The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 08, 1909, PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The only baking powder from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ?made from Grapes? Makes Finest, PoresS Food Powder Absolutely Pure *? ?*???? .? ? 4 i * ? -4 4 4 . * -* I < * t I , ?' ?? SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. ? *? f * *< * * i? * * * j |f* < >' 1 mm. / t!u> homo of the bride's parents, Mr. ,iinl Mrs, Preston Bee Bailey, live miles ensi of Laurens, Miss I.yi Mue Bailey and Mr. De Wit I Marvin Nor wood were united in marriage on Thursday evening of this week. Rev. W. ::. Thayer, pastor of the First Bap 'hureh of Laurens, performing the . ? " inony. A large number of friends v tnessed the happy event. 'i in- Bailey home is one of the pret tied in tin' county, oiii> of those places thai speak visibly of prosperity, good last* ami culture. On Thursday even ' v as tins especially true, and th? : a v guests wi ii- accorded tin- hearty ? ptlon characteristic of the country ? homey in this section of South Caro Miss Bailey has many relatives ami friend.- in the county, und Mr. Not ,vood is a popular young man of lln !ity. Ih-ncc. there were gathered together on tin- evening of Thursday a '. "go ami happy assemblage of peo The parlors an.I dining room of the ey home were beautifully decorat n autumn colors, with myriads o! uses and chrysanthemums, There ??t ?? pot plants ami ferns in profus- I ion. The bride carried a lovely shower | hotnpiet, while her maid of honor enr rlod a beautiful hunch of heliotrope ( h > santhemums. The wedding march was artistically ? red by Miss Hera Bailey of Clin ton, a cousin of the bride. Miss Rosa Lee Bailey, sister of the bride, was tie maid of honor. During the cere I! i .. Tobaui's "Heart and Flowers" ? beautifully rendered by Miss Rai* <? : it the piano, and Mr. Frank Mc ( : y witli violin accompaniment. '??or the wedding ceremony, a re ception was tendered the guests, over seventy-live In number, followed by an eh gant wedding supper. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Morwood were tendered a reception by Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. S. McCravy at their home in West Main street. Quite .i i imber of friends from tin- county and the city were invited and the oc e .? ;>>n was one of unusual enjoyment. An elegant and bountiful supper was served. M \ and Mrs. Norwood are at home with Mr. and Mrs. ("has. II. Hicks, on V\ ? U Main st reet. ooo Mrs. W. II. Washington will enter the Henry Laurens chapter. I). V R. on Saturday afternoon at three : ick. Those who are unable to at tend will please notify Mrs. Washing ton beforehand. ooo Mr. and Mrs. 10. T. Shell of Cray ? ourt were in the city on Monday. ooo T 10 following Invitations have been ?ivod in Laurens: ', i*. and Mrs. (Icorge Calvin Hop ? i - rennest the honor of your pres . n< < at the marriage of their daught er, Mabel, to Mr. William Alexander VIi i head. Wednesday evening, Decem ber the I went v-seeond. nineteen hun dred and nine at seven o'clock, Hope w< 1! church. Clinton. South Carolina. ooo M s. Nathaniel 15. Dial will enter tain the members of the Wednesday club on Thursday morning, ii o'clock, ber home on West Main Street, ooo ?Mrs. Robert Adams ami daughter. Miss Agnes Adams, returned to their in Clinton after a brief visit to the family of Mr. .1. J. Adams on West Main street. LI KU l\ MX III. ( 1.1 > ION. Mrs, Todtl Kntortaliis Friends Jlns irate AI \\. 15. Farr's. Clinton, Deo. 7th.?The social pleas ures of the past week included ? thim ble party given by Mrs. Homer L. Todd on Wednesday. About thirty guests spent a pleasanl afternoon chatting over their fancy-work and then en joyed delicious refreshments In two eon rses. On Tuesday and Friday evenings Mr. V. I. Menzel, a representative of Schulz pianos, arranged musicules in which the lending musicians of the ?own participated. These concerts were given in the store of Mr. W. 13. Karr, and were largely attended. Mr. .Menzel is ti skillful violinist and his playing was greatly enjoyed. Mr, and Mrs. 10, II Hall. Mrs. Ii. W. Ferguson, and Miss Margaret I'arrott rendered very delightfully a number oi songs. Misses Maude and Mabel Sn