The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 06, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I LAND AND WATER! Sec mc about selling that property of yours or about buying before you buy. Get my plan it never f;iiles when I can get a buyer 1 have a lot of choice property in Clinton for sale, write or phone me and see if I can interest you. P. S. Jeans CLINTON, S. C. BELL PHONE, NO. 75 Buy a Farm Now! I In the fall of the year is the time the to buy a nice farm, von will soon have to plan for next years work, so ^ come let us show what we have listed. ^ We have recently had sonic exceptit nal nice farms listed for sale ranging from 21 to 200 acres. Prices from ^ $15.00 on up. We have farms all over the county well ift ^ located as to Neighborhood, Churches and School and ^ we can pica < mr list. ^ ^ ? Laurens Trust Co. $ C. A. Power, Mgr. Real Estate Department. Now Is The T ime Sullivan's Store The Place Just arrived a car of fiue heavy Red Rust Proof Oats f2 for fail sowing. Crimson Clover Seed, Seed Rye and Barley now in slock. Wi haye a full line of I'Motif which Wc bought to $ell, e us prices arc right, Gel a sack of that fresh Water (yl grouiid Corn Meal made froth best Tennessee. White Corn I free from fetlagra Gcrhis, I j. H. Sullivan Headquarters for Bagging ami 'I ies |j Laurens, S. ('. SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY. School Books For all lite grades may he had before school opens. Tablets, Ink s, Pencils. AH School Supplies Come here for your wants Dr. Posey's Drug Store Laufens. S. C. 1MB |J J. \. Leak, Pres. .1. I'\ Dorroh, Sec'y. J| |J Wc hope to nn iit the business of the public ;it large J| ? and solicit same. ?g mm ? ? \IM'1 ^ to us for terms }J% wd & ?5 Southern Cooperative S ?2 & # Collection Agency ^ m% A ^ Ciray Court, 5. C. Ji ma ... mm l? Busines placed with this firm will receive prompt g| attention. Jj tm *m CASE AGAINST BLACK ENDS UNEXPECTEDLY llccuiisc Jurors Head "Tlw> State" Second Alleged Craft Cum' Comes To Close. Columbia, Oct. L?As the result of a copy of The State newspaper finding its way Into the tooms of tlie jury and was read by the. jurors nnd also because of n conversation between one of the jurors und his employee last ulght, (be Ulack ease lias resulted in ;i mist rial. The unexpected culmination of the sensational "graft" case came in the court of sessions this morning , after Judge Memmingcr had osam- : Ined every member of the jury as to the newspaper incident and as to the conversation that Juror J. D. Perry had last evening from the window of his room at the local hotel where the jury has been confined since the open ing of the trial. llow the newspaper of September 80 came into the room was established by the statement of one of the jurors to the effect that a newsboy passing early yesterday morning had thrown the paper up into one of the rooms, where the jurors was kept. Itnt who paid for the paper could not he ascer tained by the questions of Judge Mem niinger. in dismissing the jury Judge Mem . mingor stated that he did so because , a serious indiscretion had been com mitted, hut an examination into the matter had not led him to believe that there was any COl'1'Uptlon. The posi tion taken by Judge Memmlnger was thai If a Verdict of guilty should have lieou rendered, under the circum stances, a now trial could he secured. On lite other hand, if there should be a verdict of not guilty tin State would have no redress. Mow To Cure ;t fold. !'.e t?s careful as you can, yob will occasionally take cold, and when you ?io. i:ei a medicine of known reliabil ity, one that has nn established repu tation and thai is Certain to cffeol a quick cure. Hoch a medicine is Cham berlain's Cough Itemedy. it has gain ed a world-wide reputation by its re markable cures of this most common ailment, and can always bo depended upon. It aets on nature's plan, re lieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and assists na ture in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Vov sah- by the Laurens Drug Co. Knougll dry wood and chips to last a week ahead is Heltes; (ire out and the last stick gone is poverty. I I \ \L SKTTLK.MKXT. 'lake notice that on the l.'