under one roof after March 1st. We are chopping the Prices Down to reduce stock quick. Come quick and get your share of these Red Hot Bargains. They are just like hot biscuits right from the oven, they go quick. We List a Few Items Only?This Whole Paper Would Not^List Our Entire Stock. Come at Once. The and Below New York and Baltimore Cost. Goods are Going to be Sold at CLOTHING! ?5.00 and $5.00Men's .Suits for.gjO ()g 7.00 Men's Suits for . ^ Cj'J 9.00 Men's Suits for. 10.00 Men's Suits for . ^ 12.50 Men's Suits for. g O^J 15.00 Men's Suits for.QQ Buy Quick ! Prices will be with-drawn just as soon as $r0,000.00 worth of (ioods are sold. Our Red Hot Prices: 1,000 yards Calico worth 6 cts, to close out quick 1,000 yards 6 cts Calico to close quick.;. 4'iC One large Handkerchief. ^CtS Good 8cts, yard wide, Sea Island. ()CtS Good checked Homespun. -^('ts Ladies' 2Qcts Elastic Belts. ?)cts Dress Goods 50cts Dress Goods down to MS .32 .19 .11 .09 .7* 4 oct Dress Goods down to. 25cts Dress Goods down to. 15 and 20cts Dress Goods down to ... 12 Acts Dress Goods down to . iocts Dress Goods down to. Puces Withdrawn as Lots arc Closed Out. Big Stock Men's and Boys' Fine Hats! $1.00 Pur Hats at . 7g 1.25 Fur Hats at. Q(J 1.50 Fur Hats at.$L1o, 2.00 Pur Hats at. | (?? 2.25 Fur Hats at . . ] ^4 2.50 Fur Hats at. J t)0 5.00 John B. Stetson Hat . O ()_| 4.00 Silk Beavci Hat. ] (j^ Prices Withdrawn as Lots Closes. This is One Chance for Von in a Lifetime to Buy Goods at and Below Wholesale Prices. $4.00 White House Shoes and Slippers. 5*>^2.DT 3.50 White House Shoes and Slipper. ^2.(M 3 00 Men's or Ladies' Shoes and Slippers 2.50 " 44 44 " " 2.00 11 44 " 44 T - r it K K 1 < <. 1 ? / o 1.50 4* 4 1 1 4 4 4 44 j 25 It It (i II II I QQ II t ( ?I II 14 g5Cts 11 ii 11 *ti n 7 sets 44 " 4 4 4 4 4 > 50cts 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 25CI.S (< 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 2.39 2.12 1.62 1.38 l.i, 1.07 .89 .09 .58 .42 .18 Special Job Hoy's Wool Hats, bound all round with a woolen string, Skidoo. .15 Red Hot! can Good (nick baking powder $.03 1-2 i I 10c can Good lan k baking powder. 5cpkg Dukes tobacco. 8 boxes Search Light matches . . . . A boxes 5c Celluloid starch. 10c Lye, red hot. 5e Lye, red hot. 5c bottle Stafford's ink. S pkgs Church's soda. 3 bags refind smoking tobacco .. .. 25c bottle. Pine Tar &. Honey 50? bottle Pine Tar & Honey .... 25 mil megs, (fresh stock). 5 cigars, now. 10c plug fine tobacco, S. & (? special 10c plug Red Meat tobacco. 15c plug Yellow Jacket. The above tobaccoes arc fine chewing tobacco, and you get 40 spats to the chew. 25c Gooso Grease Liniment, cures rheumatism, aches and pains .... 25c bottlo gooso grease .Mother's Joy, cures pneumonia and colds . . 1 lb. bag good smokii.g tobacco worth 30c, now. 1 sei teaspoons. 1 set fable spoons. 10c SCi teaspoons. 25c sei tablespoons. $1.00 alarm clock. $1.00 watch. $1.20 wntch. $3.50 eight day mantle clock . . $0.00 mantle clock. $3.00 large family Bible. 5.00 gold plated ladies' watch . . $15.00 gold filled 20 year case, Elgin or Wall bam waleh. $20.00 Klgin or Whaltham watch .. 5c tablet writing paper. 5c lead pencil. 10c box writing paper. 15c box writing paper. fx- pkg Piedmont cigaretts. All prices will be withdrawn as lots are closed ouf, come quick. .07 .04 .25 .10 .07 .04 .03 .25 .10 .18 .35 .05 .05 .08 .08 .08 .19 .19 .23 .03 .05 .07 .15 .54 .59 .74 1.79 3.48 .83 2.39 .40 .84 .04 .02 .05 .08 .04 Red Hot! $l.o<) Wright's health underwear, red hot.58 Ladies best 25e underwear. .18 Men's and boy's 25c underwear .. .18 Children s 25e union suits. .18 Wool hoods and fncinators, 10c, 15c and 18c. Its a shame to lake the money. All price.