The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 27, 1909, Image 1

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VOLU/VIE. XXIV._ LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27. !<;(><>. NUMBER 26 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDJEMOVED Unusual Condition at tin Long Branch School. COUNTY HO A III) ACT*. The Teacher, Miss Lane, It Is Alleged, Devoted Time (<? Teaching the "Unknown Tongue.*' Acting cm a complaint, embodied in a formal petition hied with the coun ty superintendent of ud lion lion and bis hoard b> certain patrons of Long Branch school, located In Scuftletown township, the board Saturday, after \ giving both sides to the controversy ; a lull hearing, removed the district | school trustees and immediately , named their successors, to whom County Superintendent of Education (loo. L. l'itts at once issued commis sions. The board of trustees re- ! moved consisted of Messrs. M. V : Sumerel, \V. A. Pools and L. T. Uenjainin, three of the lending citi zens of their community and all well ! known as progressive and substantial tial farmers as the county affords. The new board likewise Is composed of representative men. They are .Messrs. .1. Wilson Blnkoloy, George YV. Cunningham and Sam J. Todd. This unusual and ill some respects rather sensational proceeding was brought about bj the employment last fall of Miss Nellie Lane, formerly of (ieorgin, to teach the Long Branch school for the current session. At the time the trustees had up for con sideration the employment of a teach er early last fall, it is said that ob jection to Miss Lane was made i>> somo of the patrons on the ground that she was Identified with and a i onspicuous leader and teacher of the so-called "Unknown Tongue" religi ous creed. Furthermore, it was Known that Miss Lane had no teach or's eortillcato or a college diploma, as required by the public school law of ibis slate. This was another serious objection. Never theless Miss Lane was given the school, though there were several (lUnliflcd applicants for the position. To Miss Lane's credit. it is stated, til a I she frankly informed the trustees be fore accepting the school that she bad bad no experience as a teacher and held no credentials as such. The board of trustees, of which Mr. Sumerel was chairman, insisted, it is said, that she had the essential (| tin I Ideation?-as they say regarded it the "power" to interpret and leach the doctrine of the new sect. She was promised $40 the month for her services, and the school opened about the first of last November. At first practically nil the patrons patron* i/.ed the school as usual. Soon. llOWOVer, reports from the school room indicated that the teacher was giving over practically all her time to instructions in the Bible and the in IV creed of religion, to the disre gard of other Instruction. This caused some of the patrons to stop their children and informal com plaints were made to the tniporiuteii doilt of education. Mr. B. \V. Nash. who. on January was succeeded by by Mr. PlltS. Mr. Nash Investigated the matter and informed IhO trustees that he could not approve the pay warrant of Miss Lane and Indicated to the dlssallslled patrons ll remedy and form of procedure. No steps were Inkei) In the matter, however, until alter Mr. Pitt? assumed the duties oi the superintendent's oiiieo ami a vacancy on the county board of od i 11*011 was filled, which was done a feW days ago by the appointment Of Mr. R. K. Itabb. \ ice J'rof. U.A. Dobson, resigned, who now resides at Onffney. The petition of complaint was therefore prepared ami presented, sigm d by some half dozen patrons Of I he SCllOOl. The complaint set out substantially the conditions under which Miss Lane was employed and her unusual methods of instruction as principal of Long Branch school, as recited above. At the hearing, Which was held in the ofllCO of the county superintendent Saturday, and colli I lined until a late hour in the at (ernoon, the chairman of the obi board of trustees and other members, togethor with a number of patrons and pupils, representing both