The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 19, 1910, PART TWO; PAGES NINE TO TWELVE, Image 9

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ITEMS Of INTEREST IN SOUTtrCAROLINA Cullled and Condensed for Busy Readers. RESUME OF PAST WEEK Current Eveuts of Interest in Tills State Selected mid Briefly Noted j For Advertiser Headers. New York.?Five thousand laymen, representing practically all of the Protestant churches In the city voted unanimously at a mass meeting in the Hippodrome this afternoon to increase the foreign missionary offerings at the Protestant churches of Greater New York by $325,000 (luring the coining 12 months. This is slightly more than 80 per cent Increase over the sum given yast year which was $400,110, The amount to be donated this year will approxi mate $725,000 of which Brooklyn churches have assumed responsibility for $225,000. The meeting was held under the aus pices ot the Laymen Missionary move ment and marks the close of the Greater New York convention. Nine teen cities including New York, in which meetings have already been held, have pledged an Increase of $1, 750,000 for foreign mission during the coming year. Two additional series of convention a begin this week. One will include most of the large cities in the South, theother a group of North ern cities. The campaign will close with a national missionary congress at Chicago on May to 6th. Clinton.?Rev. Thorn well Jacobs, ?son of the President of Thornwell orphanage, has been appointed asso ciate editor of the Presbyterian of the South, which Is published in Atlanta. He has until recently been engaged with a canvass in the interest of Ag nes Scott college, Decatur. On. Mr. .lacohs was associated with his father a while, some years ago III the man agement of the orphanage. While here he did editorial work on The Monthly, and wrote several hooka. One of his hooks, written after leaving the orphanage, deals with aspects of the Atlanta riot and problems of the negro. We welcome him into the newspaper held. Greenville.?A call for more appli cants for places as census enumera tors has been Issued by supervisor of census Qeo. M. Pritchard. Ho urges all persons in his district desiring to serve to ohtain their application forms at once and to tile them with him he fore January 2."?, when he must stop considering new applications in order to prepare for the "test" of the pre vious applicants on February 5. Af ter this he will examine and rate the papers until about February 22, when he will forward his list, of designa tions as enumerators, with their "test" papers, to Census Director Durand, who will carefully go over and rerate the pnpers of the successful candidates before giving his consent to the issue of commissions to them by the super visor. Hy the middle or latter part of March all the enumerators Will have been commissioned and in receipt of detailed instructions concerning their work. Delegates lo Convention. Messrs R. 10. Hughes, S. B. Honey and C. P. Parker were elected dele gates from the Church of the Epiphany to attend the Laymen's convention in Columbia this week. A BO NT HYOMEI. A Bottle Costs Inly 50 Cents A Com plete Outtit lucludlng Inhaler $1.00. When Hyomei is guaranteed to cure catarrh or your money back, what is your answer? Are you satisfied with your condition or do you want to rid yourself forever of vile catarrh, with its humiliating symptoms, such ns hawking, spitting, blowing and bad breath? Hyomei is at simple, antiseptic med icine, that you breathe through a small pocket inhniei ?>...? !!::? pints affected. It is made of Australian eucalyptus mixed with other gerui killing and membrane soothing antiseptics, Ctft a complete outtit today. It only costs $1.00, and contains everything necessary to cure any ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, if needed, 50c. Hyomei Is the best remedy in the world for sore throat, coughs and croup and bronchitis. It gives wonder ful relief in two minutes. For sale by druggists everywhere and by the Iau rens Drug Co. who guarantee It. CAPT. JOHN MOORE IS CALLED HENCE! His Dentil Occurred Thursday Night After Long Illness ?Funeral Hold Saturday at Prospect Church. All that was mortal of Cant, .lohn Moore now sleeps in the cemetery at New Prospect church, a mile south of Madden station. Here he was