PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOLUME XXIV. NUMBER 48 ALLEGED LIQUOR AGENT ARRESTED Warrant Was Sworn Out b) Depuh Sullivan TEST CASE OF !NEW LAW Fletcher llmls, Itcpi ereilt lint il Uleli* me nil Wlilskcj House, Linter *?'>" be tested in the Laureu-.i courts. The les! case U against Met?her I>a\is. Vyho represents it Richmond liquor concern. Davis came i?? Lattrena Inst Thursday and was soon busily engag ed in handing out circular letters and (nice lists frotn his house. Special Deputy A. li. Sullivan observing his operations, sought an interview with the stranger. Deputy Sullivan con* eluded, after Iiis talk with the agent, Dil t he would pill a stop to Iiis work ' ? " for ii liiiie ;M least, arid immedi ate |y proceeded to have rt warr?iil is uu< i agninsi him. Magistrate llud g< n i was applied i<> ; nd this olllcial jit v.'.. send the case up to the < Irctlil court and fixed the bond nl the defendant tit $i!>('0 which was glv< n in cash by the house represented by 1\ is. The extent of Davis' soliciting here, so f;>r as known, Consisted in the dis tribution of an envelope containing a typewritten circular letter, extolling iho superior qualities of the whiskies offered for sale and begging for a iii.:i order. Davis had visited Clin ton before coming to Laurens and he appeared to lie In ii prent hurry to complete his work here, UoweVer, he took his detention cood naturediyi .?in'! seemed to he a teal "nicei? fellow. '11 ?? next t? ? iii 'if general sessions court for this county will |>o held In " ho. law which Davis Is alleged to have Viol tit till Is embodied in the fol lowing Act, passed ill (he lasl mtssI?ii oi ilie general assembly, and approved I)., the governor March iird, liint*: ? lie it enacted by the general assem bly of the stale oi South Carolina, thai each und every person, whether acting Tor himself or as an agent for any person, linn or corporation, who ?hall conduct the business of liquor drummer, soliciting or receiving or ders for Interstate shipment within any county within this state, except us now authorized by law. any spirit uous, malt. **? liquors*** that contain alcohol and Is used as a beverage, ?;t!,.n i.c guilty <>f a misdemeanor, and on Conviction filled in a sum not < \ ce, ling $1.000 '>?? imprisoned for not exceeding six months, or both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the FURNITURE FACTORS SOLD LAST THURSDAY IM int ;?? >nld f?r Imidin t!nc*>. s:tO,iinla|i < litirtcr tppltcil Vor. TJic I.aureus i?*UI'llItUrC Factory was sold a: public outcry, heforo the conti house, on las* Thursday at noon, ac cording !?? vertlsement, issued upon a decision reached by tliO hoard of directors oh May -1st, to llquidato the concern. The purchasers were Messrs. .1. F. Minter, K. P. Mlntor, s. M. WilkeS, F II. Wilkcs. and It. T. Dunlnp, the property bringing ?:'<'. ooo, the amount of iis Indebtedness. \ new charier was at once applied for, tUid so soon i s this is received a meeting of the stockholders will be called in order to organize and lay plans for resuming operations. Kllgllsll Minister Visit? in Lumens. Rev, 0. Ii. Jljdd of London. Rng Jrind, iias been spending several days wit - Dev. and Mrs. W. A. Clarke. Mr. .iiidd is nn extensive traveler, having visit'(1 almost all parts of the world. ||.