The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 26, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Wal Baking. Powder The Only Baking Powder made from. Royal Grape Cream of Tanar ?Made from Grapes? A Guarantee of Pure, Healthful, Delicious Food rc CLIINTOINIArNS ENJOY MUSIC RECITALS I' |)lls of Miss Annie ('. Burgess anil of 3Irs. W. II. Young Delight I.arm> Audiences. Clinton, May 24th.?Last Saturday, May i.'th. the remains of Mr. Richard Blalock were buried at Sardls Meth <> list church near here. Mr. Blalock had been in good health tip to the day of Iiis death and took part in memo rial exercises two days bofore it. He died suddenly Friday morning at the home of his son, Mr. Thomas J. Blalock, on the Musgrove road, in the eighty- second year of his age. The music pupils of Miss Annie C. BurgCSS gave a very enjoyable piano and sight-singing recital Friday eve ning in the Carolina Memorial chapel. Quite a number of their friends, were present in spite of the inclement Weather. The following program was rendered most creditably: 1 Marchc Militalre.Kngclmaii Misses Margaret Duraut ami Miriam Jennings, 2 Plying the Kile.Salome Miss Agnes White. ?, What the Swallow Sang . . . . l'.ohni Miss Ktnmie Robertson. I Cod Save the King...Dr. ilarthan Misses Virginia and Nancy Owens. ? Fairy Foil.a.Splndler Miss Virginia Owens. .I Valtz.Streahhog Misses Barrett. Rombcrt and Flanagan. 7 (a i Narcissus.Nevin (hi Nocturne.Leybnch Miss Jaule Kennedy. 8 Stars of Gold..Streahhog Miss Irene Wilson. 0 (Sight Singing Songs by 5th and Oth Grades). Part Singing. Key of D) The 11untsnian, i Key of c? The hay is Fright and Sunny. (Key of 11) When the Children Fall Asleep. < Key of I! Flnl i in Bird's Nest.Schmoll Miss Margaret Barrett. 11 Reverie of Love.Oelbol Miss Margaret Dnrant. 12 Overture to Win. Toll....Rossllll Misses Mabel and Maude Suuierel. 1,1 (a) o Thou Sublime Sweet live Fvening Star. .Schuher'-Fis/t du Hungarian Dance.... Brah ms MISS Oraee Bl'IggS. 11 Hark. Hark the Lark .Scliuherl -1 loft man Miss Bern Bailey. 15 (a- Longing for I lomo. . . I.Ichner I hi Fes AdlOIIX.Dussex Miss Miriam Jennings. EAT THEM LIKE CANDY. No other remcifVinn lie compano with Rexall' Irdcrlies f"nUii' easy, pleasant .md successful ireatment/ol^onstipatlon. Vou may have hack the /imiiKy you pay US for them if they fall to satisfy you, Kat tlieiu like candy any time of day or night. They don't gripe or cause any annoyance what ever. Two si^c.s, I ex. and 2$c. Fatuous Drug Co.. Faureiis, S. C. Ii; Good Night.Kevin Miss Agnes Adams. On Friday afternoon ef last week, the music cdass of Mrs. \V. II. Young gave a recital at the residence of Mrs. .1. F. Jacobs, which was greatly en joyed by the friends and relatives in vited to he present. The following program was rendered: Duet?"Two Juveniles" Com Mc IIItosh and Altman Middleton. Solo "Spring Song". McudlOSSollU - Chloo Johnson. Solo?"Old Folks at Home (Tran scription. Loud) ? Evle Slinnds. Duel- ? Hay Makers". Zimmerman. ?Chloe Johnson and Sallle Hell Mc Millan. Solo?"Valse Styrlnne," Wollon hanpt. Cora Mein tosh. Duet "May Day." Kathhun. ?Evle and Kate Shands. Solo "Kvetiing."- - Altman Middle ton. Duel "King of the Carnival."? chloe Johnson and Lenu Adnir. Sold "Music Among the Fines."? KVIe Shands. Solo--"Love Dreams. Drown?Corn Mclnlosh. Duet ?"Invitation to lllO Dance." Weber,?Chloe Johnson and Evle Shands. Solo - "Spring." Marks. Chloe Bargains This Week in all lines. White China Salates 10c, per set Saturday and Monday only Be sine you be here and trade with us, this week and next, it" vou want your tuonevs worth. J. L. Hopkins IAre You Hunting Bargains We have two Specials 50c Note Paper for 25c \i AND S 25c Tooth Brush for i5c We have just limited quanily of each. Kindly look at goods we are offering". Agent for Dr. Andes, remedies. Palmetto Drug Co. Johnson. The Newberry Civic League was to have visited Clinton last Friday after noon but owing to the extremely un favorable weather the trip was post poned. This is the second time that circumstances have thwarted this plan. Col. Childs suggested