Cfje gbberttaer Subtcription Price is $1.00 per Year Payable in Advance. S. K. BOMvV, Editor. published my advertiser printing company laurens.8.c. Hatks for advertising. ? ordinary advertisements, per square, one inser tion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, HO cents. Liberal reduction made for large advertisements. Obituaries: All over 60 words, one cent a word. Notes of thanks: Five cents the line. BmLorcd at tho postofllcc at Laurcns, S. ('. as second class mail matter. i A: RI NS. S. C. SliPII.MBER In. !?)(;?). NKRMO.VN \M) II V.SK ,i U.L. Dr. (truCi liartotii i tnlnonl * * 1:? - i/o 'li. Inc. i o'.ii hi i he ! lo'in? I lor. v ?red ut nil tin hh\\ pni \m on ndnyit jus) before l!ic beginning of Sunday games d to"; that iliev 11 ii ;; o . ?. i *1 ? ? ' ? l'or (' : greul ? o.vhijj cit.V lind i - Im.und ? i> ? l i :tt*d rri)lii. I n tlie rOiii'se of \." wonderful progress scihio rl?li<-11 In is tlilims lint i ? nine to light, nhiong w .deli we class ibis new departure \<\ I > ?. I? nice I iai ? -Mi. Wo are ruiij aware thai all of our old-fnsliioned notions of right ami wrong, "* expediency and prneilcii I llily, Influenced l*y our environmenls. .sill not properly apply lo cities the i I/o of Chicago or New Vork. Tho grenl iiopulallon of those* eon nested e htcrs gives rise lo iiuiny conditions ll.til would utterly confound tie d^epcs.t thinkers of ibis section. Rul tl ere are principles that should hold, the world over. Riebt is rlgill here in l.nurcns: it is Hi ? snine in Chicago, 'li e rpiestloii of whether or not Iii? huso ball game should preceded by a short sermon rests primarily upon II c nhswer to tho Olicalioil, "Is Sun f| y base hall right"? Settle ihn! ami Pll the Other may be iliseUSsod as to i; rtdvlsiiblllty or effectiveness. In our opinion Sin e.'/ IMise ball is altogether mid ulterly wrong. It Is dimply ah iiniusomcnr.i and mil at all necessary to the eontforl of the i>eo jtle. NuhibiM's hieli rfo'.'in I li dr rcguhir day's labor to furnish this Amusement, thus violating a divine command. They sin far ipore, we think, than t>' vooU \\\\n gives its hoi I'undny dinners, or the oiectiician who furnishes lighi tor Sunday night , services. There are some labors that must be perform.'.1 on Sunday, but playing ball for iho amusement of t 'il I ha I jii'iiyer prevent the evil.; common to Sfiloo'.li)? Not at all. It rheap ched the vtiliio of prayer, mid doubt less destroyed in some degree fl ? reverence with which many regiirded liolv I'llniu. Such ideas as that ad vniicud by Di', Ilartbn are cutting ai (he very foundations of the church. Dr. Darton complains that ihc peo i will not nil -nd Church; The PltKSCin i. I UK PH0PKHTV? i bis address to the teachers, pii an l patrons of the city schools day morning, Mr. ('. ('. l'eatber stone, fl.nlrnipn of the hoard of trus tees, said: "The board hni given you the fluent school building in South Carolina, and the hoard has a right to xpect that it be properly used and preserved". There lu neve among HS wh? (Oos not know an i recognize the disposi tion on the prif'l of school children to tear up, to kreak< to destroy every de structible, thing nboul a school build Ijpl* They lovo to cut and mark the d?i : : .! . e window gtasssM are an ds eiul Joy to the boy with a stOI\0 ):i i ?'? iQnd. VV1 v this almost unlver nal > Vositlop ihoul I (? ??'sf. Is b ;yoiid :i to i II, unless b sn Inherited trait hand' ?'?!?? fathers W?O did no! a: ;:<,.? Wii bore any need of (??..? ? wh 'i ? or ? ey en* lugs. Afl 0 in? i of I , thi desks arid stool-; they had. looked about as well backed up as when per fectly new and unscariv.l. Aaybow, school children t?re prone to destroy! the spirit of vandalism goes ev n into the colleges. But this docs not make the habit a Rood one, nor remove the I obligation on the part of the author Ities to exert every effort to stop or | curb It. Mr. Foatherstone is ri^ht: the board of trustees has a right to expect that the new and magnificent school building be not abused. The board should demand severe punish ment for any offenders. And in the s; tue connection, with reference to the school grounds, we earnestly urge (Wat steps be taken at once for their beautifying. Naturally, these grounds are magnificent; they are capable of wonderful improvement, and it is obligatory upon the author ties to rnlfill the possibilities, There is one (hing thai nt lb'1 very outset should l?0 Slopped, and that is the hitching of teams on the campus. There is ni iplo room for numberless liitcuing posts on the pavement touch ing the school grounds, and the teams , should nol be alN w- l < a the grounds. \ '?"Iiis will worlt ho Inoonvbnloneo lb anyone, and will it Id materially in i ill Lauren-, has i i of (h? llhei I ? i-. - lor a school ale: one of the best plants to be found anywhere. II is ii out 1 ?? !'.." was a blessing to all who knew him. lie has made mruy people Imppy- a eulo gy liial all may not claim. There are a host of mourners 1:: Soutii Carolina today: those who know an 1 loved t'i !. .Ins. T. Bacon. * . ? i n:: Itlb'll \ >i T? vfiKDY. The public :.:??? shocked 6r < ry little while by It.o news of some nwful trag- j edy: some fenpful noeldent, a wilful and malicious ihunl*?r. or some ca lamitous occurrence. ??o broadened are die sympathies of the people that thev feel, even afar Cff, any and all kin Is of sorrow and woe. But milch . greater i< :'i<- shock when I i< tragedy Is brought close homo. ?otdohi have the j,- o|)le of (his county beini .> ? tliteiietl : by t'.tc new - of the tragic death oi Mrs. Rulli ('ri-;> Hip hum mar Qe?rg?tOM'n RoV e:al (lays ago: end the sorrow is d.. t in tlVe M??ntviUe hftd \Vator lob sections v in re site sl?eiil her girl boo I days und wliorb ho:- parents and relatives now live. The bereaved ones have ii?" sympathy of all tb.e peo ple. Th 1 circumstances of the killing are not understood up here. While the newspaper reports and tin- statements of IM. Bigham and Mr. Avant have beeil tosen full cbnslderittlon, the peo ple are n<>i satisfied, and mystery en shrouds the whole affair. But that Is not for1 us !o argue; Mrs. Blghnm is no more, und her story Is never lo be to'.d oh earth; Tie people must accept tl result of fh? law's Inquiry, ?'id this they v.:.1. do unmttrmuriugly. I es;; g a i !6n \ " heartily < oil mi ?H3 i a * < or ? . :. invti stnt rhtcuts, those men nre gMllty of v'olntlng the criminal Cod>\ If' Mrs. Bight* m hit 1 boOh the lowest, most ?!- si ate burgln-. these, men ( wohin1 not hnVe ha l the Ic'titnl *t*lght to shoot her down under the circum stances lhaj marked tli'6 deplorable killings The Idea that tiny thought she was a ghost is ridiculous, an I not to be considered. V. ii'. a man Who is believer i:; ghbst? It ltd afraid of theih, run afo-r oho and shoot "It" in the backt But lakh * thoir state ment, that they supposed tb.e rot mat ing figure tt> be thai of a burglar, those men have committed an not that the law farblds, and should be tried for It, If. as they say. the act .wss alt awful mistake and they were ety'-e'v inno cent of any design, they must lot a i try dei Ida how reprehensible w?i tbo accident. The Blluatlon is ?Imply tl '-. a wo iinn has met tragic death at tho hand* < of her husband find bis friend; what is to be done to Batlafy the luwV. do- I mand? ? ? ? .lusi praise rdlOUld itover be v '>h boid hence the following In reform ehce I Jev, w. B, "Thayt r of tl city: I ? letifi i I almost envy you the I?, ,, i ,i i rive of. often hearing him t reach I Co i? stielt a good man, so genuine a Christian, and such a fine preacher." The quotation Is from a letter to a citizen of Laurens from a relative, living in a distant city. ? ? ? The Advertiser has received a copy of the Montreal (Canada)^ Gazette, with the compliments of the "Laurens Canadian Touring I'arty." for which wo extend thanks. It is up to Attorney General Lyon to make good in the prosecution of the dispensary grafters. ? ? ? The school days are here, the very best of the year. My the way, the school campus is not a fit place for hitching horses. ? * * The police have n fine opportunity to (!;> some excellent work on the pub Ik (square Sunday afternoons. Last Sunday there was a regular carnival of the negroes oil the north side, over the hcKro nutbmbbllo hack, and the laugl ::.loikd talking and even yell ing, amounted to a public nuisance. W ! pi e urging the proper observance o! Sunday hi (his city: this negro liio nop* ! lb the polled (jo The wo: Id r.u ves < n in t-.p!te o.' the ftp ; thai !