> i et Rev. find Mrs- s. C. Todd in 1907, in .lapnii, afterwards visited llieni :?! M.cen, Chin l. tleliiy in South Car olin i. he made :, Dpe( lit! \ Fit to Lau rens. to see Mrs. Clarke, Ml'.'s . i . med friend was laid 'O ' ? | ? ( i * SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Wednesday evening Mrs. \V, ll. Mar ti:! was the ItoVtcss n? il number of hi ;? friends at tea; n? r la tiutifui home oh \V. .-i Main roet was pret Illy dec?i'ti '! \vith American Reality and large White roses from hor own 'lower gardens:, ,\| Mania was insisted in receiving b> her nieces. Misses Annie und I5dna sitgr aveu. The guests were: .\Sr. and Mrs. 11. K. Atkea, Mr. and Mrs. S. I'. Roiiey, Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Hughes, .Mrs. Long Ol' Rock Hill, Mrs. W. 15. Lucas. .NJiss . Annie Savage of Wultcrboro und Miss M'ayef of ?!\":> ooe ' Thursday Miss Annie Savage of Wnlterboro was th. guesi of * 1?* - , Fortnightly social club, which was most delightfully entertained by Mis- ? l.ilit Han. The guests were received by Master Robert Alken and ushered to the rear of the hall, where Miss Ella Roland and Miss Virginia Slmp i son presided at the punch howl. The game of nations was never before more enj?ynbh and Master Robert Alken and Miss Mary Moore awarded ! the prizes, which were dainty little gold llsh. Those present were: Mesdamos II. K. Aikeil ,R. 15. Cop< land. \V. K. Rleh ey. ,h., s. 15, Honey. !?:. I". Minler, A. C. Tod.I \V. !!. Anderson. W. II. Wash ington, .1. II. TOague, R. F. .tones ami Floyd; Missln 1: and I Messrs. Gas Hart? Richard Sim r lained during part of Insi wecV:?/nd part of this. ! y Miss* .- Annie and Edna Shgreaves. The guests \vefc: M;ss Ellin! Slayes of NlayesylUe, a school mate of the Misses Sljgrenvos.. nnd Messrs. .1. T. Stevens, a. J. Gregory and C C, Twltty, all Of l.aneasn i. Messrs. Gregory and Twltty lefl for their home i :i Monday. 000 Mrs. James I.e.yd entertained ft; number of her young friends ;.; tea on Saturday evening at her pretty cot tage home on West Main street, in honor of Miss Etta Shelley of New berry, who is the charming g'.tCSl of Mis.-- Shirty Hicks. During the even ing aevernl sweet vocal selections were rendered by "The Quartette.'' which is. composed of Messrs. Frank 'ami Jack McCravy. Hart Kici.ey and Henry Counts. Mrs. Royd was assisted in nerving hy Miss Nanny Kate Armstrong. The other guests w SlhVpson; liiiss vioiln, Mr. Jiio. 111111;:ii: bass drum; Mr. liar: U;Clt*y; kettle drum. Mr. T)io.v. I'?.': ; and ? ? - net. Mr. .lack MeCr'ts< y. 'i is.' evening in Miss H< It's \ . s mos-, enjoyable spin;. ;,!i j ?,-<: -. <; ? ?lnri.ig it most ret resiling :?. id >. ? ? iltgi 1 )??! IciO'ls >.:!, .:;'.? >'..?*. .';.<'.< and Prank MeCl'avy. Vuncry ? Iti.y Slinp?on, 1-jril'.si ISystr-rbVi John lnm-ui. and itail Hlche; | Mr. ?? >: Mrs. .1. >\ iHcliat dscn, Mi, jtjjd Mrs. 10. Rone.x, and Mr. ami :>'.-. W i.. Uicbey, .luiiiur. The Henry Lulln as ? !.;.; t< r. I Ii : ght< rii of the American Revolution; wi re most delight fully entertained on las' Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. s. ? '. DUnlap, The occasion was of es pecial pleasure owing to the feel ti..-t number of ladies from Clinton, mi m i.ers of the Clinton chapter were in attendance. Several interesting ami Instructive papers were read and jh< discussions were of high order. ;?