OLD RAILROAD BONDS. Attorney t. p. Cotbran Writes Com inn ideation About Old Bonds. Editor Dvily News: Many years ago the townships of Danklin and Oak Lawn M>ted bonds to a large amount in aid of (lie Atlan tic, (JreenviHe and Western rail t oad. B.v .'. great blunder en the part of somebody these bonds were not made conditional upon the operation of the railroad, but were issued and deliv ered before the work was done. They were transferred to "innocent pur chasers" and when the railroad com pany failed thes-e inn icent purchasers brought suit to enforce the bonds. The supreme court of this stat ? held that the bonds were invalid, bat sub sequently the matter was carried to the federal courts and the supreme c iuri of the United sti.tes finally held that the bonds were good and had to be paid. Thereafter a compromise was affected and new bonds were is sued in Danklin for $15,700 and in Oak Lawn for $110,000, payable Janu ary 1. 1PS7, with interest payable semi annual)}' at b\j> per cent per annum. To provide for the interest upon these bonds an annual tax of 3',? mills is levied upon all property in these two townships; tl.is amounts in Dank lin township to $St 13.50 and in Oak J awn to $C05, a total of $1468.50. if the railroad had been built the county as a Whole WOUld have re ceived the benefit Of the t;;xes col lected from the rail rot 1. and of course the townships otlu r than Dunkiln and Oak Lawn would have received their j>ro lata of these (axes. The enter prise was therefore not solely for the benefit of these two townships. other bonds in . id of railroads have been i?shed In the county. There are outstanding bonds :> the amount of $80,500 Issued by the < o?hty in aid of the Air Line railroad and $44.000 in aid of the Greenville and Laurens railroad. The annual interest upon these bonds is $4172.50 and ?iS!L'.r.o? total $59$o. These being county and n. t township bonds, the annual inter est is paid ly all the townships, and although neither of the railroads touch Dunkiln or Oak Lawn town ships they are forced to contribute their pro rata (f the interest Upon these bonds. ?ven if the railroad had been built and the people in Danklin and Oak Lawn had gotten the benefit of a rail road through their section, they would no; be upon an equal footing with the ether townships, for Dunklin and Oak Lawn contribute to pay the In terest upon bonds for railroads whic h do net touch them, while other town ships would not help Dunkiln and Oak Lawn to lay the interest upon the bonds of their railroad, while getting a pro rftn benefit of the taxes upon the railroad. Dnhklin .'ml Oak Lawn by (he fate of events get no railroad, pay the en tire Interest upon these let;!-:, and help the other townships to carry their burdens. Together they pay m ariy ?? per annum upon tl e sr. i ? oi ihleresa upon bonds of railroads which do not touch them. . ? ' . - ' school tuxes is i>*. mills, la addition to ibis Dunklin and Jcct ed for the benefit of th" entire coun ty, and 11 ere is no reason from n or al rtandpolhl Why the county ..s a whole should hoi pay the Interest up on bonds >r a railroad through Dunk ? rloeli fo" ;> rnih'oifttl throhgb (ire^nVllle ? ville, tint lei*. AiMin and Pnirview. In \ I these would b" lull r.n ."?'