The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 19, 1910, PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FAQS THUWH Get it at that Great Closing Out Sale at tmmon Big Dry Goods Store The Coming.of JProsperity fleans Higher Prices. Buy Now. Each day prices are going higher and higher. But what will this mean to me you will say. It means simply this, that you should antici pate your needs as far as you can for the coming spring and summer. Take advantage of this golden opportunity and buy now: We Are Going Out of the Piece Goods Business And in the future will handle nothing but Ladies', Misses' and Chidren's Ready-to wear Garments, Notions and /Millinery, con sequently we can offer you goods cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere, or even cheaper than we could buy the same goods ourselves. Silks We have a big lim of fancy Silks for Waists and Suits, worth from $1.00 to $1.25, our f\ price per yard until all gone ? J \r 33 inch guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk, worth ?L/L l.oo to be closed out at #UO 36 inch guaranteed Black Taffeta worth Zrw 1.00, to close it out, yard 36 inch guaranteed Black Taffeta .Silk worth O ^ 1.25, until it is all gone, sale price 36 inch Poll de Scic Silk worth 1.25, sale O f| price ?O" Yard wide guaranteed Black Taffeta worth 1.50, sale price, yard ? jrzr 36 inch Black Moire worth 1.50, sale | ?\ g price, yard l?vr?!7 Yard wide Cashemere de Soie, in all the seasons shades, worth 1.25, sale price A big line of Colored Taffeta, yard wide, f\ worth 1.00, sale price ? ? Yard wide lining Satins were 75c, goi.'g in this sale at 27 inch Moire Silks were 1.00, sale price yard A big line ot summer Silks thrown in this sale at per yard Some cheaper. .55 79 .19 Shoes! Shoes! We have an immense line of Ladies', Misses1 and Children's Shoes and have put prices on them that wiil move them, so if you, or your boy or girl need .Shoes, don't forget that they arc cheaper here than anywhere else. All $4.00 Shoes, sale price.$2.98 All All All All All All 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 < < < < 1 ? 2.76 2.13 1.98 1.59 1.19 99c Miscellaneous old fashioned Wool F?enscy, going in this \\ f\ .ale at .IV All Bed Tickings at just what they cost. All Calicoes worth 5c, 6'.,'e and 7c, sale -~* j / price /_i River .Side Plaids, worth 7c at the mills f\/i our sale price is ? vJO roe Hickory Shitting, sale price Yard wide white Homespun worth from 8c to 10c, sale price Underwear Ladies' Knit ?Shirtsand Drawers worth 25c, t\ (\ sale price ? 1 >^ Ladies' Knit Shirts and Drawers worth 50c, "_yr\ sale price ?O Children's Union Suits worth 25c, sale 4 s\ price ? I Children's Union Suits worth 50c, sale price .39 Prices on all other Shoes have been cut to the quick. We have thrown out a big lot of .Shoes worth from $1.50 to S3.00 which we will close out at 48c, 69c, 79c, 89c, 98c and $1.29. Get a pair while they last. Dress Goods 40 inch French Cecillians worth $i.<>o, Q ^ sale price ? O jL/ Black Mohairs, Panamas, Wool Taffetas, Nuns Wiling ami a great many other fabrics of dif ferent weaves and designs, worth from 1.00 to 1.50 yard, sale price Big line of fancy Serges, just tin- thing for suits and one piece dresses, they are worth I oo, sale pi ice All 50c Mohairs, Cecillians, Panamas, Flannels, Batists and Woolcn-Bingalines to close _y f\ them out cptick, yard *%J> We have a few pieces of Broad Cloth left, rr_ the 1.00 kind which we will close out at* J & All colors in Rep Cloths or Cotton Poplins, 4 fx worth 20c and 25c, sale price 13 1 e and ? 1 \r All Sunburst Silks, the well known lining .82 >r suits .69 fabric, worth .joc yard, sale pi ice .26 Blankets 3.30 The biggest Blanket bargains that has ever been offered to the public. Cotton Blankets at less than we could buy them today. 11?4 All Wool Blankets worth $5.00, sale price, pair 10?i\ All Wool Blankets (Household Pride) best made, worth 5.50, sale price per j).iit Good Outing going in this great sale at per yard All ioc and i2|ie Outing going at 3.52 ?454 .7? Make up a list of things you will need for the spring and summer and buy them during this great CLOSING OUT SALi : It will mean an immense saving to you. Remember! 1st. All piece goods sold at just what they cost. 2nd. An opportunity like this only presents itself once in a life time. Flannels Red and While All 15c Flannels, sale pi ice All 20c All 25c " " " . All 35c " " " . All 50c and 65c Flannels Cotton Flannels 5c Cotton Flannel reduced to 8c 10c " 15c " All these goods are made of low price cotton and the (foods couldn't be put into out house at anything lihe these prices. Dress Linens 12 I-2c 15 I-2c Wc 25c : Wi fe 6 l-2c 8 1-te 11 l-2c All 25c Linens, sale price All 35c All 50c 14c 27c 39c Ginghams The greatest bargains ever offered in Dress Ginghams. All A. F. C, Red Seal and Utility Dress ~]\/ Ginghams to be cl? sed out tit ? J / ^ These goods are worth from s1 .<? to <>'..e at the mill today. We mean business and this i? an opportunity that you will only have once ill life. 8 ' r Apron Ginghams, s lie pi i< e 1^/^ Good Apron Ginghams, - 1!' ]>?..??? Bleachings ?oi/4 .8*4 We will sell Androsct ggin Bleaching in this sale at Poe Mills Bleaching Poc Mills Cambric Genuine Lonsdale Cambric, heavie: quality, worth 15c, sale price Yard wide Bleaching, special while it O last, yard ?1/^3 In order to close out every yard of piece goods in our store so as to make room for line of Ready-to-Wear Garments we are offering special induce ments in everv department Read these prices, come to this Great Sale and Convinced. O. B. SIMMONS