ftfje gfobertt?er Subscription Price is $1,00 per Year Payable in Advance. s. K. DONEY, Editor. PUBLISHED ?y ADVERTISER printing company i.aukens. s.c. 'Katks for Advertising. - Ordinary advertisements, per square, one inser tion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, nO cents. Liberal reduction made for large advertisements. ?Obituaries: All over 50 words, one cent a word. f-totes of thanks: Five cents the line. Bntored at the postofflce at Laurons, S. C. as second class mail matter. 1AURENS, S. C, SKPTHMUI-K I. 1909. MUTATION AMI (IOOII KOADS. By a strange, yet pleasing, co-lncl ornec the educational rally and the good roads meeting were held la Lou r? ns the same day. It could well have beon planned so. for the two are not Incompatible; nay. verily; they go hand in hand. A goodly number of people ntended both these meet ings, evidencing an interest in the ftWO subjects that bodes well for the I'mure of the country. What, is tills a primitive age, when people must ha exhorted to bestir themselves in educational affairs ami. the matter of good roads? May be the age is not primitive but we still hnVQ some relics of former days. However, the great mass of the people tire alive to these two great quostlons. dosplte the baleful influence of a few obstructionists. Yes, there are some \ ho would oppose education because it makes ladles an.I gentlemen of us. hecnusc. it lins to higher planes, en nobles, enlarges opportunity and ln ereuses usefulness in the world. And there are Iliose who decry gootl roads because rich folks ride over them in H eir automobiles. But, thnnk hoav < il, the apostles of such doctrines are few i-i the laud and that the great majority ol our people are ready and willing for progress and advancement. Those who attended the meeting 1 st Wednesday morning must have I. en Inspired to greater desires and loftier aims. They must have real-I i. 0 president of the1 Anti-Saloon league Of the^Mtnte, an organization whose purpose seems to be good and holiest, but whose operations in South Carol I tin have not attracted any spec ial and favorable attention. Mr. Hur ley Is the leader of this society, with headquarters in Spartanburg; lie has visited many points of the state in the Interest of the cause; be has made speeches galot'C, and he has done much private talking- and here Is the trou ble. Mr Hurley, we presume. Is an honest matl! We have no proof to the contrary, but he is woefully lacking In discr-Hlon, without Judgment, un fair, and With strong inclinations to talk loo much. Through these faults he bus wrought much harm to the pro hibition CauSQ in this State, bUl even Mr, Harley cannot stand in its way. Tbo Anti-Saloon leaguo^TH. n&t origi nate the fight a.?..?linst whiskey in this stuto. and Its efforts recently have not been coltossal. So the success of the recent elections, to our way of think ing, bus been in spite of Mr. Ilarley's doings, in spite of Mrs. Armour, and the league. The day ifter the election Mr. Har ley went biok to Spartanburg and in the presence of a newspaper man blurted out an accusation that got him in a nice pickle. He charged "whole sale rascality" In one of the Columbia wards, but when confronted with the managers of that ward, had to back down and say It was another. Itefore the thing was settled, Mr. Harley had to do a great deal of squirming and dodging, much to bis discredit, and 1 With great damage to bis reputation. We repeat thai Mr. Hurley Is very llke'y honest: but. It is bis indiscre tion that is hurting the cause in South Carolina. However, we are confident that prohibition Will carry In tbe en tire state in spite of Mr. Harley. ? * * When a fellow sits, sweating, swel tering and swearing in the heat and a friend in the mountains writes him about the cold mornings and evenings and of the cheerful tires that blaze on the hearth, can he be blamed for swearing even more fiercely? ? ? ? Politics? What makes the little politician rip. rear and roar about the rights <>: the people "personal liberty ? o,' course the politician oposes compulsory education: oppos ing it affords ample opportunity for a fin" line of hot air about "personal liberty". Oh. yes! Politics holds So-Ith Carolina