PRIZES AWARDED FOR IMPROVEMENT Meeting ?f Executive Committee of Improvement Association Held Suturda) in Columbia* Sunday's Columber State contained the following notice or the distribu tion of the $2,000 fund to the different Bchools or the state, given as prizes for general Improvement during the year: The executive committee or the School Improvement association of South Carolina met yesterday and awarded prizes to the 3fj schools of the state showing the greatest Improve ment during the past year. The prizes given amount.-d to $2.(100, live of $100 each and UO of $.".0 each. The meeting w:e; held in the ofllcc of the state su perintendent ot education, Mr. Swear Ingen. The first prizes or $100 each went to the following schools: Ltllte Moun tain, In Newberry county; Kastover, In ltlshland COUIlty; Willington, in Ab beville county; Lamar, in Darlington county; and West I'nion. In Oconee county The second prizes of $f>0 each were awarded to the following schools: Clyde, Darlington; Bishop's Branch, Anderson. Qreeleyvllle, Wllllamsburg; Johnson, Georgetown; Double Springs, Greenville; Hickory Grove, Alken; Heeds, Greenville; Fnlrview, Lexing ton; Hilda, Harn well; Hough Branch, Willinmsbrug; Hickory Grove, Horry; Lot school. Kdgefleld; Hickory Hill. Orangeburg; Lane graded school, Wll llamsburg; Ridge Springs. Newberry; Floyd's. Horry ; Bethel. Fairneld; Cam eron. Calhorn); Locust high school, Greenville; Karle, Wllllamsburg; Quarry. Greenwood; Friendship, Lau rons; Cedar Swamp. Wllllamsburg; Poplar. Orangeburg; Shady drove. Falrtleld; Union, Lancaster; Temper ance. Marion; Oak drove. Main well; Golden Springs, Cherokee, and Bethe den, Newberry. Miss Theodosia Dargan, president or the association, said at the conclusion or the session that the reports of the contesting schools showed that there had been marked Improvement during the past year in consolidation, build ings, grounds, equipment or rooms and fixtures, average attendance, en rollment, teaching forces and local taxation, also that there had been formed during the year a number of local associations. There were present at the meeting yesterday; .Mrs. Dora Lee Walker, vice president; Miss Lizzie Rogers, record ing secretary; Miss Elise Rudd, treas urer; Louisa B. Poppenhelm, chairman of the executive committee, First dis trict; Fannie Crelghton. Third district; Flora McKelvoy, Fourth district; Bes ide McLean, Fifth district and Marie Wllloughby, Sixth district, Miss C. May Padgett or the Second district be ing absent. Gov. Ansel called during the meeting and announced the gift or $1,000 rrom the Peabody educational rund to the association. This rund will tie used to place the president or the associa tion at work as an active field agent. There were a number of pictures or the contesting schools sent in besides the required detailed report. There are 28 county organizations of the associa tion. During the day \\\ H. Hand. Patter son Wardlaw. L. T. Baker and H. C. Davis, professors or the University of South Carolina called and examined the reports. The president of the association. Miss Dargan, has succeeded Mrs. Daniel of Snluda county, who was Miss Mary Nance. Therefore Miss Dargan had a very difficult position to till?ami she has niled It acceptably. With the ex perience of this year she will be able to do even more next year. Plant Wood's Seeds Q For Superior Crops Q Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book is ono of the most useful and com plete seed catalogues issued. It given practical information about the host ami most profitable seeds to plant for The Market Grower The Private Gardener The Farmer Wood's Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to the soils and climate of the South, and every southern planter should have Wood's Seed Book so as to be fully posted ss to the best seeds for southern growing. Mailed free on request. Write for It. T.W. WOOD ft SONS, Seedsmen, ? Riohmond, Va. Ws srs headquarter* for Grass end Clover Seeds. Seed Po tatoes, Seed Oste. Oow Po??, Soja Beans, and all Farm and Garden Ssede. DR. CLIFTON JONE8 Dentist Office In Simmons Building Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219. J MALARIA. J 5 By J. Pierce Coats. ? **** t> Mi ? * **** * * The following treatise of the sub ject "malaria" was written by Mr. J. Pierce Coats, of Laurens county, now a student at the University of South Carolina: In many parts of the country the farming population has to contend with a common disease which is pre ventable. This is malaria. I said that the farming population had to deul with this disease. They and the citizens of the small villages are almost the only people who have to tight this plague. Swampy regions do not occur in large cities, or. at all events, only in the suburbs, whereas they occur commonly in the country. Malaria is caused by the growth and dovelopement within the red blood cells of a parasitic organism belong ing to the group, pi i.ozo.1 or one-celled animals. These little animals live In the water or In damp sands or moss, or inside the bodies of other animals as parasites. These parasites are transported by a mosquito of the genus anopheles. When this mosquito sucks the blood from a malarial person there grows and develops a large number of para slteu in the blood of the mosquito. These are transmitted to a nou-in fected person when the inosimito in- , Jects his poison into that person. So I for as present knowledge goes this is the only way in which people become malarious. Happily, the majority of mosquitoes are supposed to be harmless except for the Irritation caused by their punc tures. The anopheles mosquitoes can easi ly be distinguished with the naked eye ! from the common culex genus In its egg, larva, pupa, and adult The eggs of the culex are laid in o raft-shaped mass on end, while those of the auo phelees are laid singly upon the sur face of the water, always lying upon their sides. The larvae, or wiggle tails, of the culex bang almost per pendicular to the surface of the water with only the tip of the tail extending This tail Is simply the breathing tube which is long and more or less point ed; however, the larvae of the malari al mosquito when at the surface of ' the water, where it Is most of the time, lie almost parallel to the surface. The distinction between the pupae of the two Is somewhat more dltticult to see. But, the culex pupa has a smaller anterior end than the anophe les. It also lies more nearaly perpen dicular to the surface of the water. The adult stands with its body para llel to the surface of the skin when Bucking the blood, while the anophel es stands almost perpendicular. Now, since we know that the mos quito Is the carrier of malaria It is left with us to do all in our power to get rid of this Insect. We all know that they breed in standing water, there fore, It behooves us to see ihat no standing water or marshy land is within a mile of our home. This dis tance is mentioned because it has been rather detinitely proven that the anopheles do not fly for great dis tances. If there are lakes and ponds which can not be drained their surface can be covered with a thin film of kerosene oil. so the mosquitoe cannot breathe, or certain fish can be in troduced which eat mosquito larvae. WATERLOO (NEWS GATHERED IN A WEEK Personal and Social Mention of Water loo People and Their Christ* mas Visitors. Waterloo, Dec. 27.?Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keller of Greenwood are visit- j lug Mr. H. D. Winn and family. Misses Lucy und Fannie Anderson are spending the holidays with their parents In Waterloo. Miss Lila Kennel of Lowndesville Is the guest of the family of her brother Dr. J. L. Fennel. Prof, and Mrs. J, H. Sheeley of Townville and Mr. C. C. Wharton and family of Greenwood spent the week end with Mr. W. II. Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Wharton are spending the holidays In Charleston. Mrs. W. B, Hoyd and children of Greenville are visiting Major T. B. Anderson and family. Miss Agnes Pucket of Greenwood Is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Pucket. Mrs. Jno. Sims of Central Is visiting relatives In the city. The annual W. O. W. banquet occurs tonight in Anderson's hall. This is al ways a great occasion In Waterloo and one looked forward to with genuine pleasure. An excellent program has been arranged for the evening. All the members with their families and all the citizens of Waterloo are in vited. Rev. Felix Whltlock, the new Meth odist minister sent by Conference to this charge has arrived and Is being cordially welcomed by the congrega tion and other friends. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema krt cured by ChfttuberUln's Salve. One ?ppllc? Sou rrUcvr* the tubiug aud bur ?lug teuMtUtf? ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The Autitor'H olliee will be open from the 1st day of January to the 20th day of February, 1910, to make returns of all ^property both real and personal for taxation. For the convenience of the taxpay ers the Auditor or bis deputy will at tend the following named places to receive returns for said year to wit: Renno, January 10, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Clinton, January II. from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Clinton Mills, January II, from .. p. m. to x p. m. Lydia Mills, January 12 from 9 a. in. to 12 m. Mountvllle, January, 13, from 10 a. in. to 2 p. in. Cross Hill, January 1 I. from 10 a. m. to 2. p. m. Waterloo, January IT. from 10 a. in. to 2 p. in. Dr. W. C. Thompson's, January is. from 10 a. m. to 2 p. in. Martin's Store, January 19, from ".i a. m. to 12 in. Rrewerton. January 19, from 1 p. in. to -t p. m. Sharpe's Store, January 20, from 9 a. m. to 12 m. Princeton, January 20, from 1 p. m. tO ! !!!. Tumbling Shoals. January 21 from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. 