The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 19, 1910, PART TWO; PAGES NINE TO TWELVE, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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SCHOOLNEWSNOTES Of LAURENS COUNTY The Schools. Teachers and Pupils. The trustees of Rabun school are fortunate in securing Mr. Boyce I Wolff as teacher. Miss Wallace, thell former teacher, was mat t ied during the holidays. Mr. Wolff graduated at Clemson last year with distinction and will doubtless make a successful teacher. The trustees of the liyrds school in SculHetown No. are building a beautiful new school house. The county superintendent has re ceived letters from seven ol the high schools in the county concerning the declaimers' contest. They are all high ly in favor of the contest and say that they will be represented, t? ?nie of the boys are already at work on the speeches. The Htwn Pond school has not yet been heard from, but they have some good material and will no doubt be in (he contest. The boy?' turn contest Is receiving a great deal of attention over the county. Something like twenty-five boys have already asked to be admit ted as members. The nuines of the members wil be published a soon as they are all in. Every child of school age should 1?. in school. The trustees and teucbei'S should take this matter in baud and see that every child of school age at tends school, if their efforts are not successful it should be reported to the county board and it will be looked Into. This has been done In several cases with success. This Is the proper time for school trustees to g?'t up the poll and dos list of the districts. This i.- very im portant because it means money foi I the school. The law says that the [trustees must do this work and they win be required to do it. They are asked to correctly list every poll and dog In the district, and to make t.hret ?sts in Ink; one for the auditor, one 1 for the superintendent of education and one for the chairman of the local i board. Much is being sai'l about the trus tees' meeting which is to be I ?ld in the court house oti the first Monday iii FcliMiai'v. Every trustee in the (utility is urged to be present for that meeting. Miss Beul a Marth - assisting Mi? Kininti Dial in toe Friendship school. The trustee- ol this place are taking steps to erect a new BChool building A tiert house is badly needed The old one li a disgrace to the COinmuui Miss liiil pi i ross ii-'i it- assisting school. Miss- Manie Tai:ant oi the Youngs school is Still borne under treatment of her physician, but she is rapidly improving now aad will return to her school in February. Miss Wiilou Gray oi Laurens is teaching during < ot li ran Pinson's ( ji?.c. On the supreme court calendar last week was the appeal in the case of j the state against Wade Cothran Pin son, convicted it the lower court in this county ol manslaughter. Notice was given that the appeal had been j abandoned ut stated In The Advertiser somi weeks i>v> Pinson is already l.h< penitentiary serving his sen-' \ ( (?mim i\ (tiaroia Uli: Ii SctlOld Bit)* >YH1 SlKVAL Ii! 1.::. \pril &dn& Superintendent Education ritt ha* written to ..'.': fbi high schools > the count? apprising them >.: :. in orator; that is to he hold city on April 22ndj and InVltlnp pad teacher to have a preliminarj conti or to select some hoy fron; t.;> . I :. school to tie present mid tak? part, handsome gold medal is to he a war ed the vinner of the contest The speeches iv. he delivered ra beorigiiial if desired, or ?.lit.' n.;.> selected ihr speakers will be judg on dellverj only. This contest should he o! great . terest.. In fact, since Itf announ< met.: it. The Advertiser lay. week S;:; Pitts has been informed that then y in nil likelihood he reprcsohtati' from all eight of the high schools the county. There should In Tlx nve some pood speakers ::. all : schools, and the contest promises he lively. Let the hoys pet to wo now ; it is- no: a event while uu ?