morel. An ne c. Hurgcss, Amy (.'opeland, .lanlc Kennedy, Kminie Robertson, and Mrs. 13. II. Hall played. On Friday evening the Rov. and Mrs. C. Lewis Howler entertained in delight ful style the members of the Daraca and Philathea classes. Mrs. lt. L. Wright and Miss Sallie Wright returned Friday from Rain berg where they had a delightful vis it with relatives ami friends. Mrs. M. W. McMillan. Mrs. .1. I. Copeland, Miss Lldle Henry. Mrs. W. I). Copelnnd, Mrs. \v. n. Owens, and Mrs. Kennedy attended the f. D. C. convention in New berry ami were de lighted with the hospitality of New ,berry. Miss Reading of Richmond Va. is the .nuest of Miss Oril Hess Little. Lyceum at (?rn> Court. Mrs. William Calvin Chilton, render and impersonator, will give an enter tainment at the Cray Court -Owlngs institute on Monday evening. Decem ber I3tll. This will be the tirst attrac tion of the lyceum course at Cray Court, and it promises to he a rich treat for all who attend. Mrs. Chilton is well known all over the Cllited States and in England; she is consid ered one of the best entertainers, es pecially in mouodrama and Imper sonation, in the south. Mrs. Chilton is a southern woman, having been born and reared in Mississippi. Let everybody hear her Monday evening. For A Lame Rack. When you have pains or lameness in the hack bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day. massaging with the palm of the hand for live minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slight ly with this liniment and hind it on over the seal of pain, and you may be surprised to see how quickly the lame, ness disappears. For sale by Lau rens Drug Co. It will he easy to select your Christ mas Presents, if you will see our line before you buy. S. 1W. & E. H. Wilkes A Co. WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn, Mass. Jff^^^^^jen Cured of severe compound & >^Bk cold and cough by Ytuot *,ss?J WlV ??From Dec. 20, '08, to March I, '09, jj / > agil I had three bad colds, one on top of the <fl ' ^JlntffcJ1 W's other. I got so weak I could hardly Mb Jr^ Ket nrouud. Nothing seemed to help <iWHjp^aV^a>, * ite?U me until 1 began to take Vino). The iliit^F change was magic. Three bottles com ^??hfcfc^?^? 'frfratS pletely fixed that compound cold and {fislmffl^F^: ^yaSSSSSt stopped the terrlhlo cough and what ww/bBhL^Mc ^X^gSsyJ^w surprises me most, at the same time >\tWtV \/^"^/&8P/f*^ It cured me of a severe stomach trouble that has bothered mo for 20 years. Vlnol Is certainly a wonderful medicine." Mr.Toppan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because it contains the two most world-famed tonics?the medicinal, strength ening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Your Money Back Ifl You Are Not Satisfied, .^^,?1,,^^,^,^ I>1U (; f';UM'CM1S* LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. Messrs \V. W. Wallace and s. D. Glenn of (he Gray Court country were In Laurens on solcsday. Mr. P. Garrett of Gray Court, roui two. was i:i the city on Mon day, of o Ii. . were among the visitors in tin- dt> Monday of this week. \1. '.. V. Rodgors ami .1. \Y. West < f Votings township wore in the city on Monday, Mr. c. c. Fenthcrstone left Monday afternoon for Anderson for a short visit to his mother ami sister; from Anderson Mr. Fentherstono goes Wed nesday to Abbeville to attend the Methodist conference ns a lay dele gate from the Greenville district. Mr. T. C. Turner Jr. of this city attended the marriage of Iiis brother last Wednesday evening in Newborry. Mr. W. I?. Watts, formerly coroner of th > county, was In the city Monday. Mr. .1. W. Taylor ami daughter, Miss Nora Taylor, were in the city this week from Princeton. Mr. Arthur Riddle of Charlotte vis ited relatives near the city Hrst of tin week. Mr. w. A. Copelnnd has return -.1 to Laurens after residing in North Caro lina a year or so. Mr. F. T. Shell, mayor of Cray Court, was in the city Monday. Capt. Thos. .1. Duckett. former sher iff, was in town Monday froth Clinton. Mr. .1. L. Chapman of Sullivan township was a hushx ss visitor to the city Monday. Mr. .!. L. Baldwin of Hickory Tavern was among the visitors I. for sales day. Mm. w. lb Garretl went :?? Green wood Friday afternoon to spend until tomorrow with her .