down. . . ? hut wait! In five years just count the politicians who by that tltno will have i'opped. it was the same way with ibo dispensary and prohibition. ? * * Tbe Spurt auburn Journal suggests a commission plan of examining all candidates for ofllce, as n met bod of securing better public service. Our contemporary's idea is out of place in this great democratic government. Ho's it not know that the govern ment cannot rise higher than its con stitucnta? We have iust as good n government now as we desire that's democracy. Hut, if our friend would raise the whole level tbe desire for bet'er public service inusi be made universal. In other words, educate the people and they will demand for themselves better officers and more ofllelent servant.--: they win no longer be satisfied with two by fours who foam at the mouth and rant about liberty and personal rights. ? ? ? The average speech of the present day politician would really do credit to the average sophomore in the aver age college. And. oh dear! Next vp ir we base the campaign. Mr. Parker said there used to be three things in the way of the smith's development: pride, poverty and par simony, and that these had about been done away with. tint, wo siill have prejudice and politics in this old state, both of Which are mightv bar ? t . Senator Titltnan's advocacy of pro- < hibltlon w.ill have very little weight i:i South Carolina. His recent utter ances on the stibj ?ct are but "charac t xrist lc" moutbings. ? ? ? Well, wo don't know: there's a pretty big vote In these thirty-six Scientists tire now saying C ar Mars has a vast lake of beer. We know a young fellow, who aas thus far been ' ' lot O! is I ? . will ,| ? ?? i : : nge bis boa-din^ piacd Within the riexl thirty NOTII K OF F.l.Kl I'll S. State: 6f South Carolina. Colintj of Lauren*. Whereas, petitions signed by more Utah one third of the Qualified electors and freeholders residing in Crods Hill SChOol districts. Nos I ami Cross Hill township. L?ntens county. South ('Uro!Inn, asking tot an election upon the (ptestlpn of levying a i', Mill tax upon property in said school dis tricts to be used for school i art-ores have been lllcd with tbe Conn's board of education, elections are hereby or dered upon said ipi.-stiou. said elec tions to be held on the Ith day of September. 1001*. at l.orig View school ho Me in school district No, 1. and at Pine tiluff school house in school dis trict No. ._' under the management of the school trustees of said school dis i rlci Only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation and who exhibit their tax receipts and registration certificates as required in the general election shall be la lowed to vote. Those favoring the tax shall vote a ballot containing the word "Yes" written or printed there on: those against the tax shall vote a ballot containing the word "No" written or printed thereon. Polls shall oprn at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon and remain open until four o'clock when they Shftll close, and the ballots ? ounted. The Trustees shall report the re sult of said election to the County Auditor within ten dnvs thereafter. OHO f4. PITTS. Co. Supt. Education. OUR SPECIAL NOTICES. For Sale?200 cords of pine wood. Will sell delivered or on the ground (three miles from Laurons and four miles from Clinton). M. L. Copeland. For Sale?One horse Phaeton In good condition; also open buggy with rubber tires, almost as good as new. M. L. Copeland. Laurens. S. C. tf Copyright Flour -Is on the market again. Fresh. (Mean, and Pure. No Flour quite so good, let your family have Copyright Flour. Copyright is Pure. 4- f Warning! Warning! Warning! All persons are hereby duly warned against selling goods to my wife. Laney Stroud, or granting her credit In any way, since I will not be re sponsible for any transactions or bills thai she makes. Henry Stroud. Soo us for First Pat. Flour this week. J, w. Payne, the Cash Grocer. .Money Lost. On Monday. 30th inst.. Oil West Main Street, card ease con taining three $20 bills. Finder will he liberally rewarded. Mrs. C. S. Fuller. Phone 16S. Bicycle Stolen While in town few days ago Mart Coleman, colored, had his bicycle stolen, which can be Identified by certain brass plug in hind wheel. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Stale of South Carolina. County of Laurens. Whereas, petitions signed by more than one third of the qualified electors and freeholders of Cross Hill school districts No. :: and I, Cross mil town ship, I.annuls county. South Carolina, asking for an election upon the ques tion of voting out of High school dis trict No. |3, in said township, county and State, have been Pled with the County board of education, an election noon said question is hereby ordered, said election to be held on the Ith day of September. P.>09. at the Wade school house in school district No. ". and at the Pine (trove school house in school district No. I. under the management of tl e trustees of said school districts. Only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, and wl o exhibit t' ej|- tn.X receipt and reg istration certificate as required In the general election shall he allowed to vote. Those who desire to vote out of said High school district shall vote a bal lot with the word "Yes" written or printed thereon; those who desire to remain In the sold High school dis trict sh;ill vi to a ballot containing the word "No" written or printed thereon. Polls shall open at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon and shall re main open until the hour of four o'clock, when they shall (lose and the ballots counted. The trustees shall renorl the result of said election to the County Auditor within ten days thereafter. C.F.O. I.. PITTS. County Supt. Education. On what platform will Judge Fea therstone run for governor now??-Ab beville Press and Banner. We are not authorized to speak for him; but a mighty good platform right now would be state-wide prohi bition and strict enforcement <>f tho law. Newbery Observer. They Bay that all the clouds or life have silver linings, but the trouble seems to be in getting the things turned wrong side out. A Sprained Ankle. As usually treated a sprained ankle will disable the injured person for a month or more, but ybapplying Cham berlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle faithfully, a cure may. In most eases, be effected in less than one week's time. This liniment is a most remarkable prepa ration; try it for a sprain or a bruise, or when laid up with chronic or mus cular rheumatism, and you are cer tain to be delighted with the prompt relief which it affords. For stile by Laurens Drug Co. Se ? Pie bargains w e are offering .111 >dd Window Shades tegular 2fi cents .) $1.25 values thai we are closing nil at tin- extreme low prices from 10 o ".."i cents. s. m. & E. 11. Wllkes & Co. 1 Buy F:lour Now 8 We have made a big purchase of flour and are prepared to make close prices. See us for flour, fresh this week. Cabbage, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Lemons and Oranges. J. W. Payne The Cash Grocer Next Door to Palmetto Bank. PHONE, NO. .s;>, A POLICY OF INSURANCE may be the means of preventing your profit turning into loss. It has been so in many cases. It is too bad to build up a profitable business and then have it ruined beyond hope of restoration for the lack of insurance. WE'RE READY TO INSURE you right now in one of the best companies in the world. Say the word and we'll issue you a policy to-day. E.H.WILKES&SON STOCKS, BONDS ?4- Law Kin^fl Laurens, S. C. SUCCEEDED We came to Laurens to do the Photograph Busines? of Laurens. We are Doing; it! Watch the en= trance to the Nichols Studio H. Nichols "The Photograph Man" OUR $3. SHOES Our line of $3,00 Shoes acknowledge no superior or even equals at the same price. They're made 6f the Baine leathers an 1 embody all the style and good points of most $1.00 Shoes. MEN can choose from a dozen smart, shapely styles, In dull calf, shiny patent colt and gun metal calf, heavy or medium. WOMEN can lit their fe t in as dai y and trim Footwear us they coulu wish for a'; Residence 210. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema ?i .? it i v fiiiailw.