\prii. and the more prnctlci thi :?? tor. Plant Wood's Seeds p For Superior Crops ft H one's Annual Seed Book is oar of Ihr most nsoful and com plete see.i cntalorues issued. It give* T'*-?c 1 ion aforrnat on about Kir hos; ftT'.i :v.o>; provable seeds to piant for The Market Grower The Private Gardener The Firmer Woocfs Se-cis an prown and selected * Lh special reference to the soils sr.'*} climate of the South, anderer; southern planter should have \N c?od s Seed Beck so as to t>r fu.*r posted as to the best se?\ls for southern growing. Mailed free on request wnte for it. T. W, WOOD & SONS, Se-ed&mcr.. . Richmond. Vn. We are headcuarters for G*.-f t ?na C'cver Seeds. Seed Po> Seed Oat? Cow Pea*. Sc<ja Bean*., and all Farm *nd Garden Seeds. { >C 1 #r.king s Discovery Will Surel> Slop That Cough, Do You Gamble? Some people put the savings of a life time into a home, and tuen trust to LUCK to avoid the thousand and one daggers of fire i>o you? Others invest their entire assets in a store and then carry the whole or a part of their insurance themselves, thinking they can do so as well as the insurance companies. Do you? Insurance is based on the law of averages, and can be safely con ducted, but only when based on the experiences of tens of thous ands of cases scattered over the entire country. Yours very truly. J. J. Adams at Bank of Laurens 20 to 30 per cent. Discount. BIG ANNUAL 2o to 30 per cent. Discount. Discount Now is the time to buy your clothing and overalls while you can save 20 to 30 per cent, on the dollar at the Tribble Clothing Co. We haven't space to mention half the bargains we have for you. Men's Clothing! Look what you save on Men's Suits. Our entire stock is now offered at sav= ings of 20 to 30 per cent, they are marked cheap to begin with. Read and see where you can save money. Hart, Schaffner & Marx $27.50 Suits Now $22.00 25.00 44 44 19.98 22.50 44 44 17.98 18.00 and 20.00 Suits now 16.00 One hundred dollars reward for every cotton thread found in one of these suits. Boys' Clothing! At regular prices we sell the best Boy's Clothing in the world for the money, now look what you save at this 20 to 3o per cent dis count sale. $6.50 Suits now 5.00 4' 4.50 44 4.00 44 3.50 44 2.50 44 2.00 44 $4.23 3.98 3.68 3.23 2.78 2.13 1.63 Now is the time to dress up boys while you can buy the best for the least money. Men's Clothing! Medium Priced Suits Come to this sale, 20 to 30 per cent discount, you will find everything exactly as advertised. We'll not dis appoint you, we would rath er that you would find things better than we claim. $16.50 Suits, Sale Price 15.00 . 12.50 and 13.50'4 10.00 . 7.50 and 8.50 44 5.00 Remember they are all marked in plain figures, you can figure vour own discount 20to 30 percent. $13.00 12.00 9.98 7.98 5.63 3.98 i^TBuy now while you can get a suit and overcoat for the price of one. 20 to 30 per cent, discount. A chance to get a good Rain Coat at 20 to 30 per cent discount. They grow more popular every season. Every garment guaranteed. $16.50 Coats, Sale Price 12.50 " 10.00 ' 5.00 $11.00 . 9.98 . 7.98 . 3.98 Remember this sale started Saturday, January 15th and ends Feb. ist. Men's Odd Pants are marked cheaper than can be bought elsewhere, all new stylish patterns. $6.50 Pants, Sale Price.$4.00 5.00 " " " .-. 3.73 4.00 " " " . 3.23 3.50 " " " . 2.68 No old gtods, all new and up to date, now is the time to buy. Our line of Boy's Overcoats embrace all that is best in that line, they must be sold. $6.50 Coats now .$4.00 5.00 " " . 3,73 4.50 " " . 393 3.50 " " . 2^63 It's your chance to save money. If you need a Trunk just a few left to close out below New York cost, see us before you buy. One lot Boys Suits $2.00, $2.50 ? j ' ? and $3.50, Sale Price - - *P I ? ^ O Sec our line of men's shirts, Jt.oo shirts 89 Overalls, they are the best, buy now, $1 goods 89c We haven't space to mention half the good things we have for you, come see for yourself, must sell to make room for spring goods. TRIBBLE CLOTHING COMPANY STRICTLY CASH The Up-to-Date and One Price Clothiers