The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 26, 1909, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Com mencing* Friday, May 28th Terrys Will Close Sat'day, June 50.00 To be Qiven Away in Cash Prizes. Under Muslins! The season for Muslin Under Garments' is at hand. Lace and Embroidery trimmed Night Gowns, round and squire yokes, long and short sleeves. $1.75 Gowns going al $i?25 1.00 Gowns going at 79c 75c Gowns going at 59c Under Skirts! $ 1.5c> values, Lace and [Embroid ery trimmed, ? si .21 1.25 values, Lace and Embroid ery trimmed, 94c 1.00 values, Lace and Embroid cry trimmed, 84c 75c valuer, Lace and Kmbroid ery trimmed, tsoc 50c values, Lace and Einbroid cry trimmed, . 41c Drawers! 50c values, Lace and Embroid ery trimmed, .| 1 c 25c values, Lace and Embroid ery trimmed, 19c Childrens' Drawers! 25c values, Embroidery trimmed, 19c 15c values, tucked and ruffled, 11 c 1 oc values, tucked, Sc .Men's Wear! Men's Negligee Coat Shirts in white, stripes and figures. All $1.00 values, (lw 75c values ;it We pride ourselves on our nice line of 50c Shirts. We will sell them during this sale at otily Our work Shirts, icjc, 59c, and S6c 63c 41c 41c Overalls! $i.oo\aluc, Union made Overall ?tud Jumper, going at S$c i.00 valtte without apron 79c 75c value only 63c 2( >c v alue- only 39c Hats! ( )ne lot latest style bats in black, biowu and green, .#1.75 and $.?.<>(> value, now 99c (>ne job lot of 1 tats ot" every description, while they last rre Bovs1 Knee Pants! straight Slvh In order to re-arrange our store wo are going- to give you a 15 DAYS SALE that will be the biggest MONEY-SAVING event ever offered the peo ple of this section. You can see our Prices and the Goods they represent, then compare them with the regular retail price; that is all that is necessary to con vince. Comparison is the only true test of value. Our aim in business is to treat all customers in such a manner that they will come again, and conic often. DHESS GOODS. One piece all-wool French Voil, 44-inches wide, extra special . One piece all-wool black l'runilla 42-inches wide, .14-inch all-wool Poplins . All-wo>^Xiins Veiling . Nuns Veiling in Plaids and Stripes. These Goods are $1.00 values or more. Mohair in Stripes and Plain colors, Blue, Brown, Garnet Green and Gray. Also Shepard Plaids. Regular 6oets values, sale price,.... Poplar Cloth in Blue, White, Brown and Garnet, special . Murlinette in Brown, Black and light Blue, 36-inch wide, now on sale at. A full line of Soisette in all the new delicate shades . .09 .82 .82 .89 .89 .44 .22 .1() .19 SILKS AND SATINS! Mesalines in all the beautiful Pastel Sades, 36-in ^* ? %j wide, well wotth $1.50 per yard. Sale pi ice w ? ? ' ~ As above in 27-inch width . 1 /? ) Japonica Silk, 50 cents regular .29 SHOES! SHOES!! The newest things in Footwear arc here. One lot Oxfords, Colonial Tics, Ankle Strap Sandals, and Pumps in the best quality, Pat Vici and Tan $2.50 and $^.00 values, your choice . Tan Oxfords, $2.00 value .,. \'ici Sandals, Pat Tit, $1.25 value. Pat Vamp, 3-Strap Sandal $1.75 quality Two Hundred pairs Ladies Slippers in small sizes, Pat Leather, Tan and \'ici, and good styles, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 values, while they last. Children Slippers from 10 cents up. 81.89 1.29 .89 1.19 1.49 HOSIERY! i The Famous Plaek Cat Brand for Boys and Girls now going at . "Wonder Hose" for Boys and Girls, guarantee with each box, tracts each, per box . We have the Bur sou, a full fashioned Hose, for Ladies in regular sizes and the odd sizes also. Give them a trial, you will be pleased . A full line of Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose in all the delicate shades to go in this side at. ? 19 19 9 How to Get The $50.00 To every person making a purchase during this sale to the amount of 50 cents will be given a duplicate number, and on the last day of this Sale these numbers will be drawn from a box by a blind folded child of any diseutcrested party. The First Number drawn will get $15.00 The Second Number drawn will get IO.OO The Third Xumber drawn will get 5.00 The Fourth Xumber drawn will get 3.00 The next 6 Numbers drawn w ill get each 2.00 The next 5 Xutnbers drawn w ill get each 1.00 Total.$50.00 Have your numbers here without fail on Monday June 14th, 1909. This money will positively be given away on that day. If the number is not here another one will be drawn in its place. II. TERRY. COAT SUITS! Our Special Prices during this Sale will be? Those of 55.00 and above. #3*39 Those of ?3.75 at ................ . 2. v ? Linen Finished Suitings Perhaps you prefer making your Suil! If thc^e nrices will anneal to von. Dress and Waist Linens. The following prices bring Linen within the reach of all. 9?'-inch Linen Sheeting, $1.00 value >. Special in Round jUijeacj Liltcii. ?O.OO To be Given Away in Cash Prizes. Ladies' Dress Skirts! French Voile Skirts, beauti fully trimmed in buttons and silk folds. These Skirts are very handsome, and were values at the regular price. Our Sale price will be, while they last. $10.00 Skirts to go at ?7.49 7.50 Skirts to go at 5 49 6.00 Skirts to go at 4.9S We also have a selection of ?anama Skirts, trimmed in but tons and bands at equally re luced prices. rive 1 ie besl ? 111:1 ?2, Klack and Colored Under skirts! These we have in Silk, Cot ton and Heatherbloom. There are black and white checks for everyday wear. We have the solid black Heatherbloom with heavy embroidery flounce and many other styles. A few prices: $2.00 Petticoats $1.19 I.25 Petticoats 99c 1.00 Petticoats 70c Corsets! Our Special line is The American Beauty. If you have never worn this particular make, come in and get fitted while they are cheap. All #1.50Corsets,during the sale <i. 2i All i.00 Corsets, during the sale ^ 86c All 50c Corsets, during the All Girales during the sale 19c Ladies' (iauze Vests! Twenty-five do/., tape neck Vests, special .jc Fifteen do/. Tubular Ribbed Vests 1 2 ' ..c, special 8c Once tried, always used "Cumfy Cut" 25c, special 19c Household Necessities! hull bleached Pepperel Sheeting, regular 40c quality, full 10-4 70c quality, full 10-4 Who can resist these Table Linen bargains? Beau tiful (lesions in half bleached all Limn. Special l Fl?tal designs, full bleach, regular 75c quality 1.00 value, very handsome 65 els quality, < mly 50 eis quality, only Beautiful White C?iiiii^rpaiis't al reduced pi ices, All 27c 22c 61c ?17<" 41 c nttriii < hi tli mil mm c- 1 m i H e 1 !h k R Y SOUTi -tVT'v""2StVHW