sides were examined. In addition. Chair luan Bumerel of the nortr mine SENATOR WH A It TON 1XTR0DU0I S BILL. Amendment to t?c Carcy-Cothran Law Which Will Facilitate Disposal of Mocks of Dispensaries* Senator .lohn Ii. Wharton, whom The Advertiser wind last week re garding the effort to re-opeu the dis pensary let-e. has introdneed an amendment t<> the Carey-Cothran law, which will make it easier for the County Hoard to dispose of the stock of goods on hand at wholesale. Regarding his plans. Senator Whar ton writes The Advertiser as follows: "As you will see, I have offered a hill to amend Seel. of the Carey Act. In order thai you may understand the provisions of my hill. I will give you the object of the hill and tin n its provisions. I am Inform ed thiil H ere is $30,000 worth of whis key in tho dispensary at Lauren.-: this statement was made to me . .. Dispen sary Auditor West. Sect. '???< of the Act provides that when ti dispensary is (dosed that the Hoard si all sell the stock for cash and apply the funds as the Act provides. i understand from lion. R. I). Royd that Mr, Nash claims that he can't sell the stock as all the dispensaries buy on ninety days time and have no cash on hand to buy with, therefore they can't sell the stock. They do not want to pure ha 80 the stock from disestablished dispensa ries as Mr. Nash was only offered for ty per cent, for such whiskey as they wanted causing a loss cf sixty per cent. My amendment provides that the Hoard can sell out the slock to other dispensaries on ninety days' time: that will remove thai excuse for not buying the stock, The amend tuonl further provides that the dis pensary Auditor shall rouuirc dispen saries now in operation to buy their stock from disestablished dispensaries, irovided that their hid is the lowest offered and as tin- Hoard is familiar with i he prices of whiskey I hey can sell the stock at a small loss." LAl'RLNS 11011 I. L HAS P.D. Mr. .1. P. SC.diel K, no roc Will Pc Opeu (in- Hostelry. Dr. Ii. F. Posoy. owner of the Lau fens hotel properlj on South I torpor ?itreel has granted a lease to Mr. J. I'. Strohe! of Fhoive. who will open tho hotel for the reception of guests the first of next week. Mr. Strobe! has hod years of experience in the hotel business, he being nl present en gaged In that business al Bnoreo. He expects to move his family and house hold effects to LnuroilS this week and be ready for business next week. Preparatory lo Ihe re-openlng of this old hostelry, considerable Im provement on iho Interior of the build ing are now In process. P. D, ( . t<> Oi>e IMnj. The Daughters of tho Confederacy have about decide! to present HU am ??tear theatrical called "The Fuion Depot" on Fob. 5lh, or thereabouts. board made a talk of nearly two hours in defence Of tho conduct Of the board In engaging Miss Lane ami her man agement of the school, which, ho said, had lib; llll'MUlliiicd llldot'j emeiu as well as that of the other members of the board and a majority of the pa trons of Lone, Branch school. tt developed that for some time 2(1 pupils represented the total attend ance. 01' about i wo-t birds of the strength of the school. Out of the jr. "faithful pupils all but IWO, it is c laimed, have made a pro fession of Miss Lam 's doctrine. This fact evidently gave rise lo Mr. Sum orei's characterization on Soli rdny of what he considered "excellent pro gross of the school under Miss Lane's directions." It Is understood thai the new board will proceed nl once to soleci a new teacher, and it Is likely tho school ex ercises at Long Branch, so abruptly discontinued, will Im resumed with in a week longer or such matter, Mis:-. Lane, as stated, is from Geor gia nnd was last year In attendance upon the Altaiuoni lllblo lustluulo. located a few miles above Grooiwille city, mid conducted by Rev, N L Holmes and (Uber.-. Superintendent of F.ducnt ion Fills. fOlloWin* the law and carrying out the purpose of his predecessor In this matter, slate;; thai he will decline i<> approve Mb-- Lam-': pa-, warrant, Which amounts to Something like $1-10. Mrs. Jno. W. (Marke. Mrs. ('. 