>? lii-ious rcfrcsiibiehts \Vere served by the charming hostess. The ladles from Clinton wj : Mi -- dann s .1 no. c. i?;.vi.-. .1. I\ Jacobs, .1. \. Italley and .1. T. itoberisoiii '!":. 1.11 Ulcus ihciiibers prcsrnt w fellow received prompt ir.edloal attention an:'? ?< o'clock. Some bail* Cotton lllootns. ('(,'?.- ;! is blooming i:i this county; The Advertiser has received three, blooim during tin- past week. Mr. I.. Bi Anns; rout ??; Diais township Has the distinction of sending In the first; Mr. Armstrong states that '..? found the bloom on June' L'ilrd. The seCobd bloom was s? :.: in by Mr. Drayton Tod?:: lids tu?! opened oil lines' cotton in tl I lie S(ti(e l'r? ? - t*>sni En; ? ? ... mi l.atireiiS an-. Col, Thos. i:. Crows, he coinpahied by his grnuddi lighti ?. Miss Jessie Holt.- Mr. M. I. ('< ;?? land, and Mr. and Mrs. s. k .Honey. Oh Wi d ncsday morning, <",,!. Crews Is to read a |>:iper dealing with early iotirualisii. in the stat? : Mr. Honey Will rei ?! ti |ii.|i< !' Thursday morning on "Person nlith s and <;? neralhh s"i and ? n Thursday evening ft! the. banquet lein de rod by Miss Qulr.n, proprietress/ of tin- how Ottaray hotel, he will respond tut ho toast to "Womi a". Prnf. (.. W, < ii n ill Iii* tin m In the < Ify. Pro!. Has Walts Cunningham ? { Mlddlebiiry college was i i the < i;> Tuesday morning shaking hands with ? . ... Miss 11 . . ? Voyi I'ollccdinii I h < t< ?J. The I'eslguiitioii of Ctipt. ;. T. Lniig stotl from the city police : ? . Mr. Eichelberger ni once began his ?h? i'-s as oflici r of i he i ? Ii Minuten?* Clearance Sale, As the readers of The Advertiser win note, by reading th?' fullpage advertisement of 0. H. Shnim hs ?fc Son in another pan of (his Isstn . the thno ior their annual clearance sale has arrived. Thcs ?- mid-summer sale's by this popular linn are well known: (tend tlj thereby. ( iuiiiO local \m> person vi. mention. 8 Ml.. C. C. . :i hiuiiidiiy im vi ii to relatives ill I.' xillgtnil, Vll. Misses Klin, liiuir:i I arl utti nd il ? Summer school. Miss Sit? Owhigs oi Haply spoilt Slitlli du.v in ': ?? city. Messrs. .1. M. Cannon ami C. 1-3, K< n iiody spent Sunday ai Chick Springs. Ill', and Mrs 1\ I. flUiStSP. have re turned irom i\ visit to Kentucky ami < ihlo. M: :. Ki'UosI Ur?mie)) oi' Clinton is visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. I iraytpii Malin ffi y. .lodge C. <'. \\ aiherstoiie, after holding Iii?- regular tw,? weeks' icriii of court in (SreeUVllle has heen com missioned io hohl the extra term thai commenced in thai city on Monday morning cii' (Ills week. Mi's. I'Vaih erstoue spent several days Ills! week in (it'ccnville, and on Sunday Mr. ami Mrs. KealhersloiK! visited relatives in Anderson. Mr. \V. V. MCNelll, the handsome young rural loiter currier on roilte t\ o from NVati rloo, was .; visitor in the < iiy Thursday. Mrs. Connor fuller is visiting Im r sisti r. Mrs. I.. I). IMtts, in Kock Hill. it was announced last Sunday that the Kev. William K. Thayer, who is re covering from a recent severe attack of Dim ss. will on nest Sunday morn illg he aide to oeellpy I IS plllpii ill the Kirsl Itaplisl clnircli. Mes.