*. !'. (li'.rridtnh is deud. !>.riat though t.-. ? loss inay be. i tili Tili; N KW R.Wl.Ko VI?. Mr. Weeds \''.iri> People 1? I'm Their Siiiiiildcr fa I !* V? herd, l-.'dllof The Advert|s i\: Vi'lll yoti ; How nie space in your , columns for :?. word nboni the pro prosed rill I ron I Front llr'eenvllle lo Augusta? Tho subject vitally Inter est? the people in this section, and I would if possible Impress the impor tance "i lite matter. Now is the time; the opportunity Is at '..and. and we cannot afford to let it pass. Years and years :'i.?> our fathers pliiiined this rot.d through our Coun try mid If we would see their hopes fulfilled, we must put oar shoulders (o the wheel and get busy. Piincetoh nerd: n railroad! we have talked of it lor years: now Is the ilnic for work; Mr. .1. P. Charles has been through our country si uulng ;'. c rights of way for the road, and lie reports favorable results! our people fccpin to bp thor i,u'...l> in synipathj ii-Stli the move ment and desirous thai the road should run through ihi.? PccthSh. the glvlllg of rights of way Is all right, and our enthusiasm Is good, bill we nuts! do m?> The people ofthls section are expected, and justly so, to subscribe in cold cash for the enter prise. Why? Recnuse ii Is the best Investment they can make. A rail road lb rough here will Increase every in no's property valuations, and ndd greatly to the comforts and conve nient se may be cast for a candidate.) Tatter, Salt fthcum and Eczema o. ??. i . e mil r .in : r ??? i >-i ? inpll [Press Comments on j The Bigham Tragedyj Demand* Rigid Investigation. The kitting of Mrs. S. ('. Bigham, In Georgetown county, demands rigid In vestigation. W. B. Avant, who fired the fatal shot, and Dr. Bigham, the husband, should be arrested. Indicted ami tried by a jury. They should themselves demand, presuming that Ih 'V are conscious of innocence, ex oneration by a jury's verdict. The laws of South Carolina do not permit a man to kill another who is retreating even though that oilier be acting suspiciously or be a trespasser. While there is no disposition to sug gest that the shooting of Mrs. Bigham was intentional the accounts of tho deed so far gl von to lUo public con tain neither justification nor sulilctent excuse for It.?The Columbia State. Was a ''Terrible Deed". The shooting of Mrs. Bigknmj at iiarp-rs. jp Georgetown county. w::s a sad affair. She was shot at verj short range by Mr. A-vaiil id lite sug gestion of. her husband, Dr. Bighahb Tho !??>>???!! lor :;!! is [hits: i ?>> not bo loo tjuht;? i nil !'.nt'tauh'urg .Jour nal. ??TIipj Shotittl He l??n!slio?r*. We have n >ver read of a more Inex cusable tragedy than that which re sulted in the death of that poor young wife of Dr. Bigham, in F'lorunce coun ty, last Saturday night?shot to death by In ;? host, at tin' Instigation of her Own husband, because they thought it possible that she might lie a burglar, though it was in the early part 61 the nigl i and she was some distance from tho house, and neither approaching them or inakhi3 any hostile demon stration. They sny they did not know who or wht:t she was?and. therefore, blazed away with both barrels of :. doubl0-ba rrel shotgun. i f they had shoi a real burglar nn iler such elvcUtustaneos?away from lho :-.o;:s,> :>:t< making no demonstra tion -it would have been murder, li the victim had beeti the meanest ne gro In <; '?rget?wn County it would 1 hn\ v been niut'der to have taken ids' life und such circumstances. Il Is to bo presumed that both men are very son;.': but that is not enough. They have committed a very serious ?Minie, and should be held to ft Strict account for it. Ilumrn life Is loo snored a thing to be sacrificed to the Whimsical suspicions of nervous and excitable and rockiest men.?Newher ry Olissrvfey. ( onrl faquir) Proper. The coroner of Georgetown county is d'-ocecding v try properly i;. in.sti tuNng nn inquiry Into t:\> killing of Mrs. Bigham, whose death, according to t,he ccoitnt given by her husband and his friend, at whose house they .ere stopping, was the result Of li frightful mistake on the part of the two ill supposing that the woman .? is a prowler about the premises, That may be an absolutely true ac count of the tragedy, but the circum stances of th6 case are Such that it shOtll 1 be established by Judicial in vestigation, for the satisfaction of so cloty and for! the justification of the ft vowed authors of the poor lady's death. Whatever (he Standing of the principals to s?ch a happening as this may be, the most rigid Inquiry liito till the occurrences should be made and a full account of the tragedy should ho spread upon the public records, duly authenticated.?