13. Gray and son. Clarke, leave next mouth for .i Ylfdr to Cuba. r. R01MJKRS LEAVES LAU HENS. Newborry Mail Opens Tuilor Shop, So cures Some dish und Departs. Peter Rodgers, claiming to b n nncted with a Newberry mere1 tailoring establishment and represei lag himself as an experienced tailor, came to Laurens about the first of January and opened a tailoring shop, employed help ami. incidenlall. made a mil..hoi- of small bills. Meantime young Murrell Harris, son of Mrs. Juno Harris, desiring to learn the trade, engaged in the business with Rodgers, the understanding being, so it appears, Dial Mr. Harris Immediate ly furnish $7"> which was to bo used in buying material tor Iho shop. This amount was therefore supplied bj th< mother of Mr. Harris and the business was apparently going along all right. Some ten days ago Rodgers, without stating any reason or his des tination, b it Laurens, carrying with him most if not all of lib outfit and leaving behind numerous unsettled bills and nothing in the vvnj of the ordered materials for which be claim ed Mrs. Harris' money was used in buying. Nothing definite has been heard of him. though it is reported here thai he had boon arrested in Co lunibla, chargod with larceny. yes terday Mr. Harris closed up the shop. Of couse it is possible that Rodgers will return and explain his conduct and satisfy those who trusted him. Rev. S. R. Hock to Preach. Rev. S. K. Rock of Clinton will preach to the Mi. Gallagher congre gation at 11 o'clock next Sunday morn ing, instead of Rev. 10. C. Watson, who was to have conducted the service. Mr. Watson is taking a month's vaca tion in the hope of recovering entirely from a throat trouble. Laurens Doctors Meet. Monday afternoon in Gray's hotel was hold tho regular monthly meet ing of the I.aurem. County Medical association. Thero was a full at tendance, and the papers and discuss ions were of entertaining and instruc tive nature. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an I nil a med condition of the mucous lin ing of the Ihistachinu Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the 111 llama tion can be taken out and (his lube restored to its normal condition, hear ing v. ill be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inllamcd con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) (hat ennnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for Cir culars, free. F. J. ClHONEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for COtistl pat Ion. Oxide ?>f Zinc W hat is it.' Its the wearing quality of tho L. .v M. Faint while white lead Is the elttS tic quality of L. & M. Paint. Wears fully fifteen years on outside of house. Costs ready for use about $1.20 per gallon. .1. II. & M I.. NitSll. Laurens. Clinton Pharmacy, Clinton. 2,'i&2G I.. & M. Paint Agents. LH'ENSi; FOR II \ ?Klais \ i> PK DDL KRS. State of South Carolina. County of Laurens. Dy virtue of an Aol of lllO Assembly of the Slnto of South Can: linn, therefor providing, the County Hoard of Commissioners lor Laurens County. State aforesaid, do hereby li\ the following License Pees to be paid by hawkers ami peddlers doing busi ness in said County for and during tho year A. I). 1900, to wit | For Foot Peddlers, Fifteen Dollar:., for Peddeli'H in one-horse wagon, For ty Dollars; Peddlers in two horse wagon. Sixty Dollars: Peddlers of Stoves ami Ranges, the tust wagon Sixty Dollar, ami for each additional Wagon Forty Dollars: PoddlOt'8 of Clocks, for tho Oral wagon Thirty Dollars; Peddlors of Lightning (tods, for the first WagOII Twenty Dollars, and for each additional wagon Ten Dollars; Peddlers of Spectacles on foot Ton Dollars: Peddlers of Spect acles in vehicle Fitten Dollars: IVd dlorS of Sowing Machines for Iho flrsi wagon Fifty Dollars, ami to; each additional wagon Thirty Dol lars; Peddlers of Pianos fir Organs, for each one horse wagon Highly Dol lars, and for each two horse wagon One Hundred ami Twenty Dollars. All licences to be issued by the Clerk of Court and lo be of force until the ::ist day of December, A D 100!', as provided bj Inw, Done in regular annual session at Laurens. S. C. this 7th day of .Ian nary. A. D. 1000. (SHAD Attest: 11 P. HI MPHKT. MKSBBR BARR, Co. BupervJsoi 38 -ic Co. OKik. ( IIA III It KU Ol i r V.r. HCL TO Ii I .,: I Secret::;. McCueil Ken oh (fill for Meeting oil Ttiestlaj Mehl. Secretary ,V. |{ McCuoil of llio Chamber of Commerce has issued uoull ?