Royal BAKING Jfhso/uMy Pure POWDER. The finest, most tasteful aud wholesome biscuit, cake aud pas try are made with Royal Bak ing Powder, and not otherwise. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ?*???*??**????? THE WILLIAMSON PLAN. * ? est farmers in the stat and his trial showed a loss of six bushels per acte by following the Williamson plan I b !0 in pa red With the same amount Of fertilizer and the ordinary plan of t ni;Ivatlon. Next came the Alabama station tests for I90C. Result: one bushel more per aero by Williamson plan. Then came the South Carolina ex periment station tests for 1007, the mosi exhaustive, searching and thor oughgoing over made, the results be ing as follows: t'l In it test of nineteen different plots under all soi ts of conditions ami experiments, the average yield per ..ce on Williamson plan plots was 4.28 bushels less than oil other plots. (2) A variety test was made with a number Of different kinds of corn, and the result here was that tiro Wil liamson plan plots averaged t).t> bush els less per acre than ordinary CUl. i Ivntion. (.") A test was made using -ten pounds of fertilizer with ordinary cul tlvation and 1,425 pounds with the Williamson plan. The result here was Hint the increased yield by the extra fertilizer was only fj.tjH bushels per acre?-?">?"> per cent, increase In fertil ize! expense ami only ;17."> per cent, increase in corn yiotd. i ?!) Going further.a test was made -?Ii another kind of land a worn-out Held. Using no fertilizer in either :ase, the ordinary plan made one-tlftll bushel more than the Williamson plan; using 900 pounds of fertilizer jn each case, the ordinary plan made bushels more per acre than the Williamson plan. r ? xt in order to be absolutely fair. Jot us give the Charleston station t.iists. 1907, Here the experiments were not properly made for compari son, as the Williamson plan had II, oila stalks per acre ami the ordinary plan 2.-I?0, The results showed that it took 158 Williamson stalks to make a bushel and only ill ordinary stalks 1.0 make a bushel, but the corn being so thinly planted on the ordinary plot caused the yield to be twenty-nine bushels greater for Williamson plan. Fifthly we have the Alabama sta tion tests. I!UI7. concerning Which 1)1 rector Dllggar writes as follows: "The Williamson plait in its pure ami original form made a much smaller yield than was made through an equal application of fertilizer by the com mon method. Indeed, every varia tion from the Williamson method af forded a larger yield than did the Williamson method Itself." The sixth ami lasts tests to COlUC to our attention are those reported by Mr. w. u. 101 Holt, demonstration tigont, Winnsboro. S. C. in this week's Progressive Farmer, these being as follows: (!) I). Ii, Stevenson lest. IPOS; Wil liamson plan, "7 bushels per acre; Knapp plan. Mi bushels. Loss by Williamson plan, three bushels, CO I-'. It, McMoekln ,\ IJro. test, I00S; Williamson plan. 30 bushels: Knapp plan. 3fj bushels Loss by Williamson plan, live bushels. WHY NOT TRY THIS? We want everybody with snip or hAir ailments, even though tin y are bald in npot<(, to try Rexall "03" Half Tonic. Wo exact no promise Ot obligation. Simply use n large bottle. Then if not satisfied loll us, and we will refund the money paid if- for it. Two il'/es, 50c.and 00. 1 .aureus Drug Co , !. ?.?.?.ens, s. C. (3) VY. J. Hurley test. I90S: Loss by Williamson plan, ten bushols pol ar re. This testimony seems very conclu sive. But even if Mr. Mclver William sou's motbotl will not with his brother-in-law. Mr. Clyde Keller, in Iiis automobile. Mr. George Anderson of Union spent spent several days in town last week, as the guest of his brothers. Messrs. B. A. and T. B. Anderson. Mrs. C. C .Whnrton and daughters of Greenwod spent last week with the family of Mr. Henry W'hnrton. Miss Lillian Nelson returned today to Atlanta, where she is studying to become a trained nurse. Mr. and Mrs. II C. Fuller spent Sunday with relatives in Coronucu. Mi s. \V C. What ton and children will leave soon for Charleston, where Mrs. Wharton will spend some time with her mother. Mr.-. Butler, on South Battery. Miss May Wright, an extremely at tractive young lady of Phoenix, S. C . has returned to her home, accompa nied by Miss Mamie DuRnitt, of whom she was the guest while here. Mr. II. C. PettUS returned today from a business visit to Augusta. Mrs. Robert (!. Wallace of New 'berry county came in this morning and will bi> the guest for the remainder of the week of her parents. Major and Mrs. Thomas B. Anderson. Master .1. C. Smith has returned to bis home after visiting relatives in ' Cha rleston. Misses Maud Culbcrtson. Kale Hen drlx and Mabel Campbell, accompa nied by Messrs. 