-t harloston Post. Mysterious ami Sensational. The mysterious and sensational kill ing (|f .Mrs. C!. C Dighnm by her hus !)and, Dr. Bigham. and Win. II. Avant. ':. Georgetown county is one the most extraordinary eases that we have ?ver known. That tii*? shooting is Inexcusable) there is not the shadow Of a doubt. The explanation offered thus far by Bigham n::d Avar' does not ex plain it; and we are glad to know thai the two men have been platjed tinder arm' bn warrant charging murder, It Will take a BOOrcttlilg Court in vestigation to cleur o*? this rnysto ??'oils case. it i- unfortunate that Mft, Bigham did hot nvo long enough to .Rive her vc slon of the tragic af faire Groenvlllo x> ws, STATEMENT Of (ho Condition of The Hunk of Lau> rent), Located at Laurens, S. ('., at tho ( lose of Business Sept. 8, 1901). RESOURCES: Loan;, and Discounts .. ..$205,249.05 Demand Loans. 2,029.15 Overdrafts. 1.'. 110.82 Bonds and Stocks owned bv the bank. 7.000.00 Banking House. L'.SOO.OO Furniture and Fixtures... 1.714.00 Other Real Estate. 500.00 Due from Ranks ami Trust.. Companies. 19,505.79 Currency. 550.00 Cold. 2.300.00 Silver and other Coin .... 1,007.8."? Chech.-, and Cash Items.. 738.54 Total.$215,701. 'JO LIABILITIES: Capital stork Raid in_ $50,000.00 Surplus Fund. 30,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur re.'ll Expenses and Taxes Palil. 7,652.12 Due to Ranks ami Trust Companies. 1,3.49 * 57 Divld< nd.? Unpaid. 56.00 Individual Deposit subject t.. Cheek. 43.6S2.99 Savin .'s Deposits. 4ti.7S0.63 Tllnn Certificates of beposit 20,0/76.74 Certified Checks. 7.1.09 Cushier's ( la eks. 7 .1' Bills Payable. Ineludliig f'erl Ideates for Money ! ov . ? ? ? I KllA |a?id CURE the hi- COUCH I I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY RflFUNDED. Can Eat Now Thos. P. Davis, Laurens, S. C: This is to certify that for the last 18 months I was so that I could not eat hardly anything without a great deal of misery. I had been treated by several doctors with little or no good till about seven weeks ago when I commenced to use water from your spring, and now I can eat anything that I want without any bad results; I can sleep well and can do my work all right?in fact I feel like another person. Respectfully. Mrs. J. H. S. Hipp. Laurens. S. C. Rf'J. 2. If interested In Flour I Sec us this Week, wo I will make prices very i interesting-. $ For good Coffee pee us, *) Lor fine Tea see us, . ? op se?a I " I * p 1 a Lor fresci Vegetable^ ? seeuj, i J.W. Payne Easv To Break A Dollar ' 3: h but how hard to get it together again. Mere i: cue of the many advantages of having t>citiK ac mt. If yon pay b.\ check yon are n< t templed to spend the sniatl amounts ? the le se change, Why not deposit your earnings each month or with this hank? paii'y a cheek book to pay your bills and have a complete record of your expeu * The Bank for Your Savings. Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. Here is a help lor ail workers in The Adverti ser's Popularity on test. For the names of three prospective buyers this fall for Pianos. J will give 200, votes for every sale of a piano to any of the persons whose names have been sent to me, 1 will give 5oo votes. Should all the pros pective buyers, sent to me purchase a piano, I will give 3000 votes. I Listen? This means ihUCh for every worker or their friends, M' Pianos are equal( it* not superior) to any pianos offered to the buyer and 1 sell for much less prices and on terms to suit you. Free music lessons for 6 mouths to every purchaser of a piano. Teacher of your 6wn selection, Music Teachers are requested t<> give me their address, it is to their advantage, L. A. McCord Laurents S C.