Bankrupt Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits ?MB?? About two weeks ngo Coiihaiui ?X (Joinpuny, 22 West Nineteenth Street, New York, failed and A. II. Skillin was made Keeeiver by the courts. Knowing thai Conhaim & Company never made any hut Ihe InuMer grades of WOMEN'S and MISS KS' TAIL OK KD SUITS, .Mr. Mies took the train lor New York. Aller arriving in New York and having a talk with Ilm Receiver of Conhaim & Company, he said ho wauled l<> seil the entire stuck of suits to one mer chant and close the business up (|uick. Aller looking He. stock of suits over carefully, we told him we could use I horn all for our Spart an hit rg und Charlotte si ore v. if hu would make iho price cheap enough. We finally hottghl Iheir entire slock of soils for much less than their regular wholesale prices. I iconuse we hottghl them cheap does not mean thai I hoy are old styles. Kaeh : i. tin- following areas are released from the Federal quaran tine for Texas fever or lick fover <>i" entile: j in South Carolina, the counties of Oconoe, I'lckens. Oreenvllle, and An derson; in Virginia, lamcuborg and ?Mecklenburg counties, and Bruton dis trict of Vork county. This action is taken a- a result of the progress made in the extermina tion of the ticks Which spread the (11 ' < ??. sin<>> tie- beginning of this work in 1901! over 80,000 square mill's ?>f territory have been freed from tick.; ami released from quarantine, Washington,- Thorc were s.vTn.277 running bales of cotton ginned from the grOWlll of 11100 to December I. ilS compared with 11,008,001 Vor (OOS, ac cording to a bulletin of the census bu 11 an i sued today. These figures count round hales as half hales and oNClude Unit rs. They Htand agalnsl 8,313,390 for 1007 and 10 207,808 for 1900. The proportion of the last three crops ginned to Decem ber i is M.I percent, for 1908, 75.5 per ?)>(. for 1907, and TT."-' per cent, for 1906. Round bales included this year are l:.::,!>Ill against 201,180 included for 1908 and 154,030 for 1907. Sea is land bales included are 77.770 for 1009; ?;stor 1908, ami :..v_".>!) for 1907. The distribution of sea island cotton by Mates for 1909 is: Florida L>r>,900; Georgia 4:t.118; and South Carolina 8.7f>2. The total cotton orop for 1908 was 13.080,005, and for 1007 is 11,757, 822. The corrected statistics of the quantity of cotton ginned this season to November 14 are 8.112,119 bales. By stateB the cotton ginned from the 1909 growth to December 1 as follows: Alabama 919. 675; Arkansas 013,871; Florida 55,958: Georgia 1.677,232; lLouisiana 287,663; Mississippi 866,950; North Carolina 536,103; Oklahoma T>04, 836; South Carolina 998.340; Ten n?*fsee 206,357; Texas 2,212,319; all other stateB 49,133. New York,?Emotionless and reti cent as ever, Miss Virginia Wardlaw, aunt of Mrs. Ocey W. M. Snead, victim of the East Ornnge bathtub tragedy, was sent back to jail today after a hearing In the recorder's court In East Orange to await the grand Jury on the charge that she had murdered her rielce. Ftecorder Nott held Miss Wardlaw sfor trial after witnesses had testified that Ocey Snead's dead body bad lain from 18 hours to three of four days In the barron East Orange house ?where Miss Wardlaw was hor compan ion before the authorities were noti fied of her death and a Ivndwrltlng ox 11 r 6c v Sn ncl : id \b< 'ii ii d i.(i write ' tell ? [gnnture to the pathetic little doc r.iui nt. Otherwise the hearing In the .ihtf?? Inr eaao was productive of little ! positive testimony thai boro upon the manner of the death of the Southern woman, or would tend t<> fix responsibility for it. Mi.:; Wardlaw Is a slsler of Rev. A. (i. Wardlaw, formerly pnator of 11i? - First Proshytorlan church of Lau rens. CLINTON PERSON VI. IT L.MS. Peterson Sisters Were Disappointment Other News. Clinton. Dec 13.?A party of Clinton young people went to New berry Tues day evening to see "Polly of the Cir cus". The Peterson Sisters were a disap pointment here. Mr. and Mrs. 1). K. McDulllO of Mul llns, visited his gistor, Mrs. I. YV. Ken nedy, the past Week. Tin' Ri v. and Mrs. .1. BOUUCII Branch will bo the gUOStS of Dr. Jacobs un til tie Ural of January when they will go into their own home on Centennial I Th" streets are beginning to wear ; i holiday appearance and are throng ed With shoppers. DR. .1. S. .MOPI'AT l i:< TI'RKS. President of Krskinc College Talks In Princeton Polks Personals. Princeton, Dec. 11th.?Dr. .1. s. Mof fnl of Krskiue College came yesterday and deliverod the lecture last night which was quite a treat and those who did nol come missed a groal deal. Sev eral were present from Ware Shoals; among the number were Messrs Walter and Arthur Cork, Mr. Iligglns and Misses Luln Cork and Lila Mitchell. Mi^s Nora Taylor has gone to Lau rens where she has accepted a position with Wllkes and Co. Mr. W. II. Carter went to Ware Shoals Friday on business. Rev. Poster Speer had the misfor tune to lose a valuable horse Sunday morning. Several men from this section went to Oreenviile and Laurens Monday. Among the number were John L. Dag well, W. A. Rldgeway, Carter Rldg" way and 1?. Taylor to Greenville and M. B. McCuen. William Snipes. J. A. Traynham and J. K. Senn to Laurens. Mr. .1. E. Allen of Honea Path came over in his automobile to spend Sat urday with Mr. T. II. Carter and fam ily. Mrs. W. H. Monroe and children went to Broadmouth Saturday to vis It her parents. Mr. George McCuen of Ware Shoals visited his father Sunday. Dr. Dritt Is here on a visit. How's Thl*. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Ca., Toledo. U. We, the undersigned, havo F. 3. Che ney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bus ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. Walding. Kliman & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price. 760 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Halls Family Pills for const! patlon. THE HONOH RULL si i : Id hove in en Included in last month's honor roll. Following urn the names of those in t le elty nnd mill schools who have attained an average of 95 per coin and over In scholarship .deportment and attendance for, the 3rd school month. First Ornde: George Allrlght, Luci us Burns, Montelth Calne, Marshal Bendy, William Franks, Lo/.nlne Clooch, Mlkell Gilbert, Clarke Cray, .lamees lluchlnson, Charles Hughes, Waldo Martin. Henry McLood, Coy Heid. Julian Walker. Flora Bennett, Marian Bolt, Kathrlue Bolt, Rosa Cray. Ilarriette Hughes. Caroline Rnnkin, Sarah Sexton. Mary Smyth. Bee Wat son. Second Ornde: Robert Alken, Bruce Counts. Tom Davenport, Cabell Clar rett. William Lake. Robert McCuen, Boyd Lnwson, Mary Blackwoll, Juan Itn Wllkes. Third Orade: Robert Lucas, Wil liam Parks, Calvin Teaguo, Mildred Counts. Louise Dendy. Fouth Orndo: Rollo Burns, Loin Mc Phall, Strahler Rnnkin. O. 13. Sim mons. Fifth Ornde: Mary Sullivan. Sixtli Grade: Herbert Sullivan.Inez Hudgens, Louise Simmons, Lilln Todd, Seventh Grade: Gussle Miller. Caro line Roper, Mamie Austin. Harriet Simpson. Eighth Crude: Turpln Crout, Anna PrentiSK, Theresa Shayer. Fdwin Mosoley. Ninth Grade: Minnie Jeans. Mary Pos >y, Helen Sullivan. Azilo Wofford. Tenth Ornde: Rebecca Dial, Margar ita Tolbort, Alluwee Watson. Mill School. First Grade: Vernle Clark. Joseph Grlflln, Charlie Motte. Fate O'Shlelds, Hoy Walker. Cora Ahereromhie. Kate Eustace, LUlle Fuller. Lucy Lanhani. Mamie Motte, Nannie Lee Snoddey. Second tirade: Clyde Gosnell, Dur roh Halrston, Clarke Tern pie ton, Eva Duffle, Bva Robertson. Fourth Crude: Leona Adams. Ethel Gosnell, Ruth Gosnell, Maud Trlppe. Alone In Saw 51!? At Mldnlsrbt unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as Night Watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn. Such exposure gave him a severe cold that settled on his lungs. At last he had to give up work. He tried many remedies but all failed till he used Dr. King's New Discovery. "After uselng ono bottle" ho writes, "I went back to work as well as ever." Severe Colds, stubborn Coughs, Inflamed throats and soro lungs. Hemorrhages, Croup and Whooping Cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glorious medi cine. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, guarranteed by I^aurens Drug Co. & Palmetto Drug Co. These Rainy Days. "What yer puttln' yer umbrella un der yer coat for?" "Robson's coming." "Well, he wouldn't steal it." "No. but he'd recognize it." ?Ally Sloper's. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheiint. The Intense Itching characteristic of these ailments Is most instantly allay ed by Chamberlain's Salve. Mnny se vere cases have been Cured by it. For salo by LaUretlS Drug Co. Wo have some elegant Dress Slip per creations that any Society Woman would bo delighted to receive as a Christmas Gift. R. K. Copeland. X 34 I Saturday Dec. 18th i AT 2 P. M. g uilding Lots 34 ^ These lots are a division of the Wofford property facing Green street. Bell street and a new street through from Green y street to Celia Vance estate. These lots lie welfare in a good ?fr part of the town and are most desirable for building lots for ^ colored people. j? 1 he colored people are ui ^ on them. Nearly all lots owned by colored people rged to bid for these lots and build :s in this section of the town are of the better class. Now is your , chance to get a lot at your own price and on the terms you j? can afford to buy. J? Terms of Sale===One third cash, remainder in three equal J? j? annual installments, if desired. I J. N Leak & The Real Estate Man What about protecting your property against loss by fire. We have as good as the best in the way of Insurance. Laurens Fire In surance Agency C. W. McCRAVY, Mgr. Electric1 Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. I.i nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the host medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. To the Children! Ah it has been our custom to entertain Santa Clans for the last seven years, he Is now with us afrain with the greatest selec tion that he has ever brought with him and Santa Insists that you all come to see him often and write him many long letters and let your little wants he known. While visiting Santa, I want you nil ?little, big, young and old? to call on me In the DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, and SHOE side, (or I HAVE MANY BARGAINS IN STORE FOR YOU . J. L. Hopkins