15. A. Anderson, Jr., M. .1. Penree and Hugh Hendrix, went down to Cross Hill last evening to attend the commencement exercises of the Cross Hill high school. Mrs. I). C. Smith was the guest of friends in SparttUlburg for several days last week. No Good can possibly come from wearing cheap glasses, in jury may. Come here and let us explain the difference. No Charge for examination. Dr. F. J. In man Room 6 Enterprise BMcVg. Laurens, S. C. Office days, Friday and Saturday i Here/The We Want Your Health and Accident, Surety, Life,\ Fire, Plate GlasNs Insurance. in fact wc n?e in ;i position lo write allUQst any kiml n>i>ii:ii; of a beautiful line of Settees, Hammocks, ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^fe Rockers, I.awn and Porch Swings, and Ceiling Swings. All ^ g ^^^^^^(^|j|jvj^ made of the 1 ?est quality of material in different designs, ^ C ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| buying in large quantities direct from ^^^^^^) ^ F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^ lnc manufacturers we get them at |'"^5^ja^;^ ^ A Vi prices that enables us to sell you the ^^^^^^^f" ^ C f-^sSH^^ifia^ tj best line of lawn and poreh furniture I t -^il I ^ C ^^^Sk^f al l>vices cllcapel lhan yoM can buy 11 ^k?^ssiif ? \ vi v\ Sc^j^> / an\ othei place. I'.e stive t'> see ?>ur J'V ' ^ t N^-W^^V ?? i f V i I V/W/iAV/ 'HI'-' betole \i>U hue. Vi *1 Orange and Early Amber Cane Seed, Unknown Peas Now is llic time time to plant them. Now is the lime to buy them?will not be cheaper than now?now. is the time, we can sup ply yolt conic and place your order now. J. H. SULLIVAN'S STORE m REAL ESTATE Wc arc offering Mrs. I,. K. Milam's Lot of 23 acres, including Store, Lot, at Lanford station, dwelling and out build- ! Inga on the premises. Price right, terms reasonable. Lots No 27-28-38-40"12*: nia I ,< inon cling and yellow free stone peaches, Canned Peas, (?; Canned Tomatoes, \fc Fresh and domestic -Jk ?4? Sardines, Cheese, IJulk j4? J and Bottled Pick I < J; JL Snow Flake and Pack Hp age Ci ick< Fresli ^ Vegetables from the ^ rf" Coast and all the sea Hr. sonahlc dainties, qual- ^ ity and pi ices i ighl. ^ I KENNEDY BROS. 1 5> Laurens, S. C. ^ Edibles for the Spring Taste Post Toast ics, Com Fluke and t >at Meal. Choice Canned (lo?ds of A choice line of fresh gar* Swifts I've ii) 1 iiiii I fains, Breakfast Strips, fresh Rggs and Butten Mahaffey Anderson & BROKERS One new fiv?* room collate on Tod a von no ul a bargain,; acres on Walnut <*i-?-? ? U. ein in to live IMiels as follows: No. one, acres; N<>. two, 100 lie res; No, three 70 acres; No. four, tie ret ; No, live it;;, inires, Hounded by lands ol .1 K < loddard M OwhiKs, II. Kodden, .1 A. Kiilghl und \l W. Mill. Well Ith proved well watered, n. L*0 acres known as I he I lefieiiiinii place, hounded hj land: ot S i). I.eako and others. Term.-: easy. H00 town lots at all hinds of prices One lot on N. Harper St., nice build* inn, lot. Iietweeit] Steve Taylor's and .1. I). Se.\toii\ 200 aCrCsVof land within "_'1 _? miles ot (.aureus on Clinton rOttd cut into .'.M here I ractfL Kaell trttCI lias lilee cottage on it , It' nood hind will make a bale HI Cotton per acre Terms easy. 7? acres \k miles of l.aurens C\ II. on Milton road ?2,000. House and lot on Hampton street, The Switzer farm, 230 acres. Oil ea.>> terms. Tin- .famos T. Brownioc tracl R2 3-1 acres, near Warrior Creek Church. Fine liyery st?hle on Mill street, very low and one half cash. tic res of land within one-fourth mile ot Watt.-. Milts. From one acre lots up. Cheap. Three hundred and fifty acres, :; mile* from town, -half in line timber, o>; pel' acre. The pre!tiest place in Fountain li t' at a bargain S3, 302 acres in two tracl . "u Duncan'-i ? ? l li> acres near win ? Shoals, iinclv improved and in high -'ate cultivation. ? We i.,,-. c t hi|l inatfl II Cel t farn. kflown a- the Vail Robertson farm,hear Waterloo. 2-11 acres at ti bargain, and 313 acre, near Watvrloo, the Amanda Co|< man place ' f>00 acres m ar StOtfih Spring.-, the I best bargain of them all. 1 ()no six room hOUse and lot on Floin i ing st root at a bargain, 97 acres, Ihc Bovd farm al H?vd'9 Mill. $1000j one-half cash. Come and see us for at.; kind of real estate city or countrv. :!"> II. I'. Iloiler and ! " II. 1'. F.ngine and Crick Outlll . I.. in good shape. l\v<> houses und lot si near l.aurens cotton mill stole. Anderson <$: Blakely Brokers We. t Main St, Laurens, s. c.