>r a business meeting ot that body ?j. fttesdity evening of iioxl week, i llowei'ing is the on rd; You are hen by urged to he iiresent III a Ilieeliii". of l.lio Chamher of Coin inoroe, to lie hold in tlielr i'ooins in tbo I3nlorpi'lso Hank lliillding. on Tuesday evening. February 2, 1000, in 8 O'clock. Hushes:- of importance will he brought up mid discus; ed. Refreshments ?. ill bo served after the business session la over. lelj ami I'ersoiuil, \ delightful willst pari> wai | Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Anderson In honor <>i Mr. and Mis. \. iL Sandern. Nine games wer* played of which Miss Annie Gilkorsoli was the winner of eight, Cbll eipieilll) receiving tho prixc, a box oi lluyler's candy, which she presented lo Mrs. Sanders. A similar prize was award "d Mrs. s. 13, Honey. AI ih.1 conclu sion of ih" playing a delicious salad course with coffee and maisiiiu: lloV. sandwiches we r? served, Mrs. Ander son bolng assisted in serving by Mrs. R, 13. Copeland end .Mi.-s Lila ilitrl. Monday evening at Fowler's ball the young peopb ol tho clt> en,| >yod the most delightful dance of Iho a son. Ii cliauce?! that a wunderiuji hand of Italian nimdeiaiis were in (hi ctly and their services WCro secured for the occasion. The attendance jm dance was Hie largest in months, and UlUlUOiillonahlj it was the most enjoyable event of recent date. Among Iho out-of-town guests were Misses Annie Wheeler Of llreonvllle. Maty Sartor of Colon and Drown and lOstelle Turner of Cro> s Mill. On Thursday afftrneoii Mrs. il. k, \iken whs tho charming hostess In the member., of ihe Fortnightly Social club. Mrs. Aiken was assisted in ro coiving and Serving by Mrs. It Flein lug Jones Und MC; Lila Hart. Tim guests were received in Ihe ball ape conducted to (ho parlors, w'here i \ games of nations were played, after whic a delicious saliid course mid coffee were served. Dr. and Mrs. It. C Hughes eu(. I tallied a few friends \Vcdh< da> ovi,-,: bit; at a UiOSl dellghlful lea, Fol genuine iiospiialll; Micro are few oijiials to bo I'otiiul anywhere o> Dr. ami Mrs. Iltlgbes: and ail invitation to their b<.no is nssU) alien <> a nio i dellglil nil i line. Tit a fl'al run Wed lay n hone t he lei i njoj able. in mosl appropriate and plcnsin.u manner was liie birthday ol (Jon'. UUb eri 13d ward L.Iiki h rl by Hie lol n H. Kershaw chapter, I ailed Dam tors of ih ? Confederacy, on Tuesday afternoon, when ike members of i ie chapler were hospitably received i>.. Mrs. II. K. Aikcit al her homo on ? a .joint celebration ol the birthdto oi hoi h (lens. Leo and .Ihe! sou; a pro print" pap ?' were read eohceriiiiit! the lives oi i >?> So greai South i it generals, together with poems. Ihiil coniliiemorated (heir greatness am valor: these in addition i? i, h, atitlfe musical jn'o era mine, \i for CheSli I' v here ;die is \ i -.if in < Mi': I c Ci \ Isiti d Mi - . It. I: ihifili cm Sued i> . drs.K. C. V M. VI. Ilolcombe, lefl Molitlnv m I Con Watson's Olli.- in. Mr, H. W. Wall, Mrr Wat sol i i visi Lake Cii>. glieat of Miss L?oih: Mail', V Iin ii of I is v Isltlui; Mi>- .lf>! ;?? S'lllliv |||l. I host Id a rid mix r ol friend la i I fit dry o\ . i : ? ? In Mio count ry at n iiouie w .o ? hps pitaliiy Is surpassed by ihm.? Mrs. P. I'.. 15aiIcy. bei- (hill Mi..s. Ly) Mae finite) . and M; 1311; a both Darken, leaclioi' of liie Ohl drove school, speni Satilrdaj afici noon in tin- elly. RdV. S. Ri Hro' i;, a wOil h i ?<A II Ha list minister Of ('Union, .... in tie i ity Saturday. Mr. .1. M, Wood was Iii tin- ell; Friday |. oll I Fi Incotoh. Mr. !''r.'iil< Doiiiioli of AsliOVlltO i visiting relative in Iho Tylojsvlil seel ion. Mr. and Mrs. Hrook- S'asli of Mem sjichl the week with Mr, and Mrs. A. Vi'ihiaf mug. Ml from a visil lo Mis. M u \ Hohlntto in (MOSS Mill. Mr;.. .1. i> Wans attended the nt ?e| Ing oi the Wonutn'i Ml; ?