? bf Simple InStiCe I , ? r-ii?1 Oak Lawn have already paid something like $i 0,000, possibly more, on account of interest loop Air Line and III??????.?.ville ?? LTvhrr'uS bonds, which enterprises have given Ihetn no other benefit 'hau (he pintill pro rata of the taxes paid by th< -?? railroads, These bonds lave been i inning over thirty years an l eVery >. Sullivan enclosed the following short story: Jolt it SllKllg Boll first volunteered in the South Carolina regulars under (.'apt. George James and was at the capture of Fort Sumtes'. Lieutenant Henry Farley comanded the mortar bittery Fort Johnson that threw the fir.st shell Into Fort Sumter. Bolt was iii this gut) on w. He gave hie their names but ! have lost the list. Ocn man v.?.s from I'nion county, one froth Spartanburg and another from Laurens. rite I.aureus Baptist Association. The Laurens Baptist association will meet with Mt, Pleasant church eight miles south of Laurens Sept. 2S-29-30. Let all Baptist churches see that delegates are elected and let ail delegates elected come to stay till close Of the st s don. Urethren, this is our dear Saviour's business ami an annual meeting, and can't we give three days to this great work? Urethren, what have we done about ! raising our apportionments? The time is short, but much can be done 111 the next few weeks. Let each church do her best to meet her obliga tions, and let us all pray for and ex pect a real spiritual meeting. K. C. Watson. The >\ liJte> in Laurens, Long, long tliiie ago it was said by some that did hot know much about! these good people that they were mean ' to ino colored people; but all tins is untrue?the very best feeling exists between the white and colored people in 1.aureus. This was seen a few weeks ago in an effort on the part of the colored people to raise money to pay on a debt. Mr. Babb, the mayor of the city, led the way. Mr. McCravy. the ] ostmastcr, Messrs. Burns, Hon nett, Philpot, Bagwell, Terry. Nichols, Simpson, Miller, Sanders, Nash, and others. We are very thankful for the amounts received. These good people and hundreds of others that I have not mentioned stand ready to help those that help themselves. We nie thankful to our heavenly Father for these good friends to our work. Let the colored people behave themselves, work, have man ners and tie honest and they will al ways have friends. Mr. A. .1. Graham of Gr< cnville also sent tis $10.00 for the work, for which we are thankful. I slant: for the moi'fil Uplift of my people and for the welfare of human ity. .Vs. Hi Wi.:ker. 1.. .! r< i.s. S. c. P. o. box 9:1. i: Sated Ills Lop, ".Ml (bought I'd - ' ?? .1. A. Swonson. Watcrtowh, Wis. ? '!*? o years ol eczema, that fifteen doc tors c ould to t ? me, '. at h st laid nie up. Tlieti Bueklen'a Arnica Salve it sound and well." Infallible for Skin K.uj tie:: -, Hczcma. Salt Bhoum, Boils, Fever Soi'es. Burns. Sor.'.dS. : ? ? . ? - Co. i od I h!lP.i ttO 1?. u C6i NOTIi !. OF I'Ll ( I ION. State of South Carolina, County of Lnttrons. Whereas!, petitions signed by mor? that ( no third of the iuallfied electors arid freeholders residing in cross Hill school districts. Not-. ! ami -'. Cross ilill township. Laurens County, South Carolina; cskitig for mi election upon the quest Ion of levying ;?? il4 Mill ta\ upon property i:; paid school dis tricts to he used id: school purposes have leeu li'.ed with the Clhitity board of Fdueation, electloi .- (ire hereby or dered upon siii.l question, paid elec ? , . V ol y ? ? ? ? on: those against the t?\ shall vote a l allot containing the word "Mb" written or printed thereon. Polls shall op' ti at the h?Uf of tSVo O'clock in tlie afternoon ami r< mi ill open until four o'clock when they shall (lose, and the ballots (Ott lit Cd. The Trustees . hall report the re sult of said election to the County Auditor within ten drt.vs thereafter. GKO. I.. PITTS. Co. sv.pi. Education, What about protecting your property against los.7, by fire. We have as p;oocl as the best in the way of Insurance. Laurens Fire In surance Agency C. V/. McCRAVY, Mgr. NOTICE. State of Sooth Carolina. