The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 29, 1909, PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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? / / f*t IN t j? 3 tk y ? ..._ _ -. ' M Come and inspect 11u- most comprehensive lino of Fall values in Ladies* Suits and Skirts and Men's and Boys'Clothing, Gent s Furnishing, Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions and Millinery ever shown in the Carolinas. We have exerted our utmost buying-skill and experience with the result thai we present for the Fall the double attraction of the Bes1 Styles and Lowest Prices. Wo want you to see, we want the public's judgement on wind we are offering for the Fall Season. You can got what vor, want here and at the right price?you will know it when von have inspected our Stock. Come we are ready to show you. Introducing Our Matchless Millinery, Large Hats are still first in favor, even the Toques and Turbans being ex tra large of their kind. Fabric covered hats of velvet, plush, boav< r or fuf are extremely popular. Our Millinery display thi> season is a notable one. Our leadership in Millinery will be more pronounced this season than ever before because of our superior styles and values. We can show you hats of all grades and guarantee that our prices are as low and in many cases lower than y< u can lind anywhere. Wo want you to see them. a tor Milliasr? Display A V a if Will be a Ladies' Hat actual Cash Value $780.00. This alone is worth coming miles and miles to see. Besides the Greatest and most Artistic lino of Ladies1 Hats from ?1.00 to 25.00 ever shown in Laurens. We extend all a cordial invitation. KXQUIS1TN CREATIONS IN t or ? adies' Tailored Suits. tict:i n, absolutely e< 'ireel lit*>'<K-:s ioi the 1 < i" approval is awarded every oik ot eiit.s \\i ale .Univ.ii".;.',. WO have >:?iU p: ice. Wo w ant you ;>> so ihe gut ] ;t? *i:111 tliiit otn prices are : .01 titan nits call liO bout*lit tiuvwhore. The New and Beautiful in Dress Fabrics There are Now Ideas, New Weaves, New Colorings, New* Finishings in these Silks, Wool Dress (jloods and fine4 Cotton Fabrics we have gathered for your choosing this season. You will not find a line in this vicinity that will com pare with ours this season. Our lino is so large thas it is impossible to describe. You should see what we are offering at - - 25c, 50c, 75c and Si.00 New Trimmings and Buttons to match. Shopping will be easy here. EVENING WRAPS! One of the most popular things this season in beautiful delicate shades? Li?ht Blue, Ohl Boso, Boseda Green and Champagne. Prices 87.50, si0.00 and ?15.00. The new One-piece Suits in Wool and Silk, Swellest things this season, you should see them. Prices 812.50, 815.00, 820.00 and 825.00. NK\Y SILK PKTTICOATS?Greutest values wo ever offered at 81.50 and S5. FiVerything I nder This Heading arc Kxl ra Special Yalues. ( I-, extra Quo assortnicht ??l hahi $1.5 ?. Special fpl . '.mbroiderod Ilandkerehiofs \\u::!' Uli ? th< v last foi Panes Collars, worth t s ceuls C .08 .10 .10 yards h'aticy Dress Suitings worth 50 els everysvliert Special While thev last for . .25 Never Such a Stock of Shoes! I'uuialchable values in Shoes that wear. Sco oui Men's ?.\<.:\ das shoes, world heaters, $2.00 to v^'J ??Q Crossette Shoes in every kind of lenthci imaginable, I':;>^ .#3-oo, $3.50 and S I ()0 Howard & I'oslei Shoes, acknowledged t<? he the bcsl Shoes in the country for ihe price. We have th si vie aiid kinil of leather \on want. I 81.00 80.00 M0.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' Clothing and Furnishings. I?"ashipiiabie wearables foi Men are abundant in our Clothing Slock in every point* Style, Maleiitil, W< iktnan ship, Pit and Value. < leadership is established nnew Ihis season. Von simply eaniioi go wrong on Clothing and Purnishing bought hcie. cur guarantee insures your absolute satisfaction. Lei us show yon the Neu Styles. Ueiti are a few Suits thai, can't be matched foi the price i 812.50 Men'.- bltie Serge Suits 1 Men's bine Serge Suits al Men's blue Serge Suit? d Our b'ancy Worsted Suit <( (( ?? " 15.00 10 ?5.00 10.00 12.50 *?5.oo to ;?;>.()() Von save money am. a ! rrel the best bv trading here. BUY THE CHILDREN "( A I) FT" 11 OS I ;?<>se on tl I Cadi .1 the ' knees and '.??es am: will outwear several pairs ??{* 01 dinars hose?th*. cheaper in lite long van for that teas* n. \\ ich pail fully g'uitri the 25 cents. A l ew Specials S ou Slioidd S? i ! | .MKN'S 11 ATS NOP>B\ AND STYLISH, M ikes no ?HlTeief.ce what UricO hat vom l,u\- if eilti tret floiii >> or a s v'?o gi'a le y see Olli New Slvles at. Sl.5t) to ?5.00 OUB t OBSFT DFPABTM KNT! Corset correctness is vastly imp''!taut. New styles hi dress mean iliai UCW models in Corsets are essential. We have all the lUodcls and Call shovi you the best variety of styles to he had. I'Uces from ?")(){? f() S,'> ."){) La dies' Shoes! Ladies' Shoes in every imaginable kind and price. Wo can please >'OM 1,1 prices from. S 1.00 to S 1.00 See our Special line of Voting Men's Hats, til colors SVM )() ;i |)d S,'} ( M) bb?.vuw.t imnT.w r.'CKaami m >*rj t arui rnvtuotMUAMtut \eamam ri SI 5.001 s 10.00 I -1 ^TIIM SPFC1A K \ FATl BF ^| | f" Will be a Ladies' 11 jit act mil Cash Value 8780.00. This alone U worth coming mile und miies t?> see. ? ? DAVIS-ROPER COMPANY Laurens, S.C* OUTFITTKBS FOB THK WHOLF. FAMILY I >aurens, S. ('.