-, withdrawn a^ lots ?lose out. Ki:i> HOT BARGAINS. Covered steak dishes, worth 75c to $1.00. this week.29 fo .45 Covered soup tureens, worth 75c to $1.00.43 Colgate's or Mennen's 25c talcum powder, red hot. .12 Air Pleat talcum powder. 25c ??an, red hot at.12 20c can talcum powder.08 2.~>o value in ladies' uiulervesl .... .17 18 IbsSlandnrd granulated sugar, ? sweet). 1.00 .">O0 boys' knee suits, Hg< - ft'OIll t to 17 years. $1 .25 boys' suit.98 $1.75 boys' suit. 1.23 $2.25 boys' suit. 1.72 $2.7.") boys' mi if. 2 .09 $3.50 boys' suit. 2.69 ?4.S0 boys' suil. 3.37 $0.00 boys' suit. 4.40 Job lot boys' coals am! suits lo move quick, each.35 <)no nice umbrella. .43 1 doss, jelly tumblers, only.19 15c buggy whip. 08 7 cakes Octagon soap. .25 3 cakes of 5c toilet soap.10 7 packages washing powder. 25 7 packages of Gold Dust.25 12 cakes Polo soap, red hot.*25 5c cake toliei soap.04 2 cakes toilet soap.04 Pig lace sale, ">c to 10c per yard, red hot at.03 1 2 I?nlies' I Iress Skirls. $2.50 ladies' dress skirts. $3.50 ladies' dress skirts. $5.00 ladies' dress skirls. $ii..*>0 ladies' dress skirts. $8.00 ladies' dress skirls. $10.00 ladies' dress skirts. J iUilics' I 'nderskirts. Ode ladies' underskirts. 85c ladies' underskirts. $1.00 ladies' underskirts. $1.25 ladies' underskirts. $2.50 ladies underskirts. $4.50 ladies' sill; underskirts. Ladies' shirtwaists, big values, going in this red hol sah'. All prices withdrawn as lots are closed Out. Silk Ties, only. ?0 silk t ies. imly. >e linen collars, only. 20? SLA (..'(SUTURING CLOAKS. Special for cold weather ladies' long overcoats to close out quick. ?."1.00 cloak, '.rood. $0.50 lo $7.50 cloak, good. $8.00 cloak, good. I'se good judgment. Buy these cloaks '.<> wrap up in v. Nile rid ing in eold weather, They are line and will keep you warm, 75c while counterpanes. $1.00 while counterpanes. $1.25 n tor pa nes. $1.75 while counterpanes. 50c pair lace curtains. 75c pair lace curtains. $1.00 pair lace curtains. $1,25 pair la<.urtains. $1.25 bed comforters. $3.50 bed comforters. All prices will I??' withdrawn as lots arc closed out. Come a running. 1 G4 2 48 3 G2 4 87 D 93 0 84 .43 .69 .79 .97 1 90 3 19 10 19 .07 1 .98 2 49 4 39 .49 .78 1 0G 1 19 .29 .48 .79 98 89 1.98 Red Hot! Big embroidery sale. Kmbroidcry Hi inches wide, red hoi the yard. . l()c to 15c embroidery. Pancy dress ginghams. 10c goods . . Nice towels. 10c towels. 13c towels. 1? nice goblets. i! nice tumblers. tide set nice w Into plates. 45c glass pitcher. 5()c scf cups and saucers. 20c large 10 quart tin bucket .. .. 1 nice dipper. $1,25 large slop jar. $1,25 bowl and pitcher. $1.00 bow l and pitcher. $ 1.00 la rge covered dish. 20c cake plate. Sugar, coffee, rice to close out come quick. 25c towels. Men's white handkerchiefs. Men's fancy handkerchiefs. Ladies' and children's. 5c and 7c handkerchiefs. 10? handkerchiefs. $1.00 suil ease. $1.25 suit cast!. $2.00 suit ease. ! $4.50 suit ease. ? 20c rubber colhlrs, only. 8 balls I bread for . . .'. 1 spool [bread, good, only. 1 spool best six cord spool cotton made 1 William) ic). 0 spools William)ic, only. Needles, pins, hair pins, collar but tons, key chains, only. Men's 10c suspenders. Men's 25c suspenders job. Men's ?'{.">?' suspenders. Table oilcloth, 25c quality, our red hot price, only. Big job lot Men's (mien collars, think of it: 5 for. 09 08 03 04 ,07 10 .34 .14 .35 .29 .35 .09 .04 .72 .98 .83 .39 .08 18 02 02 02 04 07 09 98 39 48 12 ,05 ,02 .04 .23 .01 .07 .12 .19 .15 .05 .18 RED IRON RACKET Cheapest House on Earth 208-209-211 Laurens St. Laurens, South Carolina MHBMMBi