laid to rest Saturday morning, January | If., at the conclusion of the funeral service at the church, conducted by | the pastor. Rev. .loe A. Martin of Cross Hill, assisted by Rev. 13. C. Wat son and Rev. W. 10. Thayer of Laurens. The pallbearers were J. S. Machen, W. H. Hudgens, R. B. Terry, ,1. F. Hicks, T. B. Brown and T. S. Lang-' Bton. The death of Capt. Moore, the ven erable citizen, oocured Thursday even ing at X o'clock at his home on South Harper street, this city, after an ill ness of more than a year's duration. He was in the 88th year of Iiis age, having been born in this county May ?J7. is:.':!. He was twice married, his. firsi wife having been a Miss Martin t and his second, who survives. Mrs.; Margaret Itudgens Allison. An only son, Mr. .1. A. 1*. Moore, a prominent citizen and ex-Confederate soldier, al so survives the departed father and comrade in arms in the same Confed erate cavalry command during the lat ter part of the war. Twelve Things to do in January. (1) Start the year like a business man. Take an inventory of your prop erty, and begin an accurate account of receipts and expenses. (2) See that all 1!>0!) debts are promptly cleared off. There was nev er a better time to get even with the world and then stay so. (3) No land should be bare In win ter, but if any is without cover crops, plow in readiness for spring planting. ( t) See that all slock and poultry j are properly sheltered. Shelter i% cheaper than feed. (6) Send for catalogs of dealers In improved seeds, implements and ma chinery. Plan to grow more produc tive varieties of all crops and culti vate with all possible cheap horse power instead of expensive hand labor. (C>> Set about getting an improved' breed of poultry, hogs and cattle this year. (7) Clean up the sprouts and brush and 11(1 up the gullies that separate yolir patches and unite them in great broad, evenly cultivated fields. (S) Don't go crazy about the old line, "money crops." There is money in corn and hay and cattle as well as in cotton and tobacco. (!>) Drain that wet place on your farm. It Will probably be the most fertile spot you have. (10) May out a scheme for your winde farm, indicating the crops to go in each field, all arranged with due regard to the value of rotation. (11) Keep in health by using warm clothing, fresh air In steeping rooms, moderation in eating, and prompt at tention to colds. Let patent medi cines alone. (1U) See your county school super intendent and co-operuto with him in organizing hoys' corn clubs in your county.? Halcigh (N. C.) Progressive Farmer and (lazette. CHORUS PRACTICE THURSDAY. Choral Society Will Meet Again Thurs day Kvening at < Inn Hi. According to the announcement at the meeting last Friday evening, the choral society will meet again on Thursday evening of this week In the Sunday school room of the First Meth odist ohurch. Not only all those who were present Friday are requested to be on hand, but all those who have been asked to take part. Copies of the music have already been given out by Prof. Harnwell and several of the numbers will be prac ticed Thursday. Those who have not yel received this music may secure copies by applying to Mr. Bam Well either beforehand or at tin? meeting Thursday. The hour of meeting Is 7:30 o'clock and the members are urged to be prompt, as much time Is lost In wait ing on those who are tardy. Miss Jessie Holt has consented to play the accompaniments for the chorus. NOTICE. Executors. Administrators. Guard* lans and Trustees are reminded that the time for making their annual re turns will commence on the 1st day of January next. O. G. THOMPSON, Dec. 30, I HO!) Ct J. P. L. C. IMPROVEMENTS AT PHICETON. Now Residence, Shop and Saw Mill? Phone System Growing. Princeton, Jan. 15.?Some Improve ments are still going on in Princeton; j J. S. Ruff is erecting a blacksmith shop. Jno. M. Woods will soon begin remodeling his residence. These being in the main part of the town will add much to Its appearance. .Messrs A. J. Monroe and R. M. Arnold have recently bought a saw 1 mill and will be ready to do work for the public in the near future. lr. J. Tom Bryant has connected j telephone line with the switch board here. The telephone company is growing fast. There are now eight telephones and there will be more soon. W. M. Woods has spent this week in ^ Greenville