-on. Mr. (Maud W, Carrctt. Miss Anna IM'entlss who ac companied Mrs, Garrel) returned early Monday morning. Mrs. W. c. Irl? jr. left Monday ev I culug for a short \ i.-i' to her oh! home i in Alabama. Miss Maud Machen and Kiddie Ar nold of Princeton were The guests of friends ami relatives in the cltj Sat urday and Sunday. Mis. 10. D. Lomnx of Columbia, after spending a week with her father. Mr. J'. I!. Martin of Cray Court, was the litest of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Martin ol I the city for a day or so last week, re turing to Columbia Friday. Mr. and Mis. W. P. Thoniason have moved to tin' city from their home near Shiloh and will reside with their son. Mr. William I?. Thoniason. Messrs M. 15. McCuetl and William * Suypes of Princeton were in the City Sunday for f' > Thncker revival ser vices. Mr. C. 15. Grumbles, who has for the piist year been living on Laurens. route live, will next week move to Mr. .1. 1>. Watts' place near Watts ?nills. Mr. s. W. Bryson of Mountville was in the city on Monday. Rev. A. T. StOltdcnmiro ami Rev. \V. I). Hnminett left Monday for An derson to attend the Baptist conven tion now in session in that city. Rev. I. A. Crock left Saturday for the con vention. Messrs .1. F, Melntyre and K. V. Fincher of Votings township were among the visitors in the city on Mon day of this week. Mr. .1. L. Whltlock of Mountville was in the city on Monday. Mr. L. c. Owens substitute rural carrier on Gray Court number three, was among the visitors in the city on Monday. Mr. Brooks Abercromble of Knoreo was in town mis week. Mr. and Mrs. Pike Hellams of Cray Court visited Mrs. Jennie Owen near Madden the past week. Mrs. .1. II. Cray will visit her neph ew in Greenville next week. Messrs. 13. C. and C. C. Hill of Cross Hill were among tin" visitors in Lau rens on Thursday, paying a pleasant call at this office, Mr. .las. Hill of the county was in the city on Friday of last week, Mr. Alvin Martin of the county, one (d* the best farmers in the entire coun , ty, was among the visitors in the city last week. Mrs. Con way Dial of Cross Hill was in Laurens on Monday. Mr. W. S. Knight of Ware Shoals, a strong friend of The Advertiser was in the city yesterday. Dr. Carroll M. Miller went to Haiti more yesterday with his little son, Jack, for a consultation at the hospi tal there concerning the condition of the latter. Mr. A. W. Teague left Tuesday for a short business trip to Johnston. Mr. Teague has rented out his farm, five miles west of the city, and about Jan uary 1st. will go to Florida, where he will engage in the insurance business, acting as agent for the Citizens' Life Insurance company. His mother. Mrs. Teague. will continue to reside at the old home place. Rev. J. D. Crotlt left yesterday for Abbeville to attend the sessions of the Methodist conference. Mr. W. L. Cray will leave today, or possibly tomorrow. Everybody ami his neighbor were in the city on Monday?It was sales day. Mr. H. c. Crisp is making extensive Improvements on ins dwelling house on Church street. Mrs. II L. Poole of I'nion and Mrs. William Poole of the county were in the City Monday, the guests of Mi ami Mrs. L. 15. Blnckwell; Mrs. II. L Poole will he in Laurens for this week. Rev. W. R, Thayer. Rev. K. C. Wat son and Mr. Chax. 15. BobO, left yester day to attend the sessions of the Bap I tisl convention at Anderson. CROSS IllLMAXS ARI. MOVERS. Mini* Citizens Are ClUlUgillg l'laees of Residence. Cross Hill, Dee. ?th. -Mr. CoUWtiy Dia! lias sold his home nnd furm near town t<> Mr. Toland Hill. Mr. Orvln King who lost hla house by tire last week has moved to tow n. Mrs. R. D. Nance visited her d light er Mrs. Daniel at Snluda hud week. Mr. Enoch i'inson has the eon tract to enlarge ami build alt ? i.-'.'.t room two-story house tor Mr. \Y. I'. Madden in Ck- site of his present house. Dr. : i Mrs. K, SV. 1 iitsun attended the funeral of Mrs. O. M. Rushnrdt In Me wherry last Mondny. Tho frl< nds of Mr. Rroadus Plnson sympathise ?vtth him In Iiis serious IRnes.-. Mr. .1. A. fJuthrle the necoinodnt Ing ilepot agent had the misfortune to get his toot badly mashed !<y a heavy plank falling on it. lie is at his post but still suffering. Mr. W. V. Payne and family have moved from Atlanta to Greenwood s. C. Mrs. Payne and Hal visited rela tive.