-rs. M. M. I'. olc and .lason A. I to vis, young farmers on I.aureus ru ral nute Nu. 2, exhibited cotton bios stuns ami specimen plants containing a dozen or more shapes, plucked in n. their fields Monday of this week. I>r. K. K. Ilughi s. says that No. can not OlliV make the trio to Cincla t ut can fetch a message l ack. Tie ? w ho do not know No. :: | ought hy all means io make her actjiiaintaiiCc: any of 'lie itiirty vvlio t|i?.' (SrCl ilvvood trip can give a (?ropef introduction. '!':.< \dvoi tIser i< frotii .lo.- \\ . Saxon, ;. I Ii.:' ? itipidly recovering\ tie- ipiaraiiilue ..... not i I, , I of I arrived in llu City on Molida.v to visit Miss Klizalielh Sin 11. Miss .losie Sullivan rct.tir cd Men da.v fiom a visit io Vorkvilli and l.iiii < .. ii Mis- Khun Mil yes of Mnycsvilie ;. the ehai iiiing- guest of lid' former schoolmates. Misses Annie and Kdha Sit- r< avifS. Mrs. ('has. I\ Kankin tthd ehitdri :. left last Wednesday for a visit t>> rela live- and friends in Virginia; lhc> will he away all the Summer. I. A. A I" 11 cii> brought in a chiton bloom o:i Monday i . ? redil ? ? circle of friends and iicfpunlntniiees Mrs. .(ones. Ptt Tuesdiiy afternoon lot filciiu Springs to attend (he Meet illjg of I he South C;ii(di:,a D:111>. \ ('(liltI'lK'l has Iii-<-ii signed hot\vcon lltd mniiiigcuicnl oi ill.' c|l> opera opera hull-1' ntul (ho A!Kali'" i Lyceum hit: an of A11 a Ml a Im a lyooilin com sc n I .mi fens ?Iii Tint-, ilio coming lall and winter. im Mmiilax mill Tuesday nl IhiH week, Mr. Ohus, IS, I )| I worth, ol Augusta, representing the Atlanta Im lean. in.nie a canvas of Iho eltj and KCClltVd I'leih e lul ftllhsct'ipi Ulli ?llf llci'.Mll In wan;.hl III) 11111 IlilgciuoOt ??! I ho opera hoHso oiilofiiig into the agreement. Th" nit rnf'i inns, live in number, uVe lo hog in into III Sepli'U? !!,.:? Hi, on. I 1 i illillOllili'l il 111 a 11 'lie l'l\e al I rilOtioilS are til I (? ItUIOIIg I III' besl o lie red hy I lie AlkcliCsl cdiupilhy some nl tin m hcliig Hie name thai ? 'Ii a|ijie|ii' in ('oliiilthln and \ugnsla In Hilf I hu arc: "The College Hinging (;;ri.. ". olghi accomplished musicians.' "The Chicugd Hole Oinh", fdhr mal? voleci ; " The llniio> Hoya", yoiilhful musical lalciil; "Uoss Oi'nmi", (lie fa iiions cartoonist; ami The Itiiytil l iuiignriiiu < Irehoi t ra." Some time himi ii was mnininicci) through 'i'jio Advertiser lliiii ii coiii; liilllit toil Of (Owns in ihn i o(H loll 01 (he itttile hail m und l.y clubbing 10 gethori, an liinisiltilly strung li.-t ol a| tract Ions, miiiihoiing klx, ihat would he offo-fed to Hie ptihlic fiir s I "<\ double i lekel s. Th< i'i hoed I ?? fifi cdiillli i in 'he mal lot' Of these courses l.aurens b iible lo patronize hot lf| and since the inilui'i of iho alllacliO*'^ ? 'liiere are mai i i i : in amion iici t. r In: ii. en: ii il in the coliiin lit .ii The ai vert h i i: iis s (nted 'I ore iioblci ? . i "I in I hl) s In < loi( i." Thai is wlim The Advertiser readers are promised |iy the Copehind Sione I'n oi ('Union, and that is a reputable Iii in. iOver since I hey opened for liltsliH S! in CltiilOli lliey liiivo made Liiod on any and al! proposh loits I' lo SIMVNiM Yl AR OLD i i RRAPIfN IS \ Ol ND Iff, llu v li| n lillcfnrd 111 I ross Hill Warkeil a "liirtlC"Miick" in t*?lo ? Wn - si i a Kite Vein's \ :?? ? ? home oi Mrs, .futile MeSwnln ivli ciiais rcf roslniionlH were sei'Vet* I'rof. ami Mrs 0, \v. MeBwaiu presided as the ; inch llOW I the ftl'St pil if Of I lie .oi, i . H. i mson wiio lias lieen ai the hospital in Colufnhhi Rovefnl ? 1 ks is at liome aglliin and we hope