preparing to begin busi ness there in a few weeks. Mrs. Calvin Poore of Williamston is visiting her sister. Mrs. P, L. Drnmh lett. Mr. X. II. Carter has entered the, drumming business for Hie Harvey Oil Co. There is a good deal of sickness in tills section and Dr. Dritt being the only physician for miles around is kept quite busy. -j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use it for obsti nate coughs, colds and irritations of the throat ami lungs. Il stands un rivalled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by l.aurens Drug j Co. Ma's And .Mar?. They stood beneath the stars, silent as the hoart-beatS of the night, look ing the diamond-studded shirtfront of the s|<y. "Is that Mars?" he whispered as he slipped hf? arm round her taper wajst, and gazed upon a glittering orb in the distant blue. "No, it isn't," she exclaimed, jerk ing away; "It's mine; and if you think you are hugging mother, I can tell you that you are very much mistaken." The matter was amicably adjusted before anything serious resulted.?Ex change. SPECIAL NOTICE. Of Importance to the People of rens. The l.aurens Drug Co. desires to announce to the readers of The Adver tiser that they have been able to se cure the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure and delight ful hair dressing. The l.aurens Drug Co. is glad to stiite that Parisian Sage is a rigidly guaranteed hair Invigorntor. It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff microbes; it stops falling hair, ItC.hng scalp and splitting hair or money back. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, especially for ladies, as it causes the hair grow in thickly nnd makes it luxuriant and lustrous. The price is only 50 cents a large bottle at l.aurens Drug Co. One on the Doctors. A mail by the name of Evans died and went in heaven. When he arriv ed at the pearly gates he said lo SI. Peter: " Well, I'm here." St. Peter asked his name. "John Evans," was the reply. St. Peter looked through tie- boo;; and shook his head. "Von don't belong here." said the gOOd Sl. Peter. "But I'm sure I belong here." said the man. "Wait a minute," said Si. Pete". \\o looked again and in the hack of 'he book found the name. "Sure," said the guardian of the gate, "you belong here, but you were not expected for 20 years. Wh >'s your doctor?"?Exchange. ; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not a common, every-day cough mixture. It Is a meritorious remedy for all the troublesome and dangerous complica tions resulting from cold In the head, throat, chest or lungs. Hold by rens Drug Co. Taken To Hospital. On Sunday before last Dr. .1. I.. Ken nel of Waterloo took Miss Ethel Cul bertson of MountvUle to the Columbia hospital where she underwent an oper ation for appendicitis. Dr. Legrand ?'lie rry performing the operation. Miss Culbertson according to the latest re ports is rapidly recovering. Have you a weak throat? If so. you cannot he too careful. You cannot be 1 gin treatment too early. Each cold . makes you more liable to another and the last Is always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the outset you will be sav ed much trouble. Sold by Lnurens [ Drug Co. CONTEST IS DAIRY PRODUCTS. (?an eminent Export Will Bo In Colum bia on Pclirtllir) 1st? and 2nd. Tho following bulletin lias been \? suod from R. R. Welch, junior dairy* man. stationed at Cleinsou college: Arrangements have been made with ' the Columbia Chamber of Commerce for the holding of an educational but ter, milk, and cream contest at the coming live slock meeting. Columbia, i. ('., February 1st. and 2nd. The ob ject of ths contest Is to bring butter, milk and cream from the dairies and farms of the state Into competition un der an expert judge and grade thent according to tho national standard for h Her and the Federal score cards for milk and cream. While some very good butter is made In South Carolina, as a rule it la^.ks uniformity and distinctive qualities. To assist in improving this condition an export from the Dairy Division. II. S. Department of Agriculture, will he secured to act as judge and. in addi tion to placing the scores, be will ex plain why the butter, milk, or cream is not up to tlx standard and will give suggestions for its Improvement Af ter the show each dairyman entering Ibis contest will receive ,i