-, here last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Smltl have de cided to leave their pretty home and BO hack to their plantation on tho rlv ?r. Mr. Smith has persuaded Mrs. Smith to go promising to keep their (able supplied with fresh llsh. He is is an expert lishennnn. \ \V03i \n to Tin: iux it.. Miss Maude Pearson Frightens linrg lar With Pistol. Clinton. Dee. 7th.?Mrs. Tom Hol land had a bad scare Saturday night, as a result she has since been quite sick. She was In the house alone, ex cept for her small children, when she heard some one try n window. The attempt was repeated at another win low, whereupon she screamed. Miss Maud Hi arson, who lives .iust across the street, heard the screams and ran i< rosn, with h tr pistol, which she Ti ed twice. They did not see the intruder, hut an investigation disclosed tracks at the windows. Yesterday a negro, was arrested on suspicion in;i in the absence of proof he was released today. Mr. Holland a member of the' police force and was on duty at the time of the attempt to enter hi.- house. See the biirgains that we are offer ing in Dinner Sets, in different decor ations, colors and designs, at money saving prices. ?. M. & E. 11. VVilkes & Co. Are Microbes in Your Scalp? It Has Been Proven that Microbes Cause Baldness Professor I Una <>f Hamburg, Germany, nnd Dr. Sabouratul, the lending French dermatologist, dis covered lluil a microbe causes bald ness. Their theory has time and again boon amply verified through research experiments carried on under the observation of eminent scientists. This microbe lodges in tho Sebum, which i-; the natural hair oil. and when permitted to llourish it destroys tho hair follicles and in time tho pores entirely close, and the scalp gradually takes on a shitty appenrnnco. When this hap pens there i- no hope of tho growth of hair being revived. Dandruff i.; a contagion?! dis ease, which is largely due to a do - structivc microbe, which when left to pursue its course causes itching scalp, falling hair nnd baldness. Dandruff is caused !>;. tho microbo affecting the glands which produce the sebaceous matter, which laiier t hen unnat until v dries tip and scale:-, off. Wo have a remedy which will, we honestly believe, remove dan druff; exterminate the microbe, pro mote good circulation in the scalp and around the hair roots, tighten and revitalize the hair roots nnd overcome baldness, so long as there is any life left in the hair roots. We back up this statement with our own personal guarantee that ' this remedy called Rexall "03" Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all cost to t he user if it fails to do a.i we state. It will frequently restore- gray and faded hair to its original color, providing loss of color has been caused by disease; yet it i.s in no sense a dye. Rcxall "03" Hair Tonic accomplishes these results by making every hair root, follicle and pigment gland .-ironic and active, and by stimulating a natural (low of coloring pigmcni throughout tho hair cell-. Uexflll "03" Hair Tonic i; en tirely free from rrenso or sediment. is exceedingly pleasant to mc and w ill not gum t lie hair or permanent 1 y soil tho clothing or pillows. We exact ho obligal i?-ns or prom ises ?we simply ask you to give it a thorough trial nnd if not satisfied tell us and we w ill refund the money you paid m for it. Two sizes, prices 50 cent s rmd 81.00. Remem ber you can obtain i' .only at ? The llcxall Store. Lauren* Drug Co.. Haarens, S. (' The highest medical authority on foods, Sir James Cric'aton Browne, LL.D.?F.R.S. of London, gives the best reasons for er.ling more Tn an article published in the Youth's Companion of Septem ber 23rd, 1909, Dr. Browne, the great medical authority on foods, says, about brain and muscle building? "There is one kind of food that seems to me of marked value as a food to the brain and to the whole body throughout childhood and adolescence (youth), and that is oatmeal. "Oats are the most nutritious of all the cereals, being richer in fats, organic phosphorus and lecithins.'' lie says oatmeal is gaining ground with the well-to-do ol Great Britain. He speaks of it as the mainstay of the Scottish laborer's diet and