.th day of October, IflO'J, I w ill render a fluni ac count of Illy acts and doings as Ad inlnistrator of Hie estate of w. \\. Jones, deceased, in the o!li< o of the .indue of Probate of Laurens county. at II o'clock a. in . and on the same day will apply for a final i|iscliarg< froin niy trust as Administrator. All persons indohied to said ( tat" are hold: d ami required to make- pay ment inj that ditto: and all porsoil? havhe-! (-'aims against said estate will ? ? Cttimiinti (iicliiir* . VLLL'N .!. tfl'LLI VAX. Weekly Bali it 80 VOTES GREAT P'JFliLAtf!. Y C?KTEST ! Vole lor SC (Not Good After October 26th.) CHICHESTER SPILLS i.ADiP.a i luv T..,ir i?,u**t.i for CTTf-Cttltfl TRR'a A DIAMOND IIKAND 1*11.i s in ki :> I '/A\ Coin metal i box**, scaled wilh i ? \V/ KlbbOn T.\K1I no OTnRR. tin; or >i.ur \V IlniKxUt and till for CIII-eilKH. 1 t K M V IIIMKINI) Bit A N D PI I,I.A. I't hi. lit . fl?Q regarded as Deal, Safest, At way* Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS mn EVERYWHERE WORT" TKIJtD i iisri{D The State of South Carol.uiij Count) of l.nurcns. Court of Common Pleas. s. u. DOUO, Plaintiff, against ST'ATK Mt'TCAl, KIKK INSCKANCK COMPANY, Defendant. C. IS. Co!.\.\i>. Plainiiff, Ilguinst STATK Mt'TPAli K1UIS IXSl'RAXCM COMPANY, Deft lulant. XOTIt K, Pursuant to ortler ?.t" Iiis Honor, .'. C. Klugh, dated 8? ptcmber Cth, i:?*?:>. referring the above stated causes to me t<> report to the Courl tlie total amount of dolus and liabilities of the defendant, I will hold u reference at the oillec of Simpson, Cooper &? Itabb, nl Laurens, South Carol inn, on Mon day the inn day of October, A. i>. 1909, :it die hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon. All person holding claims against the above named defendant are required to present the s:une duly proven, before mo on that day. It. Vi, ?Ann. 2t Special deforce ANSWERS ! By Dr. F. J. In man Q. Why do seht ol children with good sight, require glasses? A. Mainly to rest the eyes. The eye does not obtain it's Growth until the child is about the age of twelve. The growing eye is taxed beyond its strength; the proper glasses rest and pre serve the eyes. Q, Why do children squint? A. I'.v squinting <?i frowning the muscle in the eye is relieved of strain, this is nature's way. Study-glasses relieves thi> strain and thus prevent squint. \Vli> do children have e\ e headaches? A. An eye headache is a reflect pain caused hy straining the eyes; the pain may be over the eves or through the temples. The remedy for eye headaches is relief glasses, t<> be worn while studying. Dr. F. J. INMAN Eye Specialist Kntcrprise Hank Building Laurens, South Carolina .A. Bargain Apple sect! Oats at 70c per bushel. (vet! Rust proof Oats at ?Sc oer btishel r ion. J. 5. George KILrAb ULI. Olli. wa i. Ii fwm? I mm AN ALL WHITE COMPANY. Entire New Programme. BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC FIRST PART AND ALL THAT (S JEW IN MINSTRELSY.. The Great Big Clever Comedians, Startling Nov elties and Minstrelsy's Sweetest Singers. DAILV BAND CONCERT ar KXET PARADE. ,35, .50. ,7.s and $1.00 ^ Don't Torture Your Pect ^Jy by tolerating unnecessary corns. Remove ihem. It only takes a few da\'S with Dike's Corn Ease Now is the time to j*et rid <?!' them befon you eet int. ?4? ??}? yont heavy wiutet shoes, they are hardet and thicker than ?f" yoin summer shoes and you'll suffci front the e?-ms you WU allow \" ;. row. The price i> onlv 25c. JL ^ Agent for Huyler's jji % Dodson-Edwards Drug Co. | AS Laurens, South Carolina ihr "life. ,J2> It Cannot Be % Improved | l*oi the settlement and payment of all bills ?4? obligations and purchases, there has been, .is yet, n<> othet method devised in the business world to equal or take the place of the hank deposit and check system. Modern business methods have perfected this arrangement to such an extent that more than os per cent of the business tin world over, is transact* < ?1 in this manner. It" \t>n are still itsinr, the <?M carry-ihe* way of tv 1 \"inj? yout bills, it's time \*<w adopted the modern plan of business safely. Have a check account with this bank. i 1 1 * I 4 The Bank for Your Savings. I Bigadvance in Flour f I of 30c per bbl. We have only one more car of cheap flour. We will make this week only. r slic Best Pat Flour, ? % AY & <?v' I > White Swan Best Pat FfoUr* 4 nan i-cti 5.50 Corn, 07 i ^>f ? I I 1 : all. P-" HOB? 55c Weare expecting 1000 Bushels of Texa: Rust Proof Oats, while they last, we will sell at 65c, per bushel. Don't forget to see us about .you Bagging and Tics. Laurens Wholesale Grocery Co,