personal! letter giving him the scores of en tries and tin' expert's iVonUUeuOU tlons for Improvement. The comment of an expert judge should be of Interest to the dairymen and fanners, und it Is hoped that, every buttei maker in the state will ava'i himself of this splendid opportunity to learn bow to improve his product. As a special inducement for dairymen and farmers to enter this contest the Co lumbia chamber of commerce Is offer ing $2.">0 in cash prizes. Every pro ducer of butter, nvilk. or crenm. it mat ters not on how small a scale, is eligi ble to enter this contest. Write at once to Prof. ,T. M. Burgess, \ Clemsop college, s. C, for entry blanks 1 and rules governing this Dairy Pro duct Show. SERVICES ANNOUNCED. Itaptist Pastor Ohes Schedule of Ap pointments. Rev. J. a. Brock of the Baptist de nomination announces the following appointments to be filled for the com ing year: Watts mills: First and third Sun days, preaching at 11 o'clock, a. in. j and 7 o'clock, p. 111. Sunday school I every Sunday morning at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesduy even ings at 7 p. in. The collections for both January and February will ho for mis sions. The public are cordially invit ed to attend all these services. Did you know that you could buy a first class lamp chimney, in any size at .*> els. from s. M. & E. H. WilkoB & Co. CITATION. The Sate of South Carolina, Count) of l.aurens, lly O. (!. Thompson Probate Judge: Whorens, t iara Harris made suit to me, to mam her letters of administra tion of the estate and effects of .lames Harris. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of the said .lames Harris deceased, that they be and appear be fore nie. in (he Court of Probate, to be held at l.aurens C. H. S. C. on the 20th. day of January 1010 next, after pub lication hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, lo show cause. If any they have, why ihe said administration should not be granted. (liven under my hand this, loth day of January, Anno Domini 1910. O. <:. THOMPSON. 24-21 J. P. C. CITATION. The State of South Carolina, County of 1,aureus. By (). (1 Thompson, Probate .fudge: Whereas Hattle Brown made suit to me, to grant her letters of administra tion of the estate and effects of Llldle Brown. These are then-fore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors or the said (aidle Brown deceased that they be and appear be fore mo. in the Court of Probate, to be held at l.aurens C. II. S. P. on the 20th. day of January, Pilo next, after publication hereof, at II o'clock in I the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administra tion should not be granted. Qiven under my hand this 7th day of January, Anno Domini HMO. I t). (i. THOMPSON. J. P. C. Simpson, Cooper & Babb, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in nil State Courts, drompt attention given to all business. The Wise Careful Person Looks well to the safely of the principal before in vesting his money. That is right. Security means more to the good business man, than high interest rates. Our .Savings Department affords au ideal to ilives', surplus funds? Ideal, both fiom a point of Safety and Security?Ideal in point of convenience. Besides your money earns 5 per cent, interest and requires no attention on your part. Such an investment should appeal to you. 1 THE BANK LAURENS laureHCs.c. , The Bank for Vour Savings. Get Your Price Right On I That Property of Yours. No matter where or what kind it is, rich or poor, let me know by mail or wire and I'll help you sell it. 1 will visit you and help you get it in selling shape if necessary. P. S. JEANS Bell Phone No. 75 CLINTON, South Carolina Buy a Farm Now! In the fall of the year is the lime the to buy a nice farm, you will soon have to plan foi next years work, so come let us show what we have Iist? d. We have recently bad some exceptional nice farms listed for sale ranging from i to .;<<o acres. Prices from $15.00011 up. We have farms all over the county well located as to Neighborhood, Churches and Schools and we can please from our list. Laurens Trust Co. C. A. Power, Mgr. Real Estate Department ==Remember== To see us for The best job of Blectric Wiring, Electric Chandeliers, iiiectric heating devices of all kinds. How about a front door Dell? Swygert & Teague Agents Studebaker Automobiles