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a commission issued to the undersigned, ly the Secretary of S?itc of said State, books of subscrip tion to Greenville-Greenwood & Au gusta Railroad Company will be opened at Room Oth in the Palmetto Building in the City of Greenville, South Carolina, on September ISth, 1900, I 1'. M. Notice is further given that the undersigned will apply to the Secre tary ot state at his office in Colum bia, s. c, on the .ctii day ot Septem ber, 19vP, :.' 11 o'clock A. XL, tor a charter for said Greenville-Greenwood Augusta Railway Conn any. witii power on ih< part of said Company to condemn lands for the right of way for ;:s proposed railroad, which will run from the City of Greenville, s. C. through (!: school house if School (MM ricd N". 1. t". " 'n inav of the trustees of said school dtstr'etsi Only such decors as rt-vurii real or personal property for t; M ir. and who exhibit (heir tax rcecipi apii reg istration certificate as required in the general election shall be allow ! to vote. Those who desire lo vote out of said iiigh school district -ball vote a bal lot with the Word "YtS" written or primed thereon; those who desire to remain in the said High school dis trict snail vote a ballot containing the word "No" written or printed thereon. Polls shall open at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon and shall re main Open until the hour of four o'clock, when they shall close and [ the ballots counted. The trustees shall renor( the result of said election to the County Auditor within ten days thereafter. GEO. 1.. PITTS. County Supt. Education. ANSWERS By Dr. F. J. Inman I). Why do school children with good sight, require A. Mainly to rot the eyes. The bye does not obtain it's' growth until the child is about the age of twelve. The gr?wing eve is taxed beyohd its strength) the proper glasses vest arid pre* .?e'.'Ye the < I strain, ' - nat-:i ' 1 y. et,,a. ? . .. I V \\ ' v j e lie adac >.' reflect pain c;r.h??e 1 by strftlhihg the eyes: tilt pain may he over the eyes Ot thr- Ugh the teinpks. The retiH ly for eye hcjricuichcs is relief t,h.--c?. to he wprii while studying. Dr. F. J. INMAN Eye Specialist Laufens. South Carolina Weekly Ball ?t 10 VOXKS GREAT POPULARITY CONTEST I Vote for SC MEN'S $3.50 Shoes Our Hue of $3.50 Men's Shoes niec.t every requirement ? of .'. moderate priced Shoe. You can choose fr?tn several smart shapely styles, having all the appearance of a $5.00 Slv e. The stock is Velour Calf, Patent C?iit and ? have the best and We've Got Them! This way for $3.50 Shoes. R. E. CopeEand 'i\*ie ? ?.*.<-? p'iec Shoe St?re Customers Shoes Shined L**ree. Laurens Wholesale Grocery Co. R. C. GRAY, Manager. We are selling; for this week only Flour, Majestic 1st pat. $G.OO j White Swan Best pat. 6.10' 2nd pat. Flour - 5.60' Sugar - - - 5.30 Meal, unbolted - ,97.}I Corn - .97.} Oats - - - .65 Just arrived one car of I5ng gir.g and Ties, see us before you buy as we can save you money. Now is the tiin< to buy your flour as all mills rirc lot k'irig for h.i$jh er pficcs. Laurens Wholesale Grocery Co, Laurens, South Carolina Ice Cream | For Desert | Delicious and Re? | freshing 'f Use JeUo ice | Cream Powder | all flavors. f ? $ B Junket Tablets & 8 (Flavor to Suit) * 1 Fruit Jars i I Quarts and | Pints 1 New a Rubbers j Mahaffey & Babb I PltONE 214 LAl'KKN :. S. (!. 1 nT^sas^.^nr^rv1.afiESBI. BR9HBS vj UM. CLIFTOX ?IOXI5S Dentist offne In Simmons Building Real Estate Offerings j 325 acres litr.d t n lies of Cross Hill, known as the old Campbell place. Price 116 per sere. Knsy terms. i 1?.'