LAURENS BAPTISTS IN A1JAL MEETING County Association Hold at Mt Pleasant, REPORTS^ S [TbMITTED Baptists t?f Count} Hold Bond Moot in;; at Vi. Pleasuhl ( IiiiIM'h -Next 1 car ill Ktlb II II i : >' oc.e o !.->\. (! .). M. Sex (oh, who was appointed to preuTh the Ihtt'ddue tov tcrtnon, !)?-. w. T. ;i rleux, assist utM secretary <.. ihn statu mission liiip '1, i>' . iii with power and in? S;>; -; iloii i'rctu ?lohn 1" : - ' i am t'i> * ? . ye are the brahohes: ?e Ihtil abriet h in tue. and > hi !}hu, the Saiho h'Kriietlli i'orth much fruit? for Witnoui Ine . ?? i an dp hothing. ' '!" ?? delegates were eii ?**I!?^ 1 and -7 o; . Iii' Ith churches wore represented; tlie issdchition was spOedily orgnn ;?.???"! Iiy a ni ?tloti to SUSpend the rnlos. a i' J?'\. t\ Fowler was ordered to ?'? ator. C. It. Co'.:,) ami 1'.. I.. Ilen d-?on. secretaries, and V. H. Roper, i- ?.. nor. Col. i ii W hart on sub mit;.' I the report on order of business, Ra.. i. A. Marlin, pastor of .Mt. Pleas ant ihurch, made a warm ami hearty ai SS of welcome; ami after the an il )letnent of the homes for the del egates ami visitors, by Mr. W. II. I'in 8>n, ".he association adjourned until i :30 ?'. nv. livening Session. Ve oal reports were made by the del c,ates of the spiritual ami financial e >??( ion of the churches. Some re !? ) '? ii all apportionments raised and ol ? ?-; lagged behind. I. ?V Martin ! 1 the report on home missions, v ?-.'. (' was spoken upon by .1. O. Mar fin, ). I.. Strittgfiold, .1. II. Wharlon. ani ;. A. Martin. Special prayer was o' '?? 1 b.V Rev. .1. A. Brock lor the !? i > ?'. (). At- ? .. i and ('. I.. lfo\v U'r. follow! I i ; :? loo-: T. .I V s, >.<,?' ('iiittii it street chiirch, ('h.'trles-i d lt. .M of l T. .1. Walls made a splendid v . on endowment of the seminary ednesdtij .Horning Session. ":'?< devotional service was |od by \1 . ... ('. Wharlon. State missions w ?; taken iip an I a. Nellsoh and \v. T. i)or!i".tx made earhesi appeals fie- - .is greul work. a < ? >| ctloti f< , (.niiiioti si. church, Charleston, v... -?. taken w hich aUtOtinfed to .v.a, r,:| '!' -port on cd til at ion pi "pa red by \, . . Thn.ver was lead by C, B llobo. o. 1 Strlhgfleld made a greni speech on audllng I he I .Ord's luottoy. t i. Roper made special i?raj er for !!?K addresses on the report. IV. i'. Cui bort son read the report on ?i ip.y Schoo!s r.nd C. f?. Fowl >r tot :< pledges for building a house for the Second church al Clinton ?$110.00 was pledged. VV. a. Baldwin reported on aged ministers, and a special col lection of $20.00 was taken for Mrs, Jane Cooper and Rev. j, m, shell. The laymen's movement was favora bly reported on, and ordered continued I for another year. j Tili* social Und fraternal spirit of . the association was never better: (lie ; weather v. . s bloat, hud the iioapthtUty of the Mt. iMensdht peoif.e Was uu ' hounded. The next place of meeting Is It bun ' ? ? . scr W. ?vor; 1< I. O ' Mai'j It! alternate. Aft el' singing ":!!?-' be t'.-. hold cotton Will prollt. ! The speaker offered three sugges tions to the farmers, which it" carried out. would put them In position t the national department ol agriculture, represented in this section hj I Ion. .lared I >. Sulllviln Mr. I.ever closed his address with :!:?' prediction llinl the scat of wealth, power, culture and intlu.mcc in Ihe future would he in the rural districts I instead of in the oiti.s as is how the : I'rof. ?! N. Ilaip'eri who has spoken ?? in I .aureus mi several oe< uslon.:. inn I ? hin address that was pt'oliotutcoil by [ .;, i instructive ever hoard hi'i'e lie i l j lands should be I el lie idle: i: t his I >'? ? l!u ;. ;o to WIlRte. TO Koi'p !..t rich, tic- crop.-, must he rotated. I he proper class of iegumcH used, and at: j entirely new one. is better titan ever; anil yoti will ihlss the best mtUsti'el ! show of the season if you fiitl to see aim im l ? ? . i Coghlntu in new song*, tilit] who was a tremendous hit both professionally! >ind personally with every patron. I Possessing a i'emhrkubly cletir, hit !? it I at od i- nor till 1 clean, distinct ? nun elation lie is once a pleasing and popular adjunct of Manager t'oburns singing party, which is ihe strongest be has ever carried. Itoberl ('. I!