-rl lin's Salve, One applies* ii.in relievos Jm llclil i auJ burning MUMflotk, Don't let your Policies Expire Fires occur frequently and it is then found that the insurance on the property has expired. This is often due to neglect and often you say that you have car ried insurance so long without having a fire that you will do without it for a while. There are no Days of Grace in the Fire Insurance business. Place your insuranctj where it will have prompt and careful attention. J. J. Adams at Bank of Laurens I PHOTOGRAPHS I I The McCorO i j Studio I k will copy any Photo, en- s< $ 'arge any picture and ? I make High Grade Pho- << I tographs for you at the | ? very lowest prices. No ? I photographer can do S I more nor offer any | I more special inducement & >< than the | 1 I HcCord Studio | ricCord Studio $ has always done. i The McCord Studious s motto is ? I "Best Pictures, Lowest ^ I Prices" 8 s Come to see us. | s .. "PIJ Turnip Seed That Grow! Have just received a fresh shipment of the best Turnip Seed. kuta Baga Red or Purple Top Seven Top Southern Prize Other Garden Seed too. x?'w the time t<> plant, Dr. Posey's The Old Reliable. Glowing Springs Mineral Water 4 RARE OPPORTUNITY i* hero offered to the SICK AND SUFFERING of our Community. READ REFLECT & ACT carefully thoroughly accordingly Visiting: Specialists from the Cleveland institute of Medicine and Surgery, legally chartered and incorporated CLEVELAND, OHIO, will pay their first visit to LAURENS, S. C. and will lie at the *, Grays Hotel. Friday September 10th. TELL YOUR SICK FRIENDS. One Day Only. 3 A. M. TO 0 P. M. FREE This frsiltute, composed of a QrojD of regularly graduated physicians ana sur geons, licensed, lega";,' chartered and Ir ? co.-porated under the laws at the Slate of Ohio, send3 at Itj own expense these eminent medical spec'ali3t3 in order to Introduce the newest methods and dis coveries In Nie-diclne and surgery, such as the system- of treatment unJc: X ray, Violet ray, Flnasn ray, H> drotherapy, Etc., to glv^ to those who call on the above data, consultation, examination, aovlce and all medicines requlrjj to com plete: a car*, absolutely free. T!nse spe cialises vsiil diagnose your ca;e and give you tho benefit cf their skill and med ical knowledge. There Is In thta case no experimenting or gusts vvor'< at your expense. You will be told Whether yc j can be cured or not. I? your case curable they Will put you under treatment Immediately; If Incura ble they will glvt* you such advice as may prolong your life. Tr.elr treatment always 'jives quiets, relief, and ultimately p;:it!vely cures. C'lr.g prepared to cope with each Individual ea32 the human sys tem li thoroughly cleansed of tue dis ease in a natural and direct manner, ar-d Improvement Is noticed at once; even tl-.e v.o.-st cases are- treated without any Inconvenience to tha patient or the pur suing of his or her otaily vocation. If you are improving under ycur family physician, do not corae* and take up their valuable time, as they absolutely refu-jo to treat any one who Is under the caro of the lo;al physician*. They wish be sides to give each psrient plenty of time and their undivided attention, but can not listen to long stories not pertaining to your trouble. They have discarded the old methods and remedies us.ed for agen by the medical world, and which it would bo folly to depend upon any longer, for they are not known to cure, as thousands die, depending on them for relief. The following list of diseases only are taken under treatment, to-wlt: Diseases of tho Nervoui System, Heart, Stomach, Lungs. Kidneys, Catarrh, (purulent or dry), Consumption, Epilepsy, Deafness, Dia bases of Women,Tumor3,Pseudo Cancers, Plies, of a Chronic Nature only. They, treat Deafness by an entirely new meth >d, and hearing In many cases Is restored it once. Catarrh In all Its varied forms, ,i! \\. KEI'TEMHEH I0TH (all for Or. >V. II, S:n:|!', EASIEST ?ND CORTRIGHT O ort riff hi Matal Shlnglos make tlio host and most durable roof. Four artistic designs?every shingle made to fit into another?no solder, no seams, fewer nails, least fitting, little weight, less than half the work. Proof against water, fire, lightning, wind. Shipped painted inside and out, and will outlast all other kinds of roofing Let us show you the four styles of Cortright Metal Shingles, and some houses in this territory covered with them. FOR SA LE BY Brooks & Jones, Laurens, S. C.