says it pro duces a big-boned, well-devel oped, mentally energetic race. His experiments prove that good oatmeal such as Quaker Oats not only furnishes the best food for the human being, but eating it strengthens and en larges the thyroid gland?this gland is intimately connected with the nourishing processes of the body. In conclusion he says?? "It seems probable therefore that the hulk and brawnincss of the Northerners (meaning 'die Scotch) has been in some measure due to the stimulation ol the thyroid gland by oatmeal porridge in childhood.'1 The Scotch eat Quaker (Vit? because it i; the best of all oat meals. M tilto BOY K1I.1.KD. I in idcntull) Shol It} Jim Chiles. Vc orilin? to the Testimony. Georg? Gootle. n 18-yenr-old negro] boy who llvod with his mother on (he plantation of Mr. Maxey Patterson, near l.anford. was shot and instantly hilled he; Wednesday morning 1?' the discharge of a shotgun In the hands of another negro hoy. Jim Chiles, aged Is. who claims that the shootinji was purely accidental. Coroner li.iir.-i?.!> went up and held the InqOcsl :"'il nccordihg to the evi dence of Chiles and one or two other negroes who were pr< sent when the shooting occurred, Il seems thai Chiles i i< se?he,r with several others, including the Goode hoy. were picking cotton, that soineti'aes during the morning Chiles took his gun which lie had car ried to the Meld, and went off to sliool a hawk; that upon his return ;?> the other cotton pickers he placed the gun across hi> arm and engaged in conver sation with the party for a moment when in some manner unknown to him and the rest, it seems, the gun wua discharged and Goode fell dead, the en tire charge having taken effect in the lad's head. in <-ii"i t. th.'j Jury's verdict exoner ated ('biles, stating in substance that i he affair w as an accident Speaker t ailed To Come. The mein hers <?!' tho County Farm er's union were disappointed on Mo i ' >!.-,> at the failure of Prof. J. N. Ha: ; ? : bl Ch ;. on college, to li!l his up po'.ullnent to sponIf before the union ? a good number of farmers wero pros , cut. ami some matters of Interest wen discus? d. it is hoped thai at tin i Jauuarj mooting a speaker may In ' secured. Before, you select your Christina! Presents, bo sure to s.ur lino o j useful articles, thai will lie appro ? olat.d. M. & K. II. WilkOS & CO. I Do You Gamble? Some people put the savings) of a life time into a home, and tuen trust to LUCK to avoid the thousand and one daggers of fire Do yoti^ Others invest their entire assets in a store and then carry the whole or a part of their insurance themselves, thinking they can do so as well as the insurance companies. Do you." Insurance is based on the law of averages, and can be safely con ducted, but only when based on the experiences of tens of thous ands of cases scattered over the entire country. Yours very truly. J. J. Adams at Bank of Laurens Too Late, Too Late, to think about taking out a [>olicy on your house if it is already burning. We take a risk but not a certainty. If you have taken time by tin- forelock, and insured your property against lire, you have the Absolute Certainty that the company Will pay all \ your losses. The race is to the swift, and you owe it to your family to protect them from all troubles. Do not be a laggard. E. H. WILKES & SON Stocks - Bonds - Insurance Kntei prise Bank Building Laurens, S. C. KxiK'iidltnrex bj fount) <'ommtftNloii* ri\(ii l.mireiiN County, s. < lor tttmrtcr |{ihHii|{ Si>|)li>m? ix i iiotiii 100?. County Auditor. * 152 90 Countv Commissioners tiud Clerk. ?31.211 of lupiuli/.iit ion. ti.Ot) Jury. Witness und Constables .vis : : Cleik oi Court. 100.00 sh-rill. S 10.517 Mugisl rates und Constubh s, .. ||ll .v> Coroner. IMS. 2.1 Poor I louse and Poor. HI l.!17 Public Buildings. I IS. M Hooks, Stationery and Print' ig il:; 1.1 Contingent. 020.07 indigent Confcdnrnlo Veterans ' 5572..1(1 June and July Term ol Court >tia.40 Ponds ami Bridges. 8,003. Id Interest on County utnlSchool Notes.'. 1,501.2.1 Total Expenditures. $15,050.70 Paid School Notes $10,500 0(1 Paid Road ?V Bridge Note. 5,000 00 (-1 mud Total. $30,550 70 ! Attest II B RIMBERT, t 'onut \ Supervisor i. MK.ssKu Baku, Cler . N->s '?(J| b, I'.IOil I ? WHOLESALE and save