<><*k btt, the inuguiticent basso of two years I ago, litis again return 11 to Manager Coburn and will ii ? heard with hew selections with the show next Friday! night. ooo i Tickets for t*i * Coburn minstrels ! w ill be on sab- at th > Dodsoll-ICdWards Drug Co. today ooo The Cnldwell Amusemenl company has been booked for a three night en gagement here. October is. Ill ami 20. This company, noeordlng to reports from every quarter v. ill p.- the best repertoire companv that lias ever vis ited Laurens; it i.- a corker. Keep in mind the date ooo On November .'.th. the second attrac tion of the city lye.'inn course will be given, ihe Chicago (lie., chili, ooo "The College Sinking lllrls." ihe Aral attraction of the city lyoetini course, on his) Wednesday evening, was by long odds one of the !??.-! .a I lertniniueiits of the kind ever hoard in Laurens. Frt'sh. bright ami ? i pv. these you UM musicians rendered .. i program Ih:ii pleased from ntht'i ' ? liter a i i Olive ? unquestionably disappointed Tlill. role of Viola, in (?!.? product ion m seemed Utterly listless and vvitliolil .animation (it' Iritereist in lite part. Viei only one of jibr Oonipnii) nil.'.' !? ? ! classed ns a loo ! actor. Mr. I)e(lras) c, v. !.< ?.?:<.-. d (he part i.: '; .' VoTlo, The show us n witole \ a- con I slderitbly above ihn average thai vis its this (if. but it Is ?h < ddcl'.v hoi in the * 1 ...o p.-r seal class, le |de.-. iit reunites Ihe besl ol hlstronic Client to make a HhukCspcrluh piny interest I tig. ?eil KlIOWII Hotel Keeper I'ses an,I Itecommends Clin mho rial it's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Itemed). I take pleasure in saving that I have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Ueinedy in my family medicine ?best dm about fie teen years, and have always bad sat isfactory results from its use | have administered it to a groat many trav eling men who were suffering from troubles for which it i> reeoinn, nded. ami have never failed to r? lleve them." says .1. C Jenkins, of Olasgovv Ky. This remedy is for sale by ihe Lutnons Drug Co. Mr. Lester Itlshop with has been clerkijtg at th - Wait, mills store for two years, left Friday lor Charleston, where be will take a course in pbar hlttC)' at the Medical college ? HORSES HORSES HORSES > I have a car load of the best Horses I and Mares that are raised in the state " Tennessee, they will arrive Thursday, October 7th, These Horses were bought direct from the ? Tennessee Farms and have never been through the hands of speculators. They are broke to any [ kind of harness, young and sound without blem f $ ish. Come and look. No trouble to show goods. \ - ? . .- . . 5 Big lot oi Buggies and Harness I Everything- guaranteed as represented ] n 9 Laurens, S. C. 5^ 4* Ashendorfs argain Telling a story of the Greatest Bargains the i old town has ever seen, read every word of this ? bill if you would be benefitted. Every price is ? guaranteed to be just as represented. The New y Store has made good from the start, selling honest / merchandise at "live and let live prices" makes r an instantaneous hit with the people of !.aurens. Here's What's Dohm* \ Ores - Goods and ? Domestics f , w It tie ol Suiting lit f tiu- !ni< si sli ules of ^reeii, h fed, blue ami fancj ? ?i *. r 7 v tines !, * liest Calico : k ! loinestic I'l.ii is : " l?luriucl t Militis? ^ Red h'lamiel i>> k - Boy's Department ^ Boy's Pants k 6oc value* { i; ?35c valttcH i'><' Hii? line 1 >i llov's Suits ? Women's Tailored Suits and Skirts Sk i rt s S.00 Skirls \mH 5 < ?< > Ski flit ^ tV<><> Skills :.^S I'citicoals at S ile 1': ice. Sonic Bit? Bargains irt our slice Department Men's Department M( u's Pa 11 Is ^5 od Worsted I'a 11 is s.v 19 .(?5? " 2.98 .v><> " " !.<)?< \oo ?? " 1.60 W > 2 Doors West of P. O. Laurent, 5. C.