1 i Keep A-goin! I.' you strike a "horn or Hose. Keep a-jroiif! I!' n hails or if it sr.ow>. Keep a-i'oin'l "Tuin't no use to sit and whine. 'Cause the tWi: ain't on your line. Bai! your boob an* ke.-po:i tryia", " Keep trsouk". When the weather kills jour crop. Keep a-iroin*; When you tumble t'rom the lop. Keep a-^oin' S"jK^e you're out of every dime? Getting broke ain't any crime? Tell the world you're fee'in'prime. Keep a-t'o-.r."' When it locks j.ke all is up, Keep a-froin'l Drain the sweetness from the cup, Keep a-goin*' See the wild birds on the w.?.$.*, Hear the bells that sweetly rinv, When you feel ];ke sinsrintr, sintr: Keep a-sroin'.' Til you ce; to Red Iron Racket. "3 Reasons Why" we are Slaughtering Prices 1st. We want to reduce our stock $10,000.00. 2nd. We can use this money. 3rd. We will soon need the room for Fall Business. We have now a 540,000.00 5tock of Desirable Merchandise for you to select from. We need your money, you need our goods. Come and lets SWAP, this is a chance for you to make money, as you know our prices has always been from 10 to 25 per cent, less and now the Slaughtering Knife is again in the hands of L. E. Burns, the Champion Price Cutter of South Carolina. These prices will be at and below New York and Baltimore cost during this $10,000.00 Sale. Now remember the day and date. Red Hot Prices! Men's Fine Tailored Pants in Stock Reducing Sale a: these P-ice while the lot lasts : $4.00 Pants for _ 3.50 Pants for .. 3 25 Pants for.. 3.00 Pauts for .. 2.5J Pants for .. 2.00 Pants for ... r.50 Pains for... j. 25 Pants for .. 1.00 Pants for .. .75 Pants for . 1.45 1.17 1.00 ?""<$ ?49 ico pr Men's Overall, .29 $1.00 Men's Overalls, .79 .60 Men's Overalls, .42 Job Lot Men's Pants worth $1.25 to Z-1.50. to clean out quick, going at.82 Big lot Men's and Boys' Work Shirts to move quick at.19c, 34c and 39Cts Don't be a Shirtless Jerry ? ti Si ti SALE OPENS Saturday Morning, AT T O'CLOCK SHARP We List a Few Items Only?This Whole Newspaper Would Not List Our Entire Stock. Come at Once. The Goods are Going to be Sold at and Below NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE COST. Clothing! $5.00 and $6.00 Men's S: 7.00 Men's Suits for. 9.00 Men's Suits for. 10.00 Men's Suits for . 12.5c Men's Suits for ..... s^P^s^k? 4.97 6.84 7.93 8!96 - 10.00 Btvy'. Qnick-price^tcill be -with-draxq? Just as soon as $io.oco.cc wort:: ci Goods are sold. Big Stock Mens and Boys' Red Hot Prices: 15c Lutte:: Collars, only .t 7 25c Rubber Colors, only.: 2 ro balls Thread for ......05 1 spool Thread, good, only.02 1 spool best six-cord spool cotton made (Williamtic) .ca 6 spool Wiljamtic, only.23 Needles, Pins, Hair Pins. Coi ^j^B^^^i^^^^^^^s^Dnlv^ic^ Fine Hats. .78 Men's ioc Suspenders .07 Men's 25c Suspenders .12 Men's 55c Suspenders.19 Table Oilcloth, 25c quality, our Red Hot price, only.13 Big Job L t Men's Lines Collars, think oi :t!.- .ci Large Rugs only. Large $1.50 Rugs only; Patent Medicines Swamp Root. S. S. S., Hood's Sarsaparilla, Wampole's Cod Liver (>il, Wine of Cardui, War ner's Safe Cure. Ayer's Hair Vigor.Payne's Celery Compound, Scott's Emulsion, Lydia K. Pink ham's, any of above.69 All 50c bottles patent Medi cine,.39 pi.oo Bottle best Patent Medi cine .69 Fletcher's Castoria.a7 ?Cliambiiluiii .- Pain IJnlm, Cougii Remedy, or Diarhoea Remedy i-pound Epsom Salts, worth to cents..C2C 5 pounds Epsom Salts for.to 1-pound Sulphur, worth :oc; .04 4.COO cans rioa ua.. mons? r-pound can Fish meat "is cheapei or bacon. ? ink Sal *.oS than beef roc Baby Elite Shoe Polish .. .07 Shoes! Shoes! This is One Chance for You in a Lifetime to Buy Goods at and Eelow Wholesale Prices. $4.00 White House Shoes and Slippers ?0.97 3.50 White llowst Shoes and Slippers 3 co White HouseShoesand Slippers? 2.39 ?-ti.ih2 2.50 tr-rr 11 it 1.25 " 1.00 41 S^cts -l 1.38 1.19 1.07 .80 ?0