? acres o( land bounded by lands M. i!. Holder, \V. i>. Abeierun Ule, npd others; s room dwelling, ;> tenant houses, j;ooit barn, ftiui onMmlldihgs. Price $25.00 niav, Teviijs: St.O?? cash, remainder i:> 11 vo equal i;:s;..i 175 acres i:iiowii as old Goodgyn place, t.as n room dwelling. '?' tenant lull's, line corn mill lit pood running with ', Pl'lce $ij5(t0, Terms i.!?? 122 acres of laud, bom tied by hinds of Mailsel Owinps, UVa .iaoksoti, and Warrior C*.e< k. Price $20 per aero. 117 acres of land rear Cray Cou.t. bounded ty lands of K. 'I. Sh.dl, \V. IS. Cray; seven veer.. cottage, line barn and outbuildings .'..?1 line past4 tire. l'riee $00 p< r Hi re. 200 acres 61 laud near Purbin Crcofe church, hounded ty lauds ol \v. T. Parks an.I i.aim r.s White: i! t< haut Louses. Well iln;bored, pood state of cultivation. Price $,M uO per Kcrc. :.T acres Irani, bounded ly lunds of .1. It, W ell -;, i iiomits i< \\ is, ai il others with live room dwelling, pood out buildings; i.e. r iokcm, Price $15 per acre. One lot at Watts Mills, with seven room cottage, ?00 fes t frOni liih) (00 feet deep; \. i;!; Pica! market, Price v! ,200. i ? .... Clinton.?NMlie I'UsiucsH '., :s on Proud i 1 .L"'e i ? r lot. Two ict - fronting (hi Musgrbve streit. $"(0 each. One beautiful building let fronting Miis grove strcefi price $_'.?et'. s< d n.e curly if you wish t?> purchase; this is a.:: exceptional ? nortunity. 150 acres land, one-half mile of Dial church, with ;i handsome dwelling, tenant houses and good outbuildings. Come (pitch if yen want ti.is place. Price $50 per iu re. f>2 acres of land just outside cd the corporate limits of the town ol Gray Court, with one tenant house. Price $50 per acre. Two acre lot in the town of Cray Court, with 7 room dwelling, nicely located. Price $2,500. One businesH lot, re fi#t front, 150 feet deep, in l?wn acres ef land bounded by Will .Martin ami Garrett lands, seven room dwelling 2 tenant I.e.! es, pood barn nu.l out bul!dit:?,s. Price ?-"> 4f' acres land near Owings Station bounded by land of John Jones and Tom Bramlett with I well lug and out buildings price per itcre. ? seres of land, with dweUingi good barb und out-buildings, near Owlugs. Price $U.50o; teinis tmide easy. 144 acres bounded by lands of Jeff Davis hud lierlM Mat tin: good ton . ! ? s, ami good barti. Pri. ? acr< * bii tl n? ar the Incorporated <.?. M- acres i f laid in one mile of the town of Gray (i nt. with two dwell ings. ! : Ice J :?.< c. 140 acres bounded ly lands of V. p. Heliums and Mitchell Owens, in :: miles <.t l.aurcns; _' dwellings an.' out buildings. Price ? per acre. One -i room cottage, with l .11 and L* porches, on Gtolington avenue. Price 11,150. 2 acres in town <>f Gray Court; idee building t ic-. Price J5C0.00; 127 acres land in Sullivan township, !i room dwelling, good out buildings, 1 tenant house. Price $>10 per acre. 10'' .".cr< s of land in Youngs township, 11 room dwelling, two tenant houses, good varr.. I'rice $2.250. 547 acres land A miles of Laurent?, bounded by lands Mrs. Burgess, !'.<'? Brown, ,lno. Kladden and othersj C ten aht Housck: "> horse farm in cultivation. Will he .* it.to Ii p of 1" ? r? s tUc! . Price $.2? p. ? acre. Jo N. Leak Real Ksiato, Stocks and Bon? Is. Gray Court, S. 0. ?v- -w -v -v v V v 'T V Hjc V^'^f^ School supplies Books, Tablets, Inks, Pencils, all that is needed for school boys and girls. Get a list of the books your grade will use and buy them before School opens and save time. PALMliTTO DRUG CO. I UGHTNiNG I PROOF ?SORT PROOF H?ft Ft RE fg PROOF I CORTRIGHTM?TALS;.3NGLF;$ ec the house pgainst lightning! ?torrrt, flying ;i ? waste of wear. It is the only roofir.:: !hu'. fits?laid in time?no solder, no scams, fewest rtaili, least Cuttif r. want the best roof money can bi:y?a rcof lonff as the house?l?t t*?J show you safft] le cf the f01 of Cortright Metal Shingles, and houses right i.et \': been covtrcJ with them for years. FOR SALE BY 1 ?COOKS &. JOiifjM. i. Ill * "