1). D. Harris's, January 24, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Abner Babb's, January 25, from 10 a. in. to 2 p. in. V. A. White's, Januar 0, from 10 a. in. to 2 p. in. Cook's Store, January 27. from to a in. to 2 p. in. Stewart's Store, January 2S, from 10 a. in. to 2 p. in. Young's, January 29, from 10 a. m. to 12 in. Pleasant Mound, January 2!). 2p. m. to 4 p. in. Lanford. January 31, from 9 a. m. to 12 in. Ora, January 31, from 2 p. m. to i p. m. Watts Mill, February 2, from 2 p. m. to 4 p. IU. All male citizens between the ages of 21 and (50 years on the 1st of Janu ary, except those who are Incapable of earning a support from being inain ed or from other causes, are deemed polls. Confederate veterans excepted. All taxpayers are required to give Township and No. of School District also state whether property is situated in town or country. Bach lot. tract or parcel of land must be entered separately. After the 20th of February. .".0 per cent penalty will be attached for fail ure to make returns. W. T. DORROH. Dee. 4. 1909?td. Buy at WHOLESALE and save S MONEY I LAURENS WHOLE SALE GROCERY CO. Farm Lands For Sale I am now prepared to negotiate a sale for the lands In Laurens county belonging to the estate of C. O. Witte, consisting of the following tracts; About CT>0 acres near J. D. W. Watts place, known as the Irby Place, About ? acres near Lisbon Church, joining land of W. W. Madden. About - acres near Boyd Cross Roads. About 80 acres near Waterloo (In the "Fork"). About 180 aoros six miles from Wa terloo. Any parties wanting a good cheap farm call to see me. M. L. Copeland CHIGHESTER SPILLS BRAND k?* y.-r DrBMtot for CITI-CHHfl-TKR'S DIAMOND BRAND I'll,I.S In Kro and Coin metallic bom, sealed with Blue", Ribbon. Takb NO OTUBft. Bay?*t?ar Vrnmeta* mm* uk far ohi.obks.Tlu ? oiamon1? hiun O pii.i.m, for twentr-flro year* regarded as Beit,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE S Too Late, Too Late, to think about taking out a policy on your house if it is already burning. We take a risk but not a certainty. If you have taken time by the forelock, and insured your property against lire, you have t lie Absolute Certainty that the company Will pay all your losses. The race is to the swift, and you owe it to your family to protect them from all troubles. Do not be a laggard. E.H.WILKES&SON Stocks - Bonds - Insurance Enterprise Bank Building Laurens, S. C. Do You Gamble? Souk? people put the savings of a life time into a home, and tuen trust to LUCK to avoid the thousand and one daggers of fire Do you? Others invest their entire assets in a store and then carry the whole or a part of their insurance themselves, thinking they can do so as well as the insurance companies. Do your Insurance is based on the law of averages, and can be safely con ducted, but only when based on the experiences of tens of thous ands of cases scattered over the entile country. Yours very truly. J. Jo Adams at Bank of Laurens I WE CARRY A BIG LOT ? X of all kinds of electrical supplies. Hells, batteries, wire, push buttons, lamps ami about a thousand other things. Come ami count them if you ate at all doubtful. Come anyway. We have some electrical novelties to show you that you should at least know about. Don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting smite of them. They are worth having*. ? .1. II. BOYl) ?S* COMPANY Electrical and Plumbing Contractors O 1 o WALL STREET ARITHMETIC io mills make one trust. io trusts make one combine. io combines make one merger. i > mergers make one magnate. i magnate makes all the money. The ()riginal Step Toward Becoming a Magnate is the Step Toward a Hank's Door to Day by YOUR FIRST SAVINGS. Enterprise Bank Laurens, S. C. Wishes to Aid You to Become a Magnate 8 Red Iron Racket | $fc The Big Store with the little Prices K x_8 x-X n AH the time selling: "more goods for q $g same money; same goodsforfless money" fj i--g M Farewell to 1909==but not forgotten M %g 1900 has been a y;reat year witli us; we arc thankful to our J(? O God for the many blessings we have received during 1909. A We thank our many customers and friends of Laurens and A J| adjoining counties for their liberal patronage given us the A past year. We now wish you all A Happy and Prosperous 1910 %e We take up our work for 1910 with a big heart full of1" Energy, light fe *t with a quick step, determined to out-do all U past records. God being with us-=giving us health, strength 55 and wisdom, guiding and directing us in our daily works, we will succeed. We now wish you all good health, happiness and a bounti f 8ful year of 1910 prosperity; many thanks vor 1909. Yours for a greater busines in 1910. ^| L. E. Burns of I J. C. Burns & Co. I Carolina Hustlers Laurens, Spartanburjr, Greenwood, Anderson.