?i Ml m i A ft vil Hi i U m m m The Greatest and best Bargain Event we have ever had. Crowds bigger, sales better and prices even lower on a great many things than the people expected. For Two Weeks we Expect to Offer to the People the Greatest Mone) saving Values We Have Ever Offered. Let Nothing Keep You Away from the Greatest of all Sales. Davis-Roper Company's I (*) ft) Monster Mill End Sale that is Now Going On. in m ft ft ft ft S ft ft y Take Your Time and Read Every Line Carefully. S ft** II Fine id eis Ringhams in u> to 20 yards lengths. I I'?*tra f,ne Cheviots in short lengths worth locts. OT | Ladies' fine Silk Petticoats, worth $4. y > to ?5.00. c<0 ,?,v II Cf)| W* I Mill Fnd Price I Mill Find Price. >'* * | M ill Fnd Price v,.(>1)|| A| I 36-inch Percals worth i2Acts. Mill End Price.... Yard-wide Bleaching, worth 10 cts. Mill Find.. ,07 36-inch Sea Island, worth 7Jets. Mill Fnd Price Ladies'pure Linen Handkerchiefs. Mill End ... .04 Best 50 Cts China Silks in all colors. Mill End Qi) Exfra good white Lown, worth 7;cts to 10 cts. Mil) End Price . .05 .{5-inch extra fine Linen .Suitings, worth 50 cts. q,v Mill End Price. Ladies' fine Voile Skirts, worth $6.50 to $7.50. 1 Mill Fnd Price. . . .. W??00 Full size white Bed Spread. Mill End Price .69 Ladies' 50Cts Gloves, in all colors. Mill Find Table Linen, 50 cts quality. Mill End price .39 36-inch black Taffeta .Silk worth $1.00. Mill tg Find Price. . . .(>;) ft ft ft ft ft ? values unmatchable. Don't be misled by any other sale, for there is no Sale like Davis-Roper Company's MILL END SALE FOR GENUINE BARGAINS. Jjl We have never been better prepared to give you values than now. In every department of our big store will be found W W w m III w UM J W W 1? i (!) ? ft) ft Conic to this Sale to Supply Your Wants. Head carefully every line?study the Prices. Never such values offered in ($\ C lothing, Shoes, Gent's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Ready-to-wear Garments of every kind. . ft ill It's the Biggest Value-giving Sale ever given in the Carolinas. It's Worth Coming Miles to See. $ DAVIS=ROPER COMPANY it; TO <>l It CUSTOMERS! Our store will be closed on Monday July 5th, on account of legal holiday. Laurens, S. C. SPECIAL NOTICE! We positively will not charge Goods during this Side. ft I ft ft