> liar.\ I of Fnoroo Presbytery a; Woodruff In week. Miss Charlotte Ornj <?? Kdoh spen Monday in lllu idly, li oi,.I Mrs. .1 ihe city for Gieenviiie. wlioro Mr. i" per is eimaged in Home roof in i similar to that dom- here nl Laurei Mills and the grnd d i i hook Mrs it. 13, Cop< land and m.s. A i renders spent \.. no. 1 -v In Cflni t'OiniKftl Tli tSUlttilt \\ A3 #5,057.10 ^3i^)I^i'. iflor Complete rxitmlmttion iij i"v |>crts, Shortage ?I Former 1'rcns. ircv ( npclami Declared. Com Ut ollri .rt noi l \ \\ lonoi in his linhuul report to Iho l.otiorui V scinhly. louchos upon Ilm allem I shortage of Former Treasurer ' Copolntul of L?nens county, some lime ago Iii The \d\rrl Follow in;; is iho it Olli ! ? in m> roporl for i'" .. I mem thai ii pitt'linl Investigation iiuule oj (ho <?>?. .!>? treasurer's oil lee for Lau I'OIIS < OUIil> . ? I llOI'e w as an .'Ippni'chl ? li oi'opallc.\ of funds oil hand hut im tied oitlit Ol ili death 01 Hie former treasurer, Mr. .1. II. Copcluiid. a further Invesdgnllon was iteee :tr> to ilelermine (he liability us hotw n Iiis est tile ami tin- present oct-ii ?aul of (he olllee, "I had ! m h an iu\ vM Ij ill loa lit id l... Messrs. I>. lb Wise auditor . Alkcn eduniy, an iixpcTt iiccountiim ami Mr. ??'. I'. Wilson, ehlH el rl oi this otllco. 'I ii-y found (lud (lie l ?ol< Were hol eorreoily nor well I.. ??. evidenced b\ Iho fuel thai ihoi >? re i number of !?,???us ami omi: ?:uiong llienl being an <? uhn borrowed Angus) In, i'.ti <?. hj county supervisor und ?tonnt.' iroa uror iron, (lie People's Loan ami \] change laiuh for school purpo ? no ? niiy oi which was mad'' on lite I.n il. ?in.i ii docs nol appear ii 'ii inbntli}* ropoi'i in I his olllee. After cdrri tin:1 ? II erroi and biuisslous it wti found thai a dcllcloncy of s...*-., in in ?. h of ili'' county treasurer, .). 11 i up lam!, existed tit ? he tlinu oi Iii I .id i Ittll his ?HlUlO and Olllciill bou 1 are liable therefor." Ii;-. .1. ?!. Do.'jattl Lea.!. Mr. Fi anli i'. I loiiuld ? 11?; ... in, I-, iii;.; of father; I ir ,i. hysicittus in Ilm i .1 a bill i1 art on was o lav on blislm ... roh led oitl iludr lud her a. .Mi. sv, k iamll) ttuilhi ">?? pa*1 M lANCLOSFS CLINTON HOTEL i,\ : Hoy (?:)!! by Travel ing Mimi (lit* CailSO. UM \ ? K?TI AT10N. Iirhdor Worlttmin I'nl Iis?it on Card ;. > in In I lie Und I Lobhj I?) His UtH'SlS. ?? Tin- ?'Union i Intel . il i \\ II \Vi ? i K mull is Iho < ll -it'll Sill ii: ll.'l \ night. Mi ami til Ilk 11 \ will tun ? ? in ?> eupy ii .': ii roshli ii< i' um il Ii Uli IIm Ulliriii-t Tills ' : U l iinl Mi w orklnuii in mi i i: (lim i 11 Wlllll i lli'v ..ii mii. ill l.nt i mI a;;;iinst . i .:. i lij ? ii i i aVt'lOl ?' PiolOC i :< i.i mill l ii.' ! ii it <-(| i 'out - i 11\ ii oi'gnili'/.lll inns 11? i inu in . heir .mhoi'ship i.i III ii' tu im r pot i mis. .Mr. a i.i.ui hi independent II .'....Ii: lei i t ii-lt In his ? ii mil ii ii- n|n il Ihi- hotel 'In 11 ;i\ cling public nrd a iwliward iiredieaiuenl its ni ci hotel o|n*ii in) runslenl i> Kinji! hotel, Is t|Ultu s.. ' ? l i dad liliil ini eonii" ? * ni llil: i a: sod lie!1. liUII i i I wo oehillons whom nsibh ii.. iin- irouble, ; ? ;. .I: i ol I III stlUUl Hill urn " informal inn oi' his hot conscious of any liai i. : ml l..' hoi loves .' ?? i . i v. a. really made he de eard playing in Ilm t . Tm nt in ?' Union. Mrs. l II. Young ? ? i i ii full v . ni Wednesday hi , r oi' \i, . A nil in l.o.i in' M .?:.. ? leorgO Vouiik. ?: i :o|?el:iiiil and .Mrs. A. . i. The elegant . oration in it do Ihls a ml < IliS Itotiii. ' M iss .Ma l ie Silllp ..i.i .i.. ('hi holm wore 1 i <>.i.. al'|eriloon ai on 'I hi< ? |n In bj i mall iiumher ii'lids. Mi. and Mrs. Ihi H' imum w ilh ! I i (HI 111 I.I . lirr Hi pari us l.asl Wool,. Hi I lias cohio . U'il : ?.. 'i I oi ijitSel ion i, low ii. hut wiil h<> hCgUll on i . 1 only oiijio. Hugeno 11, ein i by (he . lake effect At(ac) od. Iiilnole ll'otlb .! ?? collectors, I'Oil flgentS, ? horeiiy for n a t'l*ftSI and .': u|ioii my \\. I>. HynMl ? i bom cot i : e l.amston plu< ?. mid South lfh? house, Apply Lnurcns, 27*(C vscinitj