the trip and placed a car at the disposal of the Xewborry ladles. The Clinton ladies had prepared to give the Newberry ladies a pleasant afternoon and it was a great disappointment to them that the rain continued. It would have been entirely impossible for them to carry out their plans In the rain, a lawn fete and a drive over the town. Miss Lou Ilia McMillan gave a largo and delight fid reception ' t Friday evening. This was the Rn time the young people had been entertained in Mr. McMillan's lovely new home, and its attractiveness was generally com mented on. The Baract class of Clinton was most charmli Ij entertained In New berry Friday u , May 15th, by the Baraca class ui town. All who went to Newberrj here had a delightful time. Sudden Heath of a Veteran. Clinton. S. C. May 24th.?A sad se quel to Memorial day in Clinton was the sudden death on the following Saturday of Mr. Blalock, a veteran in the sn's who was at the dinner here. How soon was verified the faying of one of the speakers that they could not hope all to he assembled tignln. DR. CLIFTON JONES Dentist Office in Simmons Duilding Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219. No can possibly come from \v c a r i n g cheap glasses, in jury may. Come here and let us explain the difference. No Charge for examination. Dr. F. J. In man Room 6 Enterprise BUd'g. I.aureus, S. C. Office days, Friday and Saturday IfllM'iHllb Iii mi Herey The We Want Your Health and Accident, Surety, Life, Tire, Plate Glass Insurance. R . . . . S I in fact we are in a position 1 v to write almost any kiiul <>f i Insurance you want, except I "Wild Cat. jj We represent leading coin H I > li.ii S ( B ' ?? Give us a cliauce at you business. lE.ll.WILKES&SON BTOCKS, BONDS 'V Low Konf(fl Laurens, s. C. FURNITURE The best place to se lect a Suit of Furniture as we have a beautiful line in different designs and sizes, made of the best quality of Oak, beautifully finished with carving to match with Rolls on Bed, Bureau and Washstand. 55* - 'o :-vV.' V'? " ? - ? ' > .-y ?:: if-.' a-g^ It ! This is the largest and best line you ? w j will find anywhere from which you ^ can select just what you want, and on J account of buying in la rye quantities direct from the manufactures quantities 3 we have ^ a them at prices that will be money J saved for vou. a a I REAL ESTATE j VVc arc offering Ml'*. Ii. K. Milam's Lot of 23 acres, including Store Lot, a' . Lanford Station, dwelling and out build Ings on the premises. Price right, terms reasonable. Lots No 27-28 SS 10-12-11-10-18 50, of the Irby place suvoy In the city of Laurent These bcin& situated on the pinnacle In the city of Laurcns in a growing community, makes these very desirenblc. We have some nice lots, and small farms, at Watts Mil! Town. \Vc are offering exceptional easy lerme. When needing anything in Real Estate write or call on us j The ! ; Laurens Trust Comp'y Respectfully, C. A. Power. Office in Todd Building Garden Seeds Garden Seeds AT Dr Posey's g" Store j 1 LOWNEVS DELICIOUS CANDIES I From o cents per pack- y acre to 50 c per nackaero Fresh | i . Posey's [ The ?W Reliable. I I (Mowing Spring Mine <V p f V V V V P V V V V W{ 9 V V P V, V V & y> ? V <j fan p 9 Nothing Succeeds Like SUCCESS For thirteen years the NICHOLS PHOTO has never failed to make good. And we arc still improving it. Mi I 5 w ?> \|/ Simpson. \\ e arc 3? I lake this 6pi oitttnity to \\o\ have associated with me in the S. N. I'm hauan. in the Plumbin'' work you may have in either the lyLKC J KICAI. PIA-'MIilN'Ci LINK. WVgattvantcethe highest - f>f Work at a cost consistent with good wotk; ship. We keep on hand at all times rl full an<l etc. \^ Klcctric Supplies, Kamps, I'ix w * W Phone No. 240, J. H. Boyd & Co SM \)/ w s? si; V)/ w V}/ \i> VI/ Nt> \?> 0> ^ 1^ j?' -I'*" 'iS> < jj V '"vT *T' "*iT - ?' tP i Land and "W, I $8,000.00 2Storeroon j a n a /v /\ *^ s-. Court Hoi. g $8,000.00 don't U:\ ? . I . morrow it. may bo % 1 I?.'? and street Gars in I i $8,000.00 '""ft, it will pay bl? 3 ,fih AA/i dends. Jeans won t i ) $8,000.00 I $